#Vagrant - in terms of this project
##Vagrant installation Vagrant is available for Windows, Linux and Mac. You can download your package here. Our projects are tested with Virtualbox, so we recommend to use Virtualbox as virtualisation software. However the projects should work also with the other supported software mentioned by Vagrant. ###Plugin's dependent on which provisioning kind you want to use ####Vhef If you use a Chef project you have to install the Vagrant-Berkshelf-Plugin.
####Puppet If you use a Puppet project you have to install the Librarian-Puppet. This requieres additional the installation of Puppet and Ruby.
##Vagrant introduction and configuration Vagrant is a tool, which allows the setup of virtual maschines defined by code. Vagrant will be installed on the used OS and need a virtualisation software like Virtualbox, Windows Hyper-V, Docker or VMWare. The plain instalation of Vagrant contains the support for Virtualbox, the other virtualisation software can be supported with provider-plugin's. The entry point for Vagrant is the Vagrantfile. In this file, there will be done all definitions for the guest maschine. The syntax for this file is Ruby. For example there is a small definition file which defines the kind, a ip adress and how the maschines network interface is mapped to the host and a host name for the maschine.
Vagrant.configure(2) do |config|
config.vm.box = "hashicorp/precise32“
config.vm.network "private_network", ip: ""
config.vm.hostname = "puppet-jboss“
The secound line defines the kind of the maschine. This can be a Linux or a Windows image. If you don't give a destiniation where Vagrant should search for the maschine, it looks up at atlas. On this site, there are many more boxes which can be used for free. When you now start the virtualmaschine, it will only start the plain OS image specified by the config.vm.box
parameter. For the most use cases, we need now a possibility to change or add software to the plain OS. This possibility is called provision and can be done in many ways.
###Provision possibilities
Vagrant enabled many ways to provision the guest maschine. There are possibilities for basic provision with Shell or File commands, but there are many more powerfull ways. So you can use Ansible, Salt, Chef or Puppet. For this project we only use Chef and Puppet.
##Vagrant configuration for Chef
This section describes only the assumptions and configuration points of Vagrant for provisioning with Chef. The tried the approach for using roles from Chef. This leads to the following vagrant configuration.
config.vm.provision "chef_solo" do |chef|
chef.roles_path = "roles"
This implies the following folder structure.
|-- vagrantfile
|-- attributes
|-- roles
|-- |-- jboss.rb
|-- recipes
|-- templates
##Vagrant configuration for Puppet This section describes only the assumptions and configuration points of Vagrant for provisioning with Puppet. The following configuration describes a provisioning with given modules which will be altered with a own written module after their completion.
config.vm.provision :puppet do |puppet|
puppet.module_path = ["modules","puppet/modules" ]
puppet.options = ['--verbose']
puppet.manifests_path = "puppet/manifests"
puppet.manifest_file = "site.pp„
This implies the following folder structure.
|-- vagrantfile
|-- puppet
|-- |-- manifests
|-- |-- modules
|-- |-- |-- jboss-config
##Usefull-Vagrant-Commands These commands can be used in your shell or command line interface. Just open such a shell in your folder, where you vagrantfile is located and type in the following commands:
vagrant init
creates a new vagrantfile (usefull when you want to create your own maschine)vagrant up
starts the virtual maschine with the configuration done in the Vagrantfile, also the provisioning is done. The Vagrantfile will be searched in the current folder, as well as all parent folders. A short example should explain this. This is the current path where the shell is started:/home/max/documents/testproject
and on all these paths will be searched ( the order of the lookup is as shown)
vagrant provison
runs the provision commands, defined in the vagrantfile on a already running maschine.vagrant provision --provision-with shell
runs only the shell provision commands, this can also be done with all other provision possibilities.vagrant ssh
login on the guest maschine with ssh, if this doesn't work, you start a shell and typessh -p 2222 vagrant@localhost
with the userpasswortvagrant
. If you use windows and have git installed, just right click and openGit Bash
. Now you can use the ssh command. When you run more than one guest maschine on your system, check which port you have to use, for login on your target maschine. You can find the port in the outputdefault: SSH address:[HereYourPort]
vagrant rdp
windows counterpart to ssh, when you have windows maschine as guest systemvagrant suspend
standby the guest systemvagrant halt
shutdown the guest systemvagrant destroy
shutdown the guest system and delete all data which is produced during the startup
##Source For more Information refer to the offical documentation of Vagrant. Other external sources may help troubleshooting problems and give more information about the technology behind Vagrant, here are some examples.