This is the initial CRAN submission.
- local OS X install, R 3.5.2
- ubuntu 14.04 (on Travis CI), R-release, R-oldrel, R-devel
- macOS (on Travis CI), R-release, R-oldrel
- windows i386 (on Appveyor), R-release, R-oldrel, R-devel
- windows x64 (on Appveyor), R-release, R-oldrel, R-devel
- winbuilder, R-release, R-devel
There were no ERRORs, WARNINGs, or NOTEs with local checks or on Travis CI/Appveyor.
winbuilder and
both note that this is a new submission to CRAN -
winbuilder identified several words that may be misspelled in the
file - all are correct -
winbuilder (R-release) has a note about issues coverting the ORCID ID to a URL
Not applicable.