- intellij idea version up
- intellij idea version up
- intellij idea version up
- flow call input params completion (experimental);
- find flow usage;
- gh-triggers: groupBy as string;
- triggers: entryPoint as link to flow definition;
- parser: fix parsing multi-line expressions.
- parse quoted strings as plaint text (e.g.
call: myFlow
andcall: "myFlow"
the same now) - flow definition index per project;
- loop items as links to flow definition.
- throw: name attribute;
- idea version up.
- indexes for flow search and validate;
- simple search everywhere impl.
- analyze only concord files;
- validate steps array;
- Idea 2022.3 support;
- Fix
- initial steps documentation;
- default value for autocomplete form field;
- default value for autocomplete form name;
- default value for autocomplete flow name;
- Support for generic trigger;
- Support for
- Using proper java version
- Concord runtime-v2 syntax support
- Initial version
- Initial version