[root@iz2ze8arpw3xpqwu4wo0a3z custom-engine]# jps -m -v 9425 war 6005 Jps
查看[pid] jvm 内存占用、GC频次
[root@iZm5ef3oa9lk6wxfgbedqhZ ~]# jstat -gc 3057 1000 4 S0C S1C S0U S1U EC EU OC OU MC MU CCSC CCSU YGC YGCT FGC FGCT GCT 11776.0 13312.0 0.0 12953.8 209920.0 21041.4 125952.0 30379.6 56064.0 54971.2 6912.0 6571.4 17 0.249 2 0.216 0.465 11776.0 13312.0 0.0 12953.8 209920.0 21041.4 125952.0 30379.6 56064.0 54971.2 6912.0 6571.4 17 0.249 2 0.216 0.465 11776.0 13312.0 0.0 12953.8 209920.0 21041.4 125952.0 30379.6 56064.0 54971.2 6912.0 6571.4 17 0.249 2 0.216 0.465 11776.0 13312.0 0.0 12953.8 209920.0 21041.4 125952.0 30379.6 56064.0 54971.2 6912.0 6571.4 17 0.249 2 0.216 0.465
jstack -l [pid]
jmap -heap [pid]
查看堆详细配置情况[root@iZm5ef3oa9lk6wxfgbedqhZ ~]# jmap -heap 3057 Attaching to process ID 3057, please wait... Debugger attached successfully. Server compiler detected. JVM version is 25.121-b13 using thread-local object allocation. Parallel GC with 4 thread(s) Heap Configuration: MinHeapFreeRatio = 0 MaxHeapFreeRatio = 100 MaxHeapSize = 2051014656 (1956.0MB) NewSize = 42991616 (41.0MB) MaxNewSize = 683671552 (652.0MB) OldSize = 87031808 (83.0MB) NewRatio = 2 SurvivorRatio = 8 MetaspaceSize = 21807104 (20.796875MB) CompressedClassSpaceSize = 1073741824 (1024.0MB) MaxMetaspaceSize = 17592186044415 MB G1HeapRegionSize = 0 (0.0MB) Heap Usage: PS Young Generation Eden Space: capacity = 214958080 (205.0MB) used = 21546440 (20.54828643798828MB) free = 193411640 (184.45171356201172MB) 10.023554359994284% used From Space: capacity = 13631488 (13.0MB) used = 13264688 (12.650192260742188MB) free = 366800 (0.3498077392578125MB) 97.30917123647836% used To Space: capacity = 12058624 (11.5MB) used = 0 (0.0MB) free = 12058624 (11.5MB) 0.0% used PS Old Generation capacity = 128974848 (123.0MB) used = 31108720 (29.667587280273438MB) free = 97866128 (93.33241271972656MB) 24.119989658758893% used 23220 interned Strings occupying 2780824 bytes.
jmap -histo:live 3057 | more
打印堆对象统计,live只统计活着的对象[root@iZm5ef3oa9lk6wxfgbedqhZ ~]# jmap -histo 3057 | more num #instances #bytes class name ---------------------------------------------- 1: 119704 11448336 [C 2: 117987 2831688 java.lang.String 3: 12200 2489560 [I 4: 72997 2335904 java.util.HashMap$Node 5: 25712 1440664 [Ljava.util.HashMap$Node;
jmap -dump:format=b,file=文件名 [pid]
jhat(JVM Heap Analysis Tool)命令是与jmap搭配使用,用来分析jmap生成的dump
$ jhat -J-Xmx512m dump.hprof eading from dump.hprof... Dump file created Fri Mar 11 17:13:42 CST 2016 Snapshot read, resolving... Resolving 271678 objects... Chasing references, expect 54 dots...................................................... Eliminating duplicate references...................................................... Snapshot resolved. Started HTTP server on port 7000 Server is ready.