This repository responsible for all the UI/ReactJS code artifact.
Clone Blockchain code from "git clone https://[email protected]/saurabhshankariya/aap_supplychainpoc_blockchain.git"
Dependencies : Make sure your system has truffle, ganache-cli, node & npm installed.
To install above dependencies
- Download & install Node JS from
- Verify node & npm : "node --version" & "npm --version"
- Install truffle & ganache-cli : "npm install truffle -g" & "npm install ganache-cli -g"
Run local blockchain using command "ganache-cli --allowUnlimitedContractSize --gasLimit 0xFFFFFFFFFFFF --gasPrice 0x2 --accounts 20 --defaultBalanceEther 200000000" in separate CMD
Run "truffle migrate" command against pulled out blockchain code to compile, build & deploy smart contracts.
Clone React UI code from "git clone https://[email protected]/saurabhshankariya/aap_supplychainpoc_blockchain.git"
Copy all the compiled or deployed contracts from aap_supplychainpoc_blockchain\build\contracts & Paste inside aap_supplychainpoc_blockchain_ui\src\contracts
Run "npm install", "npm start" & navigate to "https://localhost:4000"
Dependencies : Chrome browser, Metamask plugin for chrome
- https://localhost:4000
- Use below username & address to get logged in role specific dashboard
- username : USER_ADMIN address : hex value of account[1] role : Admin
- username : USER_MANU address : hex value of account[2] role : Product Manufacturer
- username : USER_DIST address : hex value of account[3] role : Product Distributor
- username : USER_RETAIL address : hex value of account[4] role : Product Shopkeeper/Retailer
- username : USER_SHPR address : hex value of account[5] role : Transporter/Shipper
- Always work on develop branch
- Create your custom new branch from develop branch & make your respective changes
- Commit your changes in your custom branch & raise Pull Request against develop
- Please add relevant comments while commiting your changes
- Assign to Saurabh Shankariya for code review
- For business understanding : Nitin Srivastava [email protected]
- For any technical, project setup :
- Saurabh Shankariya [email protected]
- Chandrakanth Komatireddy [email protected]
- Ethereum Blockchain :
- Solidity Language - Writing Smart Contracts :
- Truffle Suite - DAPPS development environment :
- Ganache - Local Blockchain :
- React.JS - UI :