Cross-Instrument |
asdf |
- Use case: create ASDF (Advanced Scientific Data) file from FITS file.
- Data: CANDELS image of the COSMOS field.
- Tools: asdf, gwcs, astrocut.
- Cross-instrument: All.
Background Estimation |
- Use case: estimate the sky background in complex scenes.
- Data: images with pathological background pattern created in the notebook.
- Tools: photutils
- Cross-instrument: All.
Querying MAST |
- Use case: How to submit NIRSpec MAST Query using python.
- Data:
- Tools: mast, astroquery
- Cross-instrument: All.
RGB images with Imviz |
- Use case: create RGB images using Imviz programmatically.
- Data: Carina Nebula, NIRCam observations
- Tools: jdaviz
- Cross-instrument: Any imager.
Specviz GUI |
- Use case: How to inspect and export spectra in Specviz GUI.
- Data: NIRISS simulation generated with MIRAGE.
- Tools: specutils, jdaviz.
- Cross-instrument: All.
Composite Model Fitting |
- Use case: Fitting the complex continuum around Lyman-alpha in the spectrum of an active galaxy NGC 5548.
- Data: 3-column ECSV file with units for each column.
- Tools: specutils, numpy.
- Cross-instrument: All.
Redshift Cross-Correlation |
- Use case: Reproduce the workflow of the IRAF task XCORFIT to measure redshfit.
- Data: LEGA-C spectra and galaxy template spectra; optical rest frame.
- Tools: specutils
- Cross-instrument: All.
IFU Cube Fitting |
- Use case: Continuum and emission-line modeling of galaxy IFU spectra.
- Data: Spitzer/IRS on M58.
- Tools: specutils, custom functions
- Cross-instrument: MIRI, NIRSpec
MRS Cube Pipeline, Optimal Extraction, Analysis |
- Use case: For MIRI MRS, run the JWST pipeline, optimal extraction of point source, and analysis in Cubeviz.
- Data: Simulated MIRI MRS spectrum of AGB star.
- Tools: jdaviz, specutils, jwst, photutils, astropy, scipy
- Cross-instrument:
IFU of YSO's in LMC |
- Use case: Automatically detect point sources and extract photometry in a 3D cube. Analyze spectral lines.
- Data: ALMA 13CO data cubes.
- Tools: specutils, photutils, astropy.
- Cross-instrument:
LRS Optimal Extraction |
- Use case: Spectral extraction of slit spectra with the JWST calibration pipeline.
- Data: Publicly available science data
- Tools: jwst, matplotlib, astropy.
- Cross-instrument: NIRSpec, MIRI
NIRCam |
Point Source Aperture Photometry |
- Use case: Crowded field imaging with Aperture-fitting photometry.
- Data: Simulated NIRCam images of LMC astrometric calibration field.
- Tools: jwst pipeline, photutils
- Cross-instrument: MIRI, NIRCam
Multiband Extended Aperture Photometry |
- Use case: measure extended galaxy galaxy photometry in a field.
- Data: Simulated NIRCam images from JADES GTO extragalactic blank field.
- Tools: photutils
- Cross-instrument: MIRI, NIRCam
Cross-Filter PSF-Matched Aperture Photometry |
- Use case: A more advanced version of the above notebook that uses PSF corrections, but still performs aperture photometry.
- Data: Simulated NIRCam images from JADES GTO extragalactic blank field.
- Tools: photutils
- Cross-instrument: MIRI, NIRCam
PSF Photometry |
- Use case: Crowded field imaging with PSF-fitting photometry.
- Data: Simulated NIRCam images of LMC astrometric calibration field.
- Tools: webbpsf, photutils
- Cross-instrument: MIRI, NIRCam
MIRAGE Simulations |
- Use case: Putting together simulations and running the NIRCam Imaging JWST Calibration Pipeline.
- Data: Simulated NIRCam images of LMC astrometric calibration field.
- Tools: webbpsf, jwst
- Cross-instrument:
WFSS Spectra |
- Use case: Optimal Extraction and analysis of grism spectra.
- Data: Simulated NIRISS spectra of galaxy center.
- Tools: specutils
- Cross-instrument: NIRSpec, NIRISS
WFSS MOS Spectra |
- Use case: Emission-line measurements and template matching on 1D spectra.
- Data: LEGA-C spectra and agalxy template spectra; optical rest frame
- Tools: specutils
- Cross-instrument: NIRSpec, NIRISS
AMI Binary Star |
- Use case: Find the binary parameters of AB Dor.
- Data: Simulated MIRAGE data for a binary point source.
- Tools: jwst pipeline, nrm_analysis
- Cross-instrument:
SOSS Transiting Exoplanet |
- Use case: Primary transit of an exoplanet.
- Data: Simulated transit using awesomesoss.
- Tools: jwst pipeline, juliet
- Cross-instrument:
NIRSpec |
IFU Cube Modeling |
- Use case: Continuum and emission line modeling of AGN; 1.47-1.87um.
- Data: NIFS on Gemini; NGC 4151
- Tools: specutils, cubeviz
- Cross-instrument: MIRI, NIRSpec
IFU Optimal Extraction |
- Use case: Optimal spectral extraction.
- Data: Simulated data of a faint (quasar) point source.
- Tools: jwst pipeline, scipy, specutils, jdaviz, photutils, astropy.wcs
- Cross-instrument:
MOS Optimal Extraction |
- Use case: Optimal spectral extraction.
- Data: Simulated NIRSpec MOS data; point sources.
- Tools: jwst pipeline
- Cross-instrument:
MOS Spectroscopy of Extragalactic Field |
- Use case: emission-line measurements and template matching on 1D spectra.
- Data: CEERS NIRSpec observations.
- Tools: specutils, astropy, matplotlib, jdaviz
- Cross-instrument:
BOTS Transiting Exoplanet |
- Use case: Primary transit of an exoplanet.
- Data: Simulated NIRSpec data from ground-based campaign.
- Tools:
- Cross-instrument:
Redshift and Template Fitting |
- Use case: Measure the redshift of a galaxy from its spectrum using 2 different methods.
- Data: JWST/NIRSpec spectrum from program 2736.
- Tools: jdaviz, specutils.
- Cross-instrument: NIRISS, NIRCam.