All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. Dates are displayed in UTC.
Generated by auto-changelog
- Feature/information panel
- don't clear sim file when cancelling autoconversion
- remove title from embed view
- both sidebars get full height on embed
- Fix/small screen warning
- Fix/default octopus
- update viewer version to 3.8.1
28 May 2024
- Bug Fix: Plots not showing up for example trajectories
28 May 2024
- Fix/send cancel autoconversion msg
- autoconversion: Fix/conversion filename bug
- Feature/state enums
- Fix/plot data update
- modify plot data unpacking
- Feature/max file size
- Feature/button constant
- play button shouldn't be disabled at the last frame
- merge autoconversion to main
- point at octopus cluster
- Feature/record movie UI
- Bump gh-pages from 3.2.3 to 5.0.0
- rename some functions and test for clarity
- add more detailed documentation
- Bump express from 4.18.2 to 4.19.2
- Bump follow-redirects from 1.15.4 to 1.15.6
- Fix/update custom modal
- Fix/header buttons
- Bump webpack-dev-middleware from 5.3.3 to 5.3.4
- fix/hide tooltips after click
- feature/viewport button component
- update viewer to 3.7.1
18 March 2024
- Fix/icomoon
- Feature/embed
- fix: organize colors, modal buttons
- reverse home page card order
- fix the html loader result
- Feature/og tags
- Fix/nav tooltips
- Bump es5-ext from 0.10.62 to 0.10.64
- set slider range props to false and remove array from handler argument types
- Fix/url modal
- Fix/bump react
- Bump follow-redirects from 1.15.2 to 1.15.4
- Bump plotly.js from 2.20.0 to 2.25.2
- open aics homepage in new tab
- Feature/color picker
- Bump @adobe/css-tools from 4.3.1 to 4.3.2
- Bump axios from 0.21.4 to 1.6.0
- check if it's a dependabot PR
- Bump @babel/traverse from 7.20.5 to 7.23.2
- Fix/share download styling
- add time estimate or size to PR template
- Update test-coverage.yml
- Update test-coverage.yml
23 October 2023
- update viewer and fix types
- fix menus offsets
- Feature/version info
- Update
- change check for if a file is shareable
- audit fix
- Feature/orthographic UI
- Feature/share time url
- change gh-deploy to be a dev build
- Update
- Feature/download trajectory
- looping playback and tooltip styling
- Bump json5 from 1.0.1 to 1.0.2
- Bump webpack from 5.75.0 to 5.76.0
- Bump d3-color and plotly.js
- Bump loader-utils and typescript-plugin-css-modules
- Bump decode-uri-component from 0.2.0 to 0.2.2
- Update
- File upload modal rework and styling
- ui components for share time in url
- remove now-unused
- shift style rules, add light theme, remove buffer
19 February 2023
- add a default collapsed
- Url Upload Auto Focus
- Clean up
- Actually fixed the issue
- Restored tabbing targeting to the close button and submit button
13 January 2023
- Make staging and prod configs more similar
- remove hashedmoduleidsplugin, and console.log out some version info, and don't show devserver overlay for warnings only
- update viewer to 3.5.1
- make production and staging as similar as possible
15 December 2022
- push builds to new buckets
- add bloodplasma card
- Fix/load viewer webworker
- Bump ejs and webpack-bundle-analyzer
- Bump node-forge and webpack-dev-server
- Bump jsdom from 13.1.0 to 16.5.0
- Feature/update workflows
- resolving peer deps
- fix typescript and lint errors
- update postcss
19 September 2022
- Feature/shorten names
- Bump moment from 2.29.3 to 2.29.4
- Bump terser from 4.8.0 to 4.8.1
- Bump eventsource from 1.1.0 to 1.1.1
- update viewer to 3.3.3
- Update
- update viewer to 3.4.0
25 July 2022
- fix loading from url, was still assuming pure json format
- won't show time controls if there is no time range
- Feature/update drag n drop
- Bump moment from 2.29.1 to 2.29.2
- Bump minimist from 1.2.5 to 1.2.6
- reimplement drag and drop after viewer interface changes
- refresh package-lock
- update viewer
11 April 2022
- fix issue after merge main
- added citation
- fix horizontal scroll
- add image
- adjustments to get title on one line
- some mobile styling
10 March 2022
- Feature/update overview figure on landing page
- Fix/can't use arrow keys in input box of Upload by URL modal
- Bump url-parse from 1.5.3 to 1.5.10
- Fix/current time is hard to read when number of decimal places keeps changing
- Bump follow-redirects from 1.14.7 to 1.14.8
- Feature/place visual glossary key next to image on wider screens
- Fix/menus go off screen sometimes
- Feature/update visual glossary and landing page image
- Add return type to React components
- Update eslint from v5.14.1 to v8.7.0
- Bump node-fetch from 2.6.5 to 2.6.7
- Bump follow-redirects from 1.5.10 to 1.14.7
- Fix/server error messages not displaying
- add UX design issue template
19 January 2022
- Fix/nav bar overflowing when title is long
- Update viewer to v3.3.1
- Update GitHub URLs to reflect new Simularium org
- Fix/can't step back to first frame of some trajectories
- Fix/previous trajectory persists when new trajectory fails to load
- Fix/old error message comes back after going to landing page
- Feature/treat warning messages as warnings
- Update viewer from v3.1.0 to v3.2.2
- add workflow to create issue
- create issue only when opened
- Add @simularium/core-devs to CODEOWNERS
2 November 2021
- Fix/agent list sometimes not loading for drag-and-drop
1 November 2021
- Feature/auto-expand agent groups with no parent color
- update viewer
- remove unmodified state
- Feature/update viewer
- Fix/file load error handling
- Fix/broken styling in agent list
- Feature/update loading and sharing instructions in Quick Start
- Fix/spelling for Omar Quintero in acknowledgments
- Feature/load local geometry files
- Feature/list visualization options on landing page
- install new viewer and audit
- remove agentColor map from state
- using color from display data
28 September 2021
- Feature/allow v3 trajectories to load (update viewer to v3.0.0)
- Feature/update landing page header
- Feature/acknowledgments on landing page
- Update
- Feature/menu option for load file from URL
- Fix/time input box is too narrow sometimes
- Feature/add reminder for release notes to
- Add tests for ResultsPanel selectors (100% coverage for all selectors)
- Fix/make clearTrajectory just reset to initialState
10 August 2021
- Feature/auto-changelog
- Fix/ "Show/Hide All" checkbox bugs (Add tests for ModelPanel selectors)
- 100% test coverage of state selectors + some cleanup
- Put basic and composed selectors in separate files
- Rename some redundant variable names in state.viewer
- Reorganize Redux state
- Fix/selector code coverage
- add coverage action
- Replace agentviz with simularium in S3 URLs and in React app name
- Update deploy-production.yml
- Update auto-deploy-staging.yml
- Fix/update SpringSaLaD publication and redirect related URLs
- Fix/remove CopyWebpackPlugin
- Feature/let user know that Google Drive is supported
- Remove unused dependencies
- 100% test coverage of util functions
- Feature/migrate Mocha/Chai to Jest
- Feature/post example models for SpringSaLaD and MEDYAN
- Update markdown files
- Fix/remove Gradle, Jenkins, Pipfile, and Docker
- Fix/excessively wide time input box
- Add issue template for Maintenance Task
- Change master to main in code
- changed order to match file order, added tests
- cover all functions with tests
- cover 100 of util branches
2 July 2021
- updated viewer and npm audit fix
- Update viewer version to 2.9.6
- Fix/google drive links
- Change "Type of change" items from checkboxes to bullets
- Add instructions for sharing link
- Fix/in modified state still click buttons
- Feature/change reset hotkey
- Feature/toggle tooltips pan/rotate
- Feature/focus button
- Feature/rotate pan buttons
- Add new bullet items for new supported engines
- Feature/set time with text input
- Fix/make Membrane Wrapping a Nanoparticle load
- Feature/add nanoparticle and Smoldyn models to landing page
- allow devs to override the google api key for local dev
- Fix/file switching bugs (update viewer to v2.9.5) #156
- update viewer to the latest version
11 June 2021
- Fix/build script
- Feature/make error message more informative upon trajUrl fail
- add inline env var to build scripts
10 June 2021
- Fix/enable Dropbox links in URL param
- remove autodeploy scripts from jenkins file
- Update viewer to 2.9.3
- Fix/floating point time errors (update viewer to v2.9.2)
- Feature/publish gh actions
- Feature/use full AICS logo in nav bar
- Update simularium-viewer to 2.9.0
- Feature/viewer controller refactor
- Feature/version number badges
- Fix/update lint-staged from 8.1.4 to 10.5.4
- Fix/slider freezing issues
- Fix/ not being able to step to last frame
- Round scale bar label
- Fix/update viewer to 2.7.3 to fix scale bar label
- Update simularium viewer to 2.7.2
- Update simularium-viewer to 2.7.1
- Feature/display user-set time units
- Feature/load file url
- fix/COVID simulated time on landing page card
- removed highlightId code
- Feature/lazy update of time indicator on plots
- Bump axios from 0.19.2 to 0.21.1
- Fix/only re-render plots that have the time indicator bar
- Fix/simulation keeps playing when user is trying to scrub
- Fix/"skip 1 frame back" button is not disabled when starting time is not 0
- Feature/add tooltips to left panel
- Fix/wrap long plot titles
- Fix/stop play on navigation
- Feature/make visual glossary data-driven
- Feature/add version to covid trajectory title
- adjusted colors of disabled buttons
- Feature/update image assets
- Feature/landing page edits from legal and comms
- Fix/svgs as fonts
- disable play and slider on empty viewer
- Feature/Show a "Reset views" button on plot hover
- Feature/add Cookie Settings button
- admin/update readme
- Fix/disable Load Model dropdown while buffering
- Fix/lift is playing up
- reset sim file data between loads, and clear out blank viewer
- style disabled buttons through antd
- Fix/remove scientific notation from playback time
- Feature/Save lastFrameTime as metadata only after first frame loads
- Feature/Add tick marks to plots and upgrade viewer to v2.5.2
- reload trajectory if reselected
- Feature/add more plot trace colors
- Feature/scale bar
- Fix/"Load an example instead" link in left panel of empty viewer
- fix/time unit not updating in total time
- Feature/swap listeria card with new covid card
- Feature/unsupported browser warning
- Feature/add visual glossary
- feature/update landing page and help menu
- Feature/add screenshots to the PR template checklist
- fix/replace icon on drag-drop overlay
- Feature/add-blank-library-card-to-landing-page
- feature/update simularium-viewer to v2.4.9
- Feature/display time next to slider
- Fix/error message networked
- Fix/playback buttons not showing spinner when loading or buttons freezing when scrubbing
- Fix/downloadable trajectory link on tutorial page
- Feature/update landing page copy
- Feature/zoom buttons
- Feature/header-redesign
- new viewer install
- Feature/open tutorial page in new tab and move playback buttons to left
- Feature/change skip frame icons and add tooltips to viewer buttons
- Feature/add time indicator line to time plots
- errors with env vars
- Feature/style plots
- Fix/staging production builds
- Fix/make landing and tutorial pages more responsive
- Fix/pause at end of file
- update viewer
- removed focus blue outline from canvas
- Fix/loading
- Feature/ Use real screenshots for library cards
- Feature/style reset button
- Update/ tutorial text
- clean url for single page app routing on aws
- Feature/Add favicon
- Fix/"Import simularium file" button width
- Fix/ui panel
- Feature/display errors
- Feature/loading indicator
- Feature/display name
- Feature/agent colors
- Feature/file extension
- styling playback controls
- Feature/unmodified state
- Feature/clear out params
- Feature/header design
- Feature/new ui selection interface
- Feature/agent vis ui
- adding GA tags
- Feature/upload style
- Local file plot data (and updated request for networked files)
- config for npm scripts and gh deploy
- File upload by dialog and drag and drop
- Feature/select highlight agents
- Nightly viewer install
- Feature/tutorial routing
- New viewer
- Feature/router
- Fix/slider scrub
- Fix/datgui types
- added scripts for gh actions
- Feature/new viewer
- Fix/time drag n drop
- Feature/url open file
- installed observable manager
- Update Simularium Viewer
- reinstall
- fresh install
- run npm install