All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog
- collect metrics from CloudWatch Agent (#522)
- Return true for memory_mb_available? (#517)
- Add checking on route before retrieving its gateway_id (#515)
- new AWS EC2 instance types (#493)
- Service catalog targeted refresh (#486)
- Collect AWS service catalog items (#483)
- Add plugin display name (#477)
- AWS instance types data refactoring and update (#449)
- Don't use #{} inside a gettext string (#458)
- Persister: optimized InventoryCollection definitions (#456)
- Add display name for flavor (#454)
- handle volume snapshot status changes (#439)
- Explicitly disable ems_network_new creation (#448)
- Add endpoint support to raw_connect (#444)
- load regions list from aws-sdk gem's source (#436)
- Add display_name() for Network Router model (#406)
- Use proper nested references in parser (#383)
- Migrate model display names from locale/en.yml to plugin (#398)
- Added Paris (EU) region (#392)
- Turn on batch saving by default (#292)
- Amazon SSA Response Handling Thread (#319)
- Add agent coordinator for smartstate support (#318)
- Renamed method for consistency reasons (#419)
- Change saver_strategy value to String (#498)
- avoid blank names by using uids (#482)
- Add in missing user creation audit event. (#479)
- remove bare metal instance (#476)
- Added allow_delete method on AuthKeyPairs (#457)
- disable special regions (#443)
- Return created topic (#409)
- Raise exceptions if SSH command fail (#405)
- Fix network_parser after the indexes refactoring (#375)
- Add cleanup logic to remove zombie instance in unexpected cases (#367)
- Use Concern for ResponseThread include (#343)
- Add ssa_queue public method to the coordinator (#340)
- Unpriveleged user can't docker login (#337)
- Login is for the docker_registry not the image (#333)
- Add wait_until_exists on instance_profile creation (#332)
- Raise the intended message (#326)
- Include ResponseThread in Runner (#325)
- Always set vm_or_template.connection_state (#500)
- AWS memory usage collection (#393)
- Raise Exception if AMI not visible (#411)
- Cleanup Smartstate Requests When AMI Unavailable for Agent (#412)
- Updated flavors to include m5 instances (#420)
- Fixes to add a retry logic in EC2 instance creation when IAM role is not ready (#422)
- Added instance update event handling (#415)
- Fixes VPC selection to make sure it has internet gateway attached. (#424)
- Fix default filter for public images (#425)
- Add patch to aws-sdk-core to fix auth bug (#432)
- Fix refresh for stack without parameters (#410)
- Add Gaprindashvili translations (#368)
- Suggested Changes from Initial Implementation (#360)
- Parse aws config orchestration stack event (#310)
- Add routers to full refresh (#304)
- Add raw_delete_snapshot to CloudVolumeSnapshot model (#277)
- Improve instance_types.rake logic (#301)
- Add YAML support for Amazon OrchestrationTemplate (#298)
- Prefix API based events so we can identify them easily (#293)
- Turn on graph refresh with targeted refresh as default (#290)
- Support custom instance_types (#289)
- Overriding queue name to generate an array of queue names (#280)
- Enable to save key_pair in Authentication (#268)
- Enable SSA for AWS Images (#266)
- Allow raw_connect to validate the connection and decrypt the password (#264)
- Handle SSA Response from AWS Scanning Instance (#267)
- Collect encryption status of cloud volume snapshot (#259)
- Simplify TargetCollection Persistor by using IC configurations (#255)
- Leverage builder params to provide ems id and defaults (#253)
- Upgrade aws-sdk to 2.9.7 (#252)
- Initial Changes to Amazon Provider for SSA Support (#251)
- Collect IOPS and encryption status of cloud volume (#211)
- Bump ruby to 2.3.3 and add 2.4.1 (#245)
- Refresh port and floating ip for a lb (#244)
- Rewrite network ports and floating ips parser to a new format (#233)
- Rewrite load balancers parser to a new format (#231)
- Rewrite network and subnet parser to a new format (#229)
- Rewrite EBS parser to a new format (#228)
- Rewrite S3 parser to a new format (#227)
- Correct status for network (#373)
- Added supported_catalog_types (#377)
- Refresh operating system and fix normalized guest os (#376)
- exclude on_failure and timeout_in_minutes when update a stack (#350)
- Fix no security group exists at the first time (#363)
- Always sort ems queue names before hitting miq_queue (#361)
- Handle possibility of empty string for Name tag (#322)
- Fix KeyPair create and import actions (#365)
- Choose VPC with enabled DNS support to deploy SSA Agent (#354)
- Correctly parse key pair reference (#311)
- Compact targeted refresh references (#308)
- Add OrchestrationParameterMultiline constraints to options that require a text area (#307)
- Add nil checks for stack (#291)
- Adjust test result to match new data_type (#272)
- Handle empty string in image name tags (#273)
- Parse timestamp for aws alarm events (#246)
- Combine registry and image together when registry needs. (#353)
- Implement tag mapping in graph refresh (#382)
- Fixes to cleanup agents if AgentCoordinatorWorker is restarted (#381)
- Handle possibility of empty string for Name tag (#322)
- Use name to create key pair (#370)
- Suggested Changes from Initial Implementation (#360)
- Moved AWS_API_CALL_TerminateInstances from addition to deletion category (#402)
- Don't dependent => destroy child_managers (#401)
- Fixes to send job defined scanning categories in request message (#389)
- Remove Amazon provider discovery (#306)
- Rewrite the instance parser to the new syntax (#225)
- Rewrite stacks parser to the new syntax (#223)
- Rewrite images parser to the new syntax (#221)
- Rewrite parsing of flavors keypairs and azs to the new syntax (#220)
- Remap
parameter into:bucket
parameter when creating new bucket (#198) - Use public flag we get from data rather than sending it explicitly (#197)
- Add tags for VMs and Images (#183)
- Add options for graph refresh (#158)
- Adjust attribute set of newly created bucket (#192)
- Add eu-west-2 and ap-south-1 regions (#178)
- Enable dynamic cloud volume modifications (#177)
- Increase minimum AWS version for modify_volume (#176)
- Do vm targeted full refresh by default (#174)
- New instance types (#171)
- Maintain instance types (#170)
- Support deletion of CloudObjectStoreContainer (#144)
- Cloud volume operations (#151)
- Support operation
for CloudObjectStoreContainer (#172) - List VMs from the same availability zone as volume (#164)
- AWS SDK call
returns empty string (#168) - Set default Container and Object class when collecting inventory for the 1st time (#165)
- Support deletion of CloudObjectStoreObject (#152)
- Maintain instance types (#170)
- Gather AWS labels and create CustomAttributes (#162)
- Event parser can parse new format of target (#160)
- Add amazon events to settings to display them in timelines (#163)
- Support operation "clear" on CloudObjectStoreContainer (#153)
- Add cloud volume snapshot operations for EBS manager (#156)
- Add eu-west-2 and ap-south-1 regions (#178)
- New instance types (#171)
- Pass collector to persister to make targeted refresh work (#149)
- Catch cloudwatch alarms (#147)
- Use base classes for Inventory Collector Persistor and Parser (#139)
- Amazon S3 objects inventorying (#123)
- Add ca-central region #113
- Add links between cloud volumes and base snapshots #112
- Introduce Amazon S3 StorageManager (#106)
- Introduce Amazon Block Storage Manager (EBS) (#101)
- Parse availability zone of an EBS volume (#116)
- Collect inventory using 'inventory' abstraction in refresh (#102)
- Introduce 'inventory' abstraction for fetching and storing inventory data (#98)
- Map unknown event to automate to ConfigurationItemChangeNotification (#93)
- Filter out events in Settings instead of CloudManager (#141)
- Use base classes for Inventory Collector Persistor and Parser (#139)
- Increase minimum AWS version for modify_volume (#176)
- Disabling a broken spec (#148)
- Filter events using eventType instead of MessageType (#142)
- Renamed refresh strategies (#146)
- Remove validate_timeline (#143)
- Queue EBS storage refresh after cloud inventory is saved (#120)
- Rename Amazon block storage manager (#107)
- Changes required after inventory refresh memory optimizations (#109)
- Rename 'DTO' to 'Inventory' in refresh (#95)
- Targeted refresh specs for orchestration stacks (#214)
- Ensure managers change zone and provider region with cloud manager (#212)
- Gracefully ignore and log errors when listing s3 objects (#207)
- Return instead of next is causing unwanted break of Vm parsing (#202)
- Add support snapshot_create to EBS cloud volume (#196)
- Filter terminated instance properly (#184)
- Suppress warning "toplevel constant referenced" (#166)
- Set power state to shutting_down when rebooting an instance (#145)
- Fix logger in Amazon EBS refresh parser (#159)
- Fix connection of events to ems_ref (#94)
- Remove
require_nested :Runner
from NetworkManager::EventCatcher and NetworkManager::MetricsCollectorWorker (#173)