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How to compile Stefan's BASIC (and how it works)

Stefan Lenz edited this page May 24, 2024 · 53 revisions

Basic Version 2.x

Arduino, ESP and the likes

Import the folder IoTBasic to the Arduino IDE. You will want to check and edit the files language.h to select the language features you want and then hardware.h for the hardware features. Then compile and upload. The definitions for the hardware and the language are identical to the 1.x versions. Please look further below for more explanations.

Mac, Linux, Windows MINGW and all the rest that can fork() and exec()

Compile basic.c with

gcc basic.c runtime.c -lm

after setting language and hardware definitions just like on Arduino. Also, the Raspberry specific functions are still there is described below.

On an Raspberry, depending on the Wiring library you use

gcc basic.c -lm -lwiringPi


gcc basic.c -lm -lpigpiod_lf2

will do the job.


MSDOS can be compiled with the Turbo C 2.0 compiler. Best use the prepared fileset in which is tested against the compiler in DOSBOX.

Command line is

tcc basic.c runtime.c

Basic Version 1.x

Arduino, ESP and the likes

Import the folder IoTBasic to the Arduino IDE. IotBasic.ino is strictly identical to basic.c of the POSIX OSes. In addition to this there are three more files. basic.h is the standard header file. It is identical to the basic.h of the POSIX OSes. All Arduino hardware and device specific code has been moved to hardware-arduino.h. In addition to it, there is wifisettings.h. T

For Arduino SAMD boards, RTCZero and RTCLowPower is needed. For STM32 boards, STM32RTC and STM32LowPower is needed. In both cases the libraries can be loaded with the library manager. Some platforms have additional library needs. Please look into the hardware section of this Wiki for more information.

Once you have imported to code to the Arduino IDE you can compile and upload. I mainly work with 1.8.19 and occasionally test with the 2.x and web versions of the IDE.

Mac, Linux, Windows MINGW and all the rest that can fork() and exec()

Originally the program came in one source file basic.c. There were no headers and all Arduino code was integrated in this one source file. After the code has grown to 8000 lines and the source file was 160 kB and growing, I decided to change this. Version 1.2.1 is the last released version with just one file.

From 1.3 the code comes as basic.c, basic.h and hardware-posix.h. These files can be compiled with gcc or the Arduino IDE. No makefile is needed.

On a Raspberry you want to set #define RASPPI and compile with

gcc basic.c -lm -lwiringPi

On other Linuxes and MINGW

gcc basic.c -lm

will do.

There is a binary for Rasp and Mac in the 1.3 release.

For Windows, MINGW is required:


Slightly exotic port. Use the dosify script on a Mac on basic.c, basic.h, hardware-posix.h to generate the source code. hardware-posix.hshould be renamed hardware.h. This script adds CR and removes oneline comment. This file can be compiled with Turbo C version 2.01. It cannot be loaded in the editor because it is too big. The command line compiler tcc works well.

Version 1.3 runs on DOS and a binary will be supplied in the release. Version 1.4 fully test and CATALOG now working on DOS.

Common features of Basic Version 2.x and Basic 1.x

Language features

The language is build to be scalable from small to big. Which features are present is decided at compile time in the language feature section. This section in the code starts with







These 5 language sets are predefined. You can set one of them and ignore the individual settings.

  • BASICFULL: all language features are included and BASIC is floating point. This is essentially like the home computer BASICs of the past.
  • BASICINTEGER: like BASICFULL but with Integer arithmetic. The precision depends on the platform. 16 bit for AVR, most others 32bit. This can be changed on all platforms.
  • BASICSIMPLE: a smaller language set for AVR systems. Integer BASIC with many of the features needed to work on Arduino.
  • BASICMINIMAL: only the core language set. This is like the old days Tinybasic with a few Arduino functions.
  • BASICSIMPLEWITHFLOAT: a small floating point BASIC with many language sets. Ideal for an UNO.
  • TINYBASICWITHFLOAT: a very small floating point BASIC.

If you want to add and remove language features individual, you need to #undef all of the macros above and configure your language in the next section:

#define HASAPPLE1



#define HASTONE

#define HASPULSE



#define HASVT52

#define HASFLOAT




#define HASIOT



#define HASTIMER



#define HASMSTAB



If all of these macros are undef, the core language set is Palo Alto Tinybasic. Defining any of them adds functions:

  • HASAPPLE1: strings, 1d arrays, all commands related with it, logical expressions, peek and poke
  • HASARDUINOIO: writing und reading from analog and digital pins, millisecond time and delay function
  • HASFILEIO: commands to open and close files, reading and writing to files. This only makes sense if the target system has a filesystem. Otherwise the commands are all no operation but exist.
  • HASTONE: the Arduino tone function is included as the PLAY command.
  • HASPULSE: the Arduino pulseIn function is included as the PULSEIN function.
  • HASSTEFANSEXT: extensions I added to the language set and that I found important, some functions like SQR and POW (exponentation), GET and PUT for single character output, memory dump, and extension to FOR NEXT, CALL and USR.
  • HASERRORMSG: error messages.
  • HASV52: VT52 escape sequence handling for displays, only makes sense if the system has a display connected.
  • HASFLOAT: floating point support including the functions SIN, COS, TAN, ATAN, LOG, and EXP, please read more about number types further down.
  • HASGRAPH: graphics functions for displays.
  • HASDARTMOUTH: ON GOTO/GOSUB, DEF FN, DATA/READ/RESTORE commands present in the early BASIC standards
  • HASDARKARTS: low level interpreter functions accessible to the user with many side effects, MALLOC and FIND to allocate memory on the heap, EVAL to convert strings to command lines at runtime and execute them. CLR can delete variables.
  • HASIOT: string functions VAL, INSTR, STR to parse input, NETSTAT for network control, SLEEP for deep sleep modes. More features planned here.
  • HASMULTIDIM: 2d arrays.
  • HASSTRINGARRAYS: 1d arrays of strings. This is an extension of HASMULTIDIM.
  • HASTIMER: Run background timers and change the program flow with it
  • HASEVENTS: Change the program flow on interrupts and external events
  • HASERRORHANDLING: Change the program flow if errors occur
  • HASMSTAB: The TAB command works MS style
  • HASARRAYLIMIT: Array limits can be changed
  • HASSTRUCT: Structured programming with WHILE, UNTIL, SWITCH and block IF statements

The language features are fairly independent and can be activated in any combinations. There may be combinations which are more useful than others.

Memory size

After the language feature setting you will see a macro MEMSIZE. It is normally set to 0. A heuristic in the code will determine the right memory size at runtime using malloc() to allocate the BASIC memory. This will fail sometime and stability problems may arise. If this happens, the memory size can be hardwired here and the heuristic is deactivated. By default this is only done for very small boards directly in the code.

Hardware definitions

For setting the hardware features open hardware-arduino.h.









#undef ARDUINOILI9488

#undef ARDUINOSSD1306










#undef RP2040LITTLEFS

#undef STM32SDIO




#undef ARDUINORF24







The BASIC interpreter code has quite a few device drivers and heuristics for typical hardware configurations build in. The macros in this section of the code steer these heuristics. In standard hardware configurations they should work without further chances of the code.

  • USEPICOSERIAL: use the picoserial for serial communications on Arduino 168 and 328 based platforms. Save memory and flash. Good for small systems. Only works on the 8bit AVR platforms with simple UARTS like Uno or Mega2560. Not very portable.
  • ARDUINOPS2: use a PS2 keyboard, there are standard pins defined for this which can be changed in the code. Needs the (patched) PS2Keyboard library.
  • ARDUINOUSBKBD: USB keyboards on a DUE. Very raw. Not tested well. German keymap included. Needs the KeyboardController library.
  • ARDUINOZX81KBD: the keyboard of the Sinclair ZX81 on an Arduino. Needs the ZX81Keyboard library.
  • ARDUINOPRT: activate a second serial port for printing or to connect other devices. Software Serial is used on Arduino UNO and Nano with some standard pins, DUE and MEGA use the existing second UART channel.
  • DISPLAYCANSCROLL: this setting is relevant in combination with the display definitions. In essence, it creates a screen buffer and handles refresh of displays.
  • ARDUINOLCDI2C: connect a display using the I2C port, supports 4x20 displays, can be adapted 2x16 or other dimensions. Needs the LiquidCrystal_I2C library.
  • ARDUINONOKIA51: Nokia LCDs connected with SPI. Needs U8g2lib.
  • ARDUINOILI9488: ILI9488 SPI display with 480x320 resolution. Needs Adafruit_GFX and the ILI9488 library.
  • ARDUINOSSD1306: small OLEDs with I2C interface. Needs U8g2lib.
  • ARDUINOMCUFRIEND: the standard parallel TFTs. Needs MCUFRIEND_kbv.
  • ARDUINOGRAPHDUMMY: a graphics dummy. No operations for all graphics functions. Needed to test the code.
  • LCDSHIELD: support for the standard LCD shield, buttons and display functions are available in BASIC. Needs LiquidCrystal.
  • ARDUINOTFT: support of a SD1963 TFT display and CTE TFT shield for Arduino DUE and MEGA 256 including optionally the SD cards in the shield or display. Needs UTFT.
  • ARDUINOVGA: ESP32 VGA display with the TTGO VGA card version 1.4. Needs FabGL.
  • ARDUINOEEPROM: EEPROM support including external EEPROMS in real time clocks, can remain activated even if there is no EEPROM.
  • ARDUINOEFS: activate external EEPROMS via I2C as a filesystem. Independent of ARDUINOEEPROM. Needs the EepromFS library.
  • ARDUINOSD: SD card filesystem support for Arduino MEGA 265, DUE, ESP8266 and ESP32. Low memory boards like the UNO and NANO are not supported.
  • ESPSPIFFS: SPIFFS filesystem support for the build in filesystem of an ESP8266 or ESP32. Cannot be used together with ARDUINOSD. You can have one or the other.
  • RP2040LITTLEFS: Little FS on RP2040 systems (and only on them).
  • STM32SDIO: support for SD cards on STM32F4 boards. These cards use the SDIO interface and need a special library STM32SD.
  • ARDUINORTC: connect a DS3231 clock via I2C. Clock EEPROM access is supported. The EEPROM of the clock added to the internal EEPROM.
  • ARDUINOWIRE: use I2C directly via the BASIC I/O logic (OPEN, CLOSE, ....)
  • ARDUINOWIRESLAVE: act as a slave on the I2C bus.
  • ARDUINORF24: activate RF2401 wireless support - send and receive messages implemented. Needs the RF2401 library.
  • ARDUINOETH: use an Ethernet adapter for networking. Needs the Arduino Ethernet library.
  • ARDUINOMQTT: MQTT support and Wifi - under development. Needs the Pubsub MQTT library.
  • ARDUINOSENSORS: access some sensors directly. Please look at the sensor section of the Wiki.
  • ARDUINOSPIRAM: use an SPI RAM modules as BASIC memory.
  • STANDALONE: if a keyboard and a display is available STANDALONE makes these devices standard I/O channels
  • STANDALONESECONDSERIAL: use the second serial port as default port. Needed on some boards with USB serial features.

Special libraries needed by language feature.

Some boards need libraries to compile BASIC. These are:

  • RTCZero and RTCLowPower: for all SAMD boards.
  • SMT32RTC and SMT32LowPower: for all SMT32 boards.

Some hardware features require the following libraries not available through the Arduino library manager:

All other libraries mentioned above are standard Arduino libraries available through the library manager.

Internal number types

The BASIC interpreter can be used with different internal number types and lengths of number variables. They can be changes if there are special needs. You don't need to change anything here but you can. Only change the highlighted lines. The exact logic is controlled in this code section


typedef float number_t;

const number_t maxnum=16777216;


typedef int number_t;

const number_t maxnum=(number_t)~((number_t)1<<(sizeof(number_t)*8-1));


typedef unsigned short address_t;

const int numsize=sizeof(number_t);

const int addrsize=sizeof(address_t);

const int eheadersize=sizeof(address_t)+1;

**const int strindexsize=2; **

const address_t maxaddr=(address_t)(~0);

The core number type of the interpreter is number_t. This is what you see in the interpreter when you store numbers or calculate. All variables, arrays and numbers are number type. By default this is either float or int depending on the HASFLOAT macro. You can use any other type here like double or long if the type is signed and at least as long as address_t. It needs to be a type that the compiler can automatically cast to integer types.

The type address_t is not seen directly in the interpreter. It is used for addressing storage. The type is unsigned and has to be able to enumerate the entire memory. It can be smaller but never bigger in number of bytes than number_t.

With the default settings in the code and the compilers the following will happen

  • Arduino 8 bit systems: 16 bit signed integers or 32 bit floats as number type and 16 bit unsigned integers as for addressing storage. This is more then enough as the 8 bit systems have no more than 16kb RAM and 4 kb EEPROM.
  • 32 bit systems: 32 bit signed integers or 32 bit floats as number type and 16 bit unsigned integers for addressing storage limiting the address space to 64 kB.

If you want to address more storage you can change address_t to a 32bit type (i.e. unsigned int) on 32 bit systems as long as you keep number_t at least 32 bit. If you need higher accuracy on 8 bit or 32 bit systems you can use the longer types as number type. If you change a floating point number_t to a higher value you could also set maxnum to a higher value. maxnum is the biggest integer that can still be represented accurately in the floating point type. This is only needed in special cases.

A third parameter that can be customized here (although I don't recommend it) is strindexsize. This variable controls the number of bytes reserved in a string to store the length. The default setting is 2 bytes meaning that strings can be at most 65535 characters long. Any other value would also be possible as long as address_t can address the entire string.

Memory footprint of some of the code features.

All this is for 16 bit number code. Using a different number_t changes the memory consumption of some of the structures.

Table of memory use of the minimal language set

Stack including stack pointer: 32 bytes

Input buffer and pointer to it: 94 bytes

Keyword buffer for progmem access: 32 bytes

Variable storage: 52 bytes

Program storage control: 10 bytes

FOR loop stack: 34 bytes

GOSUB stack: 10 bytes

Arithmetic variables: 8 bytes

Token and erros: 4 bytes

Intepreter state: 1 byte

Random number generator: 2 bytes

String/Array heap control: 2 bytes.

Input/Output flags: 4 byte.

plus some helpers.

This sums up to 300 bytes of interpreter memory with the default settings of maximum GOSUB and FOR stack of 4 levels, arithmetic stack depth of 15 and an input buffer of 92 characters.

The serial I/O code with need another 184 bytes of memory as it has its own input and output buffers.

If serial communication is used the naked interpreter needs 418 bytes plus the basic memory defined in MEMSIZE. There is enough space on an Arduino UNO for 1 kB of BASIC memory.

If picoserial is used another 150 bytes of memory can be saved. The code activated by defining USEPICOSERIAL uses existing buffers instead of creating new ones.

Please ignore the warning of the IDE on low memory for local variables. As most things are done with global variable the local variable stack is small. The biggest memory consumption on local variable comes from the expression function. It is recursive with a fairly high call depth as logical and arithmetic functions are evaluated by one parser. Calling from the top expression() to the lowest level factor() needs 8 calls i.e. return addresses.

Maximum BASIC memory

Theoretical maximum memory is 64 kB if address_t is defined as a 16 bit quantity. Defining address type as a 32 bit quantity increases this into the MB range.

Program memory

The BASIC interpreter has been designed to run on really small systems and to be scalable to larger systems. The Arduino UNO still is the baseline. I want the language to be useful for these systems. Several factors control the size of program memory and the available RAM for BASIC.

The minimal configuration would be to #undef all language features and #define USEPICOSERIAL. This generates a plain Palo Alto BASIC which has no knowledge of any Arduino feature. This is about the user experience you got when you loaded your Palo Alto BASIC interpreter on an ALTAIR or IMSAI 8080 computer back in 1975 if you could afford the 2k memory extension (in 1975 memory was really expensive - see for more). The Arduino 8 bit executable would be approximately 12 kB. It could run on an Arduino 168.

Activating ARDUNINOIO and ARDUINOEEPROM makes the system a useful BASIC programmed microcontroller. Analog and digital IO is possible now and programs can be saved on the EEPROM. This is way more a ALTAIR could do back then.

If you have a LCDSHIELD you could even try to set the LCDSHIELD code keeping DISPLAYCANSCROLL undefined. Currently the code compiles to a 15 kB executable. The LCD can be used know and button input is possible.

If you use BASIC on an UNO you could activate the HASAPPLE1. You get strings and arrays, two character variables and dynamic memory allocation for it. 1000 bytes of BASIC memory are safely possible on an UNO.

Defining HASSTEFANSEXT adds the several features like POW, SQR. HASTONE and HASPULSE switch on more Arduino IO functions. HASFILEIO is a minimal DOS like command set. All these features activated add up to 20 kb flash on an UNO.

The really memory hungry extensions are ARDUINOTFT with 18 k of flash memory for the UTFT library and ARDUINOSD with 11 kb of flash. These extensions are best used on the larger boards like the Arduino Mega 2560 which I used as a standalone computer.

Another memory hungry feature is floats. HASFLOATS activates the floating point support. It costs approximately 7 kB on an UNO. As a side remark, this shows how memory efficient the programmers in the 70s worked with their all assembler code. The first floating point BASIC interpreters used 8kB of memory for the entire program.

Interpreter Architecture

General Remarks

The program was written wit the the intention to use as little memory as possible, run on really small systems and be as portable as possible. Many things are done by hand without the use of standard libraries. Everything is in C. No C++ language features as used.

Global variables are used as much as possible and the C call stack is avoided to control the memory consumption. Arithmetic is happening on the BASIC stack. Even a full features system will run with a few hundred bytes of free C heap size.

All layer 2 functions will change the global variables. They cannot be used to store something while calling a function.

Key data structures and their use

x, y are the number_t accumulators and xc, yc are the 8 bit accumulators. z is a number_t accumulator used for type conversions. It is defined as a structure. ir and ir2 are general string index pointer. top is the top of program memory and here is the current position of the interpreter in the code. st is the state of the interpreter. It can be either interactive, run or run from eeprom. There is a general input buffer ibuffer with an own index bi for processing input commands. A stack of integers stack with a stackpointer sp is used in arithemtic. It should only be accessed through push() and pop(). The buffer sbuffer is needed for Arduino progmem access and used for number input.

How does the interpreter work?

The key function is nexttoken(). In interactive mode it reads ibuffer step by step using the pointer bi, does a lexical analysis and after isolation a token it returns. In run mode it calls gettoken() and returns the next token from memory for program execution. If a token is found its code is returned in the global variable token. If the token has arguments they are returned in ir, xc, yc, x.

For a command keyword like PRINT or a single character token like '+' only token is defined after nexttoken(). It contains the token code for keywords and the char value for single character tokens. All other registers are undefined after nexttoken().

If a string is found the token code is STRING, ir contains a pointer to the string with stripped '"' characters and x is the length of the string. In interactive mode ir points to the input buffer and in run mode it points directly to program memory.

If a number is found the token code is either LINENUMBER or NUMBER. The value of the number is stored in x.

In the function statement() tokens are identified and the worker functions are called. Look for xget() in the code for an example of a very simple worker function. The first thing it does is to call nexttoken() and then decide what to do. If the expected token is found the workload code is executed and then nexttoken() is called before leaving. Every worker function must do this because after returning to the statement() loop a new token is needed to continue with the execution. If a function doesn't call nexttoken() before returning the interpreter may block.

The heap

Variables are put on a heap that growth from the to the memory downward. bmalloc and bfind do this job for you. Search of a variable is done by using xc and yc to identify the variable and the token value to identify the type. Each variable on the heap needs at least 3 bytes for this header. For strings and arrays the header is followed by the byte length of the object while variables store the value of the integer directly. bfind scans the variable table using the size information. If you add commands, avoid using the heap functions directly. The set/get[variable, array, string] functions are a better ways of doing this. Use DUMP to see what happens if you add variables.

Objects on the heap are not dynamic. They reserve their fixed maximum length on the heap. This is different from the classical Microsoft BASIC interpreters which implemented dynamic memory management for strings. For small systems and microcontrollers the static implementation has big advantages. No garbage collection is needed and the interpreter can be used for slow real time applications as it always as the same response time. No background garbage collection can slow down or interrupt a program.

The program storage

Programs are always tokenized. This means that all keywords, the line number, constants and variable names are stored as tokens. Tokens are of type signed char. They are followed by a number of arguments. Examples for multibyte tokens in a 8 bit / 16 bit systems would be

Constants like 13456: NUMBER LOWBYTE HIGHBYTE




Array: ARRAYVAR CHAR1 CHAR2 ( expression )

String variable: STRINGVAR CHAR1 CHAR2

The BASIC interpreter reads token from the program storage and ignores line numbers. They are treated as terminal symbols, indicating the end of a statement but not as part of a program cursor. The only cursor is here which is the address of the next token to be loaded. here is address_t and in general an unsigned integer. This means that the interpreter doesn't know in which line it is. This is very different from the typical tinybasic implementations for Arduino and elsewhere. These interpreters use line number and text position as a cursor. If the interpreter needs to know in which line it is, it has to use findline() to scan through the program storage. As the program storage is not a chained list but a simple heap, findline() is a compute time expensive function. For this reason loops should be implemented with FOR instead of GOTOs.

Timescales, yielding and network functions on ESP8266, ESP32, Arduino MKR and RP2040

On single core ESP based systems the main code has to yield the CPU periodically to allow the system to do necessary background task. An interpreter language like IoT BASIC spends almost all the CPU time in loops. Either it waits for input and output or it processes tokens from the program storage. Not yielding in these loops will crash an ESP8266 fast.

Yielding and background task handling is encapsulated in the byield() function. It is called in the statement loop after every statement and in all input and output loops. The statement loop is runs at a timescale of 40 microseconds depending on the commands and the platform. This is the fastest timescale the interpreter can process. Yielding the CPU in these intervals is more than sufficient.

Byield also triggers the network helper functions. Currently this is only the MQTT and Ethernet client function. More is to come here. The byield() function remembers the last time it has called the helper function in lastyield. Calling the network helpers too often will crash the system as the function causes background tasks which need to be completed before it can be called again safely. For this reason the network helper is called every 32 milliseconds followed by a 2 ms delay / yield cycle to give the system time to sort things out in the background. The parameters YIELDINTERVAL and YIELDTIME control this behaviour.

The BASIC DELAY function can also not be handled directly by the Arduino IDE delay() function. As the network helper has to be called periodically, delays are broken down in 1 ms intervals and byield() is triggered every YIELDINTERVAL milliseconds.

A second parameters controls the long term activities. LONGYIELDINTERVAL is set to 1000 per default. Everything that needs to be done once per second but not more often is triggered in this part of byield(). Renewing DHCP leases for ethernet systems is one example.

Yielding is particularly critical during I/O operations. Input loops yield after every attempt to read a character. At output the outs() function yields after every line. No yielding is done on a character output level, as the GET and PUT statement will do the yielding anyway. Theoretically, if very long strings (>1kB) are written as one single PRINT statement to a Serial buffer there is still a risk to crash an ESP8266 with the current yield strategy.

In essence, there are 3 relevant timescales in the code

  • 20 microsconds: the timescale of the statement loop and the ESP8266 yielding -> call to byield()
  • 30 milliseconds: the timescale of low level networking (this is compatible with the 100ms beacon interval of Wifi) -> call to yieldfunction()
  • 1 second: slow housekeeping tasks -> call to longyieldfunction()

The 20 microsecond timescale is fairly the same on many architectures. The interpreter can process approximately 50000 BASIC commands per second. The bottleneck is not the CPU speed but the memory bandwidth. For this reason a 80 MHz ESP8266 is not much faster executing the statement loop than a 16 MHz AVR. The ESP beats the AVR by far as soon as 32 bit arithmetic is involved. The fastest systems are STM32F4VE with a token time 1.7 microseconds, reaching 600000 commands per second. The process BASIC in the Mips range. XMC and LGT8 are also fast, they reach 10 microsecond execution speed.

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