diff --git a/examples/onnxruntime_demo/main/onnxruntime-src/include/onnxruntime_c_api.h b/examples/onnxruntime_demo/main/onnxruntime-src/include/onnxruntime_c_api.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 24697f4e..00000000
--- a/examples/onnxruntime_demo/main/onnxruntime-src/include/onnxruntime_c_api.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3563 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
-// Licensed under the MIT License.
-// See docs\c_cxx\README.md on generating the Doxygen documentation from this file
-/** \mainpage C & C++ APIs
-* ::OrtApi - Click here to go to the structure with all C API functions.
-* C++
-* ::Ort - Click here to go to the namespace holding all of the C++ wrapper classes
-* It is a set of header only wrapper classes around the C API. The goal is to turn the C style return value error codes into C++ exceptions, and to
-* automate memory management through standard C++ RAII principles.
-* \addtogroup Global
-* ONNX Runtime C API
-* @{
-#pragma once
-/** \brief The API version defined in this header
-* This value is used by some API functions to behave as this version of the header expects.
-#define ORT_API_VERSION 12
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-//! @}
-// SAL2 Definitions
-#ifndef _WIN32
-#define _In_
-#define _In_z_
-#define _In_opt_
-#define _In_opt_z_
-#define _Out_
-#define _Outptr_
-#define _Out_opt_
-#define _Inout_
-#define _Inout_opt_
-#define _Frees_ptr_opt_
-#define _Ret_maybenull_
-#define _Ret_notnull_
-#define _Check_return_
-#define _Outptr_result_maybenull_
-#define _In_reads_(X)
-#define _Inout_updates_all_(X)
-#define _Out_writes_bytes_all_(X)
-#define _Out_writes_all_(X)
-#define _Success_(X)
-#define _Outptr_result_buffer_maybenull_(X)
-#define ORT_ALL_ARGS_NONNULL __attribute__((nonnull))
-#ifdef _WIN32
-// Define ORT_DLL_IMPORT if your program is dynamically linked to Ort.
-// dllexport is not used, we use a .def file.
-#define ORT_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
-#define ORT_EXPORT
-#define ORT_API_CALL _stdcall
-#define ORTCHAR_T wchar_t
-// To make symbols visible on macOS/iOS
-#ifdef __APPLE__
-#define ORT_EXPORT __attribute__((visibility("default")))
-#define ORT_EXPORT
-#define ORT_API_CALL
-#define ORT_MUST_USE_RESULT __attribute__((warn_unused_result))
-#define ORTCHAR_T char
-#ifndef ORT_TSTR
-#ifdef _WIN32
-#define ORT_TSTR(X) L##X
-#define ORT_TSTR(X) X
-// Any pointer marked with _In_ or _Out_, cannot be NULL.
-// Windows users should use unicode paths when possible to bypass the MAX_PATH limitation
-// Every pointer marked with _In_ or _Out_, cannot be NULL. Caller should ensure that.
-// for ReleaseXXX(...) functions, they can accept NULL pointer.
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-// For any compiler with C++11 support, MSVC 2015 and greater, or Clang version supporting noexcept.
-// Such complex condition is needed because compilers set __cplusplus value differently.
-#ifndef __has_feature
-#define __has_feature(x) 0
-#if ((__cplusplus >= 201103L) || (_MSC_VER >= 1900) || (defined(__has_feature) && __has_feature(cxx_noexcept)))
-#define NO_EXCEPTION noexcept
-#define NO_EXCEPTION throw()
-// __VA_ARGS__ on Windows and Linux are different
-#define ORT_API_STATUS(NAME, ...) \
- _Success_(return == 0) _Check_return_ _Ret_maybenull_ OrtStatusPtr ORT_API_CALL NAME(__VA_ARGS__) NO_EXCEPTION ORT_MUST_USE_RESULT
-// XXX: Unfortunately, SAL annotations are known to not work with function pointers
-#define ORT_API2_STATUS(NAME, ...) \
- _Check_return_ _Ret_maybenull_ OrtStatusPtr(ORT_API_CALL* NAME)(__VA_ARGS__) NO_EXCEPTION ORT_MUST_USE_RESULT
-// Used in *.cc files. Almost as same as ORT_API_STATUS, except without ORT_MUST_USE_RESULT and ORT_EXPORT
-#define ORT_API_STATUS_IMPL(NAME, ...) \
- GSL_SUPPRESS(r .11) \
- _Success_(return == 0) _Check_return_ _Ret_maybenull_ OrtStatusPtr ORT_API_CALL NAME(__VA_ARGS__) NO_EXCEPTION
-#define ORT_CLASS_RELEASE(X) void(ORT_API_CALL * Release##X)(_Frees_ptr_opt_ Ort##X * input)
-#ifdef __DOXYGEN__
-#define ORT_API_STATUS(NAME, ...) OrtStatus* NAME(__VA_ARGS__)
-#define ORT_API2_STATUS(NAME, ...) OrtStatus* NAME(__VA_ARGS__)
-#define ORT_CLASS_RELEASE(X) void Release##X(Ort##X* input)
-/** \addtogroup Global
- * ONNX Runtime C API
- * @{
- */
-/** Copied from TensorProto::DataType
-* Currently, Ort doesn't support complex64, complex128
-typedef enum ONNXTensorElementDataType {
- ONNX_TENSOR_ELEMENT_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT, // maps to c type float
- ONNX_TENSOR_ELEMENT_DATA_TYPE_UINT8, // maps to c type uint8_t
- ONNX_TENSOR_ELEMENT_DATA_TYPE_INT8, // maps to c type int8_t
- ONNX_TENSOR_ELEMENT_DATA_TYPE_UINT16, // maps to c type uint16_t
- ONNX_TENSOR_ELEMENT_DATA_TYPE_INT16, // maps to c type int16_t
- ONNX_TENSOR_ELEMENT_DATA_TYPE_INT32, // maps to c type int32_t
- ONNX_TENSOR_ELEMENT_DATA_TYPE_INT64, // maps to c type int64_t
- ONNX_TENSOR_ELEMENT_DATA_TYPE_STRING, // maps to c++ type std::string
- ONNX_TENSOR_ELEMENT_DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE, // maps to c type double
- ONNX_TENSOR_ELEMENT_DATA_TYPE_UINT32, // maps to c type uint32_t
- ONNX_TENSOR_ELEMENT_DATA_TYPE_UINT64, // maps to c type uint64_t
- ONNX_TENSOR_ELEMENT_DATA_TYPE_COMPLEX64, // complex with float32 real and imaginary components
- ONNX_TENSOR_ELEMENT_DATA_TYPE_COMPLEX128, // complex with float64 real and imaginary components
- ONNX_TENSOR_ELEMENT_DATA_TYPE_BFLOAT16 // Non-IEEE floating-point format based on IEEE754 single-precision
-} ONNXTensorElementDataType;
-// Synced with onnx TypeProto oneof
-typedef enum ONNXType {
-} ONNXType;
-// These types are synced with internal
-// SparseFormatFlags
-typedef enum OrtSparseFormat {
-} OrtSparseFormat;
-// Enum allows to query sparse tensor indices
-enum OrtSparseIndicesFormat {
-/** \brief Logging severity levels
- *
- * In typical API usage, specifying a logging severity level specifies the minimum severity of log messages to show.
- */
-typedef enum OrtLoggingLevel {
- ORT_LOGGING_LEVEL_VERBOSE, ///< Verbose informational messages (least severe).
- ORT_LOGGING_LEVEL_INFO, ///< Informational messages.
- ORT_LOGGING_LEVEL_WARNING, ///< Warning messages.
- ORT_LOGGING_LEVEL_ERROR, ///< Error messages.
- ORT_LOGGING_LEVEL_FATAL, ///< Fatal error messages (most severe).
-} OrtLoggingLevel;
-typedef enum OrtErrorCode {
-} OrtErrorCode;
-typedef enum OrtOpAttrType {
-} OrtOpAttrType;
-//! @}
- struct Ort##X; \
- typedef struct Ort##X Ort##X;
-/** \addtogroup Global
- * ONNX Runtime C API
- * @{
- */
-// The actual types defined have an Ort prefix
-ORT_RUNTIME_CLASS(Status); // nullptr for Status* indicates success
-ORT_RUNTIME_CLASS(Session); //Don't call ReleaseSession from Dllmain (because session owns a thread pool)
-#ifdef _WIN32
-typedef _Return_type_success_(return == 0) OrtStatus* OrtStatusPtr;
-typedef OrtStatus* OrtStatusPtr;
-/** \brief Memory allocation interface
-* Structure of function pointers that defines a memory allocator. This can be created and filled in by the user for custom allocators.
-* When an allocator is passed to any function, be sure that the allocator object is not destroyed until the last allocated object using it is freed.
-typedef struct OrtAllocator {
- uint32_t version; ///< Must be initialized to ORT_API_VERSION
- void*(ORT_API_CALL* Alloc)(struct OrtAllocator* this_, size_t size); ///< Returns a pointer to an allocated block of `size` bytes
- void(ORT_API_CALL* Free)(struct OrtAllocator* this_, void* p); ///< Free a block of memory previously allocated with OrtAllocator::Alloc
- const struct OrtMemoryInfo*(ORT_API_CALL* Info)(const struct OrtAllocator* this_); ///< Return a pointer to an ::OrtMemoryInfo that describes this allocator
-} OrtAllocator;
-typedef void(ORT_API_CALL* OrtLoggingFunction)(
- void* param, OrtLoggingLevel severity, const char* category, const char* logid, const char* code_location,
- const char* message);
-/** \brief Graph optimization level
-* Refer to https://www.onnxruntime.ai/docs/resources/graph-optimizations.html
-* for an in-depth understanding of Graph Optimizations
-typedef enum GraphOptimizationLevel {
-} GraphOptimizationLevel;
-typedef enum ExecutionMode {
-} ExecutionMode;
-/** \brief Language projection identifiers
-* /see OrtApi::SetLanguageProjection
-typedef enum OrtLanguageProjection {
-} OrtLanguageProjection;
-struct OrtKernelInfo;
-typedef struct OrtKernelInfo OrtKernelInfo;
-struct OrtKernelContext;
-typedef struct OrtKernelContext OrtKernelContext;
-struct OrtCustomOp;
-typedef struct OrtCustomOp OrtCustomOp;
-typedef enum OrtAllocatorType {
- OrtInvalidAllocator = -1,
- OrtDeviceAllocator = 0,
- OrtArenaAllocator = 1
-} OrtAllocatorType;
-/** \brief Memory types for allocated memory, execution provider specific types should be extended in each provider.
-// Whenever this struct is updated, please also update the MakeKey function in onnxruntime / core / framework / execution_provider.cc
-typedef enum OrtMemType {
- OrtMemTypeCPUInput = -2, ///< Any CPU memory used by non-CPU execution provider
- OrtMemTypeCPUOutput = -1, ///< CPU accessible memory outputted by non-CPU execution provider, i.e. CUDA_PINNED
- OrtMemTypeCPU = OrtMemTypeCPUOutput, ///< Temporary CPU accessible memory allocated by non-CPU execution provider, i.e. CUDA_PINNED
- OrtMemTypeDefault = 0, ///< The default allocator for execution provider
-} OrtMemType;
-/** \brief Algorithm to use for cuDNN Convolution Op
-typedef enum OrtCudnnConvAlgoSearch {
- OrtCudnnConvAlgoSearchExhaustive, // expensive exhaustive benchmarking using cudnnFindConvolutionForwardAlgorithmEx
- OrtCudnnConvAlgoSearchHeuristic, // lightweight heuristic based search using cudnnGetConvolutionForwardAlgorithm_v7
- OrtCudnnConvAlgoSearchDefault, // default algorithm using CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_FWD_ALGO_IMPLICIT_PRECOMP_GEMM
-} OrtCudnnConvAlgoSearch;
-/** \brief CUDA Provider Options
-* \see OrtApi::SessionOptionsAppendExecutionProvider_CUDA
-typedef struct OrtCUDAProviderOptions {
-#ifdef __cplusplus
- OrtCUDAProviderOptions() : device_id{}, cudnn_conv_algo_search{OrtCudnnConvAlgoSearchExhaustive}, gpu_mem_limit{SIZE_MAX}, arena_extend_strategy{}, do_copy_in_default_stream{1}, has_user_compute_stream{}, user_compute_stream{}, default_memory_arena_cfg{} {}
- /** \brief CUDA device Id
- * Defaults to 0.
- */
- int device_id;
- /** \brief CUDA Convolution algorithm search configuration.
- * See enum OrtCudnnConvAlgoSearch for more details.
- * Defaults to OrtCudnnConvAlgoSearchExhaustive.
- */
- OrtCudnnConvAlgoSearch cudnn_conv_algo_search;
- /** \brief CUDA memory limit (To use all possible memory pass in maximum size_t)
- * Defaults to SIZE_MAX.
- * \note If a ::OrtArenaCfg has been applied, it will override this field
- */
- size_t gpu_mem_limit;
- /** \brief Strategy used to grow the memory arena
- * 0 = kNextPowerOfTwo
- * 1 = kSameAsRequested
- * Defaults to 0.
- * \note If a ::OrtArenaCfg has been applied, it will override this field
- */
- int arena_extend_strategy;
- /** \brief Flag indicating if copying needs to take place on the same stream as the compute stream in the CUDA EP
- * 0 = Use separate streams for copying and compute.
- * 1 = Use the same stream for copying and compute.
- * Defaults to 1.
- * WARNING: Setting this to 0 may result in data races for some models.
- * Please see issue #4829 for more details.
- */
- int do_copy_in_default_stream;
- /** \brief Flag indicating if there is a user provided compute stream
- * Defaults to 0.
- */
- int has_user_compute_stream;
- /** \brief User provided compute stream.
- * If provided, please set `has_user_compute_stream` to 1.
- */
- void* user_compute_stream;
- /** \brief CUDA memory arena configuration parameters
- */
- OrtArenaCfg* default_memory_arena_cfg;
-} OrtCUDAProviderOptions;
-/** \brief ROCM Provider Options
-* \see OrtApi::SessionOptionsAppendExecutionProvider_ROCM
-typedef struct OrtROCMProviderOptions {
-#ifdef __cplusplus
- OrtROCMProviderOptions() : device_id{}, miopen_conv_exhaustive_search{0}, gpu_mem_limit{SIZE_MAX}, arena_extend_strategy{}, do_copy_in_default_stream{1}, has_user_compute_stream{}, user_compute_stream{}, default_memory_arena_cfg{} {}
- /** \brief ROCM device Id
- * Defaults to 0.
- */
- int device_id;
- /** \brief ROCM MIOpen Convolution algorithm exaustive search option.
- * Defaults to 0 (false).
- */
- int miopen_conv_exhaustive_search;
- /** \brief ROCM memory limit (To use all possible memory pass in maximum size_t)
- * Defaults to SIZE_MAX.
- * \note If a ::OrtArenaCfg has been applied, it will override this field
- */
- size_t gpu_mem_limit;
- /** \brief Strategy used to grow the memory arena
- * 0 = kNextPowerOfTwo
- * 1 = kSameAsRequested
- * Defaults to 0.
- * \note If a ::OrtArenaCfg has been applied, it will override this field
- */
- int arena_extend_strategy;
- /** \brief Flag indicating if copying needs to take place on the same stream as the compute stream in the ROCM EP
- * 0 = Use separate streams for copying and compute.
- * 1 = Use the same stream for copying and compute.
- * Defaults to 1.
- * WARNING: Setting this to 0 may result in data races for some models.
- * Please see issue #4829 for more details.
- */
- int do_copy_in_default_stream;
- /** \brief Flag indicating if there is a user provided compute stream
- * Defaults to 0.
- */
- int has_user_compute_stream;
- /** \brief User provided compute stream.
- * If provided, please set `has_user_compute_stream` to 1.
- */
- void* user_compute_stream;
- /** \brief ROCM memory arena configuration parameters
- */
- OrtArenaCfg* default_memory_arena_cfg;
-} OrtROCMProviderOptions;
-/** \brief TensorRT Provider Options
-* \see OrtApi::SessionOptionsAppendExecutionProvider_TensorRT
-typedef struct OrtTensorRTProviderOptions {
- int device_id; ///< CUDA device id (0 = default device)
- int has_user_compute_stream; // indicator of user specified CUDA compute stream.
- void* user_compute_stream; // user specified CUDA compute stream.
- int trt_max_partition_iterations; // maximum iterations for TensorRT parser to get capability
- int trt_min_subgraph_size; // minimum size of TensorRT subgraphs
- size_t trt_max_workspace_size; // maximum workspace size for TensorRT.
- int trt_fp16_enable; // enable TensorRT FP16 precision. Default 0 = false, nonzero = true
- int trt_int8_enable; // enable TensorRT INT8 precision. Default 0 = false, nonzero = true
- const char* trt_int8_calibration_table_name; // TensorRT INT8 calibration table name.
- int trt_int8_use_native_calibration_table; // use native TensorRT generated calibration table. Default 0 = false, nonzero = true
- int trt_dla_enable; // enable DLA. Default 0 = false, nonzero = true
- int trt_dla_core; // DLA core number. Default 0
- int trt_dump_subgraphs; // dump TRT subgraph. Default 0 = false, nonzero = true
- int trt_engine_cache_enable; // enable engine caching. Default 0 = false, nonzero = true
- const char* trt_engine_cache_path; // specify engine cache path
- int trt_engine_decryption_enable; // enable engine decryption. Default 0 = false, nonzero = true
- const char* trt_engine_decryption_lib_path; // specify engine decryption library path
- int trt_force_sequential_engine_build; // force building TensorRT engine sequentially. Default 0 = false, nonzero = true
- // This is the legacy struct and don't add new fields here.
- // For new field that can be represented by string, please add it in include/onnxruntime/core/providers/tensorrt/tensorrt_provider_options.h
- // For non-string field, need to create a new separate api to handle it.
-} OrtTensorRTProviderOptions;
-/** \brief MIGraphX Provider Options
-* \see OrtApi::SessionOptionsAppendExecutionProvider_MIGraphX
-typedef struct OrtMIGraphXProviderOptions {
- int device_id; // hip device id.
- int migraphx_fp16_enable; // enable MIGraphX FP16 precision. Default 0 = false, nonzero = true
- int migraphx_int8_enable; // enable MIGraphX INT8 precision. Default 0 = false, nonzero = true
-} OrtMIGraphXProviderOptions;
-/** \brief OpenVINO Provider Options
-* \see OrtApi::SessionOptionsAppendExecutionProvider_OpenVINO
-typedef struct OrtOpenVINOProviderOptions {
-#ifdef __cplusplus
- OrtOpenVINOProviderOptions() : device_type{}, enable_vpu_fast_compile{}, device_id{},
- num_of_threads{}, use_compiled_network{}, blob_dump_path{},
- context{}, enable_opencl_throttling{}, enable_dynamic_shapes{} {}
- /** \brief Device type string
- *
- * Valid settings are one of: "CPU_FP32", "GPU_FP32", "GPU_FP16", "MYRIAD_FP16", "VAD-M_FP16" or "VAD-F_FP32"
- */
- const char* device_type;
- unsigned char enable_vpu_fast_compile; ///< 0 = disabled, nonzero = enabled
- const char* device_id;
- size_t num_of_threads; ///< 0 = Use default number of threads
- unsigned char use_compiled_network; ///< 0 = disabled, nonzero = enabled
- const char* blob_dump_path; // path is set to empty by default
- void* context;
- unsigned char enable_opencl_throttling; ///< 0 = disabled, nonzero = enabled
- unsigned char enable_dynamic_shapes; ///< 0 = disabled, nonzero = enabled
-} OrtOpenVINOProviderOptions;
-struct OrtApi;
-typedef struct OrtApi OrtApi;
-/** \brief The helper interface to get the right version of OrtApi
-* Get a pointer to this structure through ::OrtGetApiBase
-struct OrtApiBase {
- /** \brief Get a pointer to the requested version of the ::OrtApi
- *
- * \param[in] version Must be ::ORT_API_VERSION
- * \return The ::OrtApi for the version requested, nullptr will be returned if this version is unsupported, for example when using a runtime
- * older than the version created with this header file.
- */
- const OrtApi*(ORT_API_CALL* GetApi)(uint32_t version)NO_EXCEPTION;
- const char*(ORT_API_CALL* GetVersionString)(void)NO_EXCEPTION; ///< Returns a null terminated string of the version of the Onnxruntime library (eg: "1.8.1")
-typedef struct OrtApiBase OrtApiBase;
-/** \brief The Onnxruntime library's entry point to access the C API
-* Call this to get the a pointer to an ::OrtApiBase
-ORT_EXPORT const OrtApiBase* ORT_API_CALL OrtGetApiBase(void) NO_EXCEPTION;
-/** \brief Thread work loop function
-* Onnxruntime will provide the working loop on custom thread creation
-* Argument is an onnxruntime built-in type which will be provided when thread pool calls OrtCustomCreateThreadFn
-typedef void (*OrtThreadWorkerFn)(void* ort_worker_fn_param);
-typedef const struct OrtCustomHandleType { char __place_holder; } * OrtCustomThreadHandle;
-/** \brief Ort custom thread creation function
-* The function should return a thread handle to be used in onnxruntime thread pools
-* Onnxruntime will throw exception on return value of nullptr or 0, indicating that the function failed to create a thread
-typedef OrtCustomThreadHandle (*OrtCustomCreateThreadFn)(void* ort_custom_thread_creation_options, OrtThreadWorkerFn ort_thread_worker_fn, void* ort_worker_fn_param);
-/** \brief Custom thread join function
-* Onnxruntime thread pool destructor will call the function to join a custom thread.
-* Argument ort_custom_thread_handle is the value returned by OrtCustomCreateThreadFn
-typedef void (*OrtCustomJoinThreadFn)(OrtCustomThreadHandle ort_custom_thread_handle);
-/** \brief The C API
-* All C API functions are defined inside this structure as pointers to functions.
-* Call OrtApiBase::GetApi to get a pointer to it
-* \nosubgrouping
-struct OrtApi {
- /// \name OrtStatus
- /// @{
- /**
- * \brief Create an OrtStatus from a null terminated string
- *
- * \param[in] code
- * \param[in] msg A null-terminated string. Its contents will be copied.
- * \return A new OrtStatus object, must be destroyed with OrtApi::ReleaseStatus
- */
- OrtStatus*(ORT_API_CALL* CreateStatus)(OrtErrorCode code, _In_ const char* msg)NO_EXCEPTION ORT_ALL_ARGS_NONNULL;
- /** \brief Get OrtErrorCode from OrtStatus
- *
- * \param[in] status
- * \return OrtErrorCode that \p status was created with
- */
- OrtErrorCode(ORT_API_CALL* GetErrorCode)(_In_ const OrtStatus* status) NO_EXCEPTION ORT_ALL_ARGS_NONNULL;
- /** \brief Get error string from OrtStatus
- *
- * \param[in] status
- * \return The error message inside the `status`. Do not free the returned value.
- */
- const char*(ORT_API_CALL* GetErrorMessage)(_In_ const OrtStatus* status)NO_EXCEPTION ORT_ALL_ARGS_NONNULL;
- /// @}
- /// \name OrtEnv
- /// @{
- /** \brief Create an OrtEnv
- *
- * \param[in] log_severity_level The log severity level.
- * \param[in] logid The log identifier.
- * \param[out] out Returned newly created OrtEnv. Must be freed with OrtApi::ReleaseEnv
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(CreateEnv, OrtLoggingLevel log_severity_level, _In_ const char* logid, _Outptr_ OrtEnv** out);
- /** \brief Create an OrtEnv
- *
- * \param[in] logging_function A pointer to a logging function.
- * \param[in] logger_param A pointer to arbitrary data passed as the ::OrtLoggingFunction `param` parameter to
- * `logging_function`.
- * \param[in] log_severity_level The log severity level.
- * \param[in] logid The log identifier.
- * \param[out] out Returned newly created OrtEnv. Must be freed with OrtApi::ReleaseEnv
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(CreateEnvWithCustomLogger, OrtLoggingFunction logging_function, _In_opt_ void* logger_param,
- OrtLoggingLevel log_severity_level, _In_ const char* logid, _Outptr_ OrtEnv** out);
- /** \brief Enable Telemetry
- *
- * \note Telemetry events are on by default since they are lightweight
- * \param[in] env
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(EnableTelemetryEvents, _In_ const OrtEnv* env);
- /** \brief Disable Telemetry
- *
- * \see OrtApi::EnableTelemetryEvents
- * \param[in] env
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(DisableTelemetryEvents, _In_ const OrtEnv* env);
- /// @}
- /// \name OrtSession
- /// @{
- /** \brief Create an OrtSession from a model file
- *
- * \param[in] env
- * \param[in] model_path
- * \param[in] options
- * \param[out] out Returned newly created OrtSession. Must be freed with OrtApi::ReleaseSession
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- // TODO: document the path separator convention? '/' vs '\'
- // TODO: should specify the access characteristics of model_path. Is this read only during the
- // execution of CreateSession, or does the OrtSession retain a handle to the file/directory
- // and continue to access throughout the OrtSession lifetime?
- // What sort of access is needed to model_path : read or read/write?
- ORT_API2_STATUS(CreateSession, _In_ const OrtEnv* env, _In_ const ORTCHAR_T* model_path,
- _In_ const OrtSessionOptions* options, _Outptr_ OrtSession** out);
- /** \brief Create an OrtSession from memory
- *
- * \param[in] env
- * \param[in] model_data
- * \param[in] model_data_length
- * \param[in] options
- * \param[out] out Returned newly created OrtSession. Must be freed with OrtApi::ReleaseSession
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(CreateSessionFromArray, _In_ const OrtEnv* env, _In_ const void* model_data, size_t model_data_length,
- _In_ const OrtSessionOptions* options, _Outptr_ OrtSession** out);
- /** \brief Run the model in an ::OrtSession
- *
- * Will not return until the model run has completed. Multiple threads might be used to run the model based on
- * the options in the ::OrtSession and settings used when creating the ::OrtEnv
- *
- * \param[in] session
- * \param[in] run_options If nullptr, will use a default ::OrtRunOptions
- * \param[in] input_names Array of null terminated UTF8 encoded strings of the input names
- * \param[in] inputs Array of ::OrtValue%s of the input values
- * \param[in] input_len Number of elements in the input_names and inputs arrays
- * \param[in] output_names Array of null terminated UTF8 encoded strings of the output names
- * \param[in] output_names_len Number of elements in the output_names and outputs array
- * \param[out] outputs Array of ::OrtValue%s that the outputs are stored in. This can also be
- * an array of nullptr values, in this case ::OrtValue objects will be allocated and pointers
- * to them will be set into the `outputs` array.
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(Run, _Inout_ OrtSession* session, _In_opt_ const OrtRunOptions* run_options,
- _In_reads_(input_len) const char* const* input_names,
- _In_reads_(input_len) const OrtValue* const* inputs, size_t input_len,
- _In_reads_(output_names_len) const char* const* output_names, size_t output_names_len,
- _Inout_updates_all_(output_names_len) OrtValue** outputs);
- /// @}
- /// \name OrtSessionOptions
- /// @{
- /** \brief Create an ::OrtSessionOptions object
- *
- * To use additional providers, you must build ORT with the extra providers enabled. Then call one of these
- * functions to enable them in the session:
- * OrtSessionOptionsAppendExecutionProvider_CPU
- * OrtSessionOptionsAppendExecutionProvider_CUDA
- * OrtSessionOptionsAppendExecutionProvider_(remaining providers...)
- * The order they are called indicates the preference order as well. In other words call this method
- * on your most preferred execution provider first followed by the less preferred ones.
- * If none are called Ort will use its internal CPU execution provider.
- *
- * \param[out] options The newly created OrtSessionOptions. Must be freed with OrtApi::ReleaseSessionOptions
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(CreateSessionOptions, _Outptr_ OrtSessionOptions** options);
- /** \brief Set filepath to save optimized model after graph level transformations
- *
- * \param[in] options
- * \param[in] optimized_model_filepath
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(SetOptimizedModelFilePath, _Inout_ OrtSessionOptions* options,
- _In_ const ORTCHAR_T* optimized_model_filepath);
- /** \brief Create a copy of an existing ::OrtSessionOptions
- *
- * \param[in] in_options OrtSessionOptions to copy
- * \param[out] out_options Returned newly created ::OrtSessionOptions. Must be freed with OrtApi::ReleaseSessionOptions
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(CloneSessionOptions, _In_ const OrtSessionOptions* in_options,
- _Outptr_ OrtSessionOptions** out_options);
- /** \brief Set execution mode
- *
- * Controls whether you want to execute operators in your graph sequentially or in parallel. Usually when the model
- * has many branches, setting this option to ExecutionMode.ORT_PARALLEL will give you better performance.
- * See [docs/ONNX_Runtime_Perf_Tuning.md] for more details.
- *
- * \param[in] options
- * \param[in] execution_mode
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(SetSessionExecutionMode, _Inout_ OrtSessionOptions* options, ExecutionMode execution_mode);
- /** \brief Enable profiling for a session
- *
- * \param[in] options
- * \param[in] profile_file_prefix
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(EnableProfiling, _Inout_ OrtSessionOptions* options, _In_ const ORTCHAR_T* profile_file_prefix);
- /** \brief Disable profiling for a session
- *
- * \param[in] options
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(DisableProfiling, _Inout_ OrtSessionOptions* options);
- /** \brief Enable the memory pattern optimization
- *
- * The idea is if the input shapes are the same, we could trace the internal memory allocation
- * and generate a memory pattern for future request. So next time we could just do one allocation
- * with a big chunk for all the internal memory allocation.
- * \note Memory pattern optimization is only available when Sequential Execution mode is enabled (see OrtApi::SetSessionExecutionMode)
- *
- * \see OrtApi::DisableMemPattern
- *
- * \param[in] options
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(EnableMemPattern, _Inout_ OrtSessionOptions* options);
- /** \brief Disable the memory pattern optimization
- *
- * \see OrtApi::EnableMemPattern
- *
- * \param[in] options
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(DisableMemPattern, _Inout_ OrtSessionOptions* options);
- /** \brief Enable the memory arena on CPU
- *
- * Arena may pre-allocate memory for future usage.
- *
- * \param[in] options
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(EnableCpuMemArena, _Inout_ OrtSessionOptions* options);
- /** \brief Disable the memory arena on CPU
- *
- * \param[in] options
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(DisableCpuMemArena, _Inout_ OrtSessionOptions* options);
- /** \brief Set session log id
- *
- * \param[in] options
- * \param[in] logid The log identifier.
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(SetSessionLogId, _Inout_ OrtSessionOptions* options, const char* logid);
- /** \brief Set session log verbosity level
- *
- * Applies to session load, initialization, etc
- *
- * \param[in] options
- * \param[in] session_log_verbosity_level \snippet{doc} snippets.dox Log Verbosity Level
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(SetSessionLogVerbosityLevel, _Inout_ OrtSessionOptions* options, int session_log_verbosity_level);
- /** \brief Set session log severity level
- *
- * \param[in] options
- * \param[in] session_log_severity_level The log severity level (refer to ::OrtLoggingLevel for possible values).
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(SetSessionLogSeverityLevel, _Inout_ OrtSessionOptions* options, int session_log_severity_level);
- /** \brief Set the optimization level to apply when loading a graph
- *
- * Please see https://www.onnxruntime.ai/docs/resources/graph-optimizations.html for an in-depth explanation
- * \param[in,out] options The session options object
- * \param[in] graph_optimization_level The optimization level
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(SetSessionGraphOptimizationLevel, _Inout_ OrtSessionOptions* options,
- GraphOptimizationLevel graph_optimization_level);
- /** \brief Sets the number of threads used to parallelize the execution within nodes
- *
- * When running a single node operation, ex. add, this sets the maximum number of threads to use.
- *
- * \note If built with OpenMP, this has no effect on the number of threads used. In this case
- * use the OpenMP env variables to configure the number of intra op num threads.
- *
- * \param[in] options
- * \param[in] intra_op_num_threads Number of threads to use
- * A value of 0 will use the default number of threads
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(SetIntraOpNumThreads, _Inout_ OrtSessionOptions* options, int intra_op_num_threads);
- /** \brief Sets the number of threads used to parallelize the execution of the graph
- *
- * If nodes can be run in parallel, this sets the maximum number of threads to use to run them in parallel.
- *
- * \note If sequential execution is enabled this value is ignored, it acts as if it was set to 1.
- *
- * \param[in] options
- * \param[in] inter_op_num_threads Number of threads to use
- * A value of 0 will use the default number of threads
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(SetInterOpNumThreads, _Inout_ OrtSessionOptions* options, int inter_op_num_threads);
- /// @}
- /// \name OrtCustomOpDomain
- /// @{
- /** \brief Create a custom op domain
- *
- * \param[in] domain
- * \param[out] out Newly created domain. Must be freed with OrtApi::ReleaseCustomOpDomain
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(CreateCustomOpDomain, _In_ const char* domain, _Outptr_ OrtCustomOpDomain** out);
- /** \brief Add a custom op to a custom op domain
- *
- * \note The OrtCustomOp* pointer must remain valid until the ::OrtCustomOpDomain using it is released
- *
- * \param[in] custom_op_domain
- * \param[in] op
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(CustomOpDomain_Add, _Inout_ OrtCustomOpDomain* custom_op_domain, _In_ const OrtCustomOp* op);
- /// @}
- /// \name OrtSessionOptions
- /// @{
- /** \brief Add custom op domain to a session options
- *
- * \note The OrtCustomOpDomain* must not be deleted until all sessions using it are released
- *
- * \param[in] options
- * \param[in] custom_op_domain
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(AddCustomOpDomain, _Inout_ OrtSessionOptions* options, _In_ OrtCustomOpDomain* custom_op_domain);
- /** \brief Register custom ops from a shared library
- *
- * Loads a shared library (dll on windows, so on linux, etc) named 'library_path' and looks for this entry point:
- * OrtStatus* RegisterCustomOps(OrtSessionOptions * options, const OrtApiBase* api);
- * It then passes in the provided session options to this function along with the api base.
- * The handle to the loaded library is returned in library_handle. It can be freed by the caller after all sessions using the passed in
- * session options are destroyed, or if an error occurs and it is non null.
- *
- * \param[in] options
- * \param[in] library_path
- * \param[out] library_handle OS specific handle to the loaded library (Use FreeLibrary on Windows, dlclose on Linux, etc.. to unload)
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(RegisterCustomOpsLibrary, _Inout_ OrtSessionOptions* options, _In_ const char* library_path, _Outptr_ void** library_handle);
- /// @}
- /// \name OrtSession
- /// @{
- /** \brief Get input count for a session
- *
- * This number must also match the number of inputs passed to OrtApi::Run
- *
- * \see OrtApi::SessionGetInputTypeInfo, OrtApi::SessionGetInputName, OrtApi::Session
- *
- * \param[in] session
- * \param[out] out Number of inputs
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(SessionGetInputCount, _In_ const OrtSession* session, _Out_ size_t* out);
- /** \brief Get output count for a session
- *
- * This number must also match the number of outputs returned by OrtApi::Run
- *
- * \see OrtApi::SessionGetOutputTypeInfo, OrtApi::SessionGetOutputName, OrtApi::Session
- *
- * \param[in] session
- * \param[out] out Number of outputs
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(SessionGetOutputCount, _In_ const OrtSession* session, _Out_ size_t* out);
- /** \brief Get overridable initializer count
- *
- * \see OrtApi::SessionGetOverridableInitializerTypeInfo, OrtApi::SessionGetOverridableInitializerName
- *
- * \param[in] session
- * \param[in] out
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(SessionGetOverridableInitializerCount, _In_ const OrtSession* session, _Out_ size_t* out);
- /** \brief Get input type information
- *
- * \param[in] session
- * \param[in] index Must be between 0 (inclusive) and what OrtApi::SessionGetInputCount returns (exclusive)
- * \param[out] type_info Must be freed with OrtApi::ReleaseTypeInfo
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(SessionGetInputTypeInfo, _In_ const OrtSession* session, size_t index, _Outptr_ OrtTypeInfo** type_info);
- /** \brief Get output type information
- *
- * \param[in] session
- * \param[in] index Must be between 0 (inclusive) and what OrtApi::SessionGetOutputCount returns (exclusive)
- * \param[out] type_info Must be freed with OrtApi::ReleaseTypeInfo
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(SessionGetOutputTypeInfo, _In_ const OrtSession* session, size_t index, _Outptr_ OrtTypeInfo** type_info);
- /** \brief Get overridable initializer type information
- *
- * \param[in] session
- * \param[in] index Must be between 0 (inclusive) and what OrtApi::SessionGetOverridableInitializerCount returns (exclusive)
- * \param[out] type_info Must be freed with OrtApi::ReleaseTypeInfo
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(SessionGetOverridableInitializerTypeInfo, _In_ const OrtSession* session, size_t index, _Outptr_ OrtTypeInfo** type_info);
- /** \brief Get input name
- *
- * \param[in] session
- * \param[in] index Must be between 0 (inclusive) and what OrtApi::SessionGetInputCount returns (exclusive)
- * \param[in] allocator
- * \param[out] value Set to a null terminated UTF-8 encoded string allocated using `allocator`. Must be freed using `allocator`.
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(SessionGetInputName, _In_ const OrtSession* session, size_t index, _Inout_ OrtAllocator* allocator, _Outptr_ char** value);
- /** \brief Get output name
- *
- * \param[in] session
- * \param[in] index Must be between 0 (inclusive) and what OrtApi::SessionGetOutputCount returns (exclusive)
- * \param[in] allocator
- * \param[out] value Set to a null terminated UTF-8 encoded string allocated using `allocator`. Must be freed using `allocator`.
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(SessionGetOutputName, _In_ const OrtSession* session, size_t index, _Inout_ OrtAllocator* allocator, _Outptr_ char** value);
- /** \brief Get overridable initializer name
- *
- * \param[in] session
- * \param[in] index Must be between 0 (inclusive) and what OrtApi::SessionGetOverridableInitializerCount returns (exclusive)
- * \param[in] allocator
- * \param[out] value Set to a null terminated UTF-8 encoded string allocated using `allocator`. Must be freed using `allocator`.
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(SessionGetOverridableInitializerName, _In_ const OrtSession* session, size_t index,
- _Inout_ OrtAllocator* allocator, _Outptr_ char** value);
- /// @}
- /// \name OrtRunOptions
- /// @{
- /** \brief Create an OrtRunOptions
- *
- * \param[out] out Returned newly created ::OrtRunOptions. Must be freed with OrtApi::ReleaseRunOptions
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(CreateRunOptions, _Outptr_ OrtRunOptions** out);
- /** \brief Set per-run log verbosity level
- *
- * \see OrtApi::RunOptionsGetRunLogVerbosityLevel
- *
- * \param[in] options
- * \param[in] log_verbosity_level \snippet{doc} snippets.dox Log Verbosity Level
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(RunOptionsSetRunLogVerbosityLevel, _Inout_ OrtRunOptions* options, int log_verbosity_level);
- /** \brief Set per-run log severity level
- *
- * \see OrtApi::RunOptionsGetRunLogSeverityLevel
- *
- * \param[in] options
- * \param[in] log_severity_level The log severity level (refer to ::OrtLoggingLevel for possible values).
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(RunOptionsSetRunLogSeverityLevel, _Inout_ OrtRunOptions* options, int log_severity_level);
- /** \brief Set per-run tag
- *
- * This is used in a per-run log identifier.
- *
- * \see OrtApi::RunOptionsGetRunTag
- *
- * \param[in] options
- * \param[in] run_tag The run tag.
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(RunOptionsSetRunTag, _Inout_ OrtRunOptions* options, _In_ const char* run_tag);
- /** \brief Get per-run log verbosity level
- *
- * \see OrtApi::RunOptionsSetRunLogVerbosityLevel
- *
- * \param[in] options
- * \param[out] log_verbosity_level \snippet{doc} snippets.dox Log Verbosity Level
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(RunOptionsGetRunLogVerbosityLevel, _In_ const OrtRunOptions* options,
- _Out_ int* log_verbosity_level);
- /** \brief Get per-run log severity level
- *
- * \see OrtApi::RunOptionsSetRunLogSeverityLevel
- *
- * \param[in] options
- * \param[out] log_severity_level The log severity level (refer to ::OrtLoggingLevel for possible values).
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(RunOptionsGetRunLogSeverityLevel, _In_ const OrtRunOptions* options, _Out_ int* log_severity_level);
- /** \brief Get per-run tag
- *
- * This is used in a per-run log identifier.
- *
- * \see OrtApi::RunOptionsSetRunTag
- *
- * \param[in] options
- * \param[out] run_tag The run tag.
- * Do not free this value, it is owned by `options`. It will be invalidated if the run tag
- * changes (i.e., with OrtApi::RunOptionsSetRunTag) or `options` is freed.
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(RunOptionsGetRunTag, _In_ const OrtRunOptions* options, _Out_ const char** run_tag);
- /** \brief Set terminate flag
- *
- * If a currently executing session needs to be force terminated, this can be called from another thread to force it to fail with an error.
- *
- * \param[in] options
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(RunOptionsSetTerminate, _Inout_ OrtRunOptions* options);
- /** \brief Clears the terminate flag
- *
- * Used so the OrtRunOptions instance can be used in a new OrtApi::Run call without it instantly terminating
- *
- * \param[in] options
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(RunOptionsUnsetTerminate, _Inout_ OrtRunOptions* options);
- /// @}
- /// \name OrtValue
- /// @{
- /** \brief Create a tensor
- *
- * Create a tensor using a supplied ::OrtAllocator
- *
- * \param[in] allocator
- * \param[in] shape Pointer to the tensor shape dimensions.
- * \param[in] shape_len The number of tensor shape dimensions.
- * \param[in] type
- * \param[out] out Returns newly created ::OrtValue. Must be freed with OrtApi::ReleaseValue
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(CreateTensorAsOrtValue, _Inout_ OrtAllocator* allocator, _In_ const int64_t* shape, size_t shape_len,
- ONNXTensorElementDataType type, _Outptr_ OrtValue** out);
- /** \brief Create a tensor backed by a user supplied buffer
- *
- * Create a tensor with user's buffer. You can fill the buffer either before calling this function or after.
- * p_data is owned by caller. ReleaseValue won't release p_data.
- *
- * \param[in] info Memory description of where the p_data buffer resides (CPU vs GPU etc).
- * \param[in] p_data Pointer to the data buffer.
- * \param[in] p_data_len The number of bytes in the data buffer.
- * \param[in] shape Pointer to the tensor shape dimensions.
- * \param[in] shape_len The number of tensor shape dimensions.
- * \param[in] type The data type.
- * \param[out] out Returns newly created ::OrtValue. Must be freed with OrtApi::ReleaseValue
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(CreateTensorWithDataAsOrtValue, _In_ const OrtMemoryInfo* info, _Inout_ void* p_data,
- size_t p_data_len, _In_ const int64_t* shape, size_t shape_len, ONNXTensorElementDataType type,
- _Outptr_ OrtValue** out);
- /** \brief Return if an ::OrtValue is a tensor type
- *
- * \param[in] value A tensor type (string tensors are not supported)
- * \param[out] out Set to 1 iff ::OrtValue is a tensor, 0 otherwise
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(IsTensor, _In_ const OrtValue* value, _Out_ int* out);
- /** \brief Get a pointer to the raw data inside a tensor
- *
- * Used to read/write/modify the internal tensor data directly.
- * \note The returned pointer is valid until the \p value is destroyed.
- *
- * \param[in] value A tensor type (string tensors are not supported)
- * \param[out] out Filled in with a pointer to the internal storage
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(GetTensorMutableData, _In_ OrtValue* value, _Outptr_ void** out);
- /** \brief Set all strings at once in a string tensor
- *
- * \param[in,out] value A tensor of type ONNX_TENSOR_ELEMENT_DATA_TYPE_STRING
- * \param[in] s An array of strings. Each string in this array must be null terminated.
- * \param[in] s_len Count of strings in s (Must match the size of \p value's tensor shape)
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(FillStringTensor, _Inout_ OrtValue* value, _In_ const char* const* s, size_t s_len);
- /** \brief Get total byte length for all strings in a string tensor
- *
- * Typically used with OrtApi::GetStringTensorContent
- *
- * \param[in] value A tensor of type ONNX_TENSOR_ELEMENT_DATA_TYPE_STRING
- * \param[out] len Total byte length of all strings (does not include trailing nulls)
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(GetStringTensorDataLength, _In_ const OrtValue* value, _Out_ size_t* len);
- /** \brief Get all strings from a string tensor
- *
- * An example of the results:
- * Given \p value is a string tensor with the strings { "This" "is" "a" "test" }
- * \p s must have a size of 11 bytes
- * \p offsets must have 4 elements
- * After the call, these values will be filled in:
- * \p s will contain "Thisisatest"
- * \p offsets will contain { 0, 4, 6, 7 }
- * The length of the last string is just s_len - offsets[last]
- *
- * \param[in] value A tensor of type ONNX_TENSOR_ELEMENT_DATA_TYPE_STRING
- * \param[in] s Buffer to sequentially write all tensor strings to. Each string is NOT null-terminated.
- * \param[in] s_len Number of bytes of buffer pointed to by \p s (Get it from OrtApi::GetStringTensorDataLength)
- * \param[out] offsets Array of start offsets into the strings written to \p s
- * \param[in] offsets_len Number of elements in offsets
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(GetStringTensorContent, _In_ const OrtValue* value, _Out_writes_bytes_all_(s_len) void* s,
- size_t s_len, _Out_writes_all_(offsets_len) size_t* offsets, size_t offsets_len);
- /// @}
- /// \name OrtTypeInfo
- /// @{
- /** \brief Get ::OrtTensorTypeAndShapeInfo from an ::OrtTypeInfo
- *
- * \param[in] type_info
- * \param[out] out Do not free this value, it will be valid until type_info is freed.
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(CastTypeInfoToTensorInfo, _In_ const OrtTypeInfo* type_info,
- _Outptr_result_maybenull_ const OrtTensorTypeAndShapeInfo** out);
- /** \brief Get ::ONNXType from ::OrtTypeInfo
- *
- * \param[in] type_info
- * \param[out] out
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(GetOnnxTypeFromTypeInfo, _In_ const OrtTypeInfo* type_info, _Out_ enum ONNXType* out);
- /// @}
- /// \name OrtTensorTypeAndShapeInfo
- /// @{
- /** \brief Create an ::OrtTensorTypeAndShapeInfo object
- *
- * \param[out] out Returns newly created ::OrtTensorTypeAndShapeInfo. Must be freed with OrtApi::ReleaseTensorTypeAndShapeInfo
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(CreateTensorTypeAndShapeInfo, _Outptr_ OrtTensorTypeAndShapeInfo** out);
- /** \brief Set element type in ::OrtTensorTypeAndShapeInfo
- *
- * \param[in] info
- * \param[in] type
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(SetTensorElementType, _Inout_ OrtTensorTypeAndShapeInfo* info, enum ONNXTensorElementDataType type);
- /** \brief Set shape information in ::OrtTensorTypeAndShapeInfo
- *
- * \param[in] info
- * \param[in] dim_values Array with `dim_count` elements. Can contain negative values.
- * \param[in] dim_count Number of elements in `dim_values`
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(SetDimensions, OrtTensorTypeAndShapeInfo* info, _In_ const int64_t* dim_values, size_t dim_count);
- /** \brief Get element type in ::OrtTensorTypeAndShapeInfo
- *
- * \see OrtApi::SetTensorElementType
- *
- * \param[in] info
- * \param[out] out
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(GetTensorElementType, _In_ const OrtTensorTypeAndShapeInfo* info,
- _Out_ enum ONNXTensorElementDataType* out);
- /** \brief Get dimension count in ::OrtTensorTypeAndShapeInfo
- *
- * \see OrtApi::GetDimensions
- *
- * \param[in] info
- * \param[out] out
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(GetDimensionsCount, _In_ const OrtTensorTypeAndShapeInfo* info, _Out_ size_t* out);
- /** \brief Get dimensions in ::OrtTensorTypeAndShapeInfo
- *
- * \param[in] info
- * \param[out] dim_values Array with `dim_values_length` elements. On return, filled with the dimensions stored in the ::OrtTensorTypeAndShapeInfo
- * \param[in] dim_values_length Number of elements in `dim_values`. Use OrtApi::GetDimensionsCount to get this value
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(GetDimensions, _In_ const OrtTensorTypeAndShapeInfo* info, _Out_ int64_t* dim_values,
- size_t dim_values_length);
- /** \brief Get symbolic dimension names in ::OrtTensorTypeAndShapeInfo
- *
- * \param[in] info
- * \param[in] dim_params Array with `dim_params_length` elements. On return filled with pointers to null terminated strings of the dimension names
- * \param[in] dim_params_length Number of elements in `dim_params`. Use OrtApi::GetDimensionsCount to get this value
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(GetSymbolicDimensions, _In_ const OrtTensorTypeAndShapeInfo* info,
- _Out_writes_all_(dim_params_length) const char* dim_params[], size_t dim_params_length);
- /** \brief Get total number of elements in a tensor shape from an ::OrtTensorTypeAndShapeInfo
- *
- * Return the number of elements specified by the tensor shape (all dimensions multiplied by each other).
- * For 0 dimensions, 1 is returned. If any dimension is less than 0, the result is always -1.
- *
- * Examples:
- * [] = 1
- * [1,3,4] = 12
- * [2,0,4] = 0
- * [-1,3,4] = -1
- *
- * \param[in] info
- * \param[out] out Number of elements
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(GetTensorShapeElementCount, _In_ const OrtTensorTypeAndShapeInfo* info, _Out_ size_t* out);
- /// @}
- /// \name OrtValue
- /// @{
- /** \brief Get type and shape information from a tensor ::OrtValue
- *
- * \param[in] value Must be a tensor (not a map/sequence/etc) or will return failure
- * \param[out] out Newly created ::OrtTensorTypeAndShapeInfo. Must be freed with OrtApi::ReleaseTensorTypeAndShapeInfo
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(GetTensorTypeAndShape, _In_ const OrtValue* value, _Outptr_ OrtTensorTypeAndShapeInfo** out);
- /** \brief Get type information of an OrtValue
- *
- * \param[in] value
- * \param[out] out Newly created ::OrtTypeInfo. Must be freed with OrtApi::ReleaseTypeInfo
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(GetTypeInfo, _In_ const OrtValue* value, _Outptr_result_maybenull_ OrtTypeInfo** out);
- /** \brief Get ONNXType of an ::OrtValue
- *
- * \param[in] value
- * \param[out] out
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(GetValueType, _In_ const OrtValue* value, _Out_ enum ONNXType* out);
- /// @}
- /// \name OrtMemoryInfo
- /// @{
- /** \brief Create an ::OrtMemoryInfo
- *
- * \param[in] name
- * \param[in] type
- * \param[in] id
- * \param[in] mem_type
- * \param[out] out Newly created ::OrtMemoryInfo. Must be freed with OrtAPi::ReleaseMemoryInfo
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(CreateMemoryInfo, _In_ const char* name, enum OrtAllocatorType type, int id,
- enum OrtMemType mem_type, _Outptr_ OrtMemoryInfo** out);
- /** \brief Create an ::OrtMemoryInfo for CPU memory
- *
- * Special case version of OrtApi::CreateMemoryInfo for CPU based memory. Same as using OrtApi::CreateMemoryInfo with name = "Cpu" and id = 0.
- *
- * \param[in] type
- * \param[in] mem_type
- * \param[out] out
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(CreateCpuMemoryInfo, enum OrtAllocatorType type, enum OrtMemType mem_type,
- _Outptr_ OrtMemoryInfo** out);
- /** \brief Compare ::OrtMemoryInfo objects for equality
- *
- * Compares all settings of each ::OrtMemoryInfo for equality
- *
- * \param[in] info1
- * \param[in] info2
- * \param[out] out Set to 0 if equal, -1 if not equal
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(CompareMemoryInfo, _In_ const OrtMemoryInfo* info1, _In_ const OrtMemoryInfo* info2, _Out_ int* out);
- /** \brief Get name from ::OrtMemoryInfo
- *
- * \param[in] ptr
- * \param[out] out Writes null terminated string to this pointer. Do NOT free the returned pointer. It is valid for the lifetime of the ::OrtMemoryInfo
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(MemoryInfoGetName, _In_ const OrtMemoryInfo* ptr, _Out_ const char** out);
- /** \brief Get the id from ::OrtMemoryInfo
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(MemoryInfoGetId, _In_ const OrtMemoryInfo* ptr, _Out_ int* out);
- /** \brief Get the ::OrtMemType from ::OrtMemoryInfo
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(MemoryInfoGetMemType, _In_ const OrtMemoryInfo* ptr, _Out_ OrtMemType* out);
- /** \brief Get the ::OrtAllocatorType from ::OrtMemoryInfo
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(MemoryInfoGetType, _In_ const OrtMemoryInfo* ptr, _Out_ OrtAllocatorType* out);
- /// @}
- /// \name OrtAllocator
- /// @{
- /// \brief Calls OrtAllocator::Alloc function
- ORT_API2_STATUS(AllocatorAlloc, _Inout_ OrtAllocator* ort_allocator, size_t size, _Outptr_ void** out);
- /// \brief Calls OrtAllocator::Free function
- ORT_API2_STATUS(AllocatorFree, _Inout_ OrtAllocator* ort_allocator, void* p);
- /// \brief Calls OrtAllocator::Info function
- ORT_API2_STATUS(AllocatorGetInfo, _In_ const OrtAllocator* ort_allocator, _Outptr_ const struct OrtMemoryInfo** out);
- /** \brief Get the default allocator
- *
- * The default allocator is a CPU based, non-arena. Always returns the same pointer to the same default allocator.
- *
- * \param[out] out Returned value should NOT be freed
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(GetAllocatorWithDefaultOptions, _Outptr_ OrtAllocator** out);
- /// @}
- /// \name OrtSessionOptions
- /// @{
- /** \brief Override session symbolic dimensions
- *
- * Override symbolic dimensions (by specific denotation strings) with actual values if known at session initialization time to enable
- * optimizations that can take advantage of fixed values (such as memory planning, etc)
- *
- * \param[in] options
- * \param[in] dim_denotation
- * \param[in] dim_value
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(AddFreeDimensionOverride, _Inout_ OrtSessionOptions* options, _In_ const char* dim_denotation,
- _In_ int64_t dim_value);
- /// @}
- /// \name OrtValue
- /// @{
- /* Internal information (not seen in Doxygen)
- *
- * APIs to support non-tensor types - map and sequence.
- * Currently only the following types are supported
- * Note: the following types should be kept in sync with data_types.h
- * Map types
- * =========
- * std::map
- * std::map
- * std::map
- * std::map
- * std::map
- * std::map
- * std::map
- * std::map
- *
- * Sequence types
- * ==============
- * std::vector
- * std::vector
- * std::vector
- * std::vector
- * std::vector>
- * std::vector
- */
- /** \brief Get non tensor data from an ::OrtValue
- *
- * If `value` is of type ONNX_TYPE_MAP, you need to retrieve the keys and values
- * separately. Use index=0 to retrieve keys and index=1 to retrieve values.
- * If `value` is of type ONNX_TYPE_SEQUENCE, use index to retrieve the index'th element
- * of the sequence.
- *
- * \param[in] value
- * \param[in] index See above for usage based on `value` type
- * \param[in] allocator Allocator used to allocate ::OrtValue
- * \param[out] out Created ::OrtValue that holds the element requested. Must be freed with OrtApi::ReleaseValue
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(GetValue, _In_ const OrtValue* value, int index, _Inout_ OrtAllocator* allocator,
- _Outptr_ OrtValue** out);
- /** \brief Get non tensor value count from an ::OrtValue
- *
- * If `value` is of type ONNX_TYPE_MAP 2 will always be returned. For ONNX_TYPE_SEQUENCE
- * the number of elements in the sequence will be returned
- *
- * \param[in] value
- * \param[out] out
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(GetValueCount, _In_ const OrtValue* value, _Out_ size_t* out);
- /** \brief Create a map or sequence ::OrtValue
- *
- * To construct a map (ONNX_TYPE_MAP), use num_values = 2 and `in` should be an array of 2 ::OrtValue%s
- * representing keys and values.
- *
- * To construct a sequence (ONNX_TYPE_SEQUENCE), use num_values = N where N is the number of the elements in the
- * sequence. 'in' should be an array of N ::OrtValue%s.
- *
- * \param[in] in See above for details
- * \param[in] num_values
- * \param[in] value_type Must be either ONNX_TYPE_MAP or ONNX_TYPE_SEQUENCE
- * \param[out] out Newly created ::OrtValue. Must be freed with OrtApi::ReleaseValue
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(CreateValue, _In_reads_(num_values) const OrtValue* const* in, size_t num_values,
- enum ONNXType value_type, _Outptr_ OrtValue** out);
- /** \brief Create an opaque (custom user defined type) ::OrtValue
- *
- * Constructs an ::OrtValue that contains a value of non-standard type created for
- * experiments or while awaiting standardization. ::OrtValue in this case would contain
- * an internal representation of the Opaque type. Opaque types are distinguished from
- * each other by two strings 1) domain and 2) type name. The combination of the two
- * must be unique, so the type representation is properly identified internally. The combination
- * must be properly registered from within ORT at both compile/run time or by another API.
- *
- * To construct the ::OrtValue pass domain and type names, also a pointer to a data container
- * the type of which must be known to both ORT and the client program. That data container may or may
- * not match the internal representation of the Opaque type. The sizeof(data_container) is passed for
- * verification purposes.
- *
- * \param[in] domain_name Null terminated string of the domain name
- * \param[in] type_name Null terminated string of the type name
- * \param[in] data_container User pointer Data to populate ::OrtValue
- * \param[in] data_container_size Size in bytes of what `data_container` points to
- * \param[out] out Newly created ::OrtValue. Must be freed with OrtApi::ReleaseValue
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(CreateOpaqueValue, _In_z_ const char* domain_name, _In_z_ const char* type_name,
- _In_ const void* data_container, size_t data_container_size, _Outptr_ OrtValue** out);
- /** \brief Get internal data from an opaque (custom user defined type) ::OrtValue
- *
- * Copies internal data from an opaque value into a user provided buffer
- *
- * \see OrtApi::CreateOpaqueValue
- *
- * \param[in] domain_name Null terminated string of the domain name
- * \param[in] type_name Null terminated string of the type name
- * \param[in] in The opaque ::OrtValue
- * \param[out] data_container Buffer to copy data into
- * \param[out] data_container_size Size in bytes of the buffer pointed to by data_container. Must match the size of the internal buffer.
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(GetOpaqueValue, _In_ const char* domain_name, _In_ const char* type_name, _In_ const OrtValue* in,
- _Out_ void* data_container, size_t data_container_size);
- /// @}
- /// \name OrtKernelInfo
- /// @{
- /** \brief Get a float stored as an attribute in the graph node
- *
- * \param[in] info ::OrtKernelInfo instance
- * \param[in] name Null terminated string of the name of the attribute
- * \param[out] out Pointer to memory where the attribute will be stored
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(KernelInfoGetAttribute_float, _In_ const OrtKernelInfo* info, _In_ const char* name,
- _Out_ float* out);
- /** \brief Fetch a 64-bit int stored as an attribute in the graph node
- *
- * \param[in] info ::OrtKernelInfo instance
- * \param[in] name Null terminated string of the name of the attribute
- * \param[out] out Pointer to memory where the attribute will be stored
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(KernelInfoGetAttribute_int64, _In_ const OrtKernelInfo* info, _In_ const char* name,
- _Out_ int64_t* out);
- /** \brief Fetch a string stored as an attribute in the graph node
- *
- * If `out` is nullptr, the value of `size` is set to the true size of the string
- * attribute, and a success status is returned.
- *
- * If the `size` parameter is greater than or equal to the actual string attribute's size,
- * the value of `size` is set to the true size of the string attribute, the provided memory
- * is filled with the attribute's contents, and a success status is returned.
- *
- * If the `size` parameter is less than the actual string attribute's size and `out`
- * is not nullptr, the value of `size` is set to the true size of the string attribute
- * and a failure status is returned.)
- *
- * \param[in] info ::OrtKernelInfo instance
- * \param[in] name Null terminated string of the name of the attribute
- * \param[out] out Pointer to memory where the attribute will be stored
- * \param[in,out] size See above comments for details
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(KernelInfoGetAttribute_string, _In_ const OrtKernelInfo* info, _In_ const char* name, _Out_ char* out,
- _Inout_ size_t* size);
- /// @}
- /// \name OrtKernelContext
- /// @{
- /** \brief Used for custom operators, get the input count of a kernel
- *
- * \see ::OrtCustomOp
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(KernelContext_GetInputCount, _In_ const OrtKernelContext* context, _Out_ size_t* out);
- /** \brief Used for custom operators, get the output count of a kernel
- *
- * \see ::OrtCustomOp
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(KernelContext_GetOutputCount, _In_ const OrtKernelContext* context, _Out_ size_t* out);
- /** \brief Used for custom operators, get an input of a kernel
- *
- * \see ::OrtCustomOp
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(KernelContext_GetInput, _In_ const OrtKernelContext* context, _In_ size_t index,
- _Out_ const OrtValue** out);
- /** \brief Used for custom operators, get an output of a kernel
- *
- * \see ::OrtCustomOp
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(KernelContext_GetOutput, _Inout_ OrtKernelContext* context, _In_ size_t index,
- _In_ const int64_t* dim_values, size_t dim_count, _Outptr_ OrtValue** out);
- /// @}
- /// \name OrtEnv
- /// @{
- /// @}
- /// \name OrtStatus
- /// @{
- /// @}
- /// \name OrtMemoryInfo
- /// @{
- /// @}
- /// \name OrtSession
- /// @{
- ORT_CLASS_RELEASE(Session); //Don't call ReleaseSession from Dllmain (because session owns a thread pool)
- /// @}
- /// \name OrtValue
- /// @{
- /// @}
- /// \name OrtRunOptions
- /// @{
- /// @}
- /// \name OrtTypeInfo
- /// @{
- /// @}
- /// \name OrtTensorTypeAndShapeInfo
- /// @{
- ORT_CLASS_RELEASE(TensorTypeAndShapeInfo);
- /// @}
- /// \name OrtSessionOptions
- /// @{
- ORT_CLASS_RELEASE(SessionOptions);
- /// @}
- /// \name OrtCustomOpDomain
- /// @{
- ORT_CLASS_RELEASE(CustomOpDomain);
- /// @}
- /// \name OrtTypeInfo
- /// @{
- /** \brief Get denotation from type information
- *
- * Augments ::OrtTypeInfo to return denotations on the type.
- *
- * This is used by WinML to determine if an input/output is intended to be an Image or a Tensor.
- *
- * \param[in] type_info
- * \param[out] denotation Pointer to the null terminated denotation string is written to this pointer. This pointer is valid until the object is destroyed or the name is changed, do not free.
- * \param[out] len Length in bytes of the string returned in `denotation`
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(GetDenotationFromTypeInfo, _In_ const OrtTypeInfo* type_info, _Out_ const char** const denotation,
- _Out_ size_t* len);
- /** \brief Get detailed map information from an ::OrtTypeInfo
- *
- * This augments ::OrtTypeInfo to return an ::OrtMapTypeInfo when the type is a map.
- * The OrtMapTypeInfo has additional information about the map's key type and value type.
- *
- * This is used by WinML to support model reflection APIs.
- *
- * \param[out] type_info
- * \param[out] out A pointer to the ::OrtMapTypeInfo. Do not free this value
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(CastTypeInfoToMapTypeInfo, _In_ const OrtTypeInfo* type_info,
- _Outptr_result_maybenull_ const OrtMapTypeInfo** out);
- /** \brief Cast ::OrtTypeInfo to an ::OrtSequenceTypeInfo
- *
- * This api augments ::OrtTypeInfo to return an ::OrtSequenceTypeInfo when the type is a sequence.
- * The ::OrtSequenceTypeInfo has additional information about the sequence's element type.
- *
- * This is used by WinML to support model reflection APIs.
- *
- * \param[in] type_info
- * \param[out] out A pointer to the OrtSequenceTypeInfo. Do not free this value
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(CastTypeInfoToSequenceTypeInfo, _In_ const OrtTypeInfo* type_info,
- _Outptr_result_maybenull_ const OrtSequenceTypeInfo** out);
- /// @}
- /// \name OrtMapTypeInfo
- /// @{
- /** \brief Get key type from an ::OrtMapTypeInfo
- *
- * Key types are restricted to being scalar types.
- *
- * This is used by WinML to support model reflection APIs.
- *
- * \param[in] map_type_info
- * \param[out] out
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(GetMapKeyType, _In_ const OrtMapTypeInfo* map_type_info, _Out_ enum ONNXTensorElementDataType* out);
- /** \brief Get the value type from an ::OrtMapTypeInfo
- *
- * \param[in] map_type_info
- * \param[out] type_info
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(GetMapValueType, _In_ const OrtMapTypeInfo* map_type_info, _Outptr_ OrtTypeInfo** type_info);
- /// @}
- /// \name OrtSequenceTypeInfo
- /// @{
- /** \brief Get element type from an ::OrtSequenceTypeInfo
- *
- * This is used by WinML to support model reflection APIs.
- *
- * \param[in] sequence_type_info
- * \param[out] type_info
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(GetSequenceElementType, _In_ const OrtSequenceTypeInfo* sequence_type_info,
- _Outptr_ OrtTypeInfo** type_info);
- /// @}
- /// \name OrtMapTypeInfo
- /// @{
- /// @}
- /// \name OrtSequenceTypeInfo
- /// @{
- ORT_CLASS_RELEASE(SequenceTypeInfo);
- /// @}
- /// \name OrtSession
- /// @{
- /** \brief End profiling and return filename of the profile data
- *
- * Profiling is turned on through OrtApi::EnableProfiling
- *
- * \param[in] session
- * \param[in] allocator
- * \param[out] out Null terminated string of the filename, allocated using `allocator`. Must be freed using `allocator`
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(SessionEndProfiling, _In_ OrtSession* session, _Inout_ OrtAllocator* allocator, _Outptr_ char** out);
- /** \brief Get ::OrtModelMetadata from an ::OrtSession
- *
- * \param[in] session
- * \param[out] out Newly created ::OrtModelMetadata. Must be freed using OrtApi::ReleaseModelMetadata
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(SessionGetModelMetadata, _In_ const OrtSession* session, _Outptr_ OrtModelMetadata** out);
- /// @}
- /// \name OrtModelMetadata
- /// @{
- /** \brief Get `producer name` from an ::OrtModelMetadata
- *
- * \param[in] model_metadata
- * \param[in] allocator
- * \param[out] value Set to a null terminated string allocated using `allocator`. Must be freed using `allocator`
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(ModelMetadataGetProducerName, _In_ const OrtModelMetadata* model_metadata,
- _Inout_ OrtAllocator* allocator, _Outptr_ char** value);
- /** \brief Get `graph name` from an ::OrtModelMetadata
- *
- * \param[in] model_metadata
- * \param[in] allocator
- * \param[out] value Set to a null terminated string allocated using `allocator`. Must be freed using `allocator`
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(ModelMetadataGetGraphName, _In_ const OrtModelMetadata* model_metadata,
- _Inout_ OrtAllocator* allocator, _Outptr_ char** value);
- /** \brief Get `domain` from an ::OrtModelMetadata
- *
- * \param[in] model_metadata
- * \param[in] allocator
- * \param[out] value Set to a null terminated string allocated using `allocator`. Must be freed using `allocator`
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(ModelMetadataGetDomain, _In_ const OrtModelMetadata* model_metadata, _Inout_ OrtAllocator* allocator,
- _Outptr_ char** value);
- /** \brief Get `description` from an ::OrtModelMetadata
- *
- * \param[in] model_metadata
- * \param[in] allocator
- * \param[out] value Set to a null terminated string allocated using `allocator`. Must be freed using `allocator`
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(ModelMetadataGetDescription, _In_ const OrtModelMetadata* model_metadata,
- _Inout_ OrtAllocator* allocator, _Outptr_ char** value);
- /** \brief Return data for a key in the custom metadata map in an ::OrtModelMetadata
- *
- * \param[in] model_metadata
- * \param[in] allocator
- * \param[in] key Null terminated string
- * \param[out] value Set to a null terminated string allocated using `allocator`. Must be freed using `allocator`
- * `value` will be set to nullptr if the given key is not found in the custom metadata map.
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(ModelMetadataLookupCustomMetadataMap, _In_ const OrtModelMetadata* model_metadata,
- _Inout_ OrtAllocator* allocator, _In_ const char* key, _Outptr_result_maybenull_ char** value);
- /** \brief Get version number from an ::OrtModelMetadata
- *
- * \param[in] model_metadata
- * \param[out] value Set to the version number
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(ModelMetadataGetVersion, _In_ const OrtModelMetadata* model_metadata, _Out_ int64_t* value);
- ORT_CLASS_RELEASE(ModelMetadata);
- /// @}
- /// \name OrtEnv
- /// @{
- /** \brief Create an OrtEnv
- *
- * Create an environment with global threadpools that will be shared across sessions.
- * Use this in conjunction with OrtApi::DisablePerSessionThreads or else the session will use
- * its own thread pools.
- *
- * \param[in] log_severity_level The log severity level.
- * \param[in] logid The log identifier.
- * \param[in] tp_options
- * \param[out] out Returned newly created OrtEnv. Must be freed with OrtApi::ReleaseEnv
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(CreateEnvWithGlobalThreadPools, OrtLoggingLevel log_severity_level, _In_ const char* logid,
- _In_ const OrtThreadingOptions* tp_options, _Outptr_ OrtEnv** out);
- /// @}
- /// \name OrtSessionOptions
- /// @{
- /** \brief Use global thread pool on a session
- *
- * Disable using per session thread pool and use the shared global threadpool.
- * This should be used in conjunction with OrtApi::CreateEnvWithGlobalThreadPools.
- *
- * \param[in] options
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(DisablePerSessionThreads, _Inout_ OrtSessionOptions* options);
- /// @}
- /// \name OrtThreadingOptions
- /// @{
- /** \brief Create an ::OrtThreadingOptions
- *
- * \param[out] out Newly created ::OrtThreadingOptions. Must be freed with OrtApi::ReleaseThreadingOptions
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(CreateThreadingOptions, _Outptr_ OrtThreadingOptions** out);
- ORT_CLASS_RELEASE(ThreadingOptions);
- /// @}
- /// \name OrtModelMetadata
- /// @{
- /**
- *
- * \param[in] model_metadata
- * \param[in] allocator
- * \param[out] keys Array of null terminated strings (array count = num_keys) allocated using `allocator`.
- * The strings and the pointer array must be freed using `allocator`
- * `keys` will be set to nullptr if the custom metadata map is empty.
- * \param[out] num_keys Set to the number of elements in the `keys` array
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(ModelMetadataGetCustomMetadataMapKeys, _In_ const OrtModelMetadata* model_metadata,
- _Inout_ OrtAllocator* allocator, _Outptr_result_buffer_maybenull_(*num_keys) char*** keys, _Out_ int64_t* num_keys);
- /// @}
- /// \name OrtSessionOptions
- /// @{
- /**
- *
- * Override symbolic dimensions (by specific name strings) with actual values
- * if known at session initialization time to enable optimizations that can
- * take advantage of fixed values (such as memory planning, etc)
- *
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(AddFreeDimensionOverrideByName,
- _Inout_ OrtSessionOptions* options, _In_ const char* dim_name,
- _In_ int64_t dim_value);
- /// @}
- /// \name Misc
- /// @{
- /** \brief Get the names of all available providers
- *
- * \note The providers in the list are not guaranteed to be usable. They may fail to load due to missing system dependencies.
- * For example, if the CUDA/cuDNN libraries are not installed, the CUDA provider will report an error when it is added to the session options.
- *
- * \param[out] out_ptr Set to a pointer to an array of null terminated strings of the available providers. The entries and the
- * array itself must be freed using OrtApi::ReleaseAvailableProviders
- * \param[out] provider_length Set to the number of entries in the `out_ptr` array
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(GetAvailableProviders, _Outptr_ char*** out_ptr, _Out_ int* provider_length);
- /** \brief Release data from OrtApi::GetAvailableProviders
- *
- * \param[in] ptr The `out_ptr` result from OrtApi::GetAvailableProviders.
- * \param[in] providers_length The `provider_length` result from OrtApi::GetAvailableProviders
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(ReleaseAvailableProviders, _In_ char** ptr,
- _In_ int providers_length);
- /// @}
- /// \name OrtValue
- /// @{
- /** \brief Get the length of a single string in a string tensor
- *
- * \param[in] value A string tensor
- * \param[in] index Index of the string in the tensor
- * \param[out] out Set to number of bytes of the string element
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(GetStringTensorElementLength, _In_ const OrtValue* value, size_t index, _Out_ size_t* out);
- /** \brief Get a single string from a string tensor
- *
- * \param[in] value A string tensor
- * \param[in] s_len Number of bytes in the `s` buffer. Must match the value returned by OrtApi::GetStringTensorElementLength.
- * \param[in] index Index of the string in the tensor
- * \param[out] s The string element contents in UTF-8 encoding. The string is NOT null-terminated.
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(GetStringTensorElement, _In_ const OrtValue* value, size_t s_len, size_t index, _Out_writes_bytes_all_(s_len) void* s);
- /** \brief Set a single string in a string tensor
- *
- * \param[in] value A string tensor
- * \param[in] s A null terminated UTF-8 encoded string
- * \param[in] index Index of the string in the tensor to set
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(FillStringTensorElement, _Inout_ OrtValue* value, _In_ const char* s, size_t index);
- /// @}
- /// \name OrtSessionOptions
- /// @{
- /** \brief Set a session configuration entry as a pair of strings
- *
- * If a configuration with same key exists, this will overwrite the configuration with the given config_value.
- *
- * The config_key and the format of config_value are defined in onnxruntime_session_options_config_keys.h
- *
- * \param[in] options
- * \param[in] config_key A null terminated string representation of the config key
- * \param[in] config_value A null terminated string representation of the config value
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(AddSessionConfigEntry, _Inout_ OrtSessionOptions* options,
- _In_z_ const char* config_key, _In_z_ const char* config_value);
- /// @}
- /// \name OrtAllocator
- /// @{
- /** \brief Create an allocator for an ::OrtSession following an ::OrtMemoryInfo
- *
- * \param[in] session
- * \param[in] mem_info valid ::OrtMemoryInfo instance
- * \param[out] out Newly created ::OrtAllocator. Must be freed with OrtApi::ReleaseAllocator
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(CreateAllocator, _In_ const OrtSession* session, _In_ const OrtMemoryInfo* mem_info,
- _Outptr_ OrtAllocator** out);
- /** \brief Release an ::OrtAllocator obtained from OrtApi::CreateAllocator
- */
- /// @}
- /// \name OrtSession
- /// @{
- /** \brief Run a model using Io Bindings for the inputs & outputs
- *
- * \see OrtApi::Run
- *
- * \param[in] session
- * \param[in] run_options
- * \param[in] binding_ptr
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(RunWithBinding, _Inout_ OrtSession* session, _In_ const OrtRunOptions* run_options, _In_ const OrtIoBinding* binding_ptr);
- /** \brief Create an ::OrtIoBinding instance
- *
- * An IoBinding object allows one to bind pre-allocated ::OrtValue%s to input names.
- * Thus if you want to use a raw on device buffer as input or output you can avoid
- * extra copy during runtime.
- *
- * \param[in] session
- * \param[out] out Newly created ::OrtIoBinding. Must be freed with OrtApi::ReleaseIoBinding
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(CreateIoBinding, _Inout_ OrtSession* session, _Outptr_ OrtIoBinding** out);
- /// @}
- /// \name OrtIoBinding
- /// @{
- /** \brief Release an ::OrtIoBinding obtained from OrtApi::CreateIoBinding
- */
- /** \brief Bind an ::OrtValue to an ::OrtIoBinding input
- *
- * When using OrtApi::RunWithBinding this value is used for the named input
- *
- * \param[in] binding_ptr
- * \param[in] name Name for the model input
- * \param[in] val_ptr ::OrtValue of Tensor type.
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(BindInput, _Inout_ OrtIoBinding* binding_ptr, _In_ const char* name, _In_ const OrtValue* val_ptr);
- /** \brief Bind an ::OrtValue to an ::OrtIoBinding output
- *
- * When using OrtApi::RunWithBinding this value is used for the named output
- *
- * \param[in] binding_ptr
- * \param[in] name Null terminated string of the model output name
- * \param[in] val_ptr ::OrtValue of Tensor type.
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(BindOutput, _Inout_ OrtIoBinding* binding_ptr, _In_ const char* name, _In_ const OrtValue* val_ptr);
- /** \brief Bind an ::OrtIoBinding output to a device
- *
- * Binds the ::OrtValue to a device which is specified by ::OrtMemoryInfo.
- * You can either create an instance of ::OrtMemoryInfo with a device id or obtain one from the allocator that you have created/are using
- * This is useful when one or more outputs have dynamic shapes and, it is hard to pre-allocate and bind a chunk of
- * memory within ::OrtValue ahead of time.
- *
- * \see OrtApi::RunWithBinding
- *
- * \param[in] binding_ptr
- * \param[in] name Null terminated string of the device name
- * \param[in] mem_info_ptr
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(BindOutputToDevice, _Inout_ OrtIoBinding* binding_ptr, _In_ const char* name, _In_ const OrtMemoryInfo* mem_info_ptr);
- /** \brief Get the names of an ::OrtIoBinding's outputs
- *
- * Returns the names of the outputs in the order they were bound. This is useful after running the model
- * with bound outputs because the returned names are in order in which output ::OrtValue are returned. This is useful if
- * the order of outputs and their names is not known.
- *
- * \param[in] binding_ptr
- * \param[in] allocator Allocator used to allocate continuous buffers for output strings and lengths.
- * \param[out] buffer Returns an array of non-null terminated UTF-8 strings. The number of strings stored is returned in the count parameter.
- * This buffer is allocated using `allocator` and must be freed using it.
- * \param[out] lengths Returns an array of `count` lengths of the strings returned in `buffer`
- * This buffer is allocated using `allocator` and must be freed using it.
- * \param[out] count Number of strings returned. If `binding_ptr` has no bound outputs, zero is returned,
- * no memory allocation is performed and buffer and lengths are set to nullptr.
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(GetBoundOutputNames, _In_ const OrtIoBinding* binding_ptr, _In_ OrtAllocator* allocator,
- _Out_ char** buffer, _Out_writes_all_(count) size_t** lengths, _Out_ size_t* count);
- /** \brief Get the output ::OrtValue objects from an ::OrtIoBinding
- *
- * Returns an array of pointers to individually allocated ::OrtValue%s that contain results of a model execution with OrtApi::RunWithBinding
- * The array contains the same number of ::OrtValue%s and they are in the same order as they were bound with OrtApi::BindOutput
- * or OrtApi::BindOutputToDevice.
- *
- * The returned ::OrtValue%s must be released using OrtApi::ReleaseValue after they are no longer needed.
- * The array is allocated using the specified instance of the allocator and must be freed using the same allocator after
- * all the ::OrtValue%s contained therein are individually released.
- *
- * \param[in] binding_ptr
- * \param[in] allocator Allocator used to allocate output array
- * \param[out] output Set to the allocated array of allocated ::OrtValue outputs. Set to nullptr if there are 0 outputs.
- * \param[out] output_count Set to number of ::OrtValue%s returned
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(GetBoundOutputValues, _In_ const OrtIoBinding* binding_ptr, _In_ OrtAllocator* allocator,
- _Out_writes_all_(output_count) OrtValue*** output, _Out_ size_t* output_count);
- /** \brief Clears any previously set Inputs for an ::OrtIoBinding
- */
- void(ORT_API_CALL* ClearBoundInputs)(_Inout_ OrtIoBinding* binding_ptr) NO_EXCEPTION ORT_ALL_ARGS_NONNULL;
- /** \brief Clears any previously set Outputs for an ::OrtIoBinding
- */
- void(ORT_API_CALL* ClearBoundOutputs)(_Inout_ OrtIoBinding* binding_ptr) NO_EXCEPTION ORT_ALL_ARGS_NONNULL;
- /// @}
- /// \name OrtValue
- /// @{
- /** \brief Direct memory access to a specified tensor element
- *
- * For example, given a tensor with shape of [3,224,224], a pointer to the element at location [2,150,128] can be retrieved
- *
- * This function only works for numeric type tensors (No strings, etc).
- * This is a no-copy method whose returned pointer is valid until the passed in ::OrtValue is free'd.
- *
- * \param[in] value
- * \param[in] location_values Pointer to an array of index values that specify an element's location relative to its shape
- * \param[in] location_values_count Number of elements in location_values. Must match the number of elements in the tensor's shape.
- * \param[out] out Set to a pointer to the element specified
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(TensorAt, _Inout_ OrtValue* value, const int64_t* location_values, size_t location_values_count, _Outptr_ void** out);
- /// @}
- /// \name OrtEnv
- /// @{
- /** \brief Create an allocator and register it with the ::OrtEnv
- *
- * Enables sharing the allocator between multiple sessions that use the same env instance.
- * Lifetime of the created allocator will be valid for the duration of the environment.
- * Returns an error if an allocator with the same ::OrtMemoryInfo is already registered.
- *
- * See https://onnxruntime.ai/docs/reference/api/c-api.html for details.
- *
- * \param[in] env ::OrtEnv instance
- * \param[in] mem_info
- * \param[in] arena_cfg Pass nullptr for defaults
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(CreateAndRegisterAllocator, _Inout_ OrtEnv* env, _In_ const OrtMemoryInfo* mem_info,
- _In_ const OrtArenaCfg* arena_cfg);
- /** \brief Set language projection
- *
- * Set the language projection for collecting telemetry data when Env is created.
- *
- * The default is ORT_PROJECTION_C, which means it will classify the language not in the list to C also.
- *
- * \param[in] ort_env
- * \param[in] projection
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(SetLanguageProjection, _In_ const OrtEnv* ort_env, _In_ OrtLanguageProjection projection);
- /// @}
- /// \name OrtSession
- /// @{
- /** \brief Return the time that profiling was started
- *
- * \note The timer precision varies per platform. On Windows and MacOS, the precision will be ~100ns
- *
- * \param[in] session
- * \param[out] out nanoseconds of profiling's start time
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(SessionGetProfilingStartTimeNs, _In_ const OrtSession* session, _Outptr_ uint64_t* out);
- /// @}
- /// \name OrtThreadingOptions
- /// @{
- /** \brief Set global intra-op thread count
- *
- * This configures the global thread pool options to be used in the call to OrtApi::CreateEnvWithGlobalThreadPools
- *
- * \param[in] tp_options
- * \param[in] intra_op_num_threads Number of threads, special values:
- * 0 = Use default thread count
- * 1 = The invoking thread will be used; no threads will be created in the thread pool.
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(SetGlobalIntraOpNumThreads, _Inout_ OrtThreadingOptions* tp_options, int intra_op_num_threads);
- /** \brief Set global inter-op thread count
- *
- * This configures the global thread pool options to be used in the call to OrtApi::CreateEnvWithGlobalThreadPools
- *
- * \param[in] tp_options
- * \param[in] inter_op_num_threads Number of threads, special values:
- * 0 = Use default thread count
- * 1 = The invoking thread will be used; no threads will be created in the thread pool.
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(SetGlobalInterOpNumThreads, _Inout_ OrtThreadingOptions* tp_options, int inter_op_num_threads);
- /** \brief Set global spin control options
- *
- * This will configure the global thread pool options to be used in the call to OrtApi::CreateEnvWithGlobalThreadPools.
- * Allow spinning of thread pools when their queues are empty. This will set the value for both
- * inter_op and intra_op threadpools.
- *
- * \param[in] tp_options
- * \param[in] allow_spinning Valid values are 0 or 1.
- * 0 = It won't spin (recommended if CPU usage is high)
- * 1 = Threadpool will spin to wait for queue to become non-empty
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(SetGlobalSpinControl, _Inout_ OrtThreadingOptions* tp_options, int allow_spinning);
- /// @}
- /// \name OrtSessionOptions
- /// @{
- /** \brief Add a pre-allocated initializer to a session
- *
- * If a model contains an initializer with a name that is same as the name passed to this call,
- * ORT will use this initializer instance instead of deserializing one from the model file. This
- * is useful when you want to share the same initializer across sessions.
- *
- * \param[in] options
- * \param[in] name Null terminated string of the initializer name
- * \param[in] val ::OrtValue containing the initializer. Its lifetime and the underlying initializer buffer must be
- * managed by the user (created using the OrtApi::CreateTensorWithDataAsOrtValue) and it must outlive the session object
- * to which it is added.
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(AddInitializer, _Inout_ OrtSessionOptions* options, _In_z_ const char* name,
- _In_ const OrtValue* val);
- /// @}
- /// \name OrtEnv
- /// @{
- /**
- * Create a custom environment with global threadpools and logger that will be shared across sessions.
- * Use this in conjunction with OrtApi::DisablePerSessionThreads or else the session will use
- * its own thread pools.
- *
- * \param[in] logging_function A pointer to a logging function.
- * \param[in] logger_param A pointer to arbitrary data passed as the ::OrtLoggingFunction `param` parameter to
- * `logging_function`.
- * \param[in] log_severity_level The log severity level.
- * \param[in] logid The log identifier.
- * \param[in] tp_options
- * \param[out] out Newly created OrtEnv. Must be freed with OrtApi::ReleaseEnv
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(CreateEnvWithCustomLoggerAndGlobalThreadPools, OrtLoggingFunction logging_function, _In_opt_ void* logger_param, OrtLoggingLevel log_severity_level,
- _In_ const char* logid, _In_ const struct OrtThreadingOptions* tp_options, _Outptr_ OrtEnv** out);
- /// @}
- /// \name OrtSessionOptions
- /// @{
- /** \brief Append CUDA provider to session options
- *
- * If CUDA is not available (due to a non CUDA enabled build, or if CUDA is not installed on the system), this function will return failure.
- *
- * \param[in] options
- * \param[in] cuda_options
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(SessionOptionsAppendExecutionProvider_CUDA,
- _In_ OrtSessionOptions* options, _In_ const OrtCUDAProviderOptions* cuda_options);
- /** \brief Append ROCM execution provider to the session options
- *
- * If ROCM is not available (due to a non ROCM enabled build, or if ROCM is not installed on the system), this function will return failure.
- *
- * \param[in] options
- * \param[in] rocm_options
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(SessionOptionsAppendExecutionProvider_ROCM,
- _In_ OrtSessionOptions* options, _In_ const OrtROCMProviderOptions* rocm_options);
- /** \brief Append OpenVINO execution provider to the session options
- *
- * If OpenVINO is not available (due to a non OpenVINO enabled build, or if OpenVINO is not installed on the system), this function will fail.
- *
- * \param[in] options
- * \param[in] provider_options
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(SessionOptionsAppendExecutionProvider_OpenVINO,
- _In_ OrtSessionOptions* options, _In_ const OrtOpenVINOProviderOptions* provider_options);
- /// @}
- /// \name OrtThreadingOptions
- /// @{
- /** \brief Set threading flush-to-zero and denormal-as-zero
- *
- * Sets global thread pool options to be used in the call to OrtApi::CreateEnvWithGlobalThreadPools.
- * Flush-to-zero and denormal-as-zero are applied to threads in both intra and inter global thread pool.
- * \note This option is not needed if the models used have no denormals. Having no denormals is recommended as this option may hurt model accuracy.
- *
- * \param[in] tp_options
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(SetGlobalDenormalAsZero, _Inout_ OrtThreadingOptions* tp_options);
- /// @}
- /// \name OrtArenaCfg
- /// @{
- /** \deprecated Use OrtApi::CreateArenaCfgV2
- *
- * This will create the configuration of an arena that can eventually be used to define an arena based allocator's behavior
- *
- * \param[in] max_mem Use 0 to allow ORT to choose the default
- * \param[in] arena_extend_strategy Use -1 to allow ORT to choose the default, 0 = kNextPowerOfTwo, 1 = kSameAsRequested
- * \param[in] initial_chunk_size_bytes Use -1 to allow ORT to choose the default
- * \param[in] max_dead_bytes_per_chunk Use -1 to allow ORT to choose the default
- * \param[in] out A pointer to an OrtArenaCfg instance
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(CreateArenaCfg, _In_ size_t max_mem, int arena_extend_strategy, int initial_chunk_size_bytes,
- int max_dead_bytes_per_chunk, _Outptr_ OrtArenaCfg** out);
- /// @}
- /// \name OrtModelMetadata
- /// @{
- /**
- * Use this to obtain the description of the graph present in the model
- * (doc_string field of the GraphProto message within the ModelProto message).
- * If it doesn't exist, an empty string will be returned.
- *
- * \param[in] model_metadata An instance of ::OrtModelMetadata
- * \param[in] allocator Allocator used to allocate the string that will be returned back
- * \param[out] value Set to a null terminated string allocated using `allocator`. The caller is responsible for freeing it using `allocator`
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(ModelMetadataGetGraphDescription, _In_ const OrtModelMetadata* model_metadata,
- _Inout_ OrtAllocator* allocator, _Outptr_ char** value);
- /// @}
- /// \name OrtSessionOptions
- /// @{
- /** \brief Append TensorRT provider to session options
- *
- * If TensorRT is not available (due to a non TensorRT enabled build, or if TensorRT is not installed on the system), this function will return failure.
- *
- * \param[in] options
- * \param[in] tensorrt_options
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(SessionOptionsAppendExecutionProvider_TensorRT,
- _In_ OrtSessionOptions* options, _In_ const OrtTensorRTProviderOptions* tensorrt_options);
- /// @}
- /// \name Misc
- /// @{
- /** \brief Set current GPU device ID
- *
- * Set the current device id of the GPU execution provider (CUDA/tensorrt/rocm). The device id should be less
- * than the total number of devices available. This is only useful when multiple-GPUs are installed and it is
- * required to restrict execution to a single GPU.
- *
- * \param[in] device_id
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(SetCurrentGpuDeviceId, _In_ int device_id);
- /** \brief Get current GPU device ID
- *
- * Get the current device id of the GPU execution provider (CUDA/tensorrt/rocm).
- *
- * \see OrtApi::SetCurrentGpuDeviceId
- *
- * \param[out] device_id
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(GetCurrentGpuDeviceId, _In_ int* device_id);
- /// @}
- /// \name OrtKernelInfo
- /// @{
- /** \brief Fetch an array of int64_t values stored as an attribute in the graph node
- *
- *
- * If `out` is nullptr, the value of `size` is set to the true size of the attribute
- * array's size, and a success status is returned.
- *
- * If the `size` parameter is greater than or equal to the actual attribute array's size,
- * the value of `size` is set to the true size of the attribute array's size,
- * the provided memory is filled with the attribute's contents,
- * and a success status is returned.
- *
- * If the `size` parameter is less than the actual attribute array's size and `out`
- * is not nullptr, the value of `size` is set to the true size of the attribute array's size
- * and a failure status is returned.)
- *
- * \param[in] info instance
- * \param[in] name name of the attribute to be parsed
- * \param[out] out pointer to memory where the attribute's contents are to be stored
- * \param[in, out] size actual size of attribute array
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(KernelInfoGetAttributeArray_float, _In_ const OrtKernelInfo* info, _In_ const char* name,
- _Out_ float* out, _Inout_ size_t* size);
- /** \brief Fetch an array of int64_t values stored as an attribute in the graph node
- *
- * If `out` is nullptr, the value of `size` is set to the true size of the attribute
- * array's size, and a success status is returned.
- *
- * If the `size` parameter is greater than or equal to the actual attribute array's size,
- * the value of `size` is set to the true size of the attribute array's size,
- * the provided memory is filled with the attribute's contents,
- * and a success status is returned.
- *
- * If the `size` parameter is less than the actual attribute array's size and `out`
- * is not nullptr, the value of `size` is set to the true size of the attribute array's size
- * and a failure status is returned.)
- *
- * \param[in] info instance
- * \param[in] name name of the attribute to be parsed
- * \param[out] out pointer to memory where the attribute's contents are to be stored
- * \param[in, out] size actual size of attribute array
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(KernelInfoGetAttributeArray_int64, _In_ const OrtKernelInfo* info, _In_ const char* name,
- _Out_ int64_t* out, _Inout_ size_t* size);
- /// @}
- /// \name OrtArenaCfg
- /// @{
- /** \brief Create an ::OrtArenaCfg
- *
- * Create the configuration of an arena that can eventually be used to define an arena based allocator's behavior.
- *
- * Supported keys are (See https://onnxruntime.ai/docs/reference/api/c-api.html for details on what the
- * following parameters mean and how to choose these values.):
- * "max_mem": Maximum memory that can be allocated by the arena based allocator.
- * Use 0 for ORT to pick the best value. Default is 0.
- * "arena_extend_strategy": 0 = kNextPowerOfTwo, 1 = kSameAsRequested.
- * Use -1 to allow ORT to choose the default.
- * "initial_chunk_size_bytes": (Possible) Size of the first allocation in the arena.
- * Only relevant if arena strategy is `kNextPowerOfTwo`. Use -1 to allow ORT to choose the default.
- * Ultimately, the first allocation size is determined by the allocation memory request.
- * "max_dead_bytes_per_chunk": Threshold of unused memory in an allocated chunk of arena memory after
- * crossing which the current chunk is chunked into 2.
- * "initial_growth_chunk_size_bytes": (Possible) Size of the second allocation in the arena.
- * Only relevant if arena strategy is `kNextPowerOfTwo`. Use -1 to allow ORT to choose the default.
- * Ultimately, the allocation size is determined by the allocation memory request.
- * Further allocation sizes are governed by the arena extend strategy.
- *
- * \param[in] arena_config_keys Keys to configure the arena
- * \param[in] arena_config_values Values to configure the arena
- * \param[in] num_keys Number of keys in `arena_config_keys` and `arena_config_values`
- * \param[out] out Newly created ::OrtArenaCfg. Must be freed with OrtApi::ReleaseArenaCfg
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(CreateArenaCfgV2, _In_reads_(num_keys) const char* const* arena_config_keys,
- _In_reads_(num_keys) const size_t* arena_config_values, _In_ size_t num_keys,
- _Outptr_ OrtArenaCfg** out);
- /// @}
- /// \name OrtRunOptions
- /// @{
- /** \brief Set a single run configuration entry as a pair of strings
- *
- * If a configuration with same key exists, this will overwrite the configuration with the given config_value
- *
- * The config_key and the format of config_value are defined in onnxruntime_run_options_config_keys.h
- *
- * \param[in] options
- * \param[in] config_key A null terminated string representation of the config key
- * \param[in] config_value A null terminated string representation of the config value
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(AddRunConfigEntry, _Inout_ OrtRunOptions* options,
- _In_z_ const char* config_key, _In_z_ const char* config_value);
- /// @}
- /// \name OrtPrepackedWeightsContainer
- /// @{
- /** \brief Create an ::OrtPrepackedWeightsContainer
- *
- * This container will hold pre-packed buffers of shared initializers for sharing between sessions
- * (i.e.) if there are shared initializers that can be shared between sessions, the pre-packed buffers
- * of these (if any) may possibly be shared to provide memory footprint savings. Pass this container
- * to sessions that you would like to share pre-packed buffers of shared initializers at session
- * creation time.
- *
- * \param[out] out Newly created ::OrtPrepackedWeightsContainer. Must be freed with OrtApi::ReleasePrepackedWeightsContainer
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(CreatePrepackedWeightsContainer, _Outptr_ OrtPrepackedWeightsContainer** out);
- /** \brief Release OrtPrepackedWeightsContainer instance
- *
- * \note instance must not be released until the sessions using it are released
- */
- ORT_CLASS_RELEASE(PrepackedWeightsContainer);
- /// @}
- /// \name OrtSession
- /// @{
- /** \brief Create session with prepacked weights container
- *
- * Same functionality offered by OrtApi::CreateSession except that a container that contains
- * pre-packed weights' buffers is written into/read from by the created session.
- * This is useful when used in conjunction with OrtApi::AddInitializer which injects
- * shared initializer info into sessions. Wherever possible, the pre-packed versions of these
- * shared initializers are cached in this container so that multiple sessions can just re-use
- * these instead of duplicating these in memory.
- *
- * \param[in] env OrtEnv instance instance
- * \param[in] model_path Null terminated string of the path (wchar on Windows, char otherwise)
- * \param[in] options
- * \param[in] prepacked_weights_container
- * \param[out] out Newly created ::OrtSession. Must be freed with OrtApi::ReleaseSession
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(CreateSessionWithPrepackedWeightsContainer, _In_ const OrtEnv* env, _In_ const ORTCHAR_T* model_path,
- _In_ const OrtSessionOptions* options, _Inout_ OrtPrepackedWeightsContainer* prepacked_weights_container,
- _Outptr_ OrtSession** out);
- /** \brief Create session from memory with prepacked weights container
- *
- * Same functionality offered by OrtApi::CreateSessionFromArray except that a container that contains
- * pre-packed weights' buffers is written into/read from by the created session.
- * This is useful when used in conjunction with OrtApi::AddInitializer which injects
- * shared initializer info into sessions. Wherever possible, the pre-packed versions of these
- * shared initializers are cached in this container so that multiple sessions can just re-use
- * these instead of duplicating these in memory.
- *
- * \param[in] env
- * \param[in] model_data Array of bytes holding the model
- * \param[in] model_data_length Number of bytes in `model_data_model`
- * \param[in] options
- * \param[in] prepacked_weights_container
- * \param[out] out Newly created ::OrtSession. Must be freed with OrtApi::ReleaseSession
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(CreateSessionFromArrayWithPrepackedWeightsContainer, _In_ const OrtEnv* env,
- _In_ const void* model_data, size_t model_data_length,
- _In_ const OrtSessionOptions* options, _Inout_ OrtPrepackedWeightsContainer* prepacked_weights_container,
- _Outptr_ OrtSession** out);
- /// @}
- /// \name OrtSessionOptions
- /// @{
- /** \brief Append TensorRT execution provider to the session options
- *
- * If TensorRT is not available (due to a non TensorRT enabled build), this function will return failure.
- *
- * This is slightly different from OrtApi::SessionOptionsAppendExecutionProvider_TensorRT, it takes an
- * ::OrtTensorRTProviderOptions which is publicly defined. This takes an opaque ::OrtTensorRTProviderOptionsV2
- * which must be created with OrtApi::CreateTensorRTProviderOptions.
- *
- * For OrtApi::SessionOptionsAppendExecutionProvider_TensorRT, the user needs to instantiate ::OrtTensorRTProviderOptions
- * as well as allocate/release buffers for some members of ::OrtTensorRTProviderOptions.
- * Here, OrtApi::CreateTensorRTProviderOptions and Ortapi::ReleaseTensorRTProviderOptions will do the memory management for you.
- *
- * \param[in] options
- * \param[in] tensorrt_options
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(SessionOptionsAppendExecutionProvider_TensorRT_V2,
- _In_ OrtSessionOptions* options, _In_ const OrtTensorRTProviderOptionsV2* tensorrt_options);
- /// @}
- /// \name OrtTensorRTProviderOptionsV2
- /// @{
- /** \brief Create an OrtTensorRTProviderOptionsV2
- *
- * \param[out] out Newly created ::OrtTensorRTProviderOptionsV2. Must be released with OrtApi::ReleaseTensorRTProviderOptions
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(CreateTensorRTProviderOptions, _Outptr_ OrtTensorRTProviderOptionsV2** out);
- /** \brief Set options in a TensorRT Execution Provider.
- *
- * Please refer to https://www.onnxruntime.ai/docs/reference/execution-providers/TensorRT-ExecutionProvider.html#c-api-example
- * to know the available keys and values. Key should be in null terminated string format of the member of ::OrtTensorRTProviderOptionsV2
- * and value should be its related range.
- *
- * For example, key="trt_max_workspace_size" and value="2147483648"
- *
- * \param[in] tensorrt_options
- * \param[in] provider_options_keys Array of UTF-8 null-terminated string for provider options keys
- * \param[in] provider_options_values Array of UTF-8 null-terminated string for provider options values
- * \param[in] num_keys Number of elements in the `provider_option_keys` and `provider_options_values` arrays
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(UpdateTensorRTProviderOptions, _Inout_ OrtTensorRTProviderOptionsV2* tensorrt_options,
- _In_reads_(num_keys) const char* const* provider_options_keys,
- _In_reads_(num_keys) const char* const* provider_options_values,
- _In_ size_t num_keys);
- /** \brief Get serialized TensorRT provider options string.
- *
- * For example, "trt_max_workspace_size=2147483648;trt_max_partition_iterations=10;trt_int8_enable=1;......"
- *
- * \param tensorrt_options - OrTensorRTProviderOptionsV2 instance
- * \param allocator - a ptr to an instance of OrtAllocator obtained with OrtApi::CreateAllocator or OrtApi::GetAllocatorWithDefaultOptions
- * the specified allocator will be used to allocate continuous buffers for output strings and lengths.
- * \param ptr - is a UTF-8 null terminated string allocated using 'allocator'. The caller is responsible for using the same allocator to free it.
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(GetTensorRTProviderOptionsAsString, _In_ const OrtTensorRTProviderOptionsV2* tensorrt_options, _Inout_ OrtAllocator* allocator, _Outptr_ char** ptr);
- /** \brief Release an ::OrtTensorRTProviderOptionsV2
- *
- * \note This is an exception in the naming convention of other Release* functions, as the name of the method does not have the V2 suffix, but the type does
- */
- void(ORT_API_CALL* ReleaseTensorRTProviderOptions)(_Frees_ptr_opt_ OrtTensorRTProviderOptionsV2* input);
- /// @}
- /// \name OrtSessionOptions
- /// @{
- /** \brief Enable custom operators
- *
- * See onnxruntime-extensions: https://github.com/microsoft/onnxruntime-extensions.git
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(EnableOrtCustomOps, _Inout_ OrtSessionOptions* options);
- /// @}
- /// \name OrtAllocator
- /// @{
- /** \brief Register a custom allocator
- *
- * Enables sharing between multiple sessions that use the same env instance.
- * Returns an error if an allocator with the same ::OrtMemoryInfo is already registered.
- *
- * The behavior of this is exactly the same as OrtApi::CreateAndRegisterAllocator except
- * instead of ORT creating an allocator based on provided info, in this case
- * ORT uses the user-provided custom allocator.
- * See https://onnxruntime.ai/docs/reference/api/c-api.html for details.
- *
- * \param[in] env
- * \param[in] allocator User provided allocator
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(RegisterAllocator, _Inout_ OrtEnv* env, _In_ OrtAllocator* allocator);
- /** \brief Unregister a custom allocator
- *
- * It is an error if you provide an ::OrtMemoryInfo not corresponding to any
- * registered allocators for sharing.
- *
- * \param[in] env
- * \param[in] mem_info
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(UnregisterAllocator, _Inout_ OrtEnv* env,
- _In_ const OrtMemoryInfo* mem_info);
- /// @}
- /// \name OrtValue
- /// @{
- /** \brief Sets *out to 1 iff an ::OrtValue is a SparseTensor, and 0 otherwise
- *
- * \param[in] value existing ::OrtValue
- * \param[out] out unless an error occurs, contains 1 iff the value contains an instance
- * of sparse tensor or 0 otherwise.
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(IsSparseTensor, _In_ const OrtValue* value, _Out_ int* out);
- /** \brief Create an ::OrtValue with a sparse tensor that is empty.
- *
- * Use FillSparseTensor() functions to populate sparse tensor with non-zero values and
- * format specific indices data.
- * Use ReleaseValue to destroy the sparse tensor, this will also release the buffer inside the output value
- * if any was allocated.
- * \param[in,out] allocator allocator to use when performing an allocation. Allocation will be performed
- * by FillSparseTensor() APIs. The lifespan of the allocator instance must eclipse the lifespan
- * this sparse tensor instance as the same allocator will be used to free memory.
- * \param[in] dense_shape shape of the original dense tensor
- * \param[in] dense_shape_len number of shape dimensions being passed
- * \param[in] type must be one of TENSOR_ELEMENT_DATA_TYPE_xxxx
- * \param[out] out Should be freed by calling ReleaseValue
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(CreateSparseTensorAsOrtValue, _Inout_ OrtAllocator* allocator, _In_ const int64_t* dense_shape,
- size_t dense_shape_len, ONNXTensorElementDataType type, _Outptr_ OrtValue** out);
- /**
- * This fills populates an empty tensor that was created using OrtApi::CreateSparseTensorAsOrtValue.
- * This will allocate required memory and copy the supplied NNZ values and COO indices into that memory allocation.
- * Memory allocation is performed using the allocator that was specified with OrtApi::CreateSparseTensorAsOrtValue.
- *
- * \param[in,out] ort_value ::OrtValue to populate with data
- * \param[in] data_mem_info serves to identify the location of the data to be copied. If the allocator specified
- * at the creation time has memory info that is not the same as mem_info argument to this function a X-device copy will be performed.
- * String data is assumed to be on CPU and will only be copied into a CPU allocated buffer.
- * \param[in] values_shape pointer to values shape array
- * \param[in] values_shape_len length of the values_shape
- * \param[in] values pointer to an array of values. For strings, pass const char**.
- * \param[in] indices_data pointer to a location of COO indices
- * \param[in] indices_num number of COO indices
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(FillSparseTensorCoo, _Inout_ OrtValue* ort_value, _In_ const OrtMemoryInfo* data_mem_info,
- _In_ const int64_t* values_shape, size_t values_shape_len, _In_ const void* values,
- _In_ const int64_t* indices_data, size_t indices_num);
- /**
- * This fills populates an empty tensor that was created using OrtApi::CreateSparseTensorAsOrtValue.
- * This will allocate required memory and copy the supplied NNZ values and CSR indices into that memory allocation.
- * Memory allocation is performed using the allocator that was specified with OrtApi::CreateSparseTensorAsOrtValue.
- *
- * \param[in,out] ort_value ::OrtValue to populate with data
- * \param[in] data_mem_info serves to identify the location of the data to be copied. If the allocator specified
- * at the creation time has memory info that is not the same as mem_info argument to this function a X-device copy will be performed.
- * String data is assumed to be on CPU and will only be copied into a CPU allocated buffer.
- * \param[in] values_shape pointer to values shape array
- * \param[in] values_shape_len length of the values_shape
- * \param[in] values - pointer to an array of values. For strings, pass const char**.
- * \param[in] inner_indices_data pointer to a location of CSR inner indices
- * \param[in] inner_indices_num number of CSR inner indices
- * \param[in] outer_indices_data pointer to a location of CSR outer indices
- * \param[in] outer_indices_num number of CSR outer indices
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(FillSparseTensorCsr, _Inout_ OrtValue* ort_value, _In_ const OrtMemoryInfo* data_mem_info,
- _In_ const int64_t* values_shape, size_t values_shape_len, _In_ const void* values,
- _In_ const int64_t* inner_indices_data, size_t inner_indices_num,
- _In_ const int64_t* outer_indices_data, size_t outer_indices_num);
- /**
- * This fills populates an empty tensor that was created using OrtApi::CreateSparseTensorAsOrtValue.
- * This will allocate required memory and copy the supplied NNZ values and BlockSparse indices into that memory allocation.
- * Memory allocation is performed using the allocator that was specified with OrtApi::CreateSparseTensorAsOrtValue.
- *
- * \param[in,out] ort_value ::OrtValue to populate with data
- * \param[in] data_mem_info serves to identify the location of the data to be copied. If the allocator specified
- * at the creation time has memory info that is not the same as mem_info argument to this function a X-device copy will be performed.
- * String data is assumed to be on CPU and will only be copied into a CPU allocated buffer.
- * \param[in] values_shape
- * \param[in] values_shape_len
- * \param[in] values structure with values information
- * \param[in] indices_shape_data pointer to a location of indices shape
- * \param[in] indices_shape_len length of the block sparse indices shape
- * \param[in] indices_data pointer to a location of indices data. Shape will determine the length of the indices data.
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(FillSparseTensorBlockSparse, _Inout_ OrtValue* ort_value, _In_ const OrtMemoryInfo* data_mem_info,
- _In_ const int64_t* values_shape, size_t values_shape_len, _In_ const void* values,
- _In_ const int64_t* indices_shape_data, size_t indices_shape_len,
- _In_ const int32_t* indices_data);
- /**
- * Create an ::OrtValue with a sparse tensor. This is the first step.
- * Next, use UseIndices() functions to supply sparse tensor with
- * format specific indices data and set its sparse format to a specific enum value.
- * This will not perform memory allocations. It will
- * use supplied user buffer which should outlive the created sparse tensor.
- * Use OrtApi::ReleaseValue to destroy the sparse tensor. It would not release the supplied values buffer.
- * This function can not be used to map strings from the user allocated memory. Strings must always be copied
- * and have UTF-8 encoding. Therefore, use OrtApi::CreateSparseTensorAsOrtValue above and then fill it with data
- * using appropriate Make*() function.
- *
- * \param[in] info memory info where sparse values reside.
- * \param[in,out] p_data pointer to a user allocated buffer with values. To create a full sparse tensor with no non-zero
- * values, pass nullptr
- * \param[in] dense_shape shape of the original dense tensor
- * \param[in] dense_shape_len number of shape dimensions being passed
- * \param[in] values_shape shape of the values data. To create a fully sparse tensor with no non-zero values,
- * pass {0} shape.
- * \param[in] values_shape_len number of values shape dimensions
- * \param[in] type must be one of TENSOR_ELEMENT_DATA_TYPE_xxxx
- * \param[out] out Should be freed by calling ReleaseValue
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(CreateSparseTensorWithValuesAsOrtValue, _In_ const OrtMemoryInfo* info, _Inout_ void* p_data,
- _In_ const int64_t* dense_shape, size_t dense_shape_len,
- _In_ const int64_t* values_shape, size_t values_shape_len,
- ONNXTensorElementDataType type, _Outptr_ OrtValue** out);
- /**
- * This assigns Coo format indices to the SparseTensor that was created by
- * OrtApi::CreateSparseTensorWithValuesAsOrtValue above. It also sets OrtSparseFormat to
- * ORT_SPARSE_COO. This will not allocate any additional memory for data. The life span of
- * indices_data buffer should eclipse the life span of this ::OrtValue.
- *
- * \param[in,out] ort_value ::OrtValue instance constructed with OrtApi::CreateSparseTensorWithValuesAsOrtValue
- * \param[in,out] indices_data pointer to a user pre-allocated buffer or nullptr for fully sparse tensors.
- * \param[in] indices_num number of COO indices. Should either be 0 for fully sparse tensors, be equal
- * to the number of nnz values specified to OrtApi::CreateSparseTensorWithValuesAsOrtValue for 1-D {nnz} indices or
- * be twice as number of nnz values for a 2-D indices {nnz, 2}
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(UseCooIndices, _Inout_ OrtValue* ort_value, _Inout_ int64_t* indices_data, size_t indices_num);
- /**
- * The assigns CSR format indices to the SparseTensor that was created by
- * OrtApi::CreateSparseTensorWithValuesAsOrtValue above. It also sets OrtSparseFormat to
- * ORT_SPARSE_CSRC. This will not allocate any additional memory for data. The life spans of
- * inner_data and outer_data buffers should eclipse the life span of this ::OrtValue.
- *
- * \param[in,out] ort_value ::OrtValue instance constructed with OrtApi::CreateSparseTensorWithValuesAsOrtValue
- * \param[in,out] inner_data pointer to a user pre-allocated buffer or nullptr for fully sparse tensors.
- * \param[in] inner_num number of inner CSR indices. Should either be 0 for fully sparse tensors or be equal
- * to the number of nnz values specified to OrtApi::CreateSparseTensorWithValuesAsOrtValue.
- * \param[in,out] outer_data pointer to user pre-allocated buffer or nullptr for fully sparse tensors.
- * \param[in] outer_num number of CSR outer indices. Should either be 0 for fully sparse tensors or
- * equal to rows + 1 of the dense shape.
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(UseCsrIndices, _Inout_ OrtValue* ort_value, _Inout_ int64_t* inner_data, size_t inner_num,
- _Inout_ int64_t* outer_data, size_t outer_num);
- /**
- * The assigns BlockSparse format indices to the SparseTensor that was created by
- * OrtApi::CreateSparseTensorWithValuesAsOrtValue above. It also sets OrtSparseFormat to
- * ORT_SPARSE_BLOCK_SPARSE. This will not allocate any additional memory for data. The life span of
- * indices_data buffer must eclipse the lifespan of this ::OrtValue.
- *
- * \param[in,out] ort_value OrtValue instance constructed with OrtApi::CreateSparseTensorWithValuesAsOrtValue
- * \param[in] indices_shape pointer to indices shape. Use {0} for fully sparse tensors
- * \param[in] indices_shape_len length of the indices shape
- * \param[in,out] indices_data pointer to user pre-allocated buffer or nullptr for fully sparse tensors.
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(UseBlockSparseIndices, _Inout_ OrtValue* ort_value, const int64_t* indices_shape, size_t indices_shape_len, _Inout_ int32_t* indices_data);
- /** \brief Returns sparse tensor format enum iff a given ort value contains an instance of sparse tensor.
- *
- * \param[in] ort_value ::OrtValue that contains an instance of sparse tensor
- * \param[out] out pointer to out parameter
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(GetSparseTensorFormat, _In_ const OrtValue* ort_value, _Out_ enum OrtSparseFormat* out);
- /** \brief Returns data type and shape of sparse tensor values (nnz) iff ::OrtValue contains a SparseTensor.
- *
- * \param[in] ort_value An ::OrtValue that contains a fully constructed sparse tensor
- * \param[out] out Must be freed by OrtApi::ReleaseTensorTypeAndShapeInfo
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(GetSparseTensorValuesTypeAndShape, _In_ const OrtValue* ort_value, _Outptr_ OrtTensorTypeAndShapeInfo** out);
- /** \brief Returns numeric data for sparse tensor values (nnz). For string values use GetStringTensor*().
- *
- * \param[in] ort_value an instance of ::OrtValue containing sparse tensor
- * \param[out] out returns a pointer to values data. Do not attempt to free this ptr.
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(GetSparseTensorValues, _In_ const OrtValue* ort_value, _Outptr_ const void** out);
- /** \brief Returns data type, shape for the type of indices specified by indices_format.
- *
- * \param[in] ort_value ::OrtValue containing sparse tensor.
- * \param[in] indices_format One of the indices formats. It is an error to request a format that the sparse
- * tensor does not contain.
- * \param[out] out an instance of ::OrtTensorTypeAndShapeInfo. Must be freed by OrtApi::ReleaseTensorTypeAndShapeInfo
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(GetSparseTensorIndicesTypeShape, _In_ const OrtValue* ort_value, enum OrtSparseIndicesFormat indices_format, _Outptr_ OrtTensorTypeAndShapeInfo** out);
- /** \brief Returns indices data for the type of the indices specified by indices_format
- *
- * \param[in] ort_value ::OrtValue containing sparse tensor.
- * \param[in] indices_format One of the indices formats. It is an error to request a format that the sparse tensor does not contain.
- * \param[out] num_indices Pointer to where the number of indices entries is returned
- * \param[out] indices Returned pointer to the indices data. Do not free the returned pointer as it refers to internal data owned by the ::OrtValue
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(GetSparseTensorIndices, _In_ const OrtValue* ort_value, enum OrtSparseIndicesFormat indices_format, _Out_ size_t* num_indices, _Outptr_ const void** indices);
- /// @}
- /// \name OrtSessionOptions
- /// @{
- /**
- * \brief Sets out to 1 iff an optional type OrtValue has an element, 0 otherwise (OrtValue is None)
- * Use this API to find if the optional type OrtValue is None or not.
- * If the optional type OrtValue is not None, use the OrtValue just like any other OrtValue.
- * For example, if you get an OrtValue that corresponds to Optional(tensor) and
- * if HasValue() returns true, use it as tensor and so on.
- * \param[in] value Input OrtValue.
- * \param[out] out indicating if the input OrtValue contains data (1) or if it is a None (0)
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(HasValue, _In_ const OrtValue* value, _Out_ int* out);
- /// @}
- /// \name OrtKernelContext
- /// @{
- /** \brief Used for custom operators, gets the GPU compute stream to use to launch the custom a GPU kernel
- * \see ::OrtCustomOp
- * \param[in] context OrtKernelContext instance
- * \param[out] out Returns pointer to a GPU compute stream that can be used to launch the custom GPU kernel.
- * If retrieving the GPU compute stream is not relevant (GPU not enabled in the build, kernel partitioned to
- * some other EP), then a nullptr is returned as the output param.
- * Do not free or mutate the returned pointer as it refers to internal data owned by the underlying session.
- * Only use it for custom kernel launching.
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(KernelContext_GetGPUComputeStream, _In_ const OrtKernelContext* context, _Outptr_ void** out);
- /// @}
- /// \name GetTensorMemoryInfo
- /// @{
- /** \brief Returns a pointer to the ::OrtMemoryInfo of a Tensor
- * \param[in] value ::OrtValue containing tensor.
- * \param[out] mem_info ::OrtMemoryInfo of the tensor. Do NOT free the returned pointer. It is valid for the lifetime of the ::OrtValue
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(GetTensorMemoryInfo, _In_ const OrtValue* value, _Out_ const OrtMemoryInfo** mem_info);
- /// @}
- /// \name GetExecutionProviderApi
- /// @{
- /** \brief Get a pointer to the requested version of the Execution Provider specific
- * API extensions to the OrtApi
- * \param[in] provider_name The name of the execution provider name. Currently only the following
- * values are supported: "DML".
- * \param[in] version Must be ::ORT_API_VERSION.
- * \param[out] provider_api A void pointer containing a reference to the execution provider versioned api structure.
- * For example, the provider_api pointer can be cast to the OrtDmlApi* when the provider_name is "DML".
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(GetExecutionProviderApi, _In_ const char* provider_name, _In_ uint32_t version, _Outptr_ const void** provider_api);
- /// @}
- /// \name SessionOptions
- /// @{
- /** \brief Set custom thread creation function
- *
- * \param[in] options Session options
- * \param[in] ort_custom_create_thread_fn Custom thread creation function
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(SessionOptionsSetCustomCreateThreadFn, _Inout_ OrtSessionOptions* options, _In_ OrtCustomCreateThreadFn ort_custom_create_thread_fn);
- /** \brief Set creation options for custom thread
- *
- * \param[in] options Session options
- * \param[in] ort_custom_thread_creation_options Custom thread creation options (can be nullptr)
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(SessionOptionsSetCustomThreadCreationOptions, _Inout_ OrtSessionOptions* options, _In_ void* ort_custom_thread_creation_options);
- /** \brief Set custom thread join function
- *
- * \param[in] options Session options
- * \param[in] ort_custom_join_thread_fn Custom join thread function, must not be nullptr when ort_custom_create_thread_fn is set
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(SessionOptionsSetCustomJoinThreadFn, _Inout_ OrtSessionOptions* options, _In_ OrtCustomJoinThreadFn ort_custom_join_thread_fn);
- /// @}
- /// \name OrtThreadingOptions
- /// @{
- /** \brief Set custom thread creation function for global thread pools
- *
- * \param[inout] tp_options
- * \param[in] ort_custom_create_thread_fn Custom thread creation function
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(SetGlobalCustomCreateThreadFn, _Inout_ OrtThreadingOptions* tp_options, _In_ OrtCustomCreateThreadFn ort_custom_create_thread_fn);
- /** \brief Set custom thread creation options for global thread pools
- *
- * \param[inout] tp_options
- * \param[in] ort_custom_thread_creation_options Custom thread creation options (can be nullptr)
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(SetGlobalCustomThreadCreationOptions, _Inout_ OrtThreadingOptions* tp_options, _In_ void* ort_custom_thread_creation_options);
- /** \brief Set custom thread join function for global thread pools
- *
- * \param[inout] tp_options
- * \param[in] ort_custom_join_thread_fn Custom thread join function, must not be nullptr when global ort_custom_create_thread_fn is set
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(SetGlobalCustomJoinThreadFn, _Inout_ OrtThreadingOptions* tp_options, _In_ OrtCustomJoinThreadFn ort_custom_join_thread_fn);
- /// @}
- /** \brief Synchronize bound inputs. The call may be necessary for some providers, such as cuda,
- * in case the system that allocated bound memory operated on a different stream. However, the
- * operation is provider specific and could be a no-op.
- *
- * \param[inout] binding_ptr
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(SynchronizeBoundInputs, _Inout_ OrtIoBinding* binding_ptr);
- /** \brief Synchronize bound outputs. The call may be necessary for some providers, such as cuda,
- * in case the system that allocated bound memory operated on a different stream. However, the
- * operation is provider specific and could be a no-op.
- *
- * \param[inout] binding_ptr
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(SynchronizeBoundOutputs, _Inout_ OrtIoBinding* binding_ptr);
- /// \name OrtSessionOptions
- /// @{
- /** \brief Append CUDA execution provider to the session options
- *
- * If CUDA is not available (due to a non CUDA enabled build), this function will return failure.
- *
- * This is slightly different from OrtApi::SessionOptionsAppendExecutionProvider_CUDA, it takes an
- * ::OrtCUDAProviderOptions which is publicly defined. This takes an opaque ::OrtCUDAProviderOptionsV2
- * which must be created with OrtApi::CreateCUDAProviderOptions.
- *
- * For OrtApi::SessionOptionsAppendExecutionProvider_CUDA, the user needs to instantiate ::OrtCUDAProviderOptions
- * as well as allocate/release buffers for some members of ::OrtCUDAProviderOptions.
- * Here, OrtApi::CreateCUDAProviderOptions and Ortapi::ReleaseCUDAProviderOptions will do the memory management for you.
- *
- * \param[in] options
- * \param[in] cuda_options
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- *
- * \since Version 1.11.
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(SessionOptionsAppendExecutionProvider_CUDA_V2,
- _In_ OrtSessionOptions* options, _In_ const OrtCUDAProviderOptionsV2* cuda_options);
- /// @}
- /// \name OrtCUDAProviderOptionsV2
- /// @{
- /** \brief Create an OrtCUDAProviderOptionsV2
- *
- * \param[out] out Newly created ::OrtCUDAProviderOptionsV2. Must be released with OrtApi::ReleaseCudaProviderOptions
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- *
- * \since Version 1.11.
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(CreateCUDAProviderOptions, _Outptr_ OrtCUDAProviderOptionsV2** out);
- /** \brief Set options in a CUDA Execution Provider.
- *
- * Please refer to https://onnxruntime.ai/docs/execution-providers/CUDA-ExecutionProvider.html#configuration-options
- * to know the available keys and values. Key should be in null terminated string format of the member of ::OrtCUDAProviderOptionsV2
- * and value should be its related range.
- *
- * For example, key="device_id" and value="0"
- *
- * \param[in] cuda_options
- * \param[in] provider_options_keys Array of UTF-8 null-terminated string for provider options keys
- * \param[in] provider_options_values Array of UTF-8 null-terminated string for provider options values
- * \param[in] num_keys Number of elements in the `provider_option_keys` and `provider_options_values` arrays
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- *
- * \since Version 1.11.
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(UpdateCUDAProviderOptions, _Inout_ OrtCUDAProviderOptionsV2* cuda_options,
- _In_reads_(num_keys) const char* const* provider_options_keys,
- _In_reads_(num_keys) const char* const* provider_options_values,
- _In_ size_t num_keys);
- /**
- * Get serialized CUDA provider options string.
- *
- * For example, "device_id=0;arena_extend_strategy=0;......"
- *
- * \param cuda_options - OrtCUDAProviderOptionsV2 instance
- * \param allocator - a ptr to an instance of OrtAllocator obtained with CreateAllocator() or GetAllocatorWithDefaultOptions()
- * the specified allocator will be used to allocate continuous buffers for output strings and lengths.
- * \param ptr - is a UTF-8 null terminated string allocated using 'allocator'. The caller is responsible for using the same allocator to free it.
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- *
- * \since Version 1.11.
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(GetCUDAProviderOptionsAsString, _In_ const OrtCUDAProviderOptionsV2* cuda_options, _Inout_ OrtAllocator* allocator, _Outptr_ char** ptr);
- /** \brief Release an ::OrtCUDAProviderOptionsV2
- *
- * \note This is an exception in the naming convention of other Release* functions, as the name of the method does not have the V2 suffix, but the type does
- *
- * \since Version 1.11.
- */
- void(ORT_API_CALL* ReleaseCUDAProviderOptions)(_Frees_ptr_opt_ OrtCUDAProviderOptionsV2* input);
- /// @}
- /** \brief Append MIGraphX provider to session options
- *
- * If MIGraphX is not available (due to a non MIGraphX enabled build, or if MIGraphX is not installed on the system), this function will return failure.
- *
- * \param[in] options
- * \param[in] migraphx_options
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- *
- * \since Version 1.11.
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(SessionOptionsAppendExecutionProvider_MIGraphX,
- _In_ OrtSessionOptions* options, _In_ const OrtMIGraphXProviderOptions* migraphx_options);
- /** \brief Replace initialized Tensors with external data with the data provided in initializers.
- *
- * The function will find the initialized TensorProtos with external data in the graph with the provided names and
- * replace them with the provided tensors. The API verifies that the TensorProto being replaced
- * has an external data reference and has the same name, dimensions and data type as its replacement. The replacement
- * will occur before any of the optimizations take place. The data will be copied into the graph
- * since TensorProto can't refer to the user provided buffers.
- *
- * Once the model has been loaded, the OrtValue(s) added to SessionOptions instance will be removed
- * from the internal SessionOptions copy to save memory, the user provided buffers can then be deallocated
- * and the SessionOptions instance that refers to them can be destroyed.
- *
- * \param[in] options
- * \param[in] initializer_names Array of null terminated UTF-8 encoded strings of the initializers names.
- * \param[in] initializers Array of ::OrtValue type
- * \param[in] initializers_num Number of elements in the initializer_names and initializers
- *
- * \snippet{doc} snippets.dox OrtStatus Return Value
- *
- * \since Version 1.12.
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(AddExternalInitializers, _In_ OrtSessionOptions* options,
- _In_reads_(input_len) const char* const* initializer_names,
- _In_reads_(input_len) const OrtValue* const* initializers, size_t initializers_num);
- /** \brief: Create attribute of onnxruntime operator
- *
- * \param[in] name Name of the attribute
- * \param[in] data Data content of the attribute
- * \param[in] len Number of bytes stored in data
- * \param[in] type Data type
- * \param[out] op_attr Attribute that has been created, which must be released by OrtApi::ReleaseOpAttr
- *
- * \since Version 1.12.
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(CreateOpAttr,
- _In_ const char* name,
- _In_ const void* data,
- _In_ int len,
- _In_ OrtOpAttrType type,
- _Outptr_ OrtOpAttr** op_attr);
- /* \brief: Release op attribute
- *
- * \param[in] opAttr Attribute created by OrtApi::CreateOpAttr
- *
- * \since Version 1.12.
- */
- /** \brief: Create onnxruntime native operator
- *
- * \param[in] info Kernel info
- * \param[in] op_name Operator name
- * \param[in] domain Operator domain
- * \param[in] version Operator opset version
- * \param[in] type_constraint_names Name of the type contraints, such as "T" or "T1"
- * \param[in] type_constraint_values Type of each contraints
- * \param[in] type_constraint_count Number of contraints
- * \param[in] attr_values Attributes used to initialize the operator
- * \param[in] attr_count Number of the attributes
- * \param[in] input_count Number of inputs
- * \param[in] output_count Number of outputs
- * \param[out] ort_op Operator that has been created
- *
- * \since Version 1.12.
- */
- _In_ const OrtKernelInfo* info,
- _In_ const char* op_name,
- _In_ const char* domain,
- _In_ int version,
- _In_opt_ const char** type_constraint_names,
- _In_opt_ const ONNXTensorElementDataType* type_constraint_values,
- _In_opt_ int type_constraint_count,
- _In_opt_ const OrtOpAttr* const* attr_values,
- _In_opt_ int attr_count,
- _In_ int input_count,
- _In_ int output_count,
- _Outptr_ OrtOp** ort_op);
- /** \brief: Invoke the operator created by OrtApi::CreateOp
- * The inputs must follow the order as specified in onnx specification
- *
- * \param[in] context Kernel context
- * \param[in] ort_op Operator that has been created
- * \param[in] input_values Array of inputs
- * \param[in] input_count Number of inputs
- * \param[in] output_values Array of outputs
- * \param[in] output_count Number of outputs
- *
- * \since Version 1.12.
- */
- _In_ const OrtKernelContext* context,
- _In_ const OrtOp* ort_op,
- _In_ const OrtValue* const* input_values,
- _In_ int input_count,
- _Inout_ OrtValue* const* output_values,
- _In_ int output_count);
- /* \brief: Release an onnxruntime operator
- *
- * \param[in] Op Operator created by OrtApi::CreateOp
- *
- * \since Version 1.12.
- */
- /** \brief: Append execution provider to the session options.
- * \param[in] provider_name - provider to add.
- * \param[in] provider_options_keys - keys to configure the provider options
- * \param[in] provider_options_values - values to configure the provider options
- * \param[in] num_keys - number of keys passed in
- *
- * Currently supported providers:
- * SNPE
- *
- * Note: If an execution provider has a dedicated SessionOptionsAppendExecutionProvider_ function
- * that should be used to add it.
- *
- * SNPE supported keys:
- * "runtime": SNPE runtime engine, options: "CPU", "CPU_FLOAT32", "GPU", "GPU_FLOAT32_16_HYBRID", "GPU_FLOAT16",
- * Mapping to SNPE Runtime_t definition: CPU, CPU_FLOAT32 => zdl::DlSystem::Runtime_t::CPU;
- * GPU, GPU_FLOAT32_16_HYBRID => zdl::DlSystem::Runtime_t::GPU;
- * GPU_FLOAT16 => zdl::DlSystem::Runtime_t::GPU_FLOAT16;
- * DSP, DSP_FIXED8_TF => zdl::DlSystem::Runtime_t::DSP.
- * AIP_FIXED_TF, AIP_FIXED8_TF => zdl::DlSystem::Runtime_t::AIP_FIXED_TF.
- * SNPE Runtime_t refers to https://developer.qualcomm.com/docs/snpe/group__c__plus__plus__apis.html
- * "priority": execution priority, options: "low", "normal".
- * "buffer_type": ITensor or user buffers, options: "ITENSOR", user buffer with different types - "TF8", "TF16", "UINT8", "FLOAT".
- * "ITENSOR" -- default, ITensor which is float only.
- * "TF8" -- quantized model required, "FLOAT" -- for both quantized or non-quantized model
- * If SNPE is not available (due to a non Snpe enabled build or its dependencies not being installed), this function will fail.
- *
- * XNNPACK supported keys:
- * None currently
- *
- * \since Version 1.12.
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(SessionOptionsAppendExecutionProvider, _In_ OrtSessionOptions* options,
- _In_ const char* provider_name,
- _In_reads_(num_keys) const char* const* provider_options_keys,
- _In_reads_(num_keys) const char* const* provider_options_values,
- _In_ size_t num_keys);
- /* \brief: Get a copy of kernel info
- *
- * \param[in] info Kernel info
- * \param[out] info_copy Copy of kernel info
- *
- * \since Version 1.12.
- */
- ORT_API2_STATUS(CopyKernelInfo,
- _In_ const OrtKernelInfo* info,
- _Outptr_ OrtKernelInfo** info_copy);
- /* \brief: Release kernel info
- *
- * \param[in] KernelInfo A copy of kernel info returned by CopyKernelInfo
- *
- * \since Version 1.12.
- */
- * Steps to use a custom op:
- * 1 Create an OrtCustomOpDomain with the domain name used by the custom ops
- * 2 Create an OrtCustomOp structure for each op and add them to the domain
- * 3 Call OrtAddCustomOpDomain to add the custom domain of ops to the session options
-#define OrtCustomOpApi OrtApi
-// Specifies some characteristics of inputs/outputs of custom ops:
-// Specify if the inputs/outputs are one of:
-// 1) Non-optional (input/output must be present in the node)
-// 2) Optional (input/output may be absent in the node)
-typedef enum OrtCustomOpInputOutputCharacteristic {
- // TODO: Support 'Variadic' inputs/outputs
-} OrtCustomOpInputOutputCharacteristic;
- * The OrtCustomOp structure defines a custom op's schema and its kernel callbacks. The callbacks are filled in by
- * the implementor of the custom op.
-struct OrtCustomOp {
- uint32_t version; // Must be initialized to ORT_API_VERSION
- // This callback creates the kernel, which is a user defined parameter that is passed to the Kernel* callbacks below.
- void*(ORT_API_CALL* CreateKernel)(_In_ const struct OrtCustomOp* op, _In_ const OrtApi* api,
- _In_ const OrtKernelInfo* info);
- // Returns the name of the op
- const char*(ORT_API_CALL* GetName)(_In_ const struct OrtCustomOp* op);
- // Returns the type of the execution provider, return nullptr to use CPU execution provider
- const char*(ORT_API_CALL* GetExecutionProviderType)(_In_ const struct OrtCustomOp* op);
- // Returns the count and types of the input & output tensors
- ONNXTensorElementDataType(ORT_API_CALL* GetInputType)(_In_ const struct OrtCustomOp* op, _In_ size_t index);
- size_t(ORT_API_CALL* GetInputTypeCount)(_In_ const struct OrtCustomOp* op);
- ONNXTensorElementDataType(ORT_API_CALL* GetOutputType)(_In_ const struct OrtCustomOp* op, _In_ size_t index);
- size_t(ORT_API_CALL* GetOutputTypeCount)(_In_ const struct OrtCustomOp* op);
- // Op kernel callbacks
- void(ORT_API_CALL* KernelCompute)(_In_ void* op_kernel, _In_ OrtKernelContext* context);
- void(ORT_API_CALL* KernelDestroy)(_In_ void* op_kernel);
- // Returns the characteristics of the input & output tensors
- OrtCustomOpInputOutputCharacteristic(ORT_API_CALL* GetInputCharacteristic)(_In_ const struct OrtCustomOp* op, _In_ size_t index);
- OrtCustomOpInputOutputCharacteristic(ORT_API_CALL* GetOutputCharacteristic)(_In_ const struct OrtCustomOp* op, _In_ size_t index);
- * This is the old way to add the CUDA provider to the session, please use SessionOptionsAppendExecutionProvider_CUDA above to access the latest functionality
- * This function always exists, but will only succeed if Onnxruntime was built with CUDA support and the CUDA provider shared library exists
- *
- * \param device_id CUDA device id, starts from zero.
-ORT_API_STATUS(OrtSessionOptionsAppendExecutionProvider_CUDA, _In_ OrtSessionOptions* options, int device_id);
- * This is the old way to add the MIGraphX provider to the session, please use
- * SessionOptionsAppendExecutionProvider_MIGraphX above to access the latest functionality
- * This function always exists, but will only succeed if Onnxruntime was built with
- * HIP support and the MIGraphX provider shared library exists
- *
- * \param device_id HIP device id, starts from zero.
-ORT_API_STATUS(OrtSessionOptionsAppendExecutionProvider_MIGraphX, _In_ OrtSessionOptions* options, int device_id);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-//! @}
diff --git a/examples/onnxruntime_demo/main/onnxruntime-src/include/onnxruntime_cxx_api.h b/examples/onnxruntime_demo/main/onnxruntime-src/include/onnxruntime_cxx_api.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 90659f06..00000000
--- a/examples/onnxruntime_demo/main/onnxruntime-src/include/onnxruntime_cxx_api.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1229 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
-// Licensed under the MIT License.
-// Summary: The Ort C++ API is a header only wrapper around the Ort C API.
-// The C++ API simplifies usage by returning values directly instead of error codes, throwing exceptions on errors
-// and automatically releasing resources in the destructors.
-// Each of the C++ wrapper classes holds only a pointer to the C internal object. Treat them like smart pointers.
-// To create an empty object, pass 'nullptr' to the constructor (for example, Env e{nullptr};).
-// Only move assignment between objects is allowed, there are no copy constructors. Some objects have explicit 'Clone'
-// methods for this purpose.
-#pragma once
-#include "onnxruntime_c_api.h"
-/** \brief All C++ Onnxruntime APIs are defined inside this namespace
-namespace Ort {
-/** \brief All C++ methods that can fail will throw an exception of this type
-* If ORT_NO_EXCEPTIONS is defined, then any error will result in a call to abort()
-struct Exception : std::exception {
- Exception(std::string&& string, OrtErrorCode code) : message_{std::move(string)}, code_{code} {}
- OrtErrorCode GetOrtErrorCode() const { return code_; }
- const char* what() const noexcept override { return message_.c_str(); }
- private:
- std::string message_;
- OrtErrorCode code_;
-// The #ifndef is for the very special case where the user of this library wants to define their own way of handling errors.
-// NOTE: This header expects control flow to not continue after calling ORT_CXX_API_THROW
-#define ORT_CXX_API_THROW(string, code) \
- do { \
- std::cerr << Ort::Exception(string, code) \
- .what() \
- << std::endl; \
- abort(); \
- } while (false)
-#define ORT_CXX_API_THROW(string, code) \
- throw Ort::Exception(string, code)
-// This is used internally by the C++ API. This class holds the global variable that points to the OrtApi, it's in a template so that we can define a global variable in a header and make
-// it transparent to the users of the API.
-struct Global {
- static const OrtApi* api_;
-// If macro ORT_API_MANUAL_INIT is defined, no static initialization will be performed. Instead, user must call InitApi() before using it.
-const OrtApi* Global::api_{};
-inline void InitApi() { Global::api_ = OrtGetApiBase()->GetApi(ORT_API_VERSION); }
-#if defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(__clang__)
-#pragma warning(push)
-// "Global initializer calls a non-constexpr function." Therefore you can't use ORT APIs in the other global initializers.
-// Please define ORT_API_MANUAL_INIT if it conerns you.
-#pragma warning(disable : 26426)
-const OrtApi* Global::api_ = OrtGetApiBase()->GetApi(ORT_API_VERSION);
-#if defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(__clang__)
-#pragma warning(pop)
-/// This returns a reference to the OrtApi interface in use
-inline const OrtApi& GetApi() { return *Global::api_; }
-/// This is a C++ wrapper for OrtApi::GetAvailableProviders() and returns a vector of strings representing the available execution providers.
-std::vector GetAvailableProviders();
-// This is used internally by the C++ API. This macro is to make it easy to generate overloaded methods for all of the various OrtRelease* functions for every Ort* type
-// This can't be done in the C API since C doesn't have function overloading.
- inline void OrtRelease(Ort##NAME* ptr) { GetApi().Release##NAME(ptr); }
-/** \brief IEEE 754 half-precision floating point data type
- * \details It is necessary for type dispatching to make use of C++ API
- * The type is implicitly convertible to/from uint16_t.
- * The size of the structure should align with uint16_t and one can freely cast
- * uint16_t buffers to/from Ort::Float16_t to feed and retrieve data.
- *
- * Generally, you can feed any of your types as float16/blfoat16 data to create a tensor
- * on top of it, providing it can form a continuous buffer with 16-bit elements with no padding.
- * And you can also feed a array of uint16_t elements directly. For example,
- *
- * \code{.unparsed}
- * uint16_t values[] = { 15360, 16384, 16896, 17408, 17664};
- * constexpr size_t values_length = sizeof(values) / sizeof(values[0]);
- * std::vector dims = {values_length}; // one dimensional example
- * Ort::MemoryInfo info("Cpu", OrtDeviceAllocator, 0, OrtMemTypeDefault);
- * // Note we are passing bytes count in this api, not number of elements -> sizeof(values)
- * auto float16_tensor = Ort::Value::CreateTensor(info, values, sizeof(values),
- * dims.data(), dims.size(), ONNX_TENSOR_ELEMENT_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT16);
- * \endcode
- *
- * Here is another example, a little bit more elaborate. Let's assume that you use your own float16 type and you want to use
- * a templated version of the API above so the type is automatically set based on your type. You will need to supply an extra
- * template specialization.
- *
- * \code{.unparsed}
- * namespace yours { struct half {}; } // assume this is your type, define this:
- * namespace Ort {
- * template<>
- * struct TypeToTensorType { static constexpr ONNXTensorElementDataType type = ONNX_TENSOR_ELEMENT_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT16; };
- * } //namespace Ort
- *
- * std::vector values;
- * std::vector dims = {values.size()}; // one dimensional example
- * Ort::MemoryInfo info("Cpu", OrtDeviceAllocator, 0, OrtMemTypeDefault);
- * // Here we are passing element count -> values.size()
- * auto float16_tensor = Ort::Value::CreateTensor(info, values.data(), values.size(), dims.data(), dims.size());
- *
- * \endcode
- */
-struct Float16_t {
- uint16_t value;
- constexpr Float16_t() noexcept : value(0) {}
- constexpr Float16_t(uint16_t v) noexcept : value(v) {}
- constexpr operator uint16_t() const noexcept { return value; }
- constexpr bool operator==(const Float16_t& rhs) const noexcept { return value == rhs.value; };
- constexpr bool operator!=(const Float16_t& rhs) const noexcept { return value != rhs.value; };
-static_assert(sizeof(Float16_t) == sizeof(uint16_t), "Sizes must match");
-/** \brief bfloat16 (Brain Floating Point) data type
- * \details It is necessary for type dispatching to make use of C++ API
- * The type is implicitly convertible to/from uint16_t.
- * The size of the structure should align with uint16_t and one can freely cast
- * uint16_t buffers to/from Ort::BFloat16_t to feed and retrieve data.
- *
- * See also code examples for Float16_t above.
- */
-struct BFloat16_t {
- uint16_t value;
- constexpr BFloat16_t() noexcept : value(0) {}
- constexpr BFloat16_t(uint16_t v) noexcept : value(v) {}
- constexpr operator uint16_t() const noexcept { return value; }
- constexpr bool operator==(const BFloat16_t& rhs) const noexcept { return value == rhs.value; };
- constexpr bool operator!=(const BFloat16_t& rhs) const noexcept { return value != rhs.value; };
-static_assert(sizeof(BFloat16_t) == sizeof(uint16_t), "Sizes must match");
-/** \brief Used internally by the C++ API. C++ wrapper types inherit from this
-* This is a zero cost abstraction to wrap the C API objects and delete them on destruction.
-* There is a secondary class 'Unowned' that is used to prevent deletion on destruction (Used for return types that are
-* not owned by the caller)
-struct Base {
- using contained_type = T;
- Base() = default;
- Base(T* p) : p_{p} {
- if (!p)
- ORT_CXX_API_THROW("Allocation failure", ORT_FAIL);
- }
- ~Base() { OrtRelease(p_); }
- operator T*() { return p_; }
- operator const T*() const { return p_; }
- /// \brief Releases ownership of the contained pointer
- T* release() {
- T* p = p_;
- p_ = nullptr;
- return p;
- }
- protected:
- Base(const Base&) = delete;
- Base& operator=(const Base&) = delete;
- Base(Base&& v) noexcept : p_{v.p_} { v.p_ = nullptr; }
- void operator=(Base&& v) noexcept {
- OrtRelease(p_);
- p_ = v.release();
- }
- T* p_{};
- template
- friend struct Unowned; // This friend line is needed to keep the centos C++ compiler from giving an error
-/** \brief Wraps an object that inherits from Ort::Base and stops it from deleting the contained pointer on destruction
-* This has the effect of making it not own the memory held by Ort::Base.
-struct Unowned : T {
- Unowned(typename T::contained_type* p) : T{p} {}
- Unowned(Unowned&& v) : T{v.p_} {}
- ~Unowned() { this->release(); }
-struct AllocatorWithDefaultOptions;
-struct MemoryInfo;
-struct Env;
-struct TypeInfo;
-struct Value;
-struct ModelMetadata;
-namespace detail {
-// Light functor to release memory with OrtAllocator
-struct AllocatedFree {
- OrtAllocator* allocator_;
- explicit AllocatedFree(OrtAllocator* allocator)
- : allocator_(allocator) {}
- void operator()(void* ptr) const { if(ptr) allocator_->Free(allocator_, ptr); }
-} // namespace detail
-/** \brief unique_ptr typedef used to own strings allocated by OrtAllocators
- * and release them at the end of the scope. The lifespan of the given allocator
- * must eclipse the lifespan of AllocatedStringPtr instance
- */
-using AllocatedStringPtr = std::unique_ptr;
-/** \brief The Env (Environment)
-* The Env holds the logging state used by all other objects.
-* Note: One Env must be created before using any other Onnxruntime functionality
-struct Env : Base {
- explicit Env(std::nullptr_t) {} ///< Create an empty Env object, must be assigned a valid one to be used
- /// \brief Wraps OrtApi::CreateEnv
- Env(OrtLoggingLevel logging_level = ORT_LOGGING_LEVEL_WARNING, _In_ const char* logid = "");
- /// \brief Wraps OrtApi::CreateEnvWithCustomLogger
- Env(OrtLoggingLevel logging_level, const char* logid, OrtLoggingFunction logging_function, void* logger_param);
- /// \brief Wraps OrtApi::CreateEnvWithGlobalThreadPools
- Env(const OrtThreadingOptions* tp_options, OrtLoggingLevel logging_level = ORT_LOGGING_LEVEL_WARNING, _In_ const char* logid = "");
- /// \brief Wraps OrtApi::CreateEnvWithCustomLoggerAndGlobalThreadPools
- Env(const OrtThreadingOptions* tp_options, OrtLoggingFunction logging_function, void* logger_param,
- OrtLoggingLevel logging_level = ORT_LOGGING_LEVEL_WARNING, _In_ const char* logid = "");
- /// \brief C Interop Helper
- explicit Env(OrtEnv* p) : Base{p} {}
- Env& EnableTelemetryEvents(); ///< Wraps OrtApi::EnableTelemetryEvents
- Env& DisableTelemetryEvents(); ///< Wraps OrtApi::DisableTelemetryEvents
- Env& CreateAndRegisterAllocator(const OrtMemoryInfo* mem_info, const OrtArenaCfg* arena_cfg); ///< Wraps OrtApi::CreateAndRegisterAllocator
-/** \brief Custom Op Domain
-struct CustomOpDomain : Base {
- explicit CustomOpDomain(std::nullptr_t) {} ///< Create an empty CustomOpDomain object, must be assigned a valid one to be used
- /// \brief Wraps OrtApi::CreateCustomOpDomain
- explicit CustomOpDomain(const char* domain);
- void Add(OrtCustomOp* op); ///< Wraps CustomOpDomain_Add
-struct RunOptions : Base {
- explicit RunOptions(std::nullptr_t) {} ///< Create an empty RunOptions object, must be assigned a valid one to be used
- RunOptions(); ///< Wraps OrtApi::CreateRunOptions
- RunOptions& SetRunLogVerbosityLevel(int); ///< Wraps OrtApi::RunOptionsSetRunLogVerbosityLevel
- int GetRunLogVerbosityLevel() const; ///< Wraps OrtApi::RunOptionsGetRunLogVerbosityLevel
- RunOptions& SetRunLogSeverityLevel(int); ///< Wraps OrtApi::RunOptionsSetRunLogSeverityLevel
- int GetRunLogSeverityLevel() const; ///< Wraps OrtApi::RunOptionsGetRunLogSeverityLevel
- RunOptions& SetRunTag(const char* run_tag); ///< wraps OrtApi::RunOptionsSetRunTag
- const char* GetRunTag() const; ///< Wraps OrtApi::RunOptionsGetRunTag
- RunOptions& AddConfigEntry(const char* config_key, const char* config_value); ///< Wraps OrtApi::AddRunConfigEntry
- /** \brief Terminates all currently executing Session::Run calls that were made using this RunOptions instance
- *
- * If a currently executing session needs to be force terminated, this can be called from another thread to force it to fail with an error
- * Wraps OrtApi::RunOptionsSetTerminate
- */
- RunOptions& SetTerminate();
- /** \brief Clears the terminate flag so this RunOptions instance can be used in a new Session::Run call without it instantly terminating
- *
- * Wraps OrtApi::RunOptionsUnsetTerminate
- */
- RunOptions& UnsetTerminate();
-/** \brief Options object used when creating a new Session object
-* Wraps ::OrtSessionOptions object and methods
-struct SessionOptions : Base {
- explicit SessionOptions(std::nullptr_t) {} ///< Create an empty SessionOptions object, must be assigned a valid one to be used
- SessionOptions(); ///< Wraps OrtApi::CreateSessionOptions
- explicit SessionOptions(OrtSessionOptions* p) : Base{p} {} ///< Used for interop with the C API
- SessionOptions Clone() const; ///< Creates and returns a copy of this SessionOptions object. Wraps OrtApi::CloneSessionOptions
- SessionOptions& SetIntraOpNumThreads(int intra_op_num_threads); ///< Wraps OrtApi::SetIntraOpNumThreads
- SessionOptions& SetInterOpNumThreads(int inter_op_num_threads); ///< Wraps OrtApi::SetInterOpNumThreads
- SessionOptions& SetGraphOptimizationLevel(GraphOptimizationLevel graph_optimization_level); ///< Wraps OrtApi::SetSessionGraphOptimizationLevel
- SessionOptions& EnableCpuMemArena(); ///< Wraps OrtApi::EnableCpuMemArena
- SessionOptions& DisableCpuMemArena(); ///< Wraps OrtApi::DisableCpuMemArena
- SessionOptions& SetOptimizedModelFilePath(const ORTCHAR_T* optimized_model_file); ///< Wraps OrtApi::SetOptimizedModelFilePath
- SessionOptions& EnableProfiling(const ORTCHAR_T* profile_file_prefix); ///< Wraps OrtApi::EnableProfiling
- SessionOptions& DisableProfiling(); ///< Wraps OrtApi::DisableProfiling
- SessionOptions& EnableOrtCustomOps(); ///< Wraps OrtApi::EnableOrtCustomOps
- SessionOptions& EnableMemPattern(); ///< Wraps OrtApi::EnableMemPattern
- SessionOptions& DisableMemPattern(); ///< Wraps OrtApi::DisableMemPattern
- SessionOptions& SetExecutionMode(ExecutionMode execution_mode); ///< Wraps OrtApi::SetSessionExecutionMode
- SessionOptions& SetLogId(const char* logid); ///< Wraps OrtApi::SetSessionLogId
- SessionOptions& SetLogSeverityLevel(int level); ///< Wraps OrtApi::SetSessionLogSeverityLevel
- SessionOptions& Add(OrtCustomOpDomain* custom_op_domain); ///< Wraps OrtApi::AddCustomOpDomain
- SessionOptions& DisablePerSessionThreads(); ///< Wraps OrtApi::DisablePerSessionThreads
- SessionOptions& AddConfigEntry(const char* config_key, const char* config_value); ///< Wraps OrtApi::AddSessionConfigEntry
- SessionOptions& AddInitializer(const char* name, const OrtValue* ort_val); ///< Wraps OrtApi::AddInitializer
- SessionOptions& AddExternalInitializers(const std::vector& names, const std::vector& ort_values); ///< Wraps OrtApi::AddExternalInitializers
- SessionOptions& AppendExecutionProvider_CUDA(const OrtCUDAProviderOptions& provider_options); ///< Wraps OrtApi::SessionOptionsAppendExecutionProvider_CUDA
- SessionOptions& AppendExecutionProvider_CUDA_V2(const OrtCUDAProviderOptionsV2& provider_options); ///< Wraps OrtApi::SessionOptionsAppendExecutionProvider_CUDA_V2
- SessionOptions& AppendExecutionProvider_ROCM(const OrtROCMProviderOptions& provider_options); ///< Wraps OrtApi::SessionOptionsAppendExecutionProvider_ROCM
- SessionOptions& AppendExecutionProvider_OpenVINO(const OrtOpenVINOProviderOptions& provider_options); ///< Wraps OrtApi::SessionOptionsAppendExecutionProvider_OpenVINO
- SessionOptions& AppendExecutionProvider_TensorRT(const OrtTensorRTProviderOptions& provider_options); ///< Wraps OrtApi::SessionOptionsAppendExecutionProvider_TensorRT
- SessionOptions& AppendExecutionProvider_TensorRT_V2(const OrtTensorRTProviderOptionsV2& provider_options); ///< Wraps OrtApi::SessionOptionsAppendExecutionProvider_TensorRT
- SessionOptions& AppendExecutionProvider_MIGraphX(const OrtMIGraphXProviderOptions& provider_options); ///< Wraps OrtApi::SessionOptionsAppendExecutionProvider_MIGraphX
- /// Wraps OrtApi::SessionOptionsAppendExecutionProvider. Currently supports SNPE and XNNPACK.
- SessionOptions& AppendExecutionProvider(const std::string& provider_name,
- const std::unordered_map& provider_options = {});
- SessionOptions& SetCustomCreateThreadFn(OrtCustomCreateThreadFn ort_custom_create_thread_fn); ///< Wraps OrtApi::SessionOptionsSetCustomCreateThreadFn
- SessionOptions& SetCustomThreadCreationOptions(void* ort_custom_thread_creation_options); ///< Wraps OrtApi::SessionOptionsSetCustomThreadCreationOptions
- SessionOptions& SetCustomJoinThreadFn(OrtCustomJoinThreadFn ort_custom_join_thread_fn); ///< Wraps OrtApi::SessionOptionsSetCustomJoinThreadFn
-/** \brief Wrapper around ::OrtModelMetadata
-struct ModelMetadata : Base {
- explicit ModelMetadata(std::nullptr_t) {} ///< Create an empty ModelMetadata object, must be assigned a valid one to be used
- explicit ModelMetadata(OrtModelMetadata* p) : Base{p} {} ///< Used for interop with the C API
- /** \deprecated use GetProducerNameAllocated()
- * [[deprecated]]
- * This interface produces a pointer that must be released
- * by the specified allocator and is often leaked. Not exception safe.
- */
- char* GetProducerName(OrtAllocator* allocator) const; ///< Wraps OrtApi::ModelMetadataGetProducerName
- /** \brief Returns a copy of the producer name.
- *
- * \param allocator to allocate memory for the copy of the name returned
- * \return a instance of smart pointer that would deallocate the buffer when out of scope.
- * The OrtAllocator instances must be valid at the point of memory release.
- */
- AllocatedStringPtr GetProducerNameAllocated(OrtAllocator* allocator) const; ///< Wraps OrtApi::ModelMetadataGetProducerName
- /** \deprecated use GetGraphNameAllocated()
- * [[deprecated]]
- * This interface produces a pointer that must be released
- * by the specified allocator and is often leaked. Not exception safe.
- */
- char* GetGraphName(OrtAllocator* allocator) const; ///< Wraps OrtApi::ModelMetadataGetGraphName
- /** \brief Returns a copy of the graph name.
- *
- * \param allocator to allocate memory for the copy of the name returned
- * \return a instance of smart pointer that would deallocate the buffer when out of scope.
- * The OrtAllocator instances must be valid at the point of memory release.
- */
- AllocatedStringPtr GetGraphNameAllocated(OrtAllocator* allocator) const; ///< Wraps OrtApi::ModelMetadataGetGraphName
- /** \deprecated use GetDomainAllocated()
- * [[deprecated]]
- * This interface produces a pointer that must be released
- * by the specified allocator and is often leaked. Not exception safe.
- */
- char* GetDomain(OrtAllocator* allocator) const; ///< Wraps OrtApi::ModelMetadataGetDomain
- /** \brief Returns a copy of the domain name.
- *
- * \param allocator to allocate memory for the copy of the name returned
- * \return a instance of smart pointer that would deallocate the buffer when out of scope.
- * The OrtAllocator instances must be valid at the point of memory release.
- */
- AllocatedStringPtr GetDomainAllocated(OrtAllocator* allocator) const; ///< Wraps OrtApi::ModelMetadataGetDomain
- /** \deprecated use GetDescriptionAllocated()
- * [[deprecated]]
- * This interface produces a pointer that must be released
- * by the specified allocator and is often leaked. Not exception safe.
- */
- char* GetDescription(OrtAllocator* allocator) const; ///< Wraps OrtApi::ModelMetadataGetDescription
- /** \brief Returns a copy of the description.
- *
- * \param allocator to allocate memory for the copy of the string returned
- * \return a instance of smart pointer that would deallocate the buffer when out of scope.
- * The OrtAllocator instances must be valid at the point of memory release.
- */
- AllocatedStringPtr GetDescriptionAllocated(OrtAllocator* allocator) const; ///< Wraps OrtApi::ModelMetadataGetDescription
- /** \deprecated use GetGraphDescriptionAllocated()
- * [[deprecated]]
- * This interface produces a pointer that must be released
- * by the specified allocator and is often leaked. Not exception safe.
- */
- char* GetGraphDescription(OrtAllocator* allocator) const; ///< Wraps OrtApi::ModelMetadataGetGraphDescription
- /** \brief Returns a copy of the graph description.
- *
- * \param allocator to allocate memory for the copy of the string returned
- * \return a instance of smart pointer that would deallocate the buffer when out of scope.
- * The OrtAllocator instances must be valid at the point of memory release.
- */
- AllocatedStringPtr GetGraphDescriptionAllocated(OrtAllocator* allocator) const; ///< Wraps OrtApi::ModelMetadataGetGraphDescription
- /** \deprecated use GetCustomMetadataMapKeysAllocated()
- * [[deprecated]]
- * This interface produces multiple pointers that must be released
- * by the specified allocator and is often leaked. Not exception safe.
- */
- char** GetCustomMetadataMapKeys(OrtAllocator* allocator, _Out_ int64_t& num_keys) const; ///< Wraps OrtApi::ModelMetadataGetCustomMetadataMapKeys
- std::vector GetCustomMetadataMapKeysAllocated(OrtAllocator* allocator) const; ///< Wraps OrtApi::ModelMetadataGetCustomMetadataMapKeys
- /** \deprecated use LookupCustomMetadataMapAllocated()
- * [[deprecated]]
- * This interface produces a pointer that must be released
- * by the specified allocator and is often leaked. Not exception safe.
- */
- char* LookupCustomMetadataMap(const char* key, OrtAllocator* allocator) const; ///< Wraps OrtApi::ModelMetadataLookupCustomMetadataMap
- /** \brief Looks up a value by a key in the Custom Metadata map
- *
- * \param zero terminated string key to lookup
- * \param allocator to allocate memory for the copy of the string returned
- * \return a instance of smart pointer that would deallocate the buffer when out of scope.
- * maybe nullptr if key is not found.
- *
- * The OrtAllocator instances must be valid at the point of memory release.
- */
- AllocatedStringPtr LookupCustomMetadataMapAllocated(const char* key, OrtAllocator* allocator) const; ///< Wraps OrtApi::ModelMetadataLookupCustomMetadataMap
- int64_t GetVersion() const; ///< Wraps OrtApi::ModelMetadataGetVersion
-/** \brief Wrapper around ::OrtSession
-struct Session : Base {
- explicit Session(std::nullptr_t) {} ///< Create an empty Session object, must be assigned a valid one to be used
- Session(Env& env, const ORTCHAR_T* model_path, const SessionOptions& options); ///< Wraps OrtApi::CreateSession
- Session(Env& env, const ORTCHAR_T* model_path, const SessionOptions& options, OrtPrepackedWeightsContainer* prepacked_weights_container); ///< Wraps OrtApi::CreateSessionWithPrepackedWeightsContainer
- Session(Env& env, const void* model_data, size_t model_data_length, const SessionOptions& options); ///< Wraps OrtApi::CreateSessionFromArray
- /** \brief Run the model returning results in an Ort allocated vector.
- *
- * Wraps OrtApi::Run
- *
- * The caller provides a list of inputs and a list of the desired outputs to return.
- *
- * See the output logs for more information on warnings/errors that occur while processing the model.
- * Common errors are.. (TODO)
- *
- * \param[in] run_options
- * \param[in] input_names Array of null terminated strings of length input_count that is the list of input names
- * \param[in] input_values Array of Value objects of length input_count that is the list of input values
- * \param[in] input_count Number of inputs (the size of the input_names & input_values arrays)
- * \param[in] output_names Array of C style strings of length output_count that is the list of output names
- * \param[in] output_count Number of outputs (the size of the output_names array)
- * \return A std::vector of Value objects that directly maps to the output_count (eg. output_name[0] is the first entry of the returned vector)
- */
- std::vector Run(const RunOptions& run_options, const char* const* input_names, const Value* input_values, size_t input_count,
- const char* const* output_names, size_t output_count);
- /** \brief Run the model returning results in user provided outputs
- * Same as Run(const RunOptions&, const char* const*, const Value*, size_t,const char* const*, size_t)
- */
- void Run(const RunOptions& run_options, const char* const* input_names, const Value* input_values, size_t input_count,
- const char* const* output_names, Value* output_values, size_t output_count);
- void Run(const RunOptions& run_options, const struct IoBinding&); ///< Wraps OrtApi::RunWithBinding
- size_t GetInputCount() const; ///< Returns the number of model inputs
- size_t GetOutputCount() const; ///< Returns the number of model outputs
- size_t GetOverridableInitializerCount() const; ///< Returns the number of inputs that have defaults that can be overridden
- /** \deprecated use GetInputNameAllocated()
- * [[deprecated]]
- * This interface produces a pointer that must be released
- * by the specified allocator and is often leaked. Not exception safe.
- */
- char* GetInputName(size_t index, OrtAllocator* allocator) const; ///< Wraps OrtApi::SessionGetInputName
- /** \brief Returns a copy of input name at the specified index.
- *
- * \param index must less than the value returned by GetInputCount()
- * \param allocator to allocate memory for the copy of the name returned
- * \return a instance of smart pointer that would deallocate the buffer when out of scope.
- * The OrtAllocator instances must be valid at the point of memory release.
- */
- AllocatedStringPtr GetInputNameAllocated(size_t index, OrtAllocator* allocator) const;
- /** \deprecated use GetOutputNameAllocated()
- * [[deprecated]]
- * This interface produces a pointer that must be released
- * by the specified allocator and is often leaked. Not exception safe.
- */
- char* GetOutputName(size_t index, OrtAllocator* allocator) const; ///< Wraps OrtApi::SessionGetOutputName
- /** \brief Returns a copy of output name at then specified index.
- *
- * \param index must less than the value returned by GetOutputCount()
- * \param allocator to allocate memory for the copy of the name returned
- * \return a instance of smart pointer that would deallocate the buffer when out of scope.
- * The OrtAllocator instances must be valid at the point of memory release.
- */
- AllocatedStringPtr GetOutputNameAllocated(size_t index, OrtAllocator* allocator) const;
- /** \deprecated use GetOverridableInitializerNameAllocated()
- * [[deprecated]]
- * This interface produces a pointer that must be released
- * by the specified allocator and is often leaked. Not exception safe.
- */
- char* GetOverridableInitializerName(size_t index, OrtAllocator* allocator) const; ///< Wraps OrtApi::SessionGetOverridableInitializerName
- /** \brief Returns a copy of the overridable initializer name at then specified index.
- *
- * \param index must less than the value returned by GetOverridableInitializerCount()
- * \param allocator to allocate memory for the copy of the name returned
- * \return a instance of smart pointer that would deallocate the buffer when out of scope.
- * The OrtAllocator instances must be valid at the point of memory release.
- */
- AllocatedStringPtr GetOverridableInitializerNameAllocated(size_t index, OrtAllocator* allocator) const; ///< Wraps OrtApi::SessionGetOverridableInitializerName
- /** \deprecated use EndProfilingAllocated()
- * [[deprecated]]
- * This interface produces a pointer that must be released
- * by the specified allocator and is often leaked. Not exception safe.
- */
- char* EndProfiling(OrtAllocator* allocator) const; ///< Wraps OrtApi::SessionEndProfiling
- /** \brief Returns a copy of the profiling file name.
- *
- * \param allocator to allocate memory for the copy of the string returned
- * \return a instance of smart pointer that would deallocate the buffer when out of scope.
- * The OrtAllocator instances must be valid at the point of memory release.
- */
- AllocatedStringPtr EndProfilingAllocated(OrtAllocator* allocator) const; ///< Wraps OrtApi::SessionEndProfiling
- uint64_t GetProfilingStartTimeNs() const; ///< Wraps OrtApi::SessionGetProfilingStartTimeNs
- ModelMetadata GetModelMetadata() const; ///< Wraps OrtApi::SessionGetModelMetadata
- TypeInfo GetInputTypeInfo(size_t index) const; ///< Wraps OrtApi::SessionGetInputTypeInfo
- TypeInfo GetOutputTypeInfo(size_t index) const; ///< Wraps OrtApi::SessionGetOutputTypeInfo
- TypeInfo GetOverridableInitializerTypeInfo(size_t index) const; ///< Wraps OrtApi::SessionGetOverridableInitializerTypeInfo
-/** \brief Wrapper around ::OrtTensorTypeAndShapeInfo
-struct TensorTypeAndShapeInfo : Base {
- explicit TensorTypeAndShapeInfo(std::nullptr_t) {} ///< Create an empty TensorTypeAndShapeInfo object, must be assigned a valid one to be used
- explicit TensorTypeAndShapeInfo(OrtTensorTypeAndShapeInfo* p) : Base{p} {} ///< Used for interop with the C API
- ONNXTensorElementDataType GetElementType() const; ///< Wraps OrtApi::GetTensorElementType
- size_t GetElementCount() const; ///< Wraps OrtApi::GetTensorShapeElementCount
- size_t GetDimensionsCount() const; ///< Wraps OrtApi::GetDimensionsCount
- void GetDimensions(int64_t* values, size_t values_count) const; ///< Wraps OrtApi::GetDimensions
- void GetSymbolicDimensions(const char** values, size_t values_count) const; ///< Wraps OrtApi::GetSymbolicDimensions
- std::vector GetShape() const; ///< Uses GetDimensionsCount & GetDimensions to return a std::vector of the shape
-/** \brief Wrapper around ::OrtSequenceTypeInfo
-struct SequenceTypeInfo : Base {
- explicit SequenceTypeInfo(std::nullptr_t) {} ///< Create an empty SequenceTypeInfo object, must be assigned a valid one to be used
- explicit SequenceTypeInfo(OrtSequenceTypeInfo* p) : Base{p} {} ///< Used for interop with the C API
- TypeInfo GetSequenceElementType() const; ///< Wraps OrtApi::GetSequenceElementType
-/** \brief Wrapper around ::OrtMapTypeInfo
-struct MapTypeInfo : Base {
- explicit MapTypeInfo(std::nullptr_t) {} ///< Create an empty MapTypeInfo object, must be assigned a valid one to be used
- explicit MapTypeInfo(OrtMapTypeInfo* p) : Base{p} {} ///< Used for interop with the C API
- ONNXTensorElementDataType GetMapKeyType() const; ///< Wraps OrtApi::GetMapKeyType
- TypeInfo GetMapValueType() const; ///< Wraps OrtApi::GetMapValueType
-struct TypeInfo : Base {
- explicit TypeInfo(std::nullptr_t) {} ///< Create an empty TypeInfo object, must be assigned a valid one to be used
- explicit TypeInfo(OrtTypeInfo* p) : Base{p} {} ///< C API Interop
- Unowned GetTensorTypeAndShapeInfo() const; ///< Wraps OrtApi::CastTypeInfoToTensorInfo
- Unowned GetSequenceTypeInfo() const; ///< Wraps OrtApi::CastTypeInfoToSequenceTypeInfo
- Unowned GetMapTypeInfo() const; ///< Wraps OrtApi::CastTypeInfoToMapTypeInfo
- ONNXType GetONNXType() const;
-struct Value : Base {
- // This structure is used to feed sparse tensor values
- // information for use with FillSparseTensor() API
- // if the data type for the sparse tensor values is numeric
- // use data.p_data, otherwise, use data.str pointer to feed
- // values. data.str is an array of const char* that are zero terminated.
- // number of strings in the array must match shape size.
- // For fully sparse tensors use shape {0} and set p_data/str
- // to nullptr.
- struct OrtSparseValuesParam {
- const int64_t* values_shape;
- size_t values_shape_len;
- union {
- const void* p_data;
- const char** str;
- } data;
- };
- // Provides a way to pass shape in a single
- // argument
- struct Shape {
- const int64_t* shape;
- size_t shape_len;
- };
- /** \brief Creates a tensor with a user supplied buffer. Wraps OrtApi::CreateTensorWithDataAsOrtValue.
- * \tparam T The numeric datatype. This API is not suitable for strings.
- * \param info Memory description of where the p_data buffer resides (CPU vs GPU etc).
- * \param p_data Pointer to the data buffer.
- * \param p_data_element_count The number of elements in the data buffer.
- * \param shape Pointer to the tensor shape dimensions.
- * \param shape_len The number of tensor shape dimensions.
- */
- template
- static Value CreateTensor(const OrtMemoryInfo* info, T* p_data, size_t p_data_element_count, const int64_t* shape, size_t shape_len);
- /** \brief Creates a tensor with a user supplied buffer. Wraps OrtApi::CreateTensorWithDataAsOrtValue.
- * \param info Memory description of where the p_data buffer resides (CPU vs GPU etc).
- * \param p_data Pointer to the data buffer.
- * \param p_data_byte_count The number of bytes in the data buffer.
- * \param shape Pointer to the tensor shape dimensions.
- * \param shape_len The number of tensor shape dimensions.
- * \param type The data type.
- */
- static Value CreateTensor(const OrtMemoryInfo* info, void* p_data, size_t p_data_byte_count, const int64_t* shape, size_t shape_len,
- ONNXTensorElementDataType type);
- ///
- /// This is a simple forwarding method to the other overload that helps deducing
- /// data type enum value from the type of the buffer.
- ///
- /// numeric datatype. This API is not suitable for strings.
- /// Memory description where the user buffers reside (CPU vs GPU etc)
- /// pointer to the user supplied buffer, use nullptr for fully sparse tensors
- /// a would be dense shape of the tensor
- /// non zero values shape. Use a single 0 shape for fully sparse tensors.
- ///
- template
- static Value CreateSparseTensor(const OrtMemoryInfo* info, T* p_data, const Shape& dense_shape,
- const Shape& values_shape);
- ///
- /// Creates an OrtValue instance containing SparseTensor. This constructs
- /// a sparse tensor that makes use of user allocated buffers. It does not make copies
- /// of the user provided data and does not modify it. The lifespan of user provided buffers should
- /// eclipse the life span of the resulting OrtValue. This call constructs an instance that only contain
- /// a pointer to non-zero values. To fully populate the sparse tensor call UseIndices() API below
- /// to supply a sparse format specific indices.
- /// This API is not suitable for string data. Use CreateSparseTensor() with allocator specified so strings
- /// can be properly copied into the allocated buffer.
- ///
- /// Memory description where the user buffers reside (CPU vs GPU etc)
- /// pointer to the user supplied buffer, use nullptr for fully sparse tensors
- /// a would be dense shape of the tensor
- /// non zero values shape. Use a single 0 shape for fully sparse tensors.
- /// data type
- /// Ort::Value instance containing SparseTensor
- static Value CreateSparseTensor(const OrtMemoryInfo* info, void* p_data, const Shape& dense_shape,
- const Shape& values_shape, ONNXTensorElementDataType type);
- ///
- /// Supplies COO format specific indices and marks the contained sparse tensor as being a COO format tensor.
- /// Values are supplied with a CreateSparseTensor() API. The supplied indices are not copied and the user
- /// allocated buffers lifespan must eclipse that of the OrtValue.
- /// The location of the indices is assumed to be the same as specified by OrtMemoryInfo argument at the creation time.
- ///
- /// pointer to the user allocated buffer with indices. Use nullptr for fully sparse tensors.
- /// number of indices entries. Use 0 for fully sparse tensors
- void UseCooIndices(int64_t* indices_data, size_t indices_num);
- ///
- /// Supplies CSR format specific indices and marks the contained sparse tensor as being a CSR format tensor.
- /// Values are supplied with a CreateSparseTensor() API. The supplied indices are not copied and the user
- /// allocated buffers lifespan must eclipse that of the OrtValue.
- /// The location of the indices is assumed to be the same as specified by OrtMemoryInfo argument at the creation time.
- ///
- /// pointer to the user allocated buffer with inner indices or nullptr for fully sparse tensors
- /// number of csr inner indices or 0 for fully sparse tensors
- /// pointer to the user allocated buffer with outer indices or nullptr for fully sparse tensors
- /// number of csr outer indices or 0 for fully sparse tensors
- void UseCsrIndices(int64_t* inner_data, size_t inner_num, int64_t* outer_data, size_t outer_num);
- ///
- /// Supplies BlockSparse format specific indices and marks the contained sparse tensor as being a BlockSparse format tensor.
- /// Values are supplied with a CreateSparseTensor() API. The supplied indices are not copied and the user
- /// allocated buffers lifespan must eclipse that of the OrtValue.
- /// The location of the indices is assumed to be the same as specified by OrtMemoryInfo argument at the creation time.
- ///
- /// indices shape or a {0} for fully sparse
- /// user allocated buffer with indices or nullptr for fully spare tensors
- void UseBlockSparseIndices(const Shape& indices_shape, int32_t* indices_data);
-#endif // !defined(DISABLE_SPARSE_TENSORS)
- /** \brief Creates a tensor using a supplied OrtAllocator. Wraps OrtApi::CreateTensorAsOrtValue.
- * \tparam T The numeric datatype. This API is not suitable for strings.
- * \param allocator The allocator to use.
- * \param shape Pointer to the tensor shape dimensions.
- * \param shape_len The number of tensor shape dimensions.
- */
- template
- static Value CreateTensor(OrtAllocator* allocator, const int64_t* shape, size_t shape_len);
- /** \brief Creates a tensor using a supplied OrtAllocator. Wraps OrtApi::CreateTensorAsOrtValue.
- * \param allocator The allocator to use.
- * \param shape Pointer to the tensor shape dimensions.
- * \param shape_len The number of tensor shape dimensions.
- * \param type The data type.
- */
- static Value CreateTensor(OrtAllocator* allocator, const int64_t* shape, size_t shape_len, ONNXTensorElementDataType type);
- ///
- /// This is a simple forwarding method the below CreateSparseTensor.
- /// This helps to specify data type enum in terms of C++ data type.
- /// Use CreateSparseTensor
- ///
- /// numeric data type only. String data enum must be specified explicitly.
- /// allocator to use
- /// a would be dense shape of the tensor
- /// Ort::Value
- template
- static Value CreateSparseTensor(OrtAllocator* allocator, const Shape& dense_shape);
- ///
- /// Creates an instance of OrtValue containing sparse tensor. The created instance has no data.
- /// The data must be supplied by on of the FillSparseTensor() methods that take both non-zero values
- /// and indices. The data will be copied into a buffer that would be allocated using the supplied allocator.
- /// Use this API to create OrtValues that contain sparse tensors with all supported data types including
- /// strings.
- ///
- /// allocator to use. The allocator lifespan must eclipse that of the resulting OrtValue
- /// a would be dense shape of the tensor
- /// data type
- /// an instance of Ort::Value
- static Value CreateSparseTensor(OrtAllocator* allocator, const Shape& dense_shape, ONNXTensorElementDataType type);
- ///
- /// The API will allocate memory using the allocator instance supplied to the CreateSparseTensor() API
- /// and copy the values and COO indices into it. If data_mem_info specifies that the data is located
- /// at difference device than the allocator, a X-device copy will be performed if possible.
- ///
- /// specified buffer memory description
- /// values buffer information.
- /// coo indices buffer or nullptr for fully sparse data
- /// number of COO indices or 0 for fully sparse data
- void FillSparseTensorCoo(const OrtMemoryInfo* data_mem_info, const OrtSparseValuesParam& values_param,
- const int64_t* indices_data, size_t indices_num);
- ///
- /// The API will allocate memory using the allocator instance supplied to the CreateSparseTensor() API
- /// and copy the values and CSR indices into it. If data_mem_info specifies that the data is located
- /// at difference device than the allocator, a X-device copy will be performed if possible.
- ///
- /// specified buffer memory description
- /// values buffer information
- /// csr inner indices pointer or nullptr for fully sparse tensors
- /// number of csr inner indices or 0 for fully sparse tensors
- /// pointer to csr indices data or nullptr for fully sparse tensors
- /// number of csr outer indices or 0
- void FillSparseTensorCsr(const OrtMemoryInfo* data_mem_info,
- const OrtSparseValuesParam& values,
- const int64_t* inner_indices_data, size_t inner_indices_num,
- const int64_t* outer_indices_data, size_t outer_indices_num);
- ///
- /// The API will allocate memory using the allocator instance supplied to the CreateSparseTensor() API
- /// and copy the values and BlockSparse indices into it. If data_mem_info specifies that the data is located
- /// at difference device than the allocator, a X-device copy will be performed if possible.
- ///
- /// specified buffer memory description
- /// values buffer information
- /// indices shape. use {0} for fully sparse tensors
- /// pointer to indices data or nullptr for fully sparse tensors
- void FillSparseTensorBlockSparse(const OrtMemoryInfo* data_mem_info,
- const OrtSparseValuesParam& values,
- const Shape& indices_shape,
- const int32_t* indices_data);
- ///
- /// The API returns the sparse data format this OrtValue holds in a sparse tensor.
- /// If the sparse tensor was not fully constructed, i.e. Use*() or Fill*() API were not used
- /// the value returned is ORT_SPARSE_UNDEFINED.
- ///
- /// Format enum
- OrtSparseFormat GetSparseFormat() const;
- ///
- /// The API returns type and shape information for stored non-zero values of the
- /// sparse tensor. Use GetSparseTensorValues() to obtain values buffer pointer.
- ///
- /// TensorTypeAndShapeInfo values information
- TensorTypeAndShapeInfo GetSparseTensorValuesTypeAndShapeInfo() const;
- ///
- /// The API returns type and shape information for the specified indices. Each supported
- /// indices have their own enum values even if a give format has more than one kind of indices.
- /// Use GetSparseTensorIndicesData() to obtain pointer to indices buffer.
- ///
- /// enum requested
- /// type and shape information
- TensorTypeAndShapeInfo GetSparseTensorIndicesTypeShapeInfo(OrtSparseIndicesFormat format) const;
- ///
- /// The API retrieves a pointer to the internal indices buffer. The API merely performs
- /// a convenience data type casting on the return type pointer. Make sure you are requesting
- /// the right type, use GetSparseTensorIndicesTypeShapeInfo();
- ///
- /// type to cast to
- /// requested indices kind
- /// number of indices entries
- /// Pinter to the internal sparse tensor buffer containing indices. Do not free this pointer.
- template
- const T* GetSparseTensorIndicesData(OrtSparseIndicesFormat indices_format, size_t& num_indices) const;
-#endif // !defined(DISABLE_SPARSE_TENSORS)
- static Value CreateMap(Value& keys, Value& values); ///< Wraps OrtApi::CreateValue
- static Value CreateSequence(std::vector& values); ///< Wraps OrtApi::CreateValue
- template
- static Value CreateOpaque(const char* domain, const char* type_name, const T&); ///< Wraps OrtApi::CreateOpaqueValue
- template
- void GetOpaqueData(const char* domain, const char* type_name, T&) const; ///< Wraps OrtApi::GetOpaqueValue
- explicit Value(std::nullptr_t) {} ///< Create an empty Value object, must be assigned a valid one to be used
- explicit Value(OrtValue* p) : Base{p} {} ///< Used for interop with the C API
- Value(Value&&) = default;
- Value& operator=(Value&&) = default;
- bool IsTensor() const; ///< Returns true if Value is a tensor, false for other types like map/sequence/etc
- bool HasValue() const; /// < Return true if OrtValue contains data and returns false if the OrtValue is a None
- ///
- /// Returns true if the OrtValue contains a sparse tensor
- ///
- ///
- bool IsSparseTensor() const;
- size_t GetCount() const; // If a non tensor, returns 2 for map and N for sequence, where N is the number of elements
- Value GetValue(int index, OrtAllocator* allocator) const;
- ///
- /// This API returns a full length of string data contained within either a tensor or a sparse Tensor.
- /// For sparse tensor it returns a full length of stored non-empty strings (values). The API is useful
- /// for allocating necessary memory and calling GetStringTensorContent().
- ///
- /// total length of UTF-8 encoded bytes contained. No zero terminators counted.
- size_t GetStringTensorDataLength() const;
- ///
- /// The API copies all of the UTF-8 encoded string data contained within a tensor or a sparse tensor
- /// into a supplied buffer. Use GetStringTensorDataLength() to find out the length of the buffer to allocate.
- /// The user must also allocate offsets buffer with the number of entries equal to that of the contained
- /// strings.
- ///
- /// Strings are always assumed to be on CPU, no X-device copy.
- ///
- /// user allocated buffer
- /// length in bytes of the allocated buffer
- /// a pointer to the offsets user allocated buffer
- /// count of offsets, must be equal to the number of strings contained.
- /// that can be obtained from the shape of the tensor or from GetSparseTensorValuesTypeAndShapeInfo()
- /// for sparse tensors
- void GetStringTensorContent(void* buffer, size_t buffer_length, size_t* offsets, size_t offsets_count) const;
- template
- T* GetTensorMutableData(); ///< Wraps OrtApi::GetTensorMutableData
- template
- const T* GetTensorData() const; ///< Wraps OrtApi::GetTensorMutableData
- ///
- /// The API returns a pointer to an internal buffer of the sparse tensor
- /// containing non-zero values. The API merely does casting. Make sure you
- /// are requesting the right data type by calling GetSparseTensorValuesTypeAndShapeInfo()
- /// first.
- ///
- /// numeric data types only. Use GetStringTensor*() to retrieve strings.
- /// a pointer to the internal values buffer. Do not free this pointer.
- template
- const T* GetSparseTensorValues() const;
- template
- T& At(const std::vector& location);
- ///
- /// The API returns type information for data contained in a tensor. For sparse
- /// tensors it returns type information for contained non-zero values.
- /// It returns dense shape for sparse tensors.
- ///
- /// TypeInfo
- TypeInfo GetTypeInfo() const;
- ///
- /// The API returns type information for data contained in a tensor. For sparse
- /// tensors it returns type information for contained non-zero values.
- /// It returns dense shape for sparse tensors.
- ///
- /// TensorTypeAndShapeInfo
- TensorTypeAndShapeInfo GetTensorTypeAndShapeInfo() const;
- ///
- /// The API returns a byte length of UTF-8 encoded string element
- /// contained in either a tensor or a spare tensor values.
- ///
- ///
- /// byte length for the specified string element
- size_t GetStringTensorElementLength(size_t element_index) const;
- ///
- /// The API copies UTF-8 encoded bytes for the requested string element
- /// contained within a tensor or a sparse tensor into a provided buffer.
- /// Use GetStringTensorElementLength() to obtain the length of the buffer to allocate.
- ///
- ///
- ///
- ///
- void GetStringTensorElement(size_t buffer_length, size_t element_index, void* buffer) const;
- void FillStringTensor(const char* const* s, size_t s_len);
- void FillStringTensorElement(const char* s, size_t index);
-// Represents native memory allocation
-struct MemoryAllocation {
- MemoryAllocation(OrtAllocator* allocator, void* p, size_t size);
- ~MemoryAllocation();
- MemoryAllocation(const MemoryAllocation&) = delete;
- MemoryAllocation& operator=(const MemoryAllocation&) = delete;
- MemoryAllocation(MemoryAllocation&&) noexcept;
- MemoryAllocation& operator=(MemoryAllocation&&) noexcept;
- void* get() { return p_; }
- size_t size() const { return size_; }
- private:
- OrtAllocator* allocator_;
- void* p_;
- size_t size_;
-struct AllocatorWithDefaultOptions {
- AllocatorWithDefaultOptions();
- operator OrtAllocator*() { return p_; }
- operator const OrtAllocator*() const { return p_; }
- void* Alloc(size_t size);
- // The return value will own the allocation
- MemoryAllocation GetAllocation(size_t size);
- void Free(void* p);
- const OrtMemoryInfo* GetInfo() const;
- private:
- OrtAllocator* p_{};
-struct MemoryInfo : Base {
- static MemoryInfo CreateCpu(OrtAllocatorType type, OrtMemType mem_type1);
- explicit MemoryInfo(std::nullptr_t) {}
- explicit MemoryInfo(OrtMemoryInfo* p) : Base{p} {} ///< Used for interop with the C API
- MemoryInfo(const char* name, OrtAllocatorType type, int id, OrtMemType mem_type);
- std::string GetAllocatorName() const;
- OrtAllocatorType GetAllocatorType() const;
- int GetDeviceId() const;
- OrtMemType GetMemoryType() const;
- bool operator==(const MemoryInfo& o) const;
-struct Allocator : public Base {
- Allocator(const Session& session, const MemoryInfo&);
- void* Alloc(size_t size) const;
- // The return value will own the allocation
- MemoryAllocation GetAllocation(size_t size);
- void Free(void* p) const;
- Unowned GetInfo() const;
-struct IoBinding : public Base {
- explicit IoBinding(Session& session);
- void BindInput(const char* name, const Value&);
- void BindOutput(const char* name, const Value&);
- void BindOutput(const char* name, const MemoryInfo&);
- std::vector GetOutputNames() const;
- std::vector GetOutputNames(Allocator&) const;
- std::vector GetOutputValues() const;
- std::vector GetOutputValues(Allocator&) const;
- void ClearBoundInputs();
- void ClearBoundOutputs();
- void SynchronizeInputs();
- void SynchronizeOutputs();
- private:
- std::vector GetOutputNamesHelper(OrtAllocator*) const;
- std::vector GetOutputValuesHelper(OrtAllocator*) const;
-/*! \struct Ort::ArenaCfg
- * \brief it is a structure that represents the configuration of an arena based allocator
- * \details Please see docs/C_API.md for details
- */
-struct ArenaCfg : Base {
- explicit ArenaCfg(std::nullptr_t) {} ///< Create an empty ArenaCfg object, must be assigned a valid one to be used
- /**
- * Wraps OrtApi::CreateArenaCfg
- * \param max_mem - use 0 to allow ORT to choose the default
- * \param arena_extend_strategy - use -1 to allow ORT to choose the default, 0 = kNextPowerOfTwo, 1 = kSameAsRequested
- * \param initial_chunk_size_bytes - use -1 to allow ORT to choose the default
- * \param max_dead_bytes_per_chunk - use -1 to allow ORT to choose the default
- * See docs/C_API.md for details on what the following parameters mean and how to choose these values
- */
- ArenaCfg(size_t max_mem, int arena_extend_strategy, int initial_chunk_size_bytes, int max_dead_bytes_per_chunk);
-// Custom OPs (only needed to implement custom OPs)
-struct CustomOpApi {
- CustomOpApi(const OrtApi& api) : api_(api) {}
- template // T is only implemented for std::vector, std::vector, float, int64_t, and string
- T KernelInfoGetAttribute(_In_ const OrtKernelInfo* info, _In_ const char* name);
- OrtTensorTypeAndShapeInfo* GetTensorTypeAndShape(_In_ const OrtValue* value);
- size_t GetTensorShapeElementCount(_In_ const OrtTensorTypeAndShapeInfo* info);
- ONNXTensorElementDataType GetTensorElementType(const OrtTensorTypeAndShapeInfo* info);
- size_t GetDimensionsCount(_In_ const OrtTensorTypeAndShapeInfo* info);
- void GetDimensions(_In_ const OrtTensorTypeAndShapeInfo* info, _Out_ int64_t* dim_values, size_t dim_values_length);
- void SetDimensions(OrtTensorTypeAndShapeInfo* info, _In_ const int64_t* dim_values, size_t dim_count);
- template
- T* GetTensorMutableData(_Inout_ OrtValue* value);
- template
- const T* GetTensorData(_Inout_ const OrtValue* value);
- const OrtMemoryInfo* GetTensorMemoryInfo(_In_ const OrtValue* value);
- std::vector GetTensorShape(const OrtTensorTypeAndShapeInfo* info);
- void ReleaseTensorTypeAndShapeInfo(OrtTensorTypeAndShapeInfo* input);
- size_t KernelContext_GetInputCount(const OrtKernelContext* context);
- const OrtValue* KernelContext_GetInput(const OrtKernelContext* context, _In_ size_t index);
- size_t KernelContext_GetOutputCount(const OrtKernelContext* context);
- OrtValue* KernelContext_GetOutput(OrtKernelContext* context, _In_ size_t index, _In_ const int64_t* dim_values, size_t dim_count);
- void* KernelContext_GetGPUComputeStream(const OrtKernelContext* context);
- void ThrowOnError(OrtStatus* result);
- OrtOpAttr* CreateOpAttr(_In_ const char* name,
- _In_ const void* data,
- _In_ int len,
- _In_ OrtOpAttrType type);
- void ReleaseOpAttr(_Frees_ptr_opt_ OrtOpAttr* op_attr);
- OrtOp* CreateOp(_In_ const OrtKernelInfo* info,
- _In_ const char* op_name,
- _In_ const char* domain,
- _In_ int version,
- _In_opt_ const char** type_constraint_names,
- _In_opt_ const ONNXTensorElementDataType* type_constraint_values,
- _In_opt_ int type_constraint_count,
- _In_opt_ const OrtOpAttr* const* attr_values,
- _In_opt_ int attr_count,
- _In_ int input_count,
- _In_ int output_count);
- void InvokeOp(_In_ const OrtKernelContext* context,
- _In_ const OrtOp* ort_op,
- _In_ const OrtValue* const* input_values,
- _In_ int input_count,
- _Inout_ OrtValue* const* output_values,
- _In_ int output_count);
- void ReleaseOp(_Frees_ptr_opt_ OrtOp* ort_op);
- OrtKernelInfo* CopyKernelInfo(_In_ const OrtKernelInfo* info);
- void ReleaseKernelInfo(_Frees_ptr_opt_ OrtKernelInfo* info_copy);
- private:
- const OrtApi& api_;
-struct CustomOpBase : OrtCustomOp {
- CustomOpBase() {
- OrtCustomOp::version = ORT_API_VERSION;
- OrtCustomOp::CreateKernel = [](const OrtCustomOp* this_, const OrtApi* api, const OrtKernelInfo* info) { return static_cast(this_)->CreateKernel(*api, info); };
- OrtCustomOp::GetName = [](const OrtCustomOp* this_) { return static_cast(this_)->GetName(); };
- OrtCustomOp::GetExecutionProviderType = [](const OrtCustomOp* this_) { return static_cast(this_)->GetExecutionProviderType(); };
- OrtCustomOp::GetInputTypeCount = [](const OrtCustomOp* this_) { return static_cast(this_)->GetInputTypeCount(); };
- OrtCustomOp::GetInputType = [](const OrtCustomOp* this_, size_t index) { return static_cast(this_)->GetInputType(index); };
- OrtCustomOp::GetOutputTypeCount = [](const OrtCustomOp* this_) { return static_cast(this_)->GetOutputTypeCount(); };
- OrtCustomOp::GetOutputType = [](const OrtCustomOp* this_, size_t index) { return static_cast(this_)->GetOutputType(index); };
- OrtCustomOp::KernelCompute = [](void* op_kernel, OrtKernelContext* context) { static_cast(op_kernel)->Compute(context); };
-#if defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(__clang__)
-#pragma warning(push)
-#pragma warning(disable : 26409)
- OrtCustomOp::KernelDestroy = [](void* op_kernel) { delete static_cast(op_kernel); };
-#if defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(__clang__)
-#pragma warning(pop)
- OrtCustomOp::GetInputCharacteristic = [](const OrtCustomOp* this_, size_t index) { return static_cast(this_)->GetInputCharacteristic(index); };
- OrtCustomOp::GetOutputCharacteristic = [](const OrtCustomOp* this_, size_t index) { return static_cast(this_)->GetOutputCharacteristic(index); };
- }
- // Default implementation of GetExecutionProviderType that returns nullptr to default to the CPU provider
- const char* GetExecutionProviderType() const { return nullptr; }
- // Default implementations of GetInputCharacteristic() and GetOutputCharacteristic() below
- // (inputs and outputs are required by default)
- OrtCustomOpInputOutputCharacteristic GetInputCharacteristic(size_t /*index*/) const {
- return OrtCustomOpInputOutputCharacteristic::INPUT_OUTPUT_REQUIRED;
- }
- OrtCustomOpInputOutputCharacteristic GetOutputCharacteristic(size_t /*index*/) const {
- return OrtCustomOpInputOutputCharacteristic::INPUT_OUTPUT_REQUIRED;
- }
-} // namespace Ort
-#include "onnxruntime_cxx_inline.h"
diff --git a/examples/onnxruntime_demo/main/onnxruntime-src/include/onnxruntime_cxx_inline.h b/examples/onnxruntime_demo/main/onnxruntime-src/include/onnxruntime_cxx_inline.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 9a572fa8..00000000
--- a/examples/onnxruntime_demo/main/onnxruntime-src/include/onnxruntime_cxx_inline.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1385 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
-// Licensed under the MIT License.
-// Do not include this file directly. Please include "onnxruntime_cxx_api.h" instead.
-// If interested in trying out features of the new experimental C++ API, include "experimental_onnxruntime_cxx_api.h" instead.
-// These are the inline implementations of the C++ header APIs. They're in this separate file as to not clutter
-// the main C++ file with implementation details.
-namespace Ort {
-inline void ThrowOnError(const OrtApi& ort, OrtStatus* status) {
- if (status) {
- std::string error_message = ort.GetErrorMessage(status);
- OrtErrorCode error_code = ort.GetErrorCode(status);
- ort.ReleaseStatus(status);
- ORT_CXX_API_THROW(std::move(error_message), error_code);
- }
-inline void ThrowOnError(OrtStatus* status) {
- ThrowOnError(GetApi(), status);
-// This template converts a C++ type into it's ONNXTensorElementDataType
-struct TypeToTensorType;
-template <>
-struct TypeToTensorType { static constexpr ONNXTensorElementDataType type = ONNX_TENSOR_ELEMENT_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT; };
-template <>
-struct TypeToTensorType { static constexpr ONNXTensorElementDataType type = ONNX_TENSOR_ELEMENT_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT16; };
-template <>
-struct TypeToTensorType { static constexpr ONNXTensorElementDataType type = ONNX_TENSOR_ELEMENT_DATA_TYPE_BFLOAT16; };
-template <>
-struct TypeToTensorType { static constexpr ONNXTensorElementDataType type = ONNX_TENSOR_ELEMENT_DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE; };
-template <>
-struct TypeToTensorType { static constexpr ONNXTensorElementDataType type = ONNX_TENSOR_ELEMENT_DATA_TYPE_INT8; };
-template <>
-struct TypeToTensorType { static constexpr ONNXTensorElementDataType type = ONNX_TENSOR_ELEMENT_DATA_TYPE_INT16; };
-template <>
-struct TypeToTensorType { static constexpr ONNXTensorElementDataType type = ONNX_TENSOR_ELEMENT_DATA_TYPE_INT32; };
-template <>
-struct TypeToTensorType { static constexpr ONNXTensorElementDataType type = ONNX_TENSOR_ELEMENT_DATA_TYPE_INT64; };
-template <>
-struct TypeToTensorType { static constexpr ONNXTensorElementDataType type = ONNX_TENSOR_ELEMENT_DATA_TYPE_UINT8; };
-template <>
-struct TypeToTensorType { static constexpr ONNXTensorElementDataType type = ONNX_TENSOR_ELEMENT_DATA_TYPE_UINT16; };
-template <>
-struct TypeToTensorType { static constexpr ONNXTensorElementDataType type = ONNX_TENSOR_ELEMENT_DATA_TYPE_UINT32; };
-template <>
-struct TypeToTensorType { static constexpr ONNXTensorElementDataType type = ONNX_TENSOR_ELEMENT_DATA_TYPE_UINT64; };
-template <>
-struct TypeToTensorType { static constexpr ONNXTensorElementDataType type = ONNX_TENSOR_ELEMENT_DATA_TYPE_BOOL; };
-inline MemoryAllocation::MemoryAllocation(OrtAllocator* allocator, void* p, size_t size)
- : allocator_(allocator), p_(p), size_(size) {
-inline MemoryAllocation::~MemoryAllocation() {
- if (p_ != nullptr) {
- // We do not throw out of destructor
- auto ret = GetApi().AllocatorFree(allocator_, p_);
- static_cast(ret);
- }
-inline MemoryAllocation::MemoryAllocation(MemoryAllocation&& o) noexcept : allocator_(nullptr), p_(nullptr), size_(0) {
- *this = std::move(o);
-inline MemoryAllocation& MemoryAllocation::operator=(MemoryAllocation&& o) noexcept {
- OrtAllocator* alloc = nullptr;
- void* p = nullptr;
- size_t sz = 0;
- // Swap out this
- std::swap(alloc, allocator_);
- std::swap(p, p_);
- std::swap(sz, size_);
- // Swap with incoming
- std::swap(allocator_, o.allocator_);
- std::swap(p_, o.p_);
- std::swap(size_, o.size_);
- // Destroy this instance if needed
- MemoryAllocation this_alloc(alloc, p, sz);
- return *this;
-inline AllocatorWithDefaultOptions::AllocatorWithDefaultOptions() {
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().GetAllocatorWithDefaultOptions(&p_));
-inline void* AllocatorWithDefaultOptions::Alloc(size_t size) {
- void* out;
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().AllocatorAlloc(p_, size, &out));
- return out;
-inline MemoryAllocation Ort::AllocatorWithDefaultOptions::GetAllocation(size_t size) {
- void* out;
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().AllocatorAlloc(p_, size, &out));
- MemoryAllocation result(p_, out, size);
- return result;
-inline void AllocatorWithDefaultOptions::Free(void* p) {
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().AllocatorFree(p_, p));
-inline const OrtMemoryInfo* AllocatorWithDefaultOptions::GetInfo() const {
- const OrtMemoryInfo* out;
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().AllocatorGetInfo(p_, &out));
- return out;
-inline std::string MemoryInfo::GetAllocatorName() const {
- const char* name = nullptr;
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().MemoryInfoGetName(*this, &name));
- return std::string(name);
-inline OrtAllocatorType MemoryInfo::GetAllocatorType() const {
- OrtAllocatorType type;
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().MemoryInfoGetType(*this, &type));
- return type;
-inline int MemoryInfo::GetDeviceId() const {
- int id = 0;
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().MemoryInfoGetId(*this, &id));
- return id;
-inline OrtMemType MemoryInfo::GetMemoryType() const {
- OrtMemType type;
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().MemoryInfoGetMemType(*this, &type));
- return type;
-inline bool MemoryInfo::operator==(const MemoryInfo& o) const {
- int comp_result = 0;
- ThrowOnError(Ort::GetApi().CompareMemoryInfo(*this, o, &comp_result));
- return comp_result == 0;
-inline MemoryInfo MemoryInfo::CreateCpu(OrtAllocatorType type, OrtMemType mem_type) {
- OrtMemoryInfo* p;
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().CreateCpuMemoryInfo(type, mem_type, &p));
- return MemoryInfo(p);
-inline MemoryInfo::MemoryInfo(const char* name, OrtAllocatorType type, int id, OrtMemType mem_type) {
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().CreateMemoryInfo(name, type, id, mem_type, &p_));
-inline Allocator::Allocator(const Session& sess, const MemoryInfo& mem_info) {
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().CreateAllocator(sess, mem_info, &p_));
-inline void* Allocator::Alloc(size_t size) const {
- void* out = nullptr;
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().AllocatorAlloc(p_, size, &out));
- return out;
-inline MemoryAllocation Ort::Allocator::GetAllocation(size_t size) {
- void* out = nullptr;
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().AllocatorAlloc(p_, size, &out));
- MemoryAllocation result(p_, out, size);
- return result;
-inline void Allocator::Free(void* p) const {
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().AllocatorFree(p_, p));
-inline Unowned Allocator::GetInfo() const {
- const OrtMemoryInfo* out = nullptr;
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().AllocatorGetInfo(p_, &out));
- return Unowned(const_cast(out));
-inline IoBinding::IoBinding(Session& session) {
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().CreateIoBinding(session, &p_));
-inline void IoBinding::BindInput(const char* name, const Value& value) {
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().BindInput(p_, name, value));
-inline void IoBinding::BindOutput(const char* name, const Value& value) {
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().BindOutput(p_, name, value));
-inline void IoBinding::BindOutput(const char* name, const MemoryInfo& mem_info) {
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().BindOutputToDevice(p_, name, mem_info));
-inline std::vector IoBinding::GetOutputNamesHelper(OrtAllocator* allocator) const {
- std::vector result;
- auto free_fn = detail::AllocatedFree(allocator);
- using Ptr = std::unique_ptr;
- char* buffer = nullptr;
- size_t* lengths = nullptr;
- size_t count = 0;
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().GetBoundOutputNames(p_, allocator, &buffer, &lengths, &count));
- if (count == 0) {
- return result;
- }
- Ptr buffer_g(buffer, free_fn);
- Ptr lengths_g(lengths, free_fn);
- result.reserve(count);
- for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
- auto sz = *lengths;
- result.emplace_back(buffer, sz);
- buffer += sz;
- ++lengths;
- }
- return result;
-inline std::vector IoBinding::GetOutputNames() const {
- AllocatorWithDefaultOptions allocator;
- return GetOutputNamesHelper(allocator);
-inline std::vector IoBinding::GetOutputNames(Allocator& allocator) const {
- return GetOutputNamesHelper(allocator);
-inline std::vector Ort::IoBinding::GetOutputValuesHelper(OrtAllocator* allocator) const {
- std::vector result;
- size_t owned = 0;
- size_t output_count = 0;
- // Lambda to release the buffer when no longer needed and
- // make sure that we destroy all instances on exception
- auto free_fn = [&owned, &output_count, allocator](OrtValue** buffer) {
- if (buffer) {
- while (owned < output_count) {
- auto* p = buffer + owned++;
- GetApi().ReleaseValue(*p);
- }
- allocator->Free(allocator, buffer);
- }
- };
- using Ptr = std::unique_ptr;
- OrtValue** output_buffer = nullptr;
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().GetBoundOutputValues(p_, allocator, &output_buffer, &output_count));
- if (output_count == 0) {
- return result;
- }
- Ptr buffer_g(output_buffer, free_fn);
- result.reserve(output_count);
- for (size_t i = 0; i < output_count; ++i) {
- result.emplace_back(output_buffer[i]);
- ++owned;
- }
- return result;
-inline std::vector Ort::IoBinding::GetOutputValues(Allocator& allocator) const {
- return GetOutputValuesHelper(allocator);
-inline std::vector Ort::IoBinding::GetOutputValues() const {
- AllocatorWithDefaultOptions allocator;
- return GetOutputValuesHelper(allocator);
-inline void IoBinding::ClearBoundInputs() {
- GetApi().ClearBoundInputs(p_);
-inline void IoBinding::ClearBoundOutputs() {
- GetApi().ClearBoundOutputs(p_);
-inline void IoBinding::SynchronizeInputs() {
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().SynchronizeBoundInputs(p_));
-inline void IoBinding::SynchronizeOutputs() {
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().SynchronizeBoundOutputs(p_));
-inline ArenaCfg::ArenaCfg(size_t max_mem, int arena_extend_strategy, int initial_chunk_size_bytes, int max_dead_bytes_per_chunk) {
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().CreateArenaCfg(max_mem, arena_extend_strategy, initial_chunk_size_bytes, max_dead_bytes_per_chunk, &p_));
-inline Env::Env(OrtLoggingLevel logging_level, _In_ const char* logid) {
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().CreateEnv(logging_level, logid, &p_));
- if (strcmp(logid, "onnxruntime-node") == 0) {
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().SetLanguageProjection(p_, OrtLanguageProjection::ORT_PROJECTION_NODEJS));
- } else {
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().SetLanguageProjection(p_, OrtLanguageProjection::ORT_PROJECTION_CPLUSPLUS));
- }
-inline Env::Env(OrtLoggingLevel logging_level, const char* logid, OrtLoggingFunction logging_function, void* logger_param) {
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().CreateEnvWithCustomLogger(logging_function, logger_param, logging_level, logid, &p_));
- if (strcmp(logid, "onnxruntime-node") == 0) {
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().SetLanguageProjection(p_, OrtLanguageProjection::ORT_PROJECTION_NODEJS));
- } else {
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().SetLanguageProjection(p_, OrtLanguageProjection::ORT_PROJECTION_CPLUSPLUS));
- }
-inline Env::Env(const OrtThreadingOptions* tp_options, OrtLoggingLevel logging_level, _In_ const char* logid) {
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().CreateEnvWithGlobalThreadPools(logging_level, logid, tp_options, &p_));
- if (strcmp(logid, "onnxruntime-node") == 0) {
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().SetLanguageProjection(p_, OrtLanguageProjection::ORT_PROJECTION_NODEJS));
- } else {
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().SetLanguageProjection(p_, OrtLanguageProjection::ORT_PROJECTION_CPLUSPLUS));
- }
-inline Env::Env(const OrtThreadingOptions* tp_options, OrtLoggingFunction logging_function, void* logger_param,
- OrtLoggingLevel logging_level, _In_ const char* logid) {
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().CreateEnvWithCustomLoggerAndGlobalThreadPools(logging_function, logger_param, logging_level, logid, tp_options, &p_));
- if (strcmp(logid, "onnxruntime-node") == 0) {
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().SetLanguageProjection(p_, OrtLanguageProjection::ORT_PROJECTION_NODEJS));
- } else {
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().SetLanguageProjection(p_, OrtLanguageProjection::ORT_PROJECTION_CPLUSPLUS));
- }
-inline Env& Env::EnableTelemetryEvents() {
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().EnableTelemetryEvents(p_));
- return *this;
-inline Env& Env::DisableTelemetryEvents() {
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().DisableTelemetryEvents(p_));
- return *this;
-inline Env& Env::CreateAndRegisterAllocator(const OrtMemoryInfo* mem_info, const OrtArenaCfg* arena_cfg) {
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().CreateAndRegisterAllocator(p_, mem_info, arena_cfg));
- return *this;
-inline CustomOpDomain::CustomOpDomain(const char* domain) {
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().CreateCustomOpDomain(domain, &p_));
-inline void CustomOpDomain::Add(OrtCustomOp* op) {
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().CustomOpDomain_Add(p_, op));
-inline RunOptions::RunOptions() {
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().CreateRunOptions(&p_));
-inline RunOptions& RunOptions::SetRunLogVerbosityLevel(int level) {
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().RunOptionsSetRunLogVerbosityLevel(p_, level));
- return *this;
-inline RunOptions& RunOptions::SetRunLogSeverityLevel(int level) {
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().RunOptionsSetRunLogSeverityLevel(p_, level));
- return *this;
-inline int RunOptions::GetRunLogVerbosityLevel() const {
- int out;
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().RunOptionsGetRunLogVerbosityLevel(p_, &out));
- return out;
-inline int RunOptions::GetRunLogSeverityLevel() const {
- int out;
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().RunOptionsGetRunLogSeverityLevel(p_, &out));
- return out;
-inline RunOptions& RunOptions::SetRunTag(const char* run_tag) {
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().RunOptionsSetRunTag(p_, run_tag));
- return *this;
-inline const char* RunOptions::GetRunTag() const {
- const char* out;
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().RunOptionsGetRunTag(p_, &out));
- return out;
-inline RunOptions& RunOptions::AddConfigEntry(const char* config_key, const char* config_value) {
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().AddRunConfigEntry(p_, config_key, config_value));
- return *this;
-inline RunOptions& RunOptions::SetTerminate() {
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().RunOptionsSetTerminate(p_));
- return *this;
-inline RunOptions& RunOptions::UnsetTerminate() {
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().RunOptionsUnsetTerminate(p_));
- return *this;
-inline SessionOptions::SessionOptions() {
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().CreateSessionOptions(&p_));
-inline SessionOptions SessionOptions::Clone() const {
- OrtSessionOptions* out;
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().CloneSessionOptions(p_, &out));
- return SessionOptions{out};
-inline SessionOptions& SessionOptions::SetIntraOpNumThreads(int intra_op_num_threads) {
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().SetIntraOpNumThreads(p_, intra_op_num_threads));
- return *this;
-inline SessionOptions& SessionOptions::SetInterOpNumThreads(int inter_op_num_threads) {
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().SetInterOpNumThreads(p_, inter_op_num_threads));
- return *this;
-inline SessionOptions& SessionOptions::SetGraphOptimizationLevel(GraphOptimizationLevel graph_optimization_level) {
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().SetSessionGraphOptimizationLevel(p_, graph_optimization_level));
- return *this;
-inline SessionOptions& SessionOptions::SetOptimizedModelFilePath(const ORTCHAR_T* optimized_model_filepath) {
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().SetOptimizedModelFilePath(p_, optimized_model_filepath));
- return *this;
-inline SessionOptions& SessionOptions::EnableProfiling(const ORTCHAR_T* profile_file_prefix) {
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().EnableProfiling(p_, profile_file_prefix));
- return *this;
-inline SessionOptions& SessionOptions::DisableProfiling() {
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().DisableProfiling(p_));
- return *this;
-inline SessionOptions& SessionOptions::EnableOrtCustomOps() {
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().EnableOrtCustomOps(p_));
- return *this;
-inline SessionOptions& SessionOptions::EnableMemPattern() {
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().EnableMemPattern(p_));
- return *this;
-inline SessionOptions& SessionOptions::DisableMemPattern() {
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().DisableMemPattern(p_));
- return *this;
-inline SessionOptions& SessionOptions::EnableCpuMemArena() {
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().EnableCpuMemArena(p_));
- return *this;
-inline SessionOptions& SessionOptions::DisableCpuMemArena() {
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().DisableCpuMemArena(p_));
- return *this;
-inline SessionOptions& SessionOptions::SetExecutionMode(ExecutionMode execution_mode) {
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().SetSessionExecutionMode(p_, execution_mode));
- return *this;
-inline SessionOptions& SessionOptions::SetLogId(const char* logid) {
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().SetSessionLogId(p_, logid));
- return *this;
-inline SessionOptions& SessionOptions::SetLogSeverityLevel(int level) {
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().SetSessionLogSeverityLevel(p_, level));
- return *this;
-inline SessionOptions& SessionOptions::Add(OrtCustomOpDomain* custom_op_domain) {
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().AddCustomOpDomain(p_, custom_op_domain));
- return *this;
-inline SessionOptions& SessionOptions::AddConfigEntry(const char* config_key, const char* config_value) {
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().AddSessionConfigEntry(p_, config_key, config_value));
- return *this;
-inline SessionOptions& SessionOptions::AddInitializer(const char* name, const OrtValue* ort_val) {
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().AddInitializer(p_, name, ort_val));
- return *this;
-inline SessionOptions& SessionOptions::AddExternalInitializers(const std::vector& names,
- const std::vector& ort_values) {
- const size_t inputs_num = names.size();
- if (inputs_num != ort_values.size()) {
- ORT_CXX_API_THROW("Expecting names and ort_values to have the same length", ORT_INVALID_ARGUMENT);
- }
- std::vector names_ptr;
- std::vector ort_values_ptrs;
- names_ptr.reserve(inputs_num);
- ort_values_ptrs.reserve(inputs_num);
- for (size_t i = 0; i < inputs_num; ++i) {
- names_ptr.push_back(names[i].c_str());
- ort_values_ptrs.push_back(ort_values[i]);
- }
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().AddExternalInitializers(p_, names_ptr.data(), ort_values_ptrs.data(), inputs_num));
- return *this;
-inline SessionOptions& SessionOptions::AppendExecutionProvider_CUDA(const OrtCUDAProviderOptions& provider_options) {
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().SessionOptionsAppendExecutionProvider_CUDA(p_, &provider_options));
- return *this;
-inline SessionOptions& SessionOptions::AppendExecutionProvider_CUDA_V2(const OrtCUDAProviderOptionsV2& provider_options) {
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().SessionOptionsAppendExecutionProvider_CUDA_V2(p_, &provider_options));
- return *this;
-inline SessionOptions& SessionOptions::AppendExecutionProvider_ROCM(const OrtROCMProviderOptions& provider_options) {
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().SessionOptionsAppendExecutionProvider_ROCM(p_, &provider_options));
- return *this;
-inline SessionOptions& SessionOptions::AppendExecutionProvider_TensorRT(const OrtTensorRTProviderOptions& provider_options) {
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().SessionOptionsAppendExecutionProvider_TensorRT(p_, &provider_options));
- return *this;
-inline SessionOptions& SessionOptions::AppendExecutionProvider_TensorRT_V2(const OrtTensorRTProviderOptionsV2& provider_options) {
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().SessionOptionsAppendExecutionProvider_TensorRT_V2(p_, &provider_options));
- return *this;
-inline SessionOptions& SessionOptions::AppendExecutionProvider_MIGraphX(const OrtMIGraphXProviderOptions& provider_options) {
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().SessionOptionsAppendExecutionProvider_MIGraphX(p_, &provider_options));
- return *this;
-inline SessionOptions& SessionOptions::AppendExecutionProvider(
- const std::string& provider_name,
- const std::unordered_map& provider_options) {
- auto num_entries = provider_options.size();
- std::vector keys, values;
- if (num_entries > 0) {
- keys.reserve(num_entries);
- values.reserve(num_entries);
- for (const auto& entry : provider_options) {
- keys.push_back(entry.first.c_str());
- values.push_back(entry.second.c_str());
- }
- }
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().SessionOptionsAppendExecutionProvider(p_, provider_name.c_str(),
- keys.data(), values.data(), num_entries));
- return *this;
-inline SessionOptions& SessionOptions::SetCustomCreateThreadFn(OrtCustomCreateThreadFn ort_custom_create_thread_fn) {
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().SessionOptionsSetCustomCreateThreadFn(p_, ort_custom_create_thread_fn));
- return *this;
-inline SessionOptions& SessionOptions::SetCustomThreadCreationOptions(void* ort_custom_thread_creation_options) {
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().SessionOptionsSetCustomThreadCreationOptions(p_, ort_custom_thread_creation_options));
- return *this;
-inline SessionOptions& SessionOptions::SetCustomJoinThreadFn(OrtCustomJoinThreadFn ort_custom_join_thread_fn) {
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().SessionOptionsSetCustomJoinThreadFn(p_, ort_custom_join_thread_fn));
- return *this;
-inline SessionOptions& SessionOptions::AppendExecutionProvider_OpenVINO(const OrtOpenVINOProviderOptions& provider_options) {
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().SessionOptionsAppendExecutionProvider_OpenVINO(p_, &provider_options));
- return *this;
-inline Session::Session(Env& env, const ORTCHAR_T* model_path, const SessionOptions& options) {
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().CreateSession(env, model_path, options, &p_));
-inline Session::Session(Env& env, const ORTCHAR_T* model_path, const SessionOptions& options,
- OrtPrepackedWeightsContainer* prepacked_weights_container) {
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().CreateSessionWithPrepackedWeightsContainer(env, model_path, options, prepacked_weights_container, &p_));
-inline Session::Session(Env& env, const void* model_data, size_t model_data_length, const SessionOptions& options) {
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().CreateSessionFromArray(env, model_data, model_data_length, options, &p_));
-inline std::vector Session::Run(const RunOptions& run_options, const char* const* input_names, const Value* input_values, size_t input_count,
- const char* const* output_names, size_t output_names_count) {
- std::vector output_values;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < output_names_count; i++)
- output_values.emplace_back(nullptr);
- Run(run_options, input_names, input_values, input_count, output_names, output_values.data(), output_names_count);
- return output_values;
-inline void Session::Run(const RunOptions& run_options, const char* const* input_names, const Value* input_values, size_t input_count,
- const char* const* output_names, Value* output_values, size_t output_count) {
- static_assert(sizeof(Value) == sizeof(OrtValue*), "Value is really just an array of OrtValue* in memory, so we can reinterpret_cast safely");
- auto ort_input_values = reinterpret_cast(const_cast(input_values));
- auto ort_output_values = reinterpret_cast(output_values);
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().Run(p_, run_options, input_names, ort_input_values, input_count, output_names, output_count, ort_output_values));
-inline void Session::Run(const RunOptions& run_options, const IoBinding& io_binding) {
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().RunWithBinding(p_, run_options, io_binding));
-inline size_t Session::GetInputCount() const {
- size_t out;
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().SessionGetInputCount(p_, &out));
- return out;
-inline size_t Session::GetOutputCount() const {
- size_t out;
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().SessionGetOutputCount(p_, &out));
- return out;
-inline size_t Session::GetOverridableInitializerCount() const {
- size_t out;
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().SessionGetOverridableInitializerCount(p_, &out));
- return out;
-inline char* Session::GetInputName(size_t index, OrtAllocator* allocator) const {
- char* out;
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().SessionGetInputName(p_, index, allocator, &out));
- return out;
-inline char* Session::GetOutputName(size_t index, OrtAllocator* allocator) const {
- char* out;
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().SessionGetOutputName(p_, index, allocator, &out));
- return out;
-inline AllocatedStringPtr Session::GetInputNameAllocated(size_t index, OrtAllocator* allocator) const {
- char* out;
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().SessionGetInputName(p_, index, allocator, &out));
- return AllocatedStringPtr(out, detail::AllocatedFree(allocator));
-inline AllocatedStringPtr Session::GetOutputNameAllocated(size_t index, OrtAllocator* allocator) const {
- char* out;
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().SessionGetOutputName(p_, index, allocator, &out));
- return AllocatedStringPtr(out, detail::AllocatedFree(allocator));
-inline char* Session::GetOverridableInitializerName(size_t index, OrtAllocator* allocator) const {
- char* out;
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().SessionGetOverridableInitializerName(p_, index, allocator, &out));
- return out;
-inline AllocatedStringPtr Session::GetOverridableInitializerNameAllocated(size_t index, OrtAllocator* allocator) const {
- char* out;
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().SessionGetOverridableInitializerName(p_, index, allocator, &out));
- return AllocatedStringPtr(out, detail::AllocatedFree(allocator));
-inline char* Session::EndProfiling(OrtAllocator* allocator) const {
- char* out;
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().SessionEndProfiling(p_, allocator, &out));
- return out;
-inline AllocatedStringPtr Session::EndProfilingAllocated(OrtAllocator* allocator) const {
- char* out;
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().SessionEndProfiling(p_, allocator, &out));
- return AllocatedStringPtr(out, detail::AllocatedFree(allocator));
-inline uint64_t Session::GetProfilingStartTimeNs() const {
- uint64_t out;
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().SessionGetProfilingStartTimeNs(p_, &out));
- return out;
-inline ModelMetadata Session::GetModelMetadata() const {
- OrtModelMetadata* out;
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().SessionGetModelMetadata(p_, &out));
- return ModelMetadata{out};
-inline char* ModelMetadata::GetProducerName(OrtAllocator* allocator) const {
- char* out;
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().ModelMetadataGetProducerName(p_, allocator, &out));
- return out;
-inline AllocatedStringPtr ModelMetadata::GetProducerNameAllocated(OrtAllocator* allocator) const {
- char* out;
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().ModelMetadataGetProducerName(p_, allocator, &out));
- return AllocatedStringPtr(out, detail::AllocatedFree(allocator));
-inline char* ModelMetadata::GetGraphName(OrtAllocator* allocator) const {
- char* out;
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().ModelMetadataGetGraphName(p_, allocator, &out));
- return out;
-inline AllocatedStringPtr ModelMetadata::GetGraphNameAllocated(OrtAllocator* allocator) const {
- char* out;
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().ModelMetadataGetGraphName(p_, allocator, &out));
- return AllocatedStringPtr(out, detail::AllocatedFree(allocator));
-inline char* ModelMetadata::GetDomain(OrtAllocator* allocator) const {
- char* out;
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().ModelMetadataGetDomain(p_, allocator, &out));
- return out;
-inline AllocatedStringPtr ModelMetadata::GetDomainAllocated(OrtAllocator* allocator) const {
- char* out;
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().ModelMetadataGetDomain(p_, allocator, &out));
- return AllocatedStringPtr(out, detail::AllocatedFree(allocator));
-inline char* ModelMetadata::GetDescription(OrtAllocator* allocator) const {
- char* out;
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().ModelMetadataGetDescription(p_, allocator, &out));
- return out;
-inline AllocatedStringPtr Ort::ModelMetadata::GetDescriptionAllocated(OrtAllocator* allocator) const {
- char* out;
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().ModelMetadataGetDescription(p_, allocator, &out));
- return AllocatedStringPtr(out, detail::AllocatedFree(allocator));
-inline char* ModelMetadata::GetGraphDescription(OrtAllocator* allocator) const {
- char* out;
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().ModelMetadataGetGraphDescription(p_, allocator, &out));
- return out;
-inline AllocatedStringPtr ModelMetadata::GetGraphDescriptionAllocated(OrtAllocator* allocator) const {
- char* out;
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().ModelMetadataGetGraphDescription(p_, allocator, &out));
- return AllocatedStringPtr(out, detail::AllocatedFree(allocator));
-inline char* ModelMetadata::LookupCustomMetadataMap(const char* key, OrtAllocator* allocator) const {
- char* out;
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().ModelMetadataLookupCustomMetadataMap(p_, allocator, key, &out));
- return out;
-inline AllocatedStringPtr ModelMetadata::LookupCustomMetadataMapAllocated(const char* key, OrtAllocator* allocator) const {
- char* out;
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().ModelMetadataLookupCustomMetadataMap(p_, allocator, key, &out));
- return AllocatedStringPtr(out, detail::AllocatedFree(allocator));
-inline char** ModelMetadata::GetCustomMetadataMapKeys(OrtAllocator* allocator, _Out_ int64_t& num_keys) const {
- char** out;
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().ModelMetadataGetCustomMetadataMapKeys(p_, allocator, &out, &num_keys));
- return out;
-inline std::vector ModelMetadata::GetCustomMetadataMapKeysAllocated(OrtAllocator* allocator) const {
- auto deletor = detail::AllocatedFree(allocator);
- std::vector result;
- char** out = nullptr;
- int64_t num_keys = 0;
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().ModelMetadataGetCustomMetadataMapKeys(p_, allocator, &out, &num_keys));
- if (num_keys <= 0) {
- return result;
- }
- // array of pointers will be freed
- std::unique_ptr array_guard(out, deletor);
- // reserve may throw
- auto strings_deletor = [&deletor, num_keys](char** out) { for(int64_t i = 0; i < num_keys; ++i) deletor(out[i]); };
- std::unique_ptr strings_guard(out, strings_deletor);
- result.reserve(static_cast(num_keys));
- strings_guard.release();
- for (int64_t i = 0; i < num_keys; ++i) {
- result.push_back(AllocatedStringPtr(out[i], deletor));
- }
- return result;
-inline int64_t ModelMetadata::GetVersion() const {
- int64_t out;
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().ModelMetadataGetVersion(p_, &out));
- return out;
-inline TypeInfo Session::GetInputTypeInfo(size_t index) const {
- OrtTypeInfo* out;
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().SessionGetInputTypeInfo(p_, index, &out));
- return TypeInfo{out};
-inline TypeInfo Session::GetOutputTypeInfo(size_t index) const {
- OrtTypeInfo* out;
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().SessionGetOutputTypeInfo(p_, index, &out));
- return TypeInfo{out};
-inline TypeInfo Session::GetOverridableInitializerTypeInfo(size_t index) const {
- OrtTypeInfo* out;
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().SessionGetOverridableInitializerTypeInfo(p_, index, &out));
- return TypeInfo{out};
-inline ONNXTensorElementDataType TensorTypeAndShapeInfo::GetElementType() const {
- ONNXTensorElementDataType out;
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().GetTensorElementType(p_, &out));
- return out;
-inline size_t TensorTypeAndShapeInfo::GetElementCount() const {
- size_t out;
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().GetTensorShapeElementCount(p_, &out));
- return static_cast(out);
-inline size_t TensorTypeAndShapeInfo::GetDimensionsCount() const {
- size_t out;
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().GetDimensionsCount(p_, &out));
- return out;
-inline void TensorTypeAndShapeInfo::GetDimensions(int64_t* values, size_t values_count) const {
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().GetDimensions(p_, values, values_count));
-inline void TensorTypeAndShapeInfo::GetSymbolicDimensions(const char** values, size_t values_count) const {
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().GetSymbolicDimensions(p_, values, values_count));
-inline std::vector TensorTypeAndShapeInfo::GetShape() const {
- std::vector out(GetDimensionsCount(), 0);
- GetDimensions(out.data(), out.size());
- return out;
-inline Unowned TypeInfo::GetTensorTypeAndShapeInfo() const {
- const OrtTensorTypeAndShapeInfo* out;
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().CastTypeInfoToTensorInfo(p_, &out));
- return Unowned(const_cast(out));
-inline Unowned TypeInfo::GetSequenceTypeInfo() const {
- const OrtSequenceTypeInfo* out;
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().CastTypeInfoToSequenceTypeInfo(p_, &out));
- return Unowned{const_cast(out)};
-inline TypeInfo SequenceTypeInfo::GetSequenceElementType() const {
- OrtTypeInfo* output;
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().GetSequenceElementType(p_, &output));
- return TypeInfo{output};
-inline Unowned TypeInfo::GetMapTypeInfo() const {
- const OrtMapTypeInfo* out;
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().CastTypeInfoToMapTypeInfo(p_, &out));
- return Unowned{const_cast(out)};
-inline ONNXTensorElementDataType MapTypeInfo::GetMapKeyType() const {
- ONNXTensorElementDataType out;
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().GetMapKeyType(p_, &out));
- return out;
-inline TypeInfo MapTypeInfo::GetMapValueType() const {
- OrtTypeInfo* output;
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().GetMapValueType(p_, &output));
- return TypeInfo{output};
-inline ONNXType TypeInfo::GetONNXType() const {
- ONNXType out;
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().GetOnnxTypeFromTypeInfo(p_, &out));
- return out;
-inline Value Value::CreateTensor(const OrtMemoryInfo* info, T* p_data, size_t p_data_element_count, const int64_t* shape, size_t shape_len) {
- return CreateTensor(info, p_data, p_data_element_count * sizeof(T), shape, shape_len, TypeToTensorType::type);
-inline Value Value::CreateTensor(const OrtMemoryInfo* info, void* p_data, size_t p_data_byte_count, const int64_t* shape, size_t shape_len,
- ONNXTensorElementDataType type) {
- OrtValue* out;
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().CreateTensorWithDataAsOrtValue(info, p_data, p_data_byte_count, shape, shape_len, type, &out));
- return Value{out};
-inline Value Value::CreateSparseTensor(const OrtMemoryInfo* info, T* p_data, const Shape& dense_shape,
- const Shape& values_shape) {
- return CreateSparseTensor(info, p_data, dense_shape, values_shape, TypeToTensorType::type);
-inline Value Value::CreateSparseTensor(const OrtMemoryInfo* info, void* p_data, const Shape& dense_shape,
- const Shape& values_shape, ONNXTensorElementDataType type) {
- OrtValue* out;
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().CreateSparseTensorWithValuesAsOrtValue(info, p_data, dense_shape.shape, dense_shape.shape_len,
- values_shape.shape, values_shape.shape_len, type, &out));
- return Value{out};
-inline void Value::FillSparseTensorCoo(const OrtMemoryInfo* mem_info, const OrtSparseValuesParam& values_param,
- const int64_t* indices_data, size_t indices_num) {
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().FillSparseTensorCoo(p_, mem_info, values_param.values_shape,
- values_param.values_shape_len, values_param.data.p_data,
- indices_data, indices_num));
-inline void Value::FillSparseTensorCsr(const OrtMemoryInfo* data_mem_info,
- const OrtSparseValuesParam& values,
- const int64_t* inner_indices_data, size_t inner_indices_num,
- const int64_t* outer_indices_data, size_t outer_indices_num) {
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().FillSparseTensorCsr(p_, data_mem_info, values.values_shape, values.values_shape_len, values.data.p_data,
- inner_indices_data, inner_indices_num,
- outer_indices_data, outer_indices_num));
-inline void Value::FillSparseTensorBlockSparse(const OrtMemoryInfo* data_mem_info,
- const OrtSparseValuesParam& values,
- const Shape& indices_shape,
- const int32_t* indices_data) {
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().FillSparseTensorBlockSparse(p_, data_mem_info, values.values_shape, values.values_shape_len, values.data.p_data,
- indices_shape.shape, indices_shape.shape_len,
- indices_data));
-inline void Value::UseCooIndices(int64_t* indices_data, size_t indices_num) {
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().UseCooIndices(p_, indices_data, indices_num));
-inline void Value::UseCsrIndices(int64_t* inner_data, size_t inner_num, int64_t* outer_data, size_t outer_num) {
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().UseCsrIndices(p_, inner_data, inner_num, outer_data, outer_num));
-inline void Value::UseBlockSparseIndices(const Shape& indices_shape, int32_t* indices_data) {
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().UseBlockSparseIndices(p_, indices_shape.shape, indices_shape.shape_len, indices_data));
-inline OrtSparseFormat Value::GetSparseFormat() const {
- OrtSparseFormat format;
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().GetSparseTensorFormat(p_, &format));
- return format;
-inline TensorTypeAndShapeInfo Value::GetSparseTensorValuesTypeAndShapeInfo() const {
- OrtTensorTypeAndShapeInfo* output;
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().GetSparseTensorValuesTypeAndShape(p_, &output));
- return TensorTypeAndShapeInfo{output};
-inline TensorTypeAndShapeInfo Value::GetSparseTensorIndicesTypeShapeInfo(OrtSparseIndicesFormat indices_format) const {
- OrtTensorTypeAndShapeInfo* output;
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().GetSparseTensorIndicesTypeShape(p_, indices_format, &output));
- return TensorTypeAndShapeInfo{output};
-inline const T* Value::GetSparseTensorIndicesData(OrtSparseIndicesFormat indices_format, size_t& num_indices) const {
- const void* out;
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().GetSparseTensorIndices(p_, indices_format, &num_indices, &out));
- return reinterpret_cast(out);
-#endif // !defined(DISABLE_SPARSE_TENSORS)
-inline Value Value::CreateTensor(OrtAllocator* allocator, const int64_t* shape, size_t shape_len) {
- return CreateTensor(allocator, shape, shape_len, TypeToTensorType::type);
-inline Value Value::CreateTensor(OrtAllocator* allocator, const int64_t* shape, size_t shape_len, ONNXTensorElementDataType type) {
- OrtValue* out;
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().CreateTensorAsOrtValue(allocator, shape, shape_len, type, &out));
- return Value{out};
-inline Value Value::CreateSparseTensor(OrtAllocator* allocator, const Shape& dense_shape) {
- return CreateSparseTensor(allocator, dense_shape, TypeToTensorType::type);
-inline Value Value::CreateSparseTensor(OrtAllocator* allocator, const Shape& dense_shape,
- ONNXTensorElementDataType type) {
- OrtValue* out;
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().CreateSparseTensorAsOrtValue(allocator, dense_shape.shape, dense_shape.shape_len, type, &out));
- return Value{out};
-#endif // !defined(DISABLE_SPARSE_TENSORS)
-inline Value Value::CreateMap(Value& keys, Value& values) {
- OrtValue* out;
- OrtValue* inputs[2] = {keys, values};
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().CreateValue(inputs, 2, ONNX_TYPE_MAP, &out));
- return Value{out};
-inline Value Value::CreateSequence(std::vector& values) {
- OrtValue* out;
- std::vector values_ort{values.data(), values.data() + values.size()};
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().CreateValue(values_ort.data(), values_ort.size(), ONNX_TYPE_SEQUENCE, &out));
- return Value{out};
-inline Value Value::CreateOpaque(const char* domain, const char* type_name, const T& data_container) {
- OrtValue* out;
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().CreateOpaqueValue(domain, type_name, &data_container, sizeof(T), &out));
- return Value{out};
-inline void Value::GetOpaqueData(const char* domain, const char* type_name, T& out) const {
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().GetOpaqueValue(domain, type_name, p_, &out, sizeof(T)));
-inline bool Value::IsTensor() const {
- int out;
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().IsTensor(p_, &out));
- return out != 0;
-inline bool Value::HasValue() const {
- int out;
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().HasValue(p_, &out));
- return out != 0;
-inline bool Value::IsSparseTensor() const {
- int out;
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().IsSparseTensor(p_, &out));
- return out != 0;
-inline size_t Value::GetCount() const {
- size_t out;
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().GetValueCount(p_, &out));
- return out;
-inline Value Value::GetValue(int index, OrtAllocator* allocator) const {
- OrtValue* out;
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().GetValue(p_, index, allocator, &out));
- return Value{out};
-inline size_t Value::GetStringTensorDataLength() const {
- size_t out;
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().GetStringTensorDataLength(p_, &out));
- return out;
-inline size_t Value::GetStringTensorElementLength(size_t element_index) const {
- size_t out;
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().GetStringTensorElementLength(p_, element_index, &out));
- return out;
-inline void Value::GetStringTensorContent(void* buffer, size_t buffer_length, size_t* offsets, size_t offsets_count) const {
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().GetStringTensorContent(p_, buffer, buffer_length, offsets, offsets_count));
-inline void Value::GetStringTensorElement(size_t buffer_length, size_t element_index, void* buffer) const {
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().GetStringTensorElement(p_, buffer_length, element_index, buffer));
-inline void Value::FillStringTensor(const char* const* s, size_t s_len) {
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().FillStringTensor(p_, s, s_len));
-inline void Value::FillStringTensorElement(const char* s, size_t index) {
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().FillStringTensorElement(p_, s, index));
-T* Value::GetTensorMutableData() {
- T* out;
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().GetTensorMutableData(p_, (void**)&out));
- return out;
-const T* Value::GetTensorData() const {
- T* out;
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().GetTensorMutableData(p_, (void**)&out));
- return out;
-inline const T* Value::GetSparseTensorValues() const {
- const void* out;
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().GetSparseTensorValues(p_, &out));
- return reinterpret_cast(out);
-#endif // !defined(DISABLE_SPARSE_TENSORS)
-inline T& Value::At(const std::vector& location) {
- static_assert(!std::is_same::value, "this api does not support std::string");
- T* out;
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().TensorAt(p_, location.data(), location.size(), (void**)&out));
- return *out;
-inline TypeInfo Value::GetTypeInfo() const {
- OrtTypeInfo* output;
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().GetTypeInfo(p_, &output));
- return TypeInfo{output};
-inline TensorTypeAndShapeInfo Value::GetTensorTypeAndShapeInfo() const {
- OrtTensorTypeAndShapeInfo* output;
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().GetTensorTypeAndShape(p_, &output));
- return TensorTypeAndShapeInfo{output};
-// Custom OP API Inlines
-inline void CustomOpApi::ThrowOnError(OrtStatus* status) {
- Ort::ThrowOnError(api_, status);
-template <>
-inline float CustomOpApi::KernelInfoGetAttribute(_In_ const OrtKernelInfo* info, _In_ const char* name) {
- float out;
- ThrowOnError(api_.KernelInfoGetAttribute_float(info, name, &out));
- return out;
-template <>
-inline int64_t CustomOpApi::KernelInfoGetAttribute(_In_ const OrtKernelInfo* info, _In_ const char* name) {
- int64_t out;
- ThrowOnError(api_.KernelInfoGetAttribute_int64(info, name, &out));
- return out;
-template <>
-inline std::string CustomOpApi::KernelInfoGetAttribute(_In_ const OrtKernelInfo* info, _In_ const char* name) {
- size_t size = 0;
- std::string out;
- // Feed nullptr for the data buffer to query the true size of the string attribute
- OrtStatus* status = api_.KernelInfoGetAttribute_string(info, name, nullptr, &size);
- if (status == nullptr) {
- out.resize(size);
- ThrowOnError(api_.KernelInfoGetAttribute_string(info, name, &out[0], &size));
- out.resize(size - 1); // remove the terminating character '\0'
- } else {
- ThrowOnError(status);
- }
- return out;
-template <>
-inline std::vector CustomOpApi::KernelInfoGetAttribute(_In_ const OrtKernelInfo* info, _In_ const char* name) {
- size_t size = 0;
- std::vector out;
- // Feed nullptr for the data buffer to query the true size of the attribute
- OrtStatus* status = api_.KernelInfoGetAttributeArray_float(info, name, nullptr, &size);
- if (status == nullptr) {
- out.resize(size);
- ThrowOnError(api_.KernelInfoGetAttributeArray_float(info, name, out.data(), &size));
- } else {
- ThrowOnError(status);
- }
- return out;
-template <>
-inline std::vector CustomOpApi::KernelInfoGetAttribute(_In_ const OrtKernelInfo* info, _In_ const char* name) {
- size_t size = 0;
- std::vector out;
- // Feed nullptr for the data buffer to query the true size of the attribute
- OrtStatus* status = api_.KernelInfoGetAttributeArray_int64(info, name, nullptr, &size);
- if (status == nullptr) {
- out.resize(size);
- ThrowOnError(api_.KernelInfoGetAttributeArray_int64(info, name, out.data(), &size));
- } else {
- ThrowOnError(status);
- }
- return out;
-inline OrtTensorTypeAndShapeInfo* CustomOpApi::GetTensorTypeAndShape(_In_ const OrtValue* value) {
- OrtTensorTypeAndShapeInfo* out;
- ThrowOnError(api_.GetTensorTypeAndShape(value, &out));
- return out;
-inline size_t CustomOpApi::GetTensorShapeElementCount(_In_ const OrtTensorTypeAndShapeInfo* info) {
- size_t out;
- ThrowOnError(api_.GetTensorShapeElementCount(info, &out));
- return out;
-inline ONNXTensorElementDataType CustomOpApi::GetTensorElementType(const OrtTensorTypeAndShapeInfo* info) {
- ONNXTensorElementDataType out;
- ThrowOnError(api_.GetTensorElementType(info, &out));
- return out;
-inline size_t CustomOpApi::GetDimensionsCount(_In_ const OrtTensorTypeAndShapeInfo* info) {
- size_t out;
- ThrowOnError(api_.GetDimensionsCount(info, &out));
- return out;
-inline void CustomOpApi::GetDimensions(_In_ const OrtTensorTypeAndShapeInfo* info, _Out_ int64_t* dim_values, size_t dim_values_length) {
- ThrowOnError(api_.GetDimensions(info, dim_values, dim_values_length));
-inline void CustomOpApi::SetDimensions(OrtTensorTypeAndShapeInfo* info, _In_ const int64_t* dim_values, size_t dim_count) {
- ThrowOnError(api_.SetDimensions(info, dim_values, dim_count));
-inline T* CustomOpApi::GetTensorMutableData(_Inout_ OrtValue* value) {
- T* data;
- ThrowOnError(api_.GetTensorMutableData(value, reinterpret_cast(&data)));
- return data;
-inline const OrtMemoryInfo* CustomOpApi::GetTensorMemoryInfo(_In_ const OrtValue* value) {
- const OrtMemoryInfo* mem_info;
- ThrowOnError(api_.GetTensorMemoryInfo(value, &mem_info));
- return mem_info;
-inline const T* CustomOpApi::GetTensorData(_Inout_ const OrtValue* value) {
- return GetTensorMutableData(const_cast(value));
-inline std::vector CustomOpApi::GetTensorShape(const OrtTensorTypeAndShapeInfo* info) {
- std::vector output(GetDimensionsCount(info));
- GetDimensions(info, output.data(), output.size());
- return output;
-inline void CustomOpApi::ReleaseTensorTypeAndShapeInfo(OrtTensorTypeAndShapeInfo* input) {
- api_.ReleaseTensorTypeAndShapeInfo(input);
-inline size_t CustomOpApi::KernelContext_GetInputCount(const OrtKernelContext* context) {
- size_t out;
- ThrowOnError(api_.KernelContext_GetInputCount(context, &out));
- return out;
-inline const OrtValue* CustomOpApi::KernelContext_GetInput(const OrtKernelContext* context, _In_ size_t index) {
- const OrtValue* out;
- ThrowOnError(api_.KernelContext_GetInput(context, index, &out));
- return out;
-inline size_t CustomOpApi::KernelContext_GetOutputCount(const OrtKernelContext* context) {
- size_t out;
- ThrowOnError(api_.KernelContext_GetOutputCount(context, &out));
- return out;
-inline OrtValue* CustomOpApi::KernelContext_GetOutput(OrtKernelContext* context, _In_ size_t index,
- _In_ const int64_t* dim_values, size_t dim_count) {
- OrtValue* out;
- ThrowOnError(api_.KernelContext_GetOutput(context, index, dim_values, dim_count, &out));
- return out;
-inline void* CustomOpApi::KernelContext_GetGPUComputeStream(const OrtKernelContext* context) {
- void* out;
- ThrowOnError(api_.KernelContext_GetGPUComputeStream(context, &out));
- return out;
-inline OrtOpAttr* CustomOpApi::CreateOpAttr(_In_ const char* name,
- _In_ const void* data,
- _In_ int len,
- _In_ OrtOpAttrType type) {
- OrtOpAttr* op_attr{};
- ThrowOnError(api_.CreateOpAttr(name, data, len, type, &op_attr));
- return op_attr;
-inline void CustomOpApi::ReleaseOpAttr(_Frees_ptr_opt_ OrtOpAttr* op_attr) {
- api_.ReleaseOpAttr(op_attr);
-inline OrtOp* CustomOpApi::CreateOp(_In_ const OrtKernelInfo* info,
- _In_ const char* op_name,
- _In_ const char* domain,
- _In_ int version,
- _In_opt_ const char** type_constraint_names,
- _In_opt_ const ONNXTensorElementDataType* type_constraint_values,
- _In_opt_ int type_constraint_count,
- _In_opt_ const OrtOpAttr* const* attr_values,
- _In_opt_ int attr_count,
- _In_ int input_count,
- _In_ int output_count) {
- OrtOp* ort_op{};
- ThrowOnError(api_.CreateOp(info, op_name, domain, version, type_constraint_names, type_constraint_values,
- type_constraint_count, attr_values, attr_count, input_count, output_count, &ort_op));
- return ort_op;
-inline void CustomOpApi::InvokeOp(_In_ const OrtKernelContext* context,
- _In_ const OrtOp* ort_op,
- _In_ const OrtValue* const* input_values,
- _In_ int input_count,
- _Inout_ OrtValue* const* output_values,
- _In_ int output_count) {
- ThrowOnError(api_.InvokeOp(context, ort_op, input_values, input_count, output_values, output_count));
-inline void CustomOpApi::ReleaseOp(_Frees_ptr_opt_ OrtOp* ort_op) {
- api_.ReleaseOp(ort_op);
-inline OrtKernelInfo* CustomOpApi::CopyKernelInfo(_In_ const OrtKernelInfo* info) {
- OrtKernelInfo* info_copy{};
- ThrowOnError(api_.CopyKernelInfo(info, &info_copy));
- return info_copy;
-inline void CustomOpApi::ReleaseKernelInfo(_Frees_ptr_opt_ OrtKernelInfo* info_copy) {
- api_.ReleaseKernelInfo(info_copy);
-inline SessionOptions& SessionOptions::DisablePerSessionThreads() {
- ThrowOnError(GetApi().DisablePerSessionThreads(p_));
- return *this;
-inline std::vector GetAvailableProviders() {
- int len;
- char** providers;
- const OrtApi& api = GetApi();
- ThrowOnError(api.GetAvailableProviders(&providers, &len));
- std::vector available_providers(providers, providers + len);
- ThrowOnError(api.ReleaseAvailableProviders(providers, len));
- return available_providers;
-SessionOptions& AddInitializer(const char* name, const OrtValue* ort_val);
-} // namespace Ort