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;; =====================================================================================;; Copyright c Grame 2001;;;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and modify it under ;; the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the ;; Free Software Foundation version 2 of the License, or any later version.;;;; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY;; or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License ;; for more details.;;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License;; along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software;; Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.;;;; Grame Research Laboratory, 9, rue du Garet 69001 Lyon - France;; [email protected];;;; History:;; ;; 18-09-03 : Use the MidiNewMidiFileInfos MidiNewPlayerState MidiNewPos generic functions.;; 24-09-03 : Check the version of the library.;; 28-10-03 : Rename type macro to evtype.;; 04-11-03 : Check the seq pointer in apply-seq.;; 19-03-04 : Free the MidiShare sequence after use of midi-file-save, use the MidiFreeMidiFileInfos, ;; MidiFreePlayerState and MidiFreePos functions;; =====================================================================================;;;; You must load the file Player_Interface.lisp before using this tutorial;;;; You must check if MidiShare is installed before using the Player library(midishare) ;; Load the plare framework(player-framework);;=======================;; Allocate a new player;;=======================;; Open a new Player(defvar *player*) (setq *player* (open-player "PlayerLisp"));; Each player is associated with a MidiShare application;; Open-player gives the refence number of the MidiShare;; application. It means that some of the MidiShare functions;; can be used for the Player like MidiConnect, MidiSetname....;; Connect the Player to MidiShare (input and ouput)(midiconnect 0 *player* -1) (midiconnect *player* 0 -1) ;;===================;; Load a MidiFile;;=================== ;; Allocate an empty MidiShare sequence(defvar *seq* (midinewseq)) ;; Allocate a MidiFile record(defvar *info* (MidiNewMidiFileInfos));; Load a Midifile (set YOUR pathname)(midi-file-load "/Volumes/Document1/Documents/Sound/MidiFileEx/allblues.mid" *seq* *info*)(midi-file-load "Document1:Developpements:MidiFileEx:Labamba.mid" *seq* *info*)(midi-file-load "HD1200:MidiFileEx:ChopinNocturne4.2.mid" *seq* *info*)(midi-file-load "HD1200:MidiFileEx:BECAUSE.MID" *seq* *info*);; Set the loaded MidiShare sequence in the Player ;;;; (You can set directly a MidiShare sequence "built from scratch" in a player ;; Look at the Track management example)(setalltrackplayer *player* *seq* (mf-clicks *info*));; Free *info* record(MidiFreeMidiFileInfos *info*);;=====================;; Transport control;;=====================(startplayer *player*)(pauseplayer *player*)(contplayer *player*)(stopplayer *player*);;===================;; State management;;===================;; GETSTATEPLAYER can be used during playback(defvar *state*)(setq *state* (MidiNewPlayerState));; Print the state record(defun midi-string-date (d) (let (hh mn ss ms) (multiple-value-setq (ss ms) (floor d 1000)) (multiple-value-setq (mn ss) (floor ss 60)) (multiple-value-setq (hh mn) (floor mn 60)) (format nil "~2,'0d:~2,'0d:~2,'0d.~3,'0d" hh mn ss ms)))(defun print-state () (format t "Player current state ~%~%") (getstateplayer *player* *state*) (format t "Position BBU : ~2d ~2d ~3d ~%" (s-bar *state*) (s-beat *state*) (s-unit *state*) ) (format t "Position Ms : ~2d ~%" (midi-string-date(s-date *state*))) (format t "Tempo : ~2d ~%" (round(/ 60000000(s-tempo *state*)))) (format t "TimeSign : ~2d ~2d ~2d ~2d ~%" (s-num *state*)(s-denom *state*)(s-click *state*)(s-quarter *state*)) (format t "State : ~2d ~%" (s-state *state*)) (format t "SyncIn : ~2d ~%" (s-syncin *state*)) (format t "SyncOut : ~2d ~%" (s-syncout *state*))) (print-state);; Free *state* record(MidiFreePlayerState *state*);;======================;; Position management;;======================;; SETPOSBBUPLAYER and SETPOSMSPLAYER can be used during playback(defvar *pos* (MidiNewPos));; set the postion in bar,beat,unit(defun set-pos-bbu-player (bar beat unit) (p-bar *pos* bar) (p-beat *pos* beat) (p-unit *pos* unit) (setposbbuplayer *player* *pos*))(set-pos-bbu-player 5 1 1);; set the postion in min,sec,ms(defun set-pos-ms-player (min sec ms) (setposmsplayer *player* (+ (* 60000 min) (* 1000 sec) ms)))(set-pos-ms-player 1 2 1);;==========================;; Step playing management;;==========================;; if used during playback FORWARDSTEPPLAYER and BACKWARDSTEPPLAYER first stop the player;; you will have a Sequencer error when using ;; forwardstepplayer at the end of the sequence;; or backwardstepplayer at the beginning of the sequence.(forwardstepplayer *player* kStepPlay) (backwardstepplayer *player* kStepPlay) (defun forward-step(n) (dotimes (i n) (forwardstepplayer *player* kStepPlay) (sleep 0.05)))(forward-step 10);;=====================;; Loop management;;=====================;; Loop management functions can be used during playback;; you will have a Sequencer error when setting loopstart marker after loopend marker or the contrary(defun set-loopend-bbu-player (bar beat unit) (p-bar *pos* bar) (p-beat *pos* beat) (p-unit *pos* unit) (setloopendbbuplayer *player* *pos*))(set-loopend-bbu-player 15 1 1)(defun set-loopstart-bbu-player (bar beat unit) (p-bar *pos* bar) (p-beat *pos* beat) (p-unit *pos* unit) (setloopstartbbuplayer *player* *pos*))(set-loopstart-bbu-player 5 1 1);; enable the loop(setloopplayer *player* kloopon)(startplayer *player*)(stopplayer *player*);; disable the loop(setloopplayer *player* kloopoff);; Free *pos* record(MidiFreePos *pos*);; You can also use SETLOOPSTARTMSPLAYER and SETLOOPENDMSPLAYER;;=====================;; Record management;;=====================;; Each player has 256 tracks, track number 0 is reserved for the Tempo Map;; Set a track in record mode(recordplayer *player* 1)(startplayer *player*)(stopplayer *player*);; By default, the record mode is kmixmode, new Midi events are mixed on the ;; recording track ;; Change the record mode so that the track is erased between punch-in/punch-out points;; when recording (setrecordmodeplayer *player* kerasemode);;=====================;; Tracks management;;=====================;; un applicateur de fonction sur une sequence MidiShare(defun apply-seq (seq fun) (unless (nullptrp seq) (do ((ev (firstev seq) (link ev))) ((nullptrp ev)) (funcall fun ev))));; Fonctions to print a Midi event in textual format(defun midi-string-ev (e &optional (f 4)) (unless (nullptrp e) (list (format nil "~A ~3D/~4A ~A ~:a" (midi-string-date (date e)) (port e) (chan e) (midi-string-type (evtype e)) (midi-list-fields e f)))))(defun midi-list-fields (e &optional (n 4)) (if (or (and (>= (evtype e) typeTextual) (<= (evtype e) typeCuePoint)) (= (evtype e) typeSpecific)) (text e) (let (l) (dotimes (i (min n (midicountfields e))) (push (midigetfield e i) l)) (nreverse l))))(defun midi-string-date (d) (let (hh mn ss ms) (multiple-value-setq (ss ms) (floor d 1000)) (multiple-value-setq (mn ss) (floor ss 60)) (multiple-value-setq (hh mn) (floor mn 60)) (format nil "~2,'0d:~2,'0d:~2,'0d.~3,'0d" hh mn ss ms)))(defun midi-string-type (n) "convert a MidiShare event type to its name, a string." (let* ((lName '((0 . "Note") (1 . "KeyOn") (2 . "KeyOff") (3 . "KeyPress") (4 . "CtrlChange") (5 . "ProgChange") (6 . "ChanPress") (7 . "PitchBend") (8 . "SongPos") (9 . "SongSel") (10 . "Clock") (11 . "Start") (12 . "Cont") (13 . "Stop") (14 . "Tune") (15 . "ActiveSens") (16 . "Reset") (17 . "SysEx") (18 . "Stream") (128 . "Process") (129 . "DProcess") (130 . "QFrame") (131 . "Ctrl14b") (132 . "NonRegParam") (133 . "RegParam") (134 . "SeqNum") (135 . "Text:") (136 . "Copyright:") (137 . "SeqName:") (138 . "InstrName:") (139 . "Lyric:") (140 . "Marker:") (141 . "CuePoint:") (142 . "ChanPrefix") (143 . "EndTrack") (144 . "Tempo") (145 . "SMPTEOffset") (146 . "TimeSign") (147 . "KeySign") (148 . "Specific:") (255 . "Dead"))) (l (assoc n lName)) ) (cond (l (cdr l)) ((< n typeProcess) "Private") (t "Undefined") )));; Fonctions to print a MidiShare sequence in textual format(defun print-seq (seq ) (apply-seq seq #'(lambda (ev) (print (midi-string-ev ev)))));; Each track can be individually accessed, changed, muted...;; Get a COPY of the track number 1(setq *seq* (gettrackplayer *player* 1))(defvar *seq1*)(setq *seq1* (getalltrackplayer *player*))(print-seq *seq1*);; Warning : you must free the MidiShare sequence when they are no longer used(midifreeseq *seq*)(midifreeseq *seq1*);; The third parameter to the setalltrackplayer function is the tick-per-quarter info.; This value is usually read in the MidiFile header. ;; The internal time unit of a player is a "tick" which is related to absolute time (in millisecond);; using tempo informations and tick-per-quarter value.;; When opening a new empty player, the default tempo is set to 120 beat-per-minute. If you set ;; the tick-per-quater value to 500, 1 tick will correspond exactly to 1 millisecond.;; ;; Replace all the tracks with a new MidiShare sequence;; Tracks are mixed in a unique MidiShare sequence but are distinguish by the refnum of their Midi event(defun add-track (seq tracknum pitch startdate) (dotimes (i 500) (let ((ev (midinewev typenote))) (unless (nullptrp ev) (midisetfield ev 0 pitch) (midisetfield ev 1 80) (midisetfield ev 2 125) (date ev (+ startdate (* i 500))) ;; <== date in "ticks" (ref ev tracknum) ;; <=== set the track number in the event refnum field (midiaddseq seq ev)))))(defun buid-multitrack-score ( tracklist) (let ((seq (midinewseq))) (mapc #'(lambda (tracknum) (add-track seq tracknum (+ tracknum 60) (* tracknum 100) )) tracklist) seq))(setalltrackplayer *player* (buid-multitrack-score '(1 2 3)) 500)(startplayer *player*)(stopplayer *player*);; Set a new track in the player(defun build-track () (let ((seq (midinewseq))) (dotimes (i 50) (let ((ev (midinewev typenote))) (unless (nullptrp ev) (midisetfield ev 0 72) (midisetfield ev 1 80) (midisetfield ev 2 125) (date ev (* i 1000)) (midiaddseq seq ev)))) seq))(settrackplayer *player* 1 (build-track));; You can clear tracks by putting a new empty MidiShare sequence in the player;; Clear the track 1(settrackplayer *player* 1 (midinewseq));; Mute the track 1(setparamplayer *player* 1 kMute kMuteOn)(startplayer *player*)(stopplayer *player*);; Unmute a the track 1(setparamplayer *player* 1 kMute kMuteOff);; The track 1 plays solo(setparamplayer *player* 1 kSolo kSoloOn)(startplayer *player*)(stopplayer *player*)(contplayer *player*)(setparamplayer *player* 1 kSolo kSoloOff);;==============================;; Synchronisation management;;==============================;; By default, the player is internally synchronized (it uses it's internal tempo map);;===========================;; External synchronisation;;===========================;; Set the Player in External synchro mode(setsynchroinplayer *player* kExternalSync)(startplayer *player*)(settempoplayer *player* 1000000) ;; Tempo is expressed in micro-sec/per/quarter(settempoplayer *player* 500000)(settempoplayer *player* 250000)(settempoplayer *player* 100000)(settempoplayer *player* 50000)(stopplayer *player*)(settempoplayer *player* 250000);;=============================;; Midi Clock synchronisation;;=============================;; Set the Player in Clock synchro mode(setsynchroinplayer *player* kClockSync);; Use a new MidiShare application to send synchronisation Midi messages(defvar *synchro*)(setq *synchro* (midiopen "synchro"))(midiconnect *synchro* *player* -1);; Send a Midi start message(defun start-clock-player () (midisendim *synchro* (midinewev typestart)));; Send a Midi stop message (defun stop-clock-player () (midisendim *synchro* (midinewev typestop)));; "Play" a sequence of Midi clock messages (defun send-synchro(n tempo) (let ((time (midigettime))) (dotimes (i n) (midisendat *synchro* (midinewev typeclock) (round(+ time (* i (/ 60000 (* tempo 24)))))))))(start-clock-player )(send-synchro 500 120)(stop-clock-player)(start-clock-player )(send-synchro 500 240)(stop-clock-player)(midiclose *synchro*);; A player can send Midi synchro messages (start, stop, clock, continue...) to be used as a master(setsynchrooutplayer *player* kClockSyncOut);;=======================;; SMPTE synchronisation ;;=======================(defvar *syncinfo*)(setq *syncinfo* (make-record :TSmpteLocation)) ;; <=== defined in the MidiShare.lisp file(defun set-SMPTE-offset (hrs min sec frames frac) (rset *syncinfo* :TSmpteLocation.hours hrs) (rset *syncinfo* :TSmpteLocation.minutes min) (rset *syncinfo* :TSmpteLocation.seconds sec) (rset *syncinfo* :TSmpteLocation.frames frames) (rset *syncinfo* :TSmpteLocation.fracs frac) (SetSMPTEOffsetPlayer *player* *syncinfo*));; Set MidiShare in SMPTE synchro mode (MidiSetSyncMode (logior MidiExternalSync MidiSyncAnyPort));; Set the Player in SMPTE synchro mode(setsynchroinplayer *player* kSMPTESync);; Set a new SMPTE Offset(set-SMPTE-offset 0 1 30 0 0) ;; Now the Player will start when the SMPTE date coming from ;; an external source is reached.;;=====================;; MidiFile management ;;=====================(setq *info* (MidiNewMidiFileInfos)) ;;=====================;; Load a Midifile;;=====================(setq *seq* (midinewseq));; Fill a MidiShare sequence with the MidiFile(midi-file-load "/Lisp/import/test.midi" *seq* *info*);;===================;; Save a MidiFile ;;===================(setq *seq* (getalltrackplayer *player*))(mf-format *info* midifile1)(mf-timedef *info* TicksPerQuarterNote)(mf-clicks *info* 500);; Warning : the tick-per-quater (here 500) is either read;; in the MidiFile header or set to 500 if you start your session;; with a empty Player. (midi-file-save "/Lisp/import/saved-test.mid" *seq* *info*);; The MidiShare sequence got with getalltrackplayer must now be desallocated(midifreeseq *seq*) ;; Free *info* record(MidiFreeMidiFileInfos *info*);;=========;; Close ;;=========;;;; Close the Player: the internal score is garbaged(closeplayer *player*);;=====================;; General remarks;;=====================;; - Several Player can be opened together.;;;; - Some functions return error codes. You should test them in your code. ;; ;; - Date structures allocated with make-record must be desallocated with dispose-record.