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Svelte for VS Code

Provides syntax highlighting and rich intellisense for Svelte components in VS Code, using the svelte language server.


If you added "files.associations": {"*.svelte": "html" } to your VSCode settings, remove it.

If you have previously installed the old "Svelte" extension by James Birtles, uninstall it:

  • Through the UI: You can find it when searching for @installed in the extensions window (searching Svelte won't work).
  • Command line: code --uninstall-extension JamesBirtles.svelte-vscode

This extension comes bundled with a formatter for Svelte files. To let this extension format Svelte files, adjust your VS Code settings:

   "[svelte]": {
     "editor.defaultFormatter": "svelte.svelte-vscode"

The formatter is a Prettier plugin, which means some formatting options of Prettier apply. There are also Svelte specific settings like the sort order of scripts, markup, styles. More info about them and how to configure it can be found here.

You need at least VSCode version 1.52.0.

Do you want to use TypeScript/SCSS/Less/..? See the docs.

More docs and troubleshooting: See here.


  • Svelte
    • Diagnostic messages for warnings and errors
    • Support for svelte preprocessors that provide source maps
    • Svelte specific formatting (via prettier-plugin-svelte)
    • A command to preview the compiled code (DOM mode): "Svelte: Show Compiled Code"
    • A command to extract template content into a new component: "Svelte: Extract Component"
  • HTML
    • Hover info
    • Autocompletions
    • Emmet
    • Symbols in Outline panel
    • Diagnostic messages for syntax and lint errors
    • Hover info
    • Autocompletions
    • Formatting (via prettier)
    • Emmet
    • Color highlighting and color picker
    • Symbols in Outline panel
  • TypeScript / JavaScript
    • Diagnostics messages for syntax errors, semantic errors, and suggestions
    • Hover info
    • Formatting (via prettier)
    • Symbols in Outline panel
    • Autocompletions
    • Go to definition
    • Code Actions



Enables a TypeScript plugin which provides intellisense for Svelte files inside TS/JS files. Default: false


Path to the node executable you would like to use to run the language server. This is useful when you depend on native modules such as node-sass as without this they will run in the context of vscode, meaning node version mismatch is likely. Minimum required node version is 12.17. This setting can only be changed in user settings for security reasons.

You normally don't set this. Path to the language server executable. If you installed the svelte-language-server npm package, it's within there at bin/server.js. Path can be either relative to your workspace root or absolute. Set this only if you want to use a custom version of the language server. This will then also use the workspace version of TypeScript. This setting can only be changed in user settings for security reasons.


You normally don't set this. At which port to spawn the language server. Can be used for attaching to the process for debugging / profiling. If you experience crashes due to "port already in use", try setting the port. -1 = default port is used.


Traces the communication between VS Code and the Svelte Language Server. Default: off

Value can be off, messages, or verbose. You normally don't set this. Can be used in debugging language server features. If enabled you can see the logging in the output channel near the integrated terminal.


Settings to toggle specific features of the extension. The full list of all settings is here.

Usage with Yarn 2 PnP

  1. Run yarn add -D svelte-language-server to install svelte-language-server as a dev dependency
  2. Run yarn dlx @yarnpkg/sdks vscode to generate or update the VSCode/Yarn integration SDKs.
  3. Set the setting in your user configuration, pointing it to the workspace-installed language server.
  4. Restart VSCode.
  5. Commit the changes to .yarn/sdks
