This tutorial shows the implementation of a simple display variant (a k-NN display), as an basic example of adding UI functionality. In particular, we show how to
- create the backend plumbing required to generate the data for the display
- create a new display on the frontend
- connect both parts using N-API
You can add any required API functions to core/src/SomHunter.h
. For display purposes, the frontend calls this method:
FramePointerRange get_display(DisplayType d_type, ImageId selected_image = 0, PageId page = 0);
A possible implementation uses the SomHunter::get_topKNN_display
from core/src/SomHunter.cpp
runs through the dataset feature vectors (available in features
member variable) and selects the ones closest to the selected_image
There is no new functionality to wrap in this particular case, because the get_display
function is already wrapped. If you implemented your own API functions, you would need to wrap them similarly as here.
The N-API wrappers core/SomHunterNapi.h
and .cpp
are extended with a N-API version of the function:
Napi::Value get_display(const Napi::CallbackInfo &info);
The parameters are passed in info
, these need to be converted to C++ types. The following code retrieves the first parameter as std::string
From the N-Api wrapper, you can call the actual function in the backend instance (available as somhunter
FramePointerRange dislpay_frames =
somhunter->get_display(disp_type, selected_image, page_num);
The output must be converted back to N-API values:
napi_value result;
napi_create_object(env, &result); //convert `result` to a JS object
// Set some values in the object
napi_value key;
napi_create_string_utf8(env, "page", NAPI_AUTO_LENGTH, &key);
napi_value value;
napi_create_uint32(env, uint32_t(page_num), &value);
napi_set_property(env, result, key, value);
// ... fill in more values
return Napi::Object(env, result); //and return it
Consult N-API documentation for more details on translating JavaScript objects to C++.
The k-NN functionality uses a tiny button in each displayed frame on each display, which the user can click for switching to the actual k-NN display. The frame thumbnail can be modified in views/somhunter_event_handlers.ejs
; we have added the button as such:
function getThumbPrototype(likedStr, actionStr, id, src) {
class="button frame-in-grid-hover-btn show-knn"
onclick="showTopDisplay('topknn', ${id});event.cancelBubble=true;"
title="Show most similiar frames.">
The newly generated on-click event requires a handler, showTopDisplay
, which is defined in the same file. This handler creates a request that is sent to the front-end and waits for the response, so that it can update the page accordingly:
function showTopDisplay(type, id, thisFilename) {
pageId = 0;
if (type === undefined) type = "topn";
let url = "/get_top_screen?pageId=" + pageId + "&type=" + type;
if (id !== undefined) url += "&frameId=" + id;
fetch(url, {
method: "GET",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
.then((res) => res.json())
.then((data) => {
if (data.error) throw Error(data.error.message);
viewData = data.viewData;
.catch((e) => {
This sends the /get_top_screen
request to the frontend whenever the user clicks the button. The frontend handles the request using the standard Node routing mechanism. The route is mapped to the query string in app.js
app.get("/get_top_screen", endpoints.getTopScreen);
The last missing part is the actual request handler that is called by Node router, and forwards the request to the back-end. That is defined in routes/endpoints.js
as such:
exports.getTopScreen = function (req, res) {
const sess = req.session;
global.logger.log("info", req.query)
let type = 'topn'
let pageId = 0;
let frameId = 0;
if (req.query) {
if (req.query.type) type = req.query.type;
if (req.query.pageId) pageId = Number(req.query.pageId);
if (req.query.frameId) frameId = Number(req.query.frameId);
let frames = [];
const displayFrames =
global.core.getDisplay(global.cfg.framesPathPrefix, type, pageId, frameId);
frames = displayFrames.frames;
SessionState.switchScreenTo(sess.state, type, frames, frameId);
let viewData = {};
viewData.somhunter = SessionState.getSomhunterUiState(sess.state);
res.status(200).jsonp({ viewData: viewData });