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Data dictionaries

Data dictionaries for known appliances are located in this directory. Appliances without data dictionary will be still be loaded, but with a warning in the log. Their properties will all be mapped to sensor entities, with hidden set to true and state_class set to measurement (to enable long-term statistics).

Create your own mapping file

To map you device, create a file with the name <deviceTypeCode>-<deviceFeatureCode>.yaml in this directory. When done, or if you need help with the mapping, please open a PR on GitHub with the file!

The file contains two top level items:

To make a property visible by default, just add the property to the list. Note that properties you do not map are still mapped to sensor entities with hidden set to true and state_class set to measurement.

Each property is mapped to one entity or one target property. In addition, each climate preset is mapped to a set of properties and values.

If you change the type of mapping, the old entity or state attribute will change to unavailable in Home Assistant. You can bulk remove the old entities in on the entities page by filtering on the device and status.

If you change unit or state class for sensors, you will need to fix the history in Home Assistant - Statistics.

You need to restart Home Assistant to load mapping changes.

Mapping tips and tricks:

  • Generate a skeleton file using the connectlife package:
    pip install connectlife
    python -m connectlife.dump --username <username> --password <password> --format dd
  • Inspect the existing mappings files in this directory.
  • Change settings in the ConnectLife app while monitoring value changes in Home Assistant. Take a note of which property is changes, what the value is, and what the button or action is named in the ConnectLife app.
  • Be aware that true, false, yes, no, on, and off are all interpreted as boolean values in YAML, and must be quoted (e.g. "off") to be interpreted as a string, e.g. in option lists. Note that some options expects boolean (unquoted) values.
  • Validate your mapping file with the JSON schema.
  • Remember to add translation strings.


Item Type Description
property string Name of status/property.
hide true, false If Home Assistant should initially hide the sensor entity for this property. Defaults to false, but is set to true for unknown properties.
icon mdi:eye, etc. Icon to use for the entity.
binary_sensor BinarySensor Create a binary sensor of the property.
climate Climate Map the property to a climate entity for the device.
humidifier Humidifier Map the property to a humidifier entity for the device.
number Number Create a number entity of the property.
select Select Create a selector of the property.
sensor Sensor Create a sensor of the property. This is the default.
switch Switch Create a switch of the property.
water_heater WaterHeater Map the property to a water heater entity for the device.

If an entity mapping is not given, the property is mapped to a sensor entity.

It is not necessary to include items with empty values. A JSON schema is provided so data dictionaries can be validated.

Type BinarySensor

Domain binary_sensor can be used for read only properties. By default, 0 and 1 is mapped to off and 2 to on, as 0 often implies that the sensor state is not available. For other mappings, provide options.

Item Type Description
device_class power, problem, etc. For domain binary_sensor, name of any BinarySensorDeviceClass enum.
options dictionary of integer to boolean


- property: alarm
    device_class: problem
      0: off
      1: on

Type Climate:

Domain climate can be used to map the property to a target property in a climate entity. If at least one property has type climate, a climate entity is created for the appliance.

Item Type Description
target string Any of these climate entity attributes: current_humidity, fan_mode, hvac_action, hvac_mode, swing_mode, current_temperature, target_humidity, target_temperature, temperature_unit, or the special target is_on.
options dictionary of integer to string Required for fan_mode, hvac_action, hvac_mode, swing_mode, and temperature_unit.
unknown_value integer The value used by the API to signal unknown value.
min_value IntegerOrTemperature Minimum allowed value. Supported for target_humidity (integer) and target_temperature (temperature).
max_value IntegerOrTemperature Maximum allowed value. Supported for target_humidity (integer) and target_temperature (temperature).

temperature_unit defaults to Celsius.

is_on is used when setting HVAC mode to on.

hvac_mode can only be mapped to pre-defined modes.

hvac_action can only be mapped to pre-defined actions. If a value does not have a sensible mapping, leave it out to set hvac_action to None for that value, or consider mapping to a sensor enum instead.

For fan_mode and swing_mode, remember to add translation strings for the options.

Not yet supported target properties:

  • target_temperature_high
  • target_temperature_low


Presets are defined on the top level climate. Presets are simply a map of device properties to their desired value for that preset. You may choose to set different properties in different presets. If you do that, the value of the excluded properties will not be changed when switching to that preset.


    - preset: eco
      t_power: 1     # turn on
      t_eco: 1
      t_fan_speed: 0 # auto
    - preset: ai
      t_power: 1     # turn on
      t_tms: 1

Remember to add translation strings for preset modes.

Since multiple states may match a given preset, the first matching preset of the list will be displayed in the UI. E.g. with the above preset definitions, if t_eco is 1, t_fan_speed is 0, and t_tms is 1, eco will be displayed as the selected preset.

Presets only has effect for devices with climate mappings.

Type Humidifier:

Domain humidifier can be used to map the property to a target property in a humidifier entity. If at least one property has type humidifier, a humidifier entity is created for the appliance.

Item Type Description
target string Any of these humidifier entity attributes: action, is_on, current_humidity, target_humidity, mode.
options dictionary of integer to string Required for action and mode.
device_class string Name of any HumidifierDeviceClass enum.

It is sufficient to set device_class on one property. The value of the first encountered property is used.

action can only be mapped to pre-defined actions. If a value does not have a sensible mapping, leave it out to set action to None for that value, or consider mapping to a sensor enum instead.

For mode, remember to add translation strings for the options.

Type Number

Number entities can be set by the user.

Item Type Description
min_value integer Minimum value.
max_value integer Maximum value.
device_class duration, energy, water, etc. Name of any NumberDeviceClass enum.
unit min, °C, °F, etc. Required if device_class is set, except not allowed when device_class is aqi or ph.

Type Select

Item Type Description
options dictionary of integer to string Required.

Remember to add translation strings for the options.

Type Sensor

Sensor entities are usually read-only, but this integration provides a set_value service that can be applied on the sensor.connectlife entities, unless the sensor is set to read_only: true.

Item Type Description
read_only true, false If this property is known to be read-only (prevents set_value service).
state_class measurement, total, total_increasing Name of any SensorStateClass enum. For integer properties, defaults to measurement. Not allowed when device_class is enum.
device_class duration, energy, water, etc. Name of any SensorDeviceClass enum.
unit min, kWh, L, etc. Required if device_class is set, except not allowed when device_class is aqi, ph or enum.
options dictionary of integer to string Required if device_class is set to enum.
unknown_value integer The value used by the API to signal unknown value.

For device class enum, remember to add translation strings for the options.

Type Switch

Item Type Description
off integer Off value. Defaults to 0.
on integer On value. Defaults to 1.

Type WaterHeater:

Domain water_heater can be used to map the property to a target property in a water heater entity. If at least one property has type water_heater, a water heater entity is created for the appliance.

Item Type Description
target string Any of these water heater entity attributes: current_operation, current_temperature, state, target_temperature, temperature_unit, or the special target is_on.
options dictionary of integer to string or boolean Required for current_operation, is_away_mode_on, state, and temperature_unit`.
unknown_value integer The value used by the API to signal unknown value.
min_value IntegerOrTemperature Minimum allowed value. Supported for target_temperature (temperature).
max_value IntegerOrTemperature Maximum allowed value. Supported for target_temperature (temperature).

temperature_unit defaults to Celsius.

state can only be mapped to pre-defined state.

options for is_away_mode_on is a map of integer to boolean.

is_on adds operation "off" to the operation list. You may define this option as well on the current_operation target, but will not send in the mapped property or value when selecing the "Off" operation in Home Assistant. If current_operation is not set, is_on also adds operation "on" to the operation list.

For current_operation, remember to add translation strings for the options. Note that you need to add these under state, and not under state_attributes, e.g.:

  "entity": {
    "water_heater": {
      "connectlife": {
        "state": {
          "auto": "Auto"

Not yet supported target properties:

  • target_temperature_high
  • target_temperature_low

Type IntegerOrTemperature

Either just a numeric value, or values in Celsius and/or Fahrenheit.

min_value: 10


  celsius: 0
  fahrenheit: 32

Translation strings

By default, sensor entities are named by replacing _ with in the property name. However, the property name is also the translation key for the property, so it is possible to add a different English entity name as well as provide translations by adding the property to strings.json, and then to any translations files.

For example, given the following data dictionary:

  - property: Door_status
      device_class: enum
        0: not_available
        1: closed
        2: open

This goes into strings.json and en.json,

  "entity": {
    "sensor": {
      "Door_status": {
        "name": "Door",
        "state": {
          "not_available": "Unavailable",
          "closed": "Closed",
          "open": "Open"

Climate and humidifier modes must be registered as state_attributes.

For example, given the following data dictionary:

  - property: t_fan_speed
      target: fan_mode
        0: auto
        5: low
        6: medium_low
        7: medium
        8: medium_high
        9: high

Strings not in Home Assistant (climate humidifier) goes in strings.json and en.json:

  "entity": {
    "climate": {
      "connectlife": {
        "state_attributes": {
          "fan_mode": {
            "state": {
              "medium_low": "Medium low",
              "medium_high": "Medium high"

If your appliance is missing, please make a PR to contribute it!