file in the root directory -
Add following environment variables
NODE_ENV = development PORT=5000 CLIENT_URL=http://localhost:3000 # mongodb DATABASE={{Database URL}} DATABASE_LOCAL=mongodb://localhost:27017/blogs DATABASE_PASSWORD={{Database Password}} # jwt JWT_SECRET= {{JWT Secret}} JWT_EXPIRES_IN = 90d JWT_COOKIE_EXPIRES_IN=90 # dev email service EMAIL_USERNAME={{Email Username}} EMAIL_PASSWORD={{Email Password}} EMAIL_HOST={{Email Host}} EMAIL_PORT=25 # prod email service # must match the sendgrid sender email EMAIL_FROM={{Email From}} SENDGRID_USERNAME=apikey SENDGRID_PASSWORD={{Sendgrid Password}} COOKIE_KEY=randomcookiekey420 # google GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID={{Google Client ID}} GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET={{ Google Client Secret}} # cloudinary CLOUDINARY_CLOUDNAME={{Cloudinary Cloud Name}} CLOUDINARY_API_KEY={{Cloudinary API Key}} CLOUDINARY_API_SECRET={{Cloudinary API Secret}}
npm install && cd client && npm install