- Reproduce Sequence Diagram with PlantUML - https://www.azuredevops.tips/generateplantumlinpipeline-yaml/
- Architecture overview with diagrams.py - https://diagrams.mingrammer.com
- Test Plan - https://acloudguru.com/hands-on-labs/build-and-test-a-node-js-app-in-azure-devops
- Azure DevOps Pipeline - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/learn/modules/deploy-nodejs/
Create a free Azure account:
Requires a card but prepaid mastercard/visa can’t be used
1. Create a ubuntu 16.04 vm
2. ssh into the vm create at step a. and run the following: ip a
3. Paste the output here:
4. ssh into the vm create at step a. and run the following: ifconfig
5. Paste the output here: