Random.Range |
Random number between 2 numbers. Make sure to use approproatly typed parameters! (floats or ints) |
Random.insideUnitCircle |
Random Vector2 of unit length |
Random.insideUnitSphere |
Random Vector3 of unit length |
transform.position |
Note position is a value type |
transform.rotation |
A quaternion, another value type |
transform.localScale |
Relative to the parent |
transform.localPosition |
transform.localRotation |
transform.Translate |
Can use local or world space |
transform.Rotate |
Can use local or world space |
transform.RotateAround |
Takes point, axis and angle. This and the subsequent call loose precision after a while |
transform.RotateAroundLocal |
Takes point, axis and angle |
transform.SetParent |
Often used to just keep the scene tidy |
transform.up |
Local up |
transform.right |
Local right |
transform.forward |
Local forward |
transform.TransformPoint |
Scales, rotates and transforms a point by a transform. Local to world space |
transform.InverseTransformPoint |
Scales, rotates and transforms a point by a transform. World to local space |
transform.TransformDirection |
Not affected by scale or position |
transform.LookAt |
Rotates the quaternion part to look at a point in world space |
transform.ChildCount() |
returns the number of children transforms parented to this transform |
transform.GetChild(0) |
returns child 0 |
gameObject.SetActive |
Disables and enables a gameobject and any components attached to it will not have the Update method called |
gameObject.name |
Name in the hierarchy |
gameObject.Tag |
Set up the strings in the Unity editor. Can use with FindGameObjectWithTag |
gameObject.layer |
A number. Set up different layers for different groups of objects like environment, different enemy types. Use with layer masks. Used for raycasting and rendering |
gameObject.GetComponent<> |
To return a component attached to a gameobject. Uses generics. Returns null if there is no component attached |
gameObject.AddComponent<> |
Retuns the new component |
gameObject.GetComponentInChildren |
Recursive search |
GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag<> |
Returns the first matching object |
GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag<> |
Returns a typed array of objects |
GameObject.CreatePrimitive |
Creates cubes, spheres, cylinders etc |
GameObject.Destroy |
Pass in the gameobject or component you want to distroy |
GameObject.FindObjectOfType |
Searches the memory space for an instance of a class |
Vector3.Dot |
Multiplies 2 vectors returns a scalar. In front/behind or calculating angle between 2 vectors |
Vector3.Lerp |
Interpolates between 2 vectors using t |
Vector3.Cross |
Returns a vector that is mutully perpindicular to the 2 parameters |
Vector3.Normalize |
Makes the vector of length 1 |
Vector3.Up |
The world up vector |
Vector3.Right |
Vector3.Forward |
Vector3.Zero |
The vector (0,0,0) |
Vector3.One |
The vector (1,1,1) |
Vector3.Distance |
Distance between 2 position vectors |
Vector3.Angle |
Angle between 2 vectors |
x, y, z, |
Note vectors are value types! (Structs) |
vector3.normalized |
Quaternion.AngleAxis |
This is how to make a quaternion! Angle is in degrees |
Quaternion.Slerp |
Interpolates between 2 quaternions |
Quaternion.Identity |
No rotation |
Quaternion.Euler |
Make a quetarnion from euler angles |
Quaternion.Inverse |
Quaternion in the opposite direction |
Quaternion.LookRotation |
Makes a quaternion from a vector |
Quaternion * by a Vector3 |
Rotates the vector by the quaternion |
Quaternion * by a Quaternion |
Combines 2 quaternion rotations |
x, y, z, w |
Components of the quaternion |
Input.GetAxis("Vertical") |
returns a value between 0 and 1. Used to move things in response to user input |
Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Escape) |
Check if a key is currently being pressed |
Input.GetButtonDown("Fire1") |
Check if a button is pressed this frame |
OnDrawGizmos |
Called by the Unity editor. Allows the game component to draw gizmos to the scene view |
Gizmos.color |
Sets the color of the subsequently drawn gizmos |
Gizmos.DrawSphere |
Gizmos.DrawWireSphere |
Gizmos.DrawCube |
Gizmos.DrawLine |
Gizmos.DrawRay |