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To add the Smartwaiver SDK to your Composer project:

composer require smartwaiver/smartwaiver-sdk

Note: Smartwaiver SDK depends upon Guzzle so if you are not using composer you will need to handle those dependencies yourself.

Getting Started

All that is required to start using the SDK is a Smartwaiver account and the API Key for that account. In all of the examples you will need to put the API Key into the code wherever it says: [INSERT API KEY]

It's time to start making requests. A good first request is to list all waiver templates for your account. Here is the code to do that:

// The API Key for your account
$apiKey = '[INSERT API KEY]';

// Set up your Smartwaiver connection using your API Key
$sw = new Smartwaiver($apiKey);

// Now request a list of all the waiver templates
$templates = $sw->getWaiverTemplates();

That's it! You've just requested all waiver templates in your account. But, now it's time to do something with them. Let's loop through those templates and print out the ID and Title of each template:

foreach ($templates as $template) {
    echo $template->templateId . ': ' . $template->title . PHP_EOL;

Awesome! For more details on all the different properties a waiver template has, check out TemplateProperties.php

Now that you've got your first request, check out the sections below to accomplish specific actions.

Retrieve a Specific Template

First let's set up the basic Smartwaiver object. Make sure to put in your account's API Key where it says [INSERT API KEY]

// The API Key for your account
$apiKey = '[INSERT API KEY]';

// Set up your Smartwaiver connection using your API Key
$sw = new Smartwaiver($apiKey);

Now we can request information about a specific template. To do this we need the template ID. If you don't know a template ID for your account, try listing all waiver templates for you account, as shown here, and copying one of the ID's that is printed out. Once we have a template ID we can execute a request to get the information about the template:

// The unique ID of the template to be retrieved
$templateId = '[INSERT TEMPLATE ID]';

// Retrieve a specific template (SmartwaiverTemplate object)
$template = $sw->getWaiverTemplate($templateId);

Now let's print out some information about this template.

// Access properties of the template
echo PHP_EOL . 'List single template:' . PHP_EOL;
echo $template->templateId . ': ' . $template->title . PHP_EOL;

To see all the different properties a waiver template has, check out TemplateProperties.php

List All Signed Waivers

First let's set up the basic Smartwaiver object. Make sure to put in your account's API Key where it says [INSERT API KEY]

// The API Key for your account
$apiKey = '[INSERT API KEY]';

// Set up your Smartwaiver connection using your API Key
$sw = new Smartwaiver($apiKey);

Now we can request signed waivers from your account.

// Get a list of summaries of waivers
$waiverSummaries = $sw->getWaiverSummaries();

With this done, we can iterate over the returned summaries to see what is stored. The default limit is 20, which means if you have more than 20 in your account, only the most recent 20 will be returned

// Loop through the waivers and access their properties
echo 'List all waivers:' . PHP_EOL;
foreach ($waiverSummaries as $waiverSummary) {
    echo $waiverSummary->waiverId . ': ' . $waiverSummary->title . PHP_EOL;

To see all the different properties a waiver summary has, check out WaiverSummaryProperties.php

Once we have a waiver summary, we can access all the detailed information about the waiver. To do that look here.

But, we can also restrict our query with some parameters. For example, what if we only want to return 5 waivers, (the default is 20). Here is the code to do that:

// Set the limit
$limit = 5;

// Get a list of summaries of waivers
$waiverSummaries = $sw->getWaiverSummaries($limit);

Or what if we only want any waivers that have not been verified (either by email or at the kiosk)?

// Set the limit
$limit = 5;

// Set the verified parameter
$verified = false;

// Get a list of summaries of waivers
$waiverSummaries = $sw->getWaiverSummaries($limit, $verified);

What other parameters can you use? Here is an example using all of them:

// An example limiting the parameters
$limit = 5;                                     // Limit number returned to 5
$verified = true;                               // Limit only to waivers that were signed at a kiosk or verified over email
$templateId = '[INSERT TEMPLATE ID]';           // Limit query to waivers of this template ID
$fromDts = date('c', strtotime('2016-11-01'));  // Limit to waivers signed in November of 2016
$toDts = date('c', strtotime('2016-12-01'));
$firstName = 'Kyle';                            // Limit to waivers with a participant named Kyle Smith
$lastName = 'Smith';

// Get a list of summaries of waivers
$waiverSummaries = $sw->getWaiverSummaries($limit, $verified, $templateId, $fromDts, $toDts);

These examples are also available in ListAllWaivers.php

Parameter Options

Parameter Name Default Value Accepted Values Notes
limit 20 1 - 100 Limit number of returned waivers
verified null true/false/null Limit selection to waiver that have been verified (true), not (false), or both (null)
templateId Valid Template ID Limit signed waivers to only this template
fromDts ISO 8601 Date Limit to signed waivers between from and to dates (requires toDts)
toDts ISO 8601 Date Limit to signed waivers between from and to dates (requires fromDts)
firstName Alpha-numeric Limit to signed waivers that have a participant with this first name (Case Insensitive)
lastName Alpha-numeric Limit to signed waivers that have a participant with this last name (Case Insensitive)

Retrieve a Specific Waiver

What if we want to retrieve a specific waiver? All we need for that is a waiver ID. If you don't have a waiver ID to use, you can get a list of signed waivers in your account here

First let's set up the basic Smartwaiver object. Make sure to put in your account's API Key where it says [INSERT API KEY]

// The API Key for your account
$apiKey = '[INSERT API KEY]';

// Set up your Smartwaiver connection using your API Key
$sw = new Smartwaiver($apiKey);

Now, we can request the information about a specific waiver. Make sure to put your waiver ID in where it says [INSERT WAIVER ID]

// The unique ID of the signed waiver to be retrieved
$waiverId = '[INSERT WAIVER ID]';

// Get a specific waiver
$waiver = $sw->getWaiver($waiverId);

The waiver object has many different properties that can be accessed. For example, we can print out the waiver ID and title of the waiver.

// Access properties of waiver
echo PHP_EOL . 'List single waiver:' . PHP_EOL;
echo $waiver->waiverId . ': ' . $waiver->title . PHP_EOL;

To see a full list of all properties that a waiver object contains, check out WaiverProperties.php

We can also request that the PDF of the signed waiver as a Base 64 Encoded string be included. Here is the request to do that:

// The unique ID of the signed waiver to be retrieved
$waiverId = '[INSERT WAIVER ID]';

$pdf = true;

// Get the waiver object
$waiver = $sw->getWaiver($waiverId, $pdf);

The code provided here is also combined in to one example in RetrieveSingleWaiver.php

Retrieve Photos on a Waiver

We can also use the API to retrieve any photos taken when the waiver was signed or attached later with the console. All we need is you're API key and the ID of a signed waiver, which has attached photos.

If you don't have a waiver ID to use, you can get a list of signed waivers in your account here

First let's set up the basic Smartwaiver object. Make sure to put in your account's API Key where it says [INSERT API KEY]

// The API Key for your account
$apiKey = '[INSERT API KEY]';

// Set up your Smartwaiver connection using your API Key
$sw = new Smartwaiver($apiKey);

Now, we can request the photos on a specific waiver. Make sure to put your waiver ID in where it says [INSERT WAIVER ID]

// TThe unique ID of the signed waiver to retrieve the photos for
$waiverId = '[INSERT WAIVER ID]';

// Get the photos for a specific waiver
$photos = $sw->getWaiverPhotos($waiverId);

This photos object has a little meta-data we can print out:

// Print a little header
echo PHP_EOL . 'Waiver Photos for: ' . $photos->title . PHP_EOL;
// echo $photos->waiverId;
// echo $photos->templateId;
// echo $photos->createdOn;

Using this photos object, we can loop through all the photos and process them however we like:

// Loop through photos and print out some meta-data
foreach ($photos->photos as $photo) {
    echo $photo->photoId . ': ' . $photo->date;
    // Other fields
    // echo $photo->type;
    // echo $photo->tag;
    // echo $photo->fileType;
    // echo $photo->photo; // Base 64 encoded photo

The code provided here is also combined in to one example in RetrieveWaiverPhotos.php

Search for Waivers

First let's set up the basic Smartwaiver object. Make sure to put in your account's API Key where it says [INSERT API KEY]

// The API Key for your account
$apiKey = '[INSERT API KEY]';

// Set up your Smartwaiver connection using your API Key
$sw = new Smartwaiver($apiKey);

Now we can request a search for signed waivers from your account.

// Request all waivers signed in 2017
$search = $sw->search('', '2017-01-01 00:00:00');

Note: The search route is a blocking search. Thus, a request to search for large amounts of data can take up to a few seconds. As such, this route should not be used for anything where real-time performance is important. Instead use the Waivers route.

This will return a search object containing metadata about the results of our search. We can easily print out all that information:

// Print out some information about the result of the search
echo 'Search Complete:' . PHP_EOL;
echo "\t" . 'Search ID: ' . $search->guid . PHP_EOL;
echo "\t" . 'Waiver Count: ' . $search->count . PHP_EOL;
echo "\t" . $search->pages . ' pages of size ' . $search->pageSize . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;

The server has stored the results of our search request under the GUID given. We can now loop through the pages and request each page, which will be a list of up to 100 waivers. For example, if we wanted to created a list of all first names from our search, we would do that like this:

// First we set up our list
$nameList = [];

// Loop through all the pages in the search result
for($i = 0; $i < $search->pages; $i++) {
    echo 'Requesting page: ' . $i . '/' . $search->pages . '...' . PHP_EOL;

    // Request each page from the server
    $waivers = $sw->searchResult($search, $i);

    echo 'Processing page: ' . $i . '/' . $search->pages . '...' . PHP_EOL;

    // Loop through the waivers and create a comma separated list of first names
    foreach ($waivers as $waiver) {
        array_push($nameList, $waiver->firstName);

        // View all accessible properties of a waiver object in:
        // examples/waivers/WaiverProperties.php

To see all the different properties a waiver has, check out WaiverProperties.php

This examples is also available in BasicSearch.php

Search Parameters

We can also restrict our search with more parameters. For example, what if we only want to return waivers for one of the templates in our account. Here is the code to do that:

// The unique ID of the template to search for
$templateId = '[INSERT TEMPLATE ID]';

// Request all waivers signed for this template
$search = $sw->search($templateId);

Or what if we only want any waivers that have not been verified (either by email or at the kiosk)?

// Request all waivers signed that not have been email verified
$search = $sw->search('', '', '', '', '', false);

What other parameters can you use? Here are some more examples:

// Request all waivers signed for this template after the given date
$search = $sw->search($templateId, '2017-01-01 00:00:00');

// Request all waivers signed for this template before the given date
$search = $sw->search($templateId, '', '2017-01-01 00:00:00');

// Request all waivers signed for this template with a participant name Kyle
$search = $sw->search($templateId, '', '', 'Kyle');

// Request all waivers signed for this template with a participant name Kyle Smith
$search = $sw->search($templateId, '', '', 'Kyle', 'Smith');

// Request all waivers signed with a participant name Kyle that have been email verified
$search = $sw->search('', '', '', 'Kyle', '', true);

// Request all waivers signed in ascending sorted order
//$search = $sw->search($templateId, '', '', '', '', null, false);

These examples are also available in SearchParams.php

Parameter Options

Parameter Name Default Value Accepted Values Notes
templateId Valid Template ID Limit signed waivers to only this template
fromDts ISO 8601 Date Limit to signed waivers between after this date
toDts ISO 8601 Date Limit to signed waivers between before this date
firstName Alpha-numeric Limit to signed waivers that have a participant with this first name (Case Insensitive)
lastName Alpha-numeric Limit to signed waivers that have a participant with this last name (Case Insensitive)
verified null true/false/null Limit selection to waiver that have been verified (true), not (false), or both (null)
sortDesc true true/false Sort results in descending (latest signed waiver first) order

Retrieve/Set Webhook Configuration

You can both retrieve and set your account's webhook configuration through this SDK with a couple simple calls. To view your current webhook settings, we first need to set a Smartwaiver object. Make sure to put in your account's API Key where it says [INSERT API KEY]

// The API Key for your account
$apiKey = '[INSERT API KEY]';

// Set up your Smartwaiver connection using your API Key
$sw = new Smartwaiver($apiKey);

Now, it's easy to request the webhook configuration:

// Get the current webhook settings
$webhooks = $sw->getWebhookConfig();

And, now we can print out the information:

// Access the webhook config
echo 'Endpoint: ' . $webhooks->endpoint . PHP_EOL;
echo 'EmailValidationRequired: ' . $webhooks->emailValidationRequired . PHP_EOL;

The Email Validation Required is whether the webhook will fire before, after, or before and after a waiver is verified. The endpoint is simply the endpoint URL for the webhook.

And changing your webhook configuration is just as easy. The new configuration will be returned from the request and can be access just like the read request above.

// The new values to set
$endpoint = '';
$emailValidationRequired = SmartwaiverWebhook::WEBHOOK_AFTER_EMAIL_ONLY;

// Set the webhook to new values
$webhook = $sw->setWebhookConfig($endpoint, $emailValidationRequired);

// Access the new webhook config
echo 'Successfully set new configuration.' . PHP_EOL;
echo 'Endpoint: ' . $newWebhook->endpoint . PHP_EOL;
echo 'EmailValidationRequired: ' . $newWebhook->emailValidationRequired . PHP_EOL;

If you wish to remove a webhook completely from the account you may also do that like this:


This code is also provided in RetrieveWebhooks.php, SetWebhooks.php, and DeleteWebhooks.php

Retrieve Messages From Webhook Queues

Instead of using a public webhook endpoint you can set up your account to put webhooks in a queue system, which can be accessed using this API. Webhooks will be placed in the queue as soon as the waiver is finished processing and will remain there for 7 days. Our webhook queues also have support for separate queues for every template if you wish. To view your current webhook settings, we first need to set a Smartwaiver object. Make sure to put in your account's API Key where it says [INSERT API KEY]

// The API Key for your account
$apiKey = '[INSERT API KEY]';

// Set up your Smartwaiver connection using your API Key
$sw = new Smartwaiver($apiKey);

First we can see how many webhook queues we have set up!

// Get the current webhook queue information
$queues = $sw->getWebhookQueues();

This returns a nice obejct that has information about how many messages are in our queues. If our queues don't exist yet, there won't be any information!

// Access the account level webhook information
if (is_null($queues->accountQueue)) {
    echo 'Account Queue: N/A' . PHP_EOL;
} else {
    echo 'Account Queue:' . PHP_EOL;
    echo "\tTotal Messages: " . $queues->accountQueue->messagesTotal . PHP_EOL;
    echo "\tMessages Not Visible: " . $queues->accountQueue->messagesNotVisible . PHP_EOL;
    echo "\tMessages Delayed: " . $queues->accountQueue->messagesDelayed . PHP_EOL;

// Access the template level webhook information
foreach ($queues->templateQueues as $templateId => $templateQueue) {
    echo 'Template Queue (' . $templateId . '):' . PHP_EOL;
    echo "\tTotal Messages: " . $queues->accountQueue->messagesTotal . PHP_EOL;
    echo "\tMessages Not Visible: " . $queues->accountQueue->messagesNotVisible . PHP_EOL;
    echo "\tMessages Delayed: " . $queues->accountQueue->messagesDelayed . PHP_EOL;

Now, if we have some messages in our queue (or not) we can poll to retrieve a message.

// Retrieve a message from the account queue
$message = $sw->getWebhookQueueAccountMessage();

Or if we want to get a message from a template queue:

// The Unique ID of the waiver template
$templateId = '[INSERT TEMPLATE ID]';

// Retrieve a message from the template queue
$message = $sw->getWebhookQueueAccountMessage($templateId);

This will retrieve one message and we can then access the body of the message. If there are no messages a null object will be returned.

// Check for empty queue
if (is_null($message)) {
    echo 'No messages in account queue.' . PHP_EOL;

// Print out message info
echo 'Message in Account Queue' . PHP_EOL;
echo "\tMessage ID: " . $message->messageId . PHP_EOL;
echo "\tMessage Payload: " . PHP_EOL;
echo "\t\tWaiver ID: " . $message->body->uniqueId . PHP_EOL;
echo "\t\tEvent: " . $message->body->event . PHP_EOL;

Now that we have processed the message we can delete it.

$delete = $sw->deleteWebhookQueueAccountMessage($message->messageId);

echo 'Deletion Success: ' . ($delete->success ? 'true' : 'false') . PHP_EOL;

If we instead wanted to delete it while we retrieved (not recommended since if errors occur in your processing that webhook is lost) we could do this:

// Optionally we can delete the message when we retrieve it, by passing a delete flag
$message = $sw->getWebhookQueueAccountMessage(true);

This code is also provided in RetrieveWebhookQueues.php, RetrieveTemplateMessage.php](examples/queues/RetrieveTemplateMessage.php) and RetrieveAccountMessage.php

Exception Handling

Exceptions in this SDK are grouped into three different types.

  • A SmartwaiverSDKException occurs when the SDK itself encounters a problem. Examples of this include problems connecting to the API server, an unexpected response from the API server, bad input data, etc.
  • A SmartwaiverHTTPException occurs when the API encounters an error and properly relays that information back. Examples of this include '401 Unauthorized' or '404 Not Found' errors.
  • A SmartwaiverRateLimitException occurs when your account hits the rate limit. Info is contained in the object to figure out how long to wait before trying again.

Note that a SmartwaiverRateLimitException is a type SmartwaiverHTTPException, which is a type of SmartwaiverSDKException so it is possible to catch all possible exceptions at the same time.

Here is an example of catching an HTTP exception. First we set up the Smartwaiver account:

// The API Key for your account
$apiKey = '[INSERT API KEY]';

// Set up your Smartwaiver connection using your API Key
$sw = new Smartwaiver($apiKey);

Next, we attempt to get a waiver that does not exist:

// The Waiver ID to access
$waiverId = 'InvalidWaiverId';

// Try to get the waiver object
$waiver = $sw->getWaiver($waiverId);

This will throw an exception because a waiver with that ID does not exist. So let's change the code to catch that exception:

    // Try to get the waiver object
    $waiver = $sw->getWaiver($waiverId);
catch (SmartwaiverHTTPException $se)
    // Print out that we encountered an error
    echo 'Error retrieving waiver from API server...' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;

But there is lot's of useful information in the exception object. Let's print some of that out too:

// The code will be the HTTP Status Code returned
echo 'Error Code: ' . $se->getCode() . PHP_EOL;
// The message will be informative about what was wrong with the request
echo 'Error Message: ' . $se->getMessage() . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;

// Also included in the exception is the header information returned about
// the response.
$responseInfo = $se->getResponseInfo();
echo 'API Version: ' . $responseInfo['version'] . PHP_EOL;
echo 'UUID: ' . $responseInfo['id'] . PHP_EOL;
echo 'Timestamp: ' . $responseInfo['ts'] . PHP_EOL;

The code provided here is also combined in to one example in ExceptionHandling.php

The SmartwaiverRateLimitException is a special type of SmartwaiverHTTPException and provides some additional information. The exception can be caught in exactly the same way:

    // Try to get the waiver object
    $waiver = $sw->getWaiver($waiverId);
catch (SmartwaiverRateLimitException $se)
    // The number of requests that have taken place in the current window
    echo 'Number of requests: ' . $se->requests . PHP_EOL;
    // The max number of requests for routes of this type in the current window
    echo 'Max requests: ' . $se->max . PHP_EOL;
    // The number of seconds to wait until trying again
    echo 'Retry after: ' . $se->retryAfter . PHP_EOL;

And the exception object has some additional information, seen being printed out above.

Status Codes

The code of the exception will match the HTTP Status Code of the response and the message will be an informative string informing on what exactly was wrong with the request.

Possible status codes and their meanings:

Status Code Error Name Description
400 Parameter Error Indicates that something was wrong with the parameters of the request (e.g. extra parameters, missing required parameters, etc.).
401 Unauthorized Indicates the request was missing an API Key or contained an invalid API Key.
402 Data Error Indicates that the parameters of the request was valid, but the data in those parameters was not.
404 Not Found Indicates that whatever was being searched for (specific waiver, etc.) could not be found.
406 Wrong Content Type Indicates that the Content Type of the request is inappropriate for the request.
429 Too Many Requests Indicates that your account rate limit has been hit and you should cease making requests.
500 Internal Server Error Indicates that the server encountered an internal error while processing the request.


This section contains notes about several more ways to use the SDK that are slightly more low level.

Raw Responses

If you do not wish to use the Smartwaiver object types to facilitate easy use of the data you can also access the raw response from the API server.

Here is an example of getting the raw response from the server for retrieving a list of waiver summaries:

// The API Key for your account
$apiKey = '[INSERT API KEY]';

// Set up your Smartwaiver connection using your API Key
$sw = new Smartwaiver($apiKey);

// Get a list of all signed waivers for this account
$response = $sw->getWaiverSummariesRaw();

// The response object has two variables, status code and response body
echo 'Status Code: ' . $response->statusCode . PHP_EOL;
echo 'Body: ' . $response->body . PHP_EOL;

All the standard methods have a 'Raw' counterpart that just has 'Raw' added to the function name.

The code provided here is also in RawResponses.php

URL Generation

If you would like handle all aspects of the request's yourself, you can simply use SmartwaiverRoutes class to generate the approriate URLs for your requests.

For example, to create the URL to list all templates is only one line:


For the list of possible routes see SmartwaiverRoutes.php

Note: to use this you must handle the proper authentication headers yourself.


If you are making custom requests you must include the proper authentication. The Smartwaiver API expects a header called 'sw-api-key' to contain the API for the account you are accessing.

sw-api-key: [INSERT API KEY]

If you do not have a Smartwaiver API key go here to find out how to create one.

API Documentation


Class SmartwaiverHTTPException

This class handles all exceptions that have to do with communicating with the API and interpreting the responses.

  • Full name: \Smartwaiver\Exceptions\SmartwaiverHTTPException
  • Parent class: \Smartwaiver\Exceptions\SmartwaiverSDKException


Visibility Name Type
private response array


SmartwaiverHTTPException constructor.

SmartwaiverHTTPException::__construct( \GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Response $guzzleResponse, string $guzzleBody, string $content )


Parameter Type Description
$guzzleResponse \GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Response The guzzle response object from the bad request
$guzzleBody string The body of the guzzle response from the bad request
$content string The processed content of the API response


Access the Guzzle Response object from the request that generated this exception.

SmartwaiverHTTPException::getGuzzleResponse(  ): \GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Response

Return Value:

The response object


Access the body of the guzzle response. This is provided since the body is a stream that will be empty in the $guzzleResponse object.

SmartwaiverHTTPException::getGuzzleBody(  ): string

Return Value:

The body contents of the response


This method provides access to the parsed information from the API error response. This includes the version, timestamp, and UUID of the response

SmartwaiverHTTPException::getResponseInfo(  ): array

Return Value:

The response header information


Class SmartwaiverRateLimitException

This class handles all exceptions that have to do with communicating with the API and interpreting the responses.

  • Full name: \Smartwaiver\Exceptions\SmartwaiverRateLimitException
  • Parent class: \Smartwaiver\Exceptions\SmartwaiverHTTPException


Visibility Name Type
public requests integer
public max integer
public retryAfter integer


SmartwaiverRateLimitException constructor.

SmartwaiverRateLimitException::__construct( \GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Response $guzzleResponse, string $guzzleBody, string $content )


Parameter Type Description
$guzzleResponse \GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Response The guzzle response object from the bad request
$guzzleBody string The body of the guzzle response from the bad request
$content string The processed content of the API response


This method provides access to the parsed information from the API error response. This includes the version, timestamp, and UUID of the response

SmartwaiverRateLimitException::getResponseInfo(  ): array

Return Value:

The response header information


Access the Guzzle Response object from the request that generated this exception.

SmartwaiverRateLimitException::getGuzzleResponse(  ): \GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Response

Return Value:

The response object


Access the body of the guzzle response. This is provided since the body is a stream that will be empty in the $guzzleResponse object.

SmartwaiverRateLimitException::getGuzzleBody(  ): string

Return Value:

The body contents of the response


Class SmartwaiverSDKException

This class handles all exceptions that have to do with communicating with the API and interpreting the responses.

  • Full name: \Smartwaiver\Exceptions\SmartwaiverSDKException
  • Parent class:


Visibility Name Type
private guzzleResponse \GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Response
private guzzleBody string


SmartwaiverSDKException constructor.

SmartwaiverSDKException::__construct( \GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Response $guzzleResponse, string $guzzleBody, string $message, integer $code )


Parameter Type Description
$guzzleResponse \GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Response
$guzzleBody string
$message string
$code integer


Access the Guzzle Response object from the request that generated this exception.

SmartwaiverSDKException::getGuzzleResponse(  ): \GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Response

Return Value:

The response object


Access the body of the guzzle response. This is provided since the body is a stream that will be empty in the $guzzleResponse object.

SmartwaiverSDKException::getGuzzleBody(  ): string

Return Value:

The body contents of the response


Main class, which provides basic methods to interact with Smartwaiver API.

  • Full name: \Smartwaiver\Smartwaiver


Visibility Name Type
protected client \GuzzleHttp\Client
protected lastResponse \Smartwaiver\SmartwaiverResponse|null


Creates a new Smartwaiver object.

Smartwaiver::__construct( string $apiKey, array&lt;mixed,array&gt; $guzzleOptions = array() )


Parameter Type Description
$apiKey string The API Key for the account
$guzzleOptions array<mixed,array> Optional options to pass to guzzle client


Retrieve a list of all waiver templates in the account.

Smartwaiver::getWaiverTemplates(  ): array&lt;mixed,\Smartwaiver\Types\SmartwaiverTemplate&gt;

Return Value:

An array (may be empty) of SmartwaiverTemplates


Retrieve information about a specific waiver template.

Smartwaiver::getWaiverTemplate( string $templateId ): \Smartwaiver\Types\SmartwaiverTemplate

If the waiver template is not found a NotFoundException will be thrown.


Parameter Type Description
$templateId string The Unique ID of waiver template to get

Return Value:

The requested template


Retrieve a list of waiver summaries matching the given criteria.

Smartwaiver::getWaiverSummaries( integer $limit = 20, boolean|null $verified = null, string $templateId = &#039;&#039;, string $fromDts = &#039;&#039;, string $toDts = &#039;&#039;, string $firstName = &#039;&#039;, string $lastName = &#039;&#039;, string $tag = &#039;&#039; ): array&lt;mixed,\Smartwaiver\Types\SmartwaiverWaiverSummary&gt;


Parameter Type Description
$limit integer Limit to this number of the most recent waivers.
$verified boolean|null Limit to waivers that have been verified by email (true), not verified (false), or both (null).
$templateId string Limit to waivers of the given waiver template ID.
$fromDts string Limit to waivers between this ISO 8601 date and the toDts parameter (requires toDts parameter).
$toDts string Limit to waivers between fromDts and this ISO 8601 date (requires fromDts parameter).
$firstName string Limit to waivers with any participant having this for a first name (Case Insensitive).
$lastName string Limit to waivers with any participant having this for a last name (Case Insensitive).
$tag string Limit to waivers with this primary tag.

Return Value:

The list of signed waiver summary objects


Retrieve a waiver with the given waiver ID

Smartwaiver::getWaiver( string $waiverId, boolean $pdf = false ): \Smartwaiver\Types\SmartwaiverWaiver


Parameter Type Description
$waiverId string The Unique identifier of the waiver to retrieve
$pdf boolean Whether to include the Base64 Encoded PDF

Return Value:

The waiver object corresponding to the given waiver ID


Retrieve all waiver photos for the given waiver ID

Smartwaiver::getWaiverPhotos( string $waiverId ): \Smartwaiver\Types\SmartwaiverPhotos


Parameter Type Description
$waiverId string The Unique identifier of the waiver

Return Value:

The photos object containing all the photos


Retrieve all drawn signatures for the given waiver ID

Smartwaiver::getWaiverSignatures( string $waiverId ): \Smartwaiver\Types\SmartwaiverSignatures


Parameter Type Description
$waiverId string The Unique identifier of the waiver

Return Value:

The signatures object containing all the signatures


Perform a large search matching the given criteria. This will return a guid that can then be used to access the results of the search.

Smartwaiver::search( string $templateId = &#039;&#039;, string $fromDts = &#039;&#039;, string $toDts = &#039;&#039;, string $firstName = &#039;&#039;, string $lastName = &#039;&#039;, boolean|null $verified = null, boolean $sortDesc = true, string $tag = &#039;&#039; ): \Smartwaiver\Types\SmartwaiverSearch


Parameter Type Description
$templateId string Limit to waivers of the given waiver template ID.
$fromDts string Limit to waivers after this ISO 8601 date.
$toDts string Limit to waivers before this ISO 8601 date.
$firstName string Limit to waivers with any participant having this for a first name (Case Insensitive).
$lastName string Limit to waivers with any participant having this for a last name (Case Insensitive).
$verified boolean|null Limit to waivers that have been verified by email (true), not verified (false) or both (null).
$sortDesc boolean Sort results in descending (latest signed waiver first) order.
$tag string Limit to waivers with this primary tag.

Return Value:

The object representing the results of the search


Retrieve a page of the given search.

Smartwaiver::searchResult( \Smartwaiver\Types\SmartwaiverSearch $search, integer $page ): array&lt;mixed,\Smartwaiver\Types\SmartwaiverWaiver&gt;


Parameter Type Description
$search \Smartwaiver\Types\SmartwaiverSearch The search object to get the results of
$page integer The page number to retrieve

Return Value:

A list of the waiver objects in the given page


Retrieve a page of the given search.

Smartwaiver::searchResultByGuid( string $guid, integer $page ): array&lt;mixed,\Smartwaiver\Types\SmartwaiverWaiver&gt;


Parameter Type Description
$guid string The guid of the search results
$page integer The page number to retrieve

Return Value:

A list of the waiver objects in the given page


Retrieve the current webhook configuration for the account

Smartwaiver::getWebhookConfig(  ): \Smartwaiver\Types\SmartwaiverWebhook

Return Value:

The current webhook configuration


Set the webhook configuration for this account

Smartwaiver::setWebhookConfig( string $endpoint, string $emailValidationRequired ): \Smartwaiver\Types\SmartwaiverWebhook


Parameter Type Description
$endpoint string A valid url to set as the webhook endpoint
$emailValidationRequired string Sets when the webhook is fired (use constants from SmartwaiverWebhook).

Return Value:

The new webhook configuration will be returned


Set the webhook configuration for this account

Smartwaiver::setWebhook( \Smartwaiver\Types\SmartwaiverWebhook $webhook ): \Smartwaiver\Types\SmartwaiverWebhook


Parameter Type Description
$webhook \Smartwaiver\Types\SmartwaiverWebhook The webhook configuration to set

Return Value:

The new webhook configuration will be returned


Retrieve the current message counts for all webhook queues enabled

Smartwaiver::getWebhookQueues(  ): \Smartwaiver\Types\WebhookQueues\SmartwaiverWebhookQueues

Return Value:

The status information for all queues


Retrieve a message from the webhook account queue

Smartwaiver::getWebhookQueueAccountMessage( boolean $delete = false ): \Smartwaiver\Types\WebhookQueues\SmartwaiverWebhookMessage|null


Parameter Type Description
$delete boolean Whether to delete the message as it's retrieved

Return Value:

A message from the account queue


Retrieve a message from a webhook template queue

Smartwaiver::getWebhookQueueTemplateMessage( string $templateId, boolean $delete = false ): \Smartwaiver\Types\WebhookQueues\SmartwaiverWebhookMessage


Parameter Type Description
$templateId string The template ID to retrieve the message from
$delete boolean Whether to delete the message as it's retrieved

Return Value:

A message from the template queue


Delete a message from the webhook account queue

Smartwaiver::deleteWebhookQueueAccountMessage( string $messageId ): \Smartwaiver\Types\WebhookQueues\SmartwaiverWebhookMessageDelete


Parameter Type Description
$messageId string The message to delete from the queue

Return Value:

Whether the message was deleted


Delete a message from a webhook template queue

Smartwaiver::deleteWebhookQueueTemplateMessage( string $templateId, string $messageId ): \Smartwaiver\Types\WebhookQueues\SmartwaiverWebhookMessageDelete


Parameter Type Description
$templateId string The template ID to retrieve the message from
$messageId string The message to delete from the queue

Return Value:

Whether the message was deleted


Create a dynamic template for your participant to fill out

Smartwaiver::createDynamicTemplate( \Smartwaiver\Types\Template\SmartwaiverTemplateConfig $templateConfig, \Smartwaiver\Types\Data\SmartwaiverTemplateData $data, integer $expiration ): \Smartwaiver\Types\SmartwaiverDynamicTemplate


Parameter Type Description
$templateConfig \Smartwaiver\Types\Template\SmartwaiverTemplateConfig The config for display of the dyanamic template
$data \Smartwaiver\Types\Data\SmartwaiverTemplateData The data to fill on the dynamic template
$expiration integer The expiration of the dynamic template

Return Value:

An object representing your new dynamic template


Create a dynamic template for your participant to fill out

Smartwaiver::processDynamicTemplate( string $transactionId ): \Smartwaiver\Types\SmartwaiverDynamicProcess


Parameter Type Description
$transactionId string The transaction ID you are requesting processing of

Return Value:

An object representing info about your processed waiver


Retrieve a list of all waiver templates in the account.

Smartwaiver::getWaiverTemplatesRaw(  ): \Smartwaiver\SmartwaiverRawResponse

Return Value:

An object that holds the status code and unprocessed json.


Retrieve information about a specific waiver template.

Smartwaiver::getWaiverTemplateRaw( string $templateId ): \Smartwaiver\SmartwaiverRawResponse


Parameter Type Description
$templateId string The Unique ID of waiver template to get

Return Value:

An object that holds the status code and unprocessed json.


Retrieve a list of waiver summaries matching the given criteria.

Smartwaiver::getWaiverSummariesRaw( integer $limit = 20, boolean|null $verified = null, string $templateId = &#039;&#039;, string $fromDts = &#039;&#039;, string $toDts = &#039;&#039;, string $firstName = &#039;&#039;, string $lastName = &#039;&#039;, string $tag = &#039;&#039; ): \Smartwaiver\SmartwaiverRawResponse


Parameter Type Description
$limit integer Limit to this number of the most recent waivers.
$verified boolean|null Limit to waivers that have been verified by email (true), not verified (false), or both (null).
$templateId string Limit to waivers of the given waiver template ID.
$fromDts string Limit to waivers between this ISO 8601 date and the toDts parameter (requires toDts parameter).
$toDts string Limit to waivers between fromDts and this ISO 8601 date (requires fromDts parameter).
$firstName string Limit to waivers with any participant having this for a first name (Case Insensitive).
$lastName string Limit to waivers with any participant having this for a last name (Case Insensitive).
$tag string Limit to waivers with this primary tag.

Return Value:

An object that holds the status code and unprocessed json.


Retrieve a waiver with the given waiver ID

Smartwaiver::getWaiverRaw( string $waiverId, boolean $pdf = false ): \Smartwaiver\SmartwaiverRawResponse


Parameter Type Description
$waiverId string The Unique identifier of the waiver to retrieve
$pdf boolean Include the Base64 Encoded PDF

Return Value:

An object that holds the status code and unprocessed json.


Retrieve all photos attached to the given waiver ID

Smartwaiver::getWaiverPhotosRaw( string $waiverId ): \Smartwaiver\SmartwaiverRawResponse


Parameter Type Description
$waiverId string The Unique identifier of the waiver

Return Value:

An object that holds the status code and unprocessed json.


Retrieve all drawn signatures attached to the given waiver ID

Smartwaiver::getWaiverSignaturesRaw( string $waiverId ): \Smartwaiver\SmartwaiverRawResponse


Parameter Type Description
$waiverId string The Unique identifier of the waiver

Return Value:

An object that holds the status code and unprocessed json.


Perform a large search matching the given criteria. This will return a guid that can then be used to access the results of the search.

Smartwaiver::searchRaw( string $templateId = &#039;&#039;, string $fromDts = &#039;&#039;, string $toDts = &#039;&#039;, string $firstName = &#039;&#039;, string $lastName = &#039;&#039;, boolean|null $verified = null, boolean $sortDesc = true, string $tag = &#039;&#039; ): \Smartwaiver\SmartwaiverRawResponse


Parameter Type Description
$templateId string Limit to waivers of the given waiver template ID.
$fromDts string Limit to waivers after this ISO 8601 date.
$toDts string Limit to waivers before this ISO 8601 date.
$firstName string Limit to waivers with any participant having this for a first name (Case Insensitive).
$lastName string Limit to waivers with any participant having this for a last name (Case Insensitive).
$verified boolean|null Limit to waivers that have been verified by email (true), not verified (false) or both (null).
$sortDesc boolean Sort results in descending (latest signed waiver first) order.
$tag string Limit to waivers with this primary tag.

Return Value:

An object that holds the status code and unprocessed json.


Retrieve a page of the given search.

Smartwaiver::searchResultByGuidRaw( string $guid, integer $page ): \Smartwaiver\SmartwaiverRawResponse


Parameter Type Description
$guid string The guid of the search results
$page integer The page number to retrieve

Return Value:

An object that holds the status code and unprocessed json.


Retrieve the current webhook configuration for the account

Smartwaiver::getWebhookConfigRaw(  ): \Smartwaiver\SmartwaiverRawResponse

Return Value:

An object that holds the status code and unprocessed json.


Set the webhook configuration for this account

Smartwaiver::setWebhookConfigRaw( string $endpoint, string $emailValidationRequired ): \Smartwaiver\SmartwaiverRawResponse


Parameter Type Description
$endpoint string A valid url to set as the webhook endpoint
$emailValidationRequired string Sets when the webhook is fired (use constants from SmartwaiverWebhook).

Return Value:

An object that holds the status code and unprocessed json.


Retrieve the current message counts for all webhook queues enabled

Smartwaiver::getWebhookQueuesRaw(  ): \Smartwaiver\SmartwaiverRawResponse

Return Value:

An object that holds the status code and unprocessed json.


Retrieve a message from the webhook account queue

Smartwaiver::getWebhookQueueAccountMessageRaw( boolean $delete = false ): \Smartwaiver\SmartwaiverRawResponse


Parameter Type Description
$delete boolean Whether to delete the message as it's retrieved

Return Value:

An object that holds the status code and unprocessed json.


Retrieve a message from a webhook template queue

Smartwaiver::getWebhookQueueTemplateMessageRaw( string $templateId, boolean $delete = false ): \Smartwaiver\SmartwaiverRawResponse


Parameter Type Description
$templateId string The template ID to retrieve the message from
$delete boolean Whether to delete the message as it's retrieved

Return Value:

An object that holds the status code and unprocessed json.


Delete a message from the webhook account queue

Smartwaiver::deleteWebhookQueueAccountMessageRaw( string $messageId ): \Smartwaiver\SmartwaiverRawResponse


Parameter Type Description
$messageId string The message to delete from the queue

Return Value:

An object that holds the status code and unprocessed json.


Delete a message from a webhook template queue

Smartwaiver::deleteWebhookQueueTemplateMessageRaw( string $templateId, string $messageId ): \Smartwaiver\SmartwaiverRawResponse


Parameter Type Description
$templateId string The template ID to retrieve the message from
$messageId string The message to delete from the queue

Return Value:

An object that holds the status code and unprocessed json.


Create a dynamic template for your participant to fill out

Smartwaiver::createDynamicTemplateRaw( \Smartwaiver\Types\Template\SmartwaiverTemplateConfig $templateConfig, \Smartwaiver\Types\Data\SmartwaiverTemplateData $data, integer $expiration ): \Smartwaiver\SmartwaiverRawResponse


Parameter Type Description
$templateConfig \Smartwaiver\Types\Template\SmartwaiverTemplateConfig The config for display of the dyanamic template
$data \Smartwaiver\Types\Data\SmartwaiverTemplateData The data to fill on the dynamic template
$expiration integer The expiration of the dynamic template

Return Value:

An object that holds the status code and unprocessed json.


Create a dynamic template for your participant to fill out

Smartwaiver::processDynamicTemplateRaw( string $transactionId ): \Smartwaiver\SmartwaiverRawResponse


Parameter Type Description
$transactionId string The transaction ID you are requesting processing of

Return Value:

An object that holds the status code and unprocessed json.


Get the SmartwaiverResponse objected created for the most recent API request. Useful for error handling if an exception is thrown.

Smartwaiver::getLastResponse(  ): \Smartwaiver\SmartwaiverResponse|null

Return Value:

The last response this object received from the API


Class SmartwaiverRawResponse

This class provides a simple response from the API server containing the status code and raw body.

  • Full name: \Smartwaiver\SmartwaiverRawResponse


Visibility Name Type
public statusCode integer
public body string


Pulls out the appropriate information from the Guzzle Response

SmartwaiverRawResponse::__construct( \GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Response $guzzleResponse )


Parameter Type Description
$guzzleResponse \GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Response The entire Guzzle HTTP Response from the request


Class SmartwaiverResponse

This class processes general information for all HTTP responses from the API server. Version, Unique ID, and Timestamp information for every request are stored in this class.

  • Full name: \Smartwaiver\SmartwaiverResponse


Visibility Name Type
public version string
public id string
public ts string
public type string
public responseData array
private guzzleResponse \GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Response


Parses all responses from the server and throws an exception if any error occurred.

SmartwaiverResponse::__construct( \GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Response $guzzleResponse )


Parameter Type Description
$guzzleResponse \GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Response The entire Guzzle HTTP Response from the request


Get the actual Guzzle response object that underlies the data in this response object. Note that the body will be empty because it is read by this class's constructor. If you need the body, call getGuzzleBody()

SmartwaiverResponse::getGuzzleResponse(  ): \GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Response

Return Value:

The underlying Guzzle response object


Access the body of the guzzle response. This is provided since the body is a stream that will be empty in the $guzzleResponse object.

SmartwaiverResponse::getGuzzleBody(  ): string


Class SmartwaiverRoutes

This class provides and easy way to create the actual URLs for the routes.

  • Full name: \Smartwaiver\SmartwaiverRoutes


Get the URL to retrieve a list of all waiver templates in the account.

SmartwaiverRoutes::getWaiverTemplates(  ): string
  • This method is static.

Return Value:

The URL to retrieve the information.


Get the URL to retrieve information about a specific waiver template.

SmartwaiverRoutes::getWaiverTemplate( string $templateId ): string
  • This method is static.


Parameter Type Description
$templateId string The Unique ID of waiver template to get

Return Value:

The URL to retrieve the information.


Get the URL to retrieve a list of waiver summaries matching the given criteria.

SmartwaiverRoutes::getWaiverSummaries( integer $limit = 20, boolean|null $verified = null, string $templateId = &#039;&#039;, string $fromDts = &#039;&#039;, string $toDts = &#039;&#039;, string $firstName = &#039;&#039;, string $lastName = &#039;&#039;, string $tag = &#039;&#039; ): string
  • This method is static.


Parameter Type Description
$limit integer Limit to this number of the most recent waivers.
$verified boolean|null Limit to waivers that have been verified by email (true), not verified (false), or both (null).
$templateId string Limit to waivers of the given waiver template ID.
$fromDts string Limit to waivers between this ISO 8601 date and the toDts parameter (requires toDts parameter).
$toDts string Limit to waivers between fromDts and this ISO 8601 date (requires fromDts parameter).
$firstName string Limit to waivers with any participant having this for a first name (Case Insensitive).
$lastName string Limit to waivers with any participant having this for a last name (Case Insensitive).
$tag string Limit to waivers with this primary tag.

Return Value:

The URL to retrieve the information.


Get the URL to retrieve a waiver with the given waiver ID

SmartwaiverRoutes::getWaiver( string $waiverId, boolean $pdf = false ): string
  • This method is static.


Parameter Type Description
$waiverId string The Unique identifier of the waiver to retrieve
$pdf boolean Whether to include the Base64 Encoded PDF

Return Value:

The URL to retrieve the information.


Get the URL to retrieve all photos attached to the given waiver ID

SmartwaiverRoutes::getWaiverPhotos( string $waiverId ): string
  • This method is static.


Parameter Type Description
$waiverId string The Unique identifier of the waiver

Return Value:

The URL to retrieve the information.


Get the URL to retrieve all drawn signatures attached to the given waiver ID

SmartwaiverRoutes::getWaiverSignatures( string $waiverId ): string
  • This method is static.


Parameter Type Description
$waiverId string The Unique identifier of the waiver

Return Value:

The URL to retrieve the information.


Get the URL to search for waivers matching the given criteria.

SmartwaiverRoutes::search( string $templateId = &#039;&#039;, string $fromDts = &#039;&#039;, string $toDts = &#039;&#039;, string $firstName = &#039;&#039;, string $lastName = &#039;&#039;, boolean|null $verified = null, boolean $sortDesc = true, string $tag = &#039;&#039; ): string
  • This method is static.


Parameter Type Description
$templateId string Limit query to signed waivers of the given waiver template ID.
$fromDts string Limit query to signed waivers after this ISO 8601 date.
$toDts string Limit query to signed waivers before this ISO 8601 date.
$firstName string Limit query to signed waivers with any participant having this for a first name (Case Insensitive).
$lastName string Limit query to signed waivers with any participant having this for a last name (Case Insensitive).
$verified boolean|null Limit query to waivers that have been verified by email (true), not verified (false) or both (null).
$sortDesc boolean Sort results in descending (latest signed waiver first) order.
$tag string Limit to waivers with this primary tag.

Return Value:

The URL to retrieve the information.


Get the URL to retrieve a specific page of a search result

SmartwaiverRoutes::searchResults( string $guid, integer $page ): string
  • This method is static.


Parameter Type Description
$guid string The guid returned by the search request
$page integer Which page to retrieve

Return Value:

The URL to retrieve the information.


Get the URL to retrieve the current webhook configuration for the account

SmartwaiverRoutes::getWebhookConfig(  ): string
  • This method is static.

Return Value:

The URL to retrieve the information.


Get the URL to set the webhook configuration for this account

SmartwaiverRoutes::setWebhookConfig(  ): string
  • This method is static.

Return Value:

The URL to retrieve the information.


Get the URL to retrieve information about state of all webhook queues

SmartwaiverRoutes::getWebhookQueues(  ): string
  • This method is static.

Return Value:

The URL to retrieve the information.


Get the URL to retrieve a message from the account queue

SmartwaiverRoutes::getWebhookQueueAccountMessage( boolean $delete = false ): string
  • This method is static.


Parameter Type Description
$delete boolean

Return Value:

The URL to retrieve the information.


Get the URL to retrieve a message from the account queue

SmartwaiverRoutes::getWebhookQueueTemplateMessage( string $templateId, boolean $delete = false ): string
  • This method is static.


Parameter Type Description
$templateId string The ID of the waiver template specifying the queue to retrieve from
$delete boolean Whether the message should be deleted from the queue while it's retrieved

Return Value:

The URL to retrieve the information.


Get the URL to delete a message from the account queue

SmartwaiverRoutes::deleteWebhookQueueAccountMessage( string $messageId ): string
  • This method is static.


Parameter Type Description
$messageId string The ID of the message to delete

Return Value:

The URL to retrieve the information.


Get the URL to delete a message from the account queue

SmartwaiverRoutes::deleteWebhookQueueTemplateMessage( string $templateId, string $messageId ): string
  • This method is static.


Parameter Type Description
$templateId string The ID of the waiver template specifying the queue to delete from
$messageId string The ID of the message to delete

Return Value:

The URL to retrieve the information.


Get the URL to create a new dynamic template

SmartwaiverRoutes::createDynamicTemplate(  ): string
  • This method is static.

Return Value:

The URL to create the template.


Get the URL to request the processing of a signed dynamic waiver

SmartwaiverRoutes::processDynamicTemplate( string $transactionId ): string
  • This method is static.


Parameter Type Description
$transactionId string The returned transaction Id after the waiver is signed

Return Value:

The URL to request processing.


Class SmartwaiverTemplateData

This class the settings for the body section of a Smartwaiver Template

  • Full name: \Smartwaiver\Types\Data\SmartwaiverTemplateData
  • This class implements: \Smartwaiver\Types\SmartwaiverInputType


Visibility Name Type
public adult boolean
public addressLineOne string
public addressLineTwo string
public addressCountry string
public addressCity string
public addressState string
public addressZip string
public email string
public emergencyContactName string
public emergencyContactPhone string
public insuranceCarrier string
public insurancePolicyNumber string
public driversLicenseState string
public driversLicenseNumber string
protected participants array
protected guardian array


Add a participant to the end of the participant array. First Name and Last Name are required, everything else is optional.

SmartwaiverTemplateData::addParticipant( string $firstName, string $lastName, string|null $middleName = null, string|null $phone = null, string|null $gender = null, string|null $dob = null )


Parameter Type Description
$firstName string The first name of the participant
$lastName string The last name of the participant
$middleName string|null The middle name of the participant
$phone string|null The phone number of the participant
$gender string|null The gender of the participant
$dob string|null The DOB of the participant in ISO 8601 format.


Set prefill data for the guardian

SmartwaiverTemplateData::setGuardian( string $firstName, string $lastName, string|null $middleName = null, string|null $relationship = null, string|null $phone = null, string|null $gender = null, string|null $dob = null, boolean|null $participant = null )


Parameter Type Description
$firstName string The first name of the guardian
$lastName string The last name of the guardian
$middleName string|null The middle name of the guardian
$relationship string|null The relationship of the guardian to the minor
$phone string|null The phone number of the guardian
$gender string|null The gender of the guardian
$dob string|null The DOB of the guardian
$participant boolean|null Whether the guardian is also a participant or not


Return the array to be passed to the api representing this object

SmartwaiverTemplateData::apiArray(  ): \ArrayObject


Class SmartwaiverCustomField

This class represents a custom field inside of a signed waiver.

  • Full name: \Smartwaiver\Types\SmartwaiverCustomField
  • Parent class: \Smartwaiver\Types\SmartwaiverType


Visibility Name Type
public value string
public displayText string


Create a SmartwaiverCustomField object by providing an array with all the required keys. See REQUIRED_KEYS for that information.

SmartwaiverCustomField::__construct( array $field )

Checks that all the required keys for the given object type exist


Parameter Type Description
$field array The input array containing all the information


Retrieve the input array this object was constructed from

SmartwaiverCustomField::getArrayInput(  ): array

Return Value:

The input array


Class SmartwaiverDynamicProcess

This class represents a newly created dynamic template response.

  • Full name: \Smartwaiver\Types\SmartwaiverDynamicProcess
  • Parent class: \Smartwaiver\Types\SmartwaiverType


Visibility Name Type
public transactionId string
public waiverId string


Create a SmartwaiverDynamicProcess object by providing an array with all the required keys. See REQUIRED_KEYS for that information.

SmartwaiverDynamicProcess::__construct( array $dynamicProcess )

Checks that all the required keys for the given object type exist


Parameter Type Description
$dynamicProcess array The input array containing all the information


Retrieve the input array this object was constructed from

SmartwaiverDynamicProcess::getArrayInput(  ): array

Return Value:

The input array


Class SmartwaiverDynamicTemplate

This class represents a newly created dynamic template response.

  • Full name: \Smartwaiver\Types\SmartwaiverDynamicTemplate
  • Parent class: \Smartwaiver\Types\SmartwaiverType


Visibility Name Type
public expiration integer
public uuid string
public url string


Create a SmartwaiverDynamicTemplate object by providing an array with all the required keys. See REQUIRED_KEYS for that information.

SmartwaiverDynamicTemplate::__construct( array $dynamicTemplate )

Checks that all the required keys for the given object type exist


Parameter Type Description
$dynamicTemplate array The input array containing all the information


Retrieve the input array this object was constructed from

SmartwaiverDynamicTemplate::getArrayInput(  ): array

Return Value:

The input array


Class SmartwaiverFlag

This class represents a flag on a signed waiver.

  • Full name: \Smartwaiver\Types\SmartwaiverFlag
  • Parent class: \Smartwaiver\Types\SmartwaiverType


Visibility Name Type
public displayText string
public reason string


Create a SmartwaiverFlag object by providing an array with all the required keys. See REQUIRED_KEYS for that information.

SmartwaiverFlag::__construct( array $field )

Checks that all the required keys for the given object type exist


Parameter Type Description
$field array The input array containing all the information


Retrieve the input array this object was constructed from

SmartwaiverFlag::getArrayInput(  ): array

Return Value:

The input array


Class SmartwaiverGuardian

This class represents all the data for the guardian field

  • Full name: \Smartwaiver\Types\SmartwaiverGuardian
  • Parent class: \Smartwaiver\Types\SmartwaiverType


Visibility Name Type
public firstName string
public middleName string
public lastName string
public phone string
public relationship string


Create a SmartwaiverGuardian object by providing an array with all the required keys. See REQUIRED_KEYS for that information.

SmartwaiverGuardian::__construct( array $guardian )

Checks that all the required keys for the given object type exist


Parameter Type Description
$guardian array The input array containing all the information


Retrieve the input array this object was constructed from

SmartwaiverGuardian::getArrayInput(  ): array

Return Value:

The input array


Class SmartwaiverParticipant

This class represents a single participant on a signed waiver.

  • Full name: \Smartwaiver\Types\SmartwaiverParticipant
  • Parent class: \Smartwaiver\Types\SmartwaiverType


Visibility Name Type
public firstName string
public middleName string
public lastName string
public dob string
public isMinor boolean
public gender string
public phone string
public tags array<mixed,string>
public flags array<mixed,\Smartwaiver\Types\SmartwaiverFlag>
public customParticipantFields array<mixed,\Smartwaiver\Types\SmartwaiverCustomField>
public customParticipantFieldsByGuid array<mixed,\Smartwaiver\Types\SmartwaiverCustomField>


Create a SmartwaiverParticipant object by providing an array with all the required keys. See REQUIRED_KEYS for that information.

SmartwaiverParticipant::__construct( array $participant )

Checks that all the required keys for the given object type exist


Parameter Type Description
$participant array The input array containing all the information


Retrieve the input array this object was constructed from

SmartwaiverParticipant::getArrayInput(  ): array

Return Value:

The input array


Class SmartwaiverPhoto

This class represents all the data a single photo on a waiver

  • Full name: \Smartwaiver\Types\SmartwaiverPhoto
  • Parent class: \Smartwaiver\Types\SmartwaiverType


Visibility Name Type
public type string
public date string
public tag string
public fileType string
public photoId string
public photo string


Create a SmartwaiverPhoto object by providing an array with all the required keys. See REQUIRED_KEYS for that information.

SmartwaiverPhoto::__construct( array $photo )

Checks that all the required keys for the given object type exist


Parameter Type Description
$photo array The input array containing all the information


Retrieve the input array this object was constructed from

SmartwaiverPhoto::getArrayInput(  ): array

Return Value:

The input array


Class SmartwaiverPhotos

This class represents all the data for the photos of a waiver

  • Full name: \Smartwaiver\Types\SmartwaiverPhotos
  • Parent class: \Smartwaiver\Types\SmartwaiverType


Visibility Name Type
public waiverId string
public templateId string
public title string
public createdOn string
public photos array<mixed,\Smartwaiver\Types\SmartwaiverPhoto>


Create a SmartwaiverPhotos object by providing an array with all the required keys. See REQUIRED_KEYS for that information.

SmartwaiverPhotos::__construct( array $photos )

Checks that all the required keys for the given object type exist


Parameter Type Description
$photos array The input array containing all the information


Retrieve the input array this object was constructed from

SmartwaiverPhotos::getArrayInput(  ): array

Return Value:

The input array


Class SmartwaiverSearch

This class represents all the data for the result of a search

  • Full name: \Smartwaiver\Types\SmartwaiverSearch
  • Parent class: \Smartwaiver\Types\SmartwaiverType


Visibility Name Type
public guid string
public count string
public pages string
public pageSize string


Create a SmartwaiverSearch object by providing an array with all the required keys. See REQUIRED_KEYS for that information.

SmartwaiverSearch::__construct( array $search )

Checks that all the required keys for the given object type exist


Parameter Type Description
$search array The input array containing all the information


Retrieve the input array this object was constructed from

SmartwaiverSearch::getArrayInput(  ): array

Return Value:

The input array


Class SmartwaiverSignatures

This class represents the data for signatures drawn on a waiver

  • Full name: \Smartwaiver\Types\SmartwaiverSignatures
  • Parent class: \Smartwaiver\Types\SmartwaiverType


Visibility Name Type
public waiverId string
public templateId string
public title string
public createdOn string
public participantSignatures array<mixed,string>
public guardianSignatures array<mixed,string>
public bodySignatures array<mixed,string>
public bodyInitials array<mixed,string>


Create a SmartwaiverSignatures object by providing an array with all the required keys. See REQUIRED_KEYS for that information.

SmartwaiverSignatures::__construct( array $signatures )

Checks that all the required keys for the given object type exist


Parameter Type Description
$signatures array The input array containing all the information


Retrieve the input array this object was constructed from

SmartwaiverSignatures::getArrayInput(  ): array

Return Value:

The input array


Class SmartwaiverTemplate

This class represents a waiver template response from the API.

  • Full name: \Smartwaiver\Types\SmartwaiverTemplate
  • Parent class: \Smartwaiver\Types\SmartwaiverType


Visibility Name Type
public templateId string
public title string
public publishedVersion string
public publishedOn string
public webUrl string
public kioskUrl string
public vanityUrls array<mixed,string>


Create a SmartwaiverWaiver object by providing an array with all the required keys. See REQUIRED_KEYS for that information.

SmartwaiverTemplate::__construct( array $template )

Checks that all the required keys for the given object type exist


Parameter Type Description
$template array An array to create the template object from


Retrieve the input array this object was constructed from

SmartwaiverTemplate::getArrayInput(  ): array

Return Value:

The input array


Class SmartwaiverType

Base class for all types of returned objects from the API.

  • Full name: \Smartwaiver\Types\SmartwaiverType


Visibility Name Type
protected input array


SmartwaiverType constructor.

SmartwaiverType::__construct( array $input, array $requiredKeys, string $type )

Checks that all the required keys for the given object type exist


Parameter Type Description
$input array All the data to be put into the object
$requiredKeys array The required keys in the input
$type string The name of the object type (for errors)


Retrieve the input array this object was constructed from

SmartwaiverType::getArrayInput(  ): array

Return Value:

The input array


Class SmartwaiverWaiver

This class represents a waiver response from the API. Fields from the response are placed in public variables.

  • Full name: \Smartwaiver\Types\SmartwaiverWaiver
  • Parent class: \Smartwaiver\Types\SmartwaiverType


Visibility Name Type
public waiverId string
public templateId string
public title string
public createdOn string
public expirationDate string
public expired boolean
public verified boolean
public kiosk boolean
public firstName string
public middleName string
public lastName string
public dob string
public isMinor boolean
public clientIP string
public tags array<mixed,string>
public flags array<mixed,\Smartwaiver\Types\SmartwaiverFlag>
public participants array<mixed,\Smartwaiver\Types\SmartwaiverParticipant>
public email string
public marketingAllowed boolean
public addressLineOne string
public addressLineTwo string
public addressCity string
public addressState string
public addressZip string
public addressCountry string
public emergencyContactName string
public emergencyContactPhone string
public insuranceCarrier string
public insurancePolicyNumber string
public driversLicenseNumber string
public driversLicenseState string
public customWaiverFields array<mixed,\Smartwaiver\Types\SmartwaiverCustomField>
public customWaiverFieldsByGuid array<mixed,\Smartwaiver\Types\SmartwaiverCustomField>
public guardian \Smartwaiver\Types\SmartwaiverGuardian
public photos integer
public pdf string


Create a SmartwaiverWaiver object by providing an array with all the required keys. See REQUIRED_KEYS for that information.

SmartwaiverWaiver::__construct( array $waiver )

Checks that all the required keys for the given object type exist


Parameter Type Description
$waiver array The input array containing all the information


Retrieve the input array this object was constructed from

SmartwaiverWaiver::getArrayInput(  ): array

Return Value:

The input array


Class SmartwaiverWaiverSummary

This class represents a waiver summary response from the API. These are found in the waiver list call.

  • Full name: \Smartwaiver\Types\SmartwaiverWaiverSummary
  • Parent class: \Smartwaiver\Types\SmartwaiverType


Visibility Name Type
public waiverId string
public templateId string
public title string
public createdOn string
public expirationDate string
public expired boolean
public verified boolean
public kiosk boolean
public firstName string
public middleName string
public lastName string
public dob string
public isMinor boolean
public tags array<mixed,string>
public flags array<mixed,\Smartwaiver\Types\SmartwaiverFlag>


Create a SmartwaiverWaiverSummary object by providing an array with all the required keys. See REQUIRED_KEYS for that information.

SmartwaiverWaiverSummary::__construct( array $summary )

Checks that all the required keys for the given object type exist


Parameter Type Description
$summary array The input array containing all the information


Retrieve the input array this object was constructed from

SmartwaiverWaiverSummary::getArrayInput(  ): array

Return Value:

The input array


Class SmartwaiverWebhook

This class represents a webhook configuration.

  • Full name: \Smartwaiver\Types\SmartwaiverWebhook
  • Parent class: \Smartwaiver\Types\SmartwaiverType


Visibility Name Type
public endpoint string
public emailValidationRequired string


Create a SmartwaiverWebhook object by providing an array with all the required keys. See REQUIRED_KEYS for that information.

SmartwaiverWebhook::__construct( array $webhook )

Checks that all the required keys for the given object type exist


Parameter Type Description
$webhook array The input array containing all the information


Retrieve the input array this object was constructed from

SmartwaiverWebhook::getArrayInput(  ): array

Return Value:

The input array


Class SmartwaiverTemplateBody

This class the settings for the body section of a Smartwaiver Template

  • Full name: \Smartwaiver\Types\Template\SmartwaiverTemplateBody
  • Parent class: \Smartwaiver\Types\SmartwaiverType
  • This class implements: \Smartwaiver\Types\SmartwaiverInputType


Visibility Name Type
public text string


Create a SmartwaiverTemplateBody object by providing an array with all the required keys. See REQUIRED_KEYS for that information.

SmartwaiverTemplateBody::__construct( array $body = array() )

Checks that all the required keys for the given object type exist


Parameter Type Description
$body array The input array containing all the information


Retrieve the input array this object was constructed from

SmartwaiverTemplateBody::getArrayInput(  ): array

Return Value:

The input array


Return the array to be passed to the api representing this object

SmartwaiverTemplateBody::apiArray(  ): \ArrayObject


Class SmartwaiverTemplateCompletion

This class the settings for the completion section of a Smartwaiver Template

  • Full name: \Smartwaiver\Types\Template\SmartwaiverTemplateCompletion
  • Parent class: \Smartwaiver\Types\SmartwaiverType
  • This class implements: \Smartwaiver\Types\SmartwaiverInputType


Visibility Name Type
public redirectSuccess string
public redirectCancel string


Create a SmartwaiverTemplateCompletion object by providing an array with all the required keys. See REQUIRED_KEYS for that information.

SmartwaiverTemplateCompletion::__construct( array $completion = array() )

Checks that all the required keys for the given object type exist


Parameter Type Description
$completion array The input array containing all the information


Retrieve the input array this object was constructed from

SmartwaiverTemplateCompletion::getArrayInput(  ): array

Return Value:

The input array


Return the array to be passed to the api representing this object

SmartwaiverTemplateCompletion::apiArray(  ): \ArrayObject


Class SmartwaiverTemplateConfig

This class the settings for the config section of a Smartwaiver Template

  • Full name: \Smartwaiver\Types\Template\SmartwaiverTemplateConfig
  • Parent class: \Smartwaiver\Types\SmartwaiverType
  • This class implements: \Smartwaiver\Types\SmartwaiverInputType


Visibility Name Type
public meta \Smartwaiver\Types\Template\SmartwaiverTemplateMeta
public header \Smartwaiver\Types\Template\SmartwaiverTemplateHeader
public body \Smartwaiver\Types\Template\SmartwaiverTemplateBody
public participants \Smartwaiver\Types\Template\SmartwaiverTemplateParticipants
public standardQuestions \Smartwaiver\Types\Template\SmartwaiverTemplateStandardQuestions
public guardian \Smartwaiver\Types\Template\SmartwaiverTemplateGuardian
public electronicConsent \Smartwaiver\Types\Template\SmartwaiverTemplateElectronicConsent
public styling \Smartwaiver\Types\Template\SmartwaiverTemplateStyling
public completion \Smartwaiver\Types\Template\SmartwaiverTemplateCompletion
public signatures \Smartwaiver\Types\Template\SmartwaiverTemplateSignatures
public processing \Smartwaiver\Types\Template\SmartwaiverTemplateProcessing


Create a SmartwaiverTemplateConfig object by providing an array with all the required keys. See REQUIRED_KEYS for that information.

SmartwaiverTemplateConfig::__construct( array $config = array() )

Checks that all the required keys for the given object type exist


Parameter Type Description
$config array The input array containing all the information


Retrieve the input array this object was constructed from

SmartwaiverTemplateConfig::getArrayInput(  ): array

Return Value:

The input array


Return the array to be passed to the api representing this object

SmartwaiverTemplateConfig::apiArray(  ): \ArrayObject


Class SmartwaiverTemplateElectronicConsent

This class the settings for the electronicConsent section of a Smartwaiver Template

  • Full name: \Smartwaiver\Types\Template\SmartwaiverTemplateElectronicConsent
  • Parent class: \Smartwaiver\Types\SmartwaiverType
  • This class implements: \Smartwaiver\Types\SmartwaiverInputType


Visibility Name Type
public title string
public verbiage string


Create a SmartwaiverTemplateElectronicConsent object by providing an array with all the required keys. See REQUIRED_KEYS for that information.

SmartwaiverTemplateElectronicConsent::__construct( array $electronicConsent = array() )

Checks that all the required keys for the given object type exist


Parameter Type Description
$electronicConsent array The input array containing all the information


Retrieve the input array this object was constructed from

SmartwaiverTemplateElectronicConsent::getArrayInput(  ): array

Return Value:

The input array


Return the array to be passed to the api representing this object

SmartwaiverTemplateElectronicConsent::apiArray(  ): \ArrayObject


Class SmartwaiverTemplateGuardian

This class the settings for the guardian section of a Smartwaiver Template

  • Full name: \Smartwaiver\Types\Template\SmartwaiverTemplateGuardian
  • Parent class: \Smartwaiver\Types\SmartwaiverType
  • This class implements: \Smartwaiver\Types\SmartwaiverInputType


Visibility Name Type
public verbiage string
public verbiageParticipantAddendum string
public label string
public relationship boolean
public ageVerification boolean


Create a SmartwaiverTemplateGuardian object by providing an array with all the required keys. See REQUIRED_KEYS for that information.

SmartwaiverTemplateGuardian::__construct( array $guardian = array() )

Checks that all the required keys for the given object type exist


Parameter Type Description
$guardian array The input array containing all the information


Retrieve the input array this object was constructed from

SmartwaiverTemplateGuardian::getArrayInput(  ): array

Return Value:

The input array


Return the array to be passed to the api representing this object

SmartwaiverTemplateGuardian::apiArray(  ): \ArrayObject


Class SmartwaiverTemplateHeader

This class the settings for the header section of a Smartwaiver Template

  • Full name: \Smartwaiver\Types\Template\SmartwaiverTemplateHeader
  • Parent class: \Smartwaiver\Types\SmartwaiverType
  • This class implements: \Smartwaiver\Types\SmartwaiverInputType


Visibility Name Type
public logoImage string
public text string


Create a SmartwaiverTemplateHeader object by providing an array with all the required keys. See REQUIRED_KEYS for that information.

SmartwaiverTemplateHeader::__construct( array $header = array() )

Checks that all the required keys for the given object type exist


Parameter Type Description
$header array The input array containing all the information


Retrieve the input array this object was constructed from

SmartwaiverTemplateHeader::getArrayInput(  ): array

Return Value:

The input array


Return the array to be passed to the api representing this object

SmartwaiverTemplateHeader::apiArray(  ): \ArrayObject


Class SmartwaiverTemplateMeta

This class the settings for the meta section of a Smartwaiver Template

  • Full name: \Smartwaiver\Types\Template\SmartwaiverTemplateMeta
  • Parent class: \Smartwaiver\Types\SmartwaiverType
  • This class implements: \Smartwaiver\Types\SmartwaiverInputType


Visibility Name Type
public title string
public language string


Create a SmartwaiverTemplateMeta object by providing an array with all the required keys. See REQUIRED_KEYS for that information.

SmartwaiverTemplateMeta::__construct( array $meta = array() )

Checks that all the required keys for the given object type exist


Parameter Type Description
$meta array The input array containing all the information


Retrieve the input array this object was constructed from

SmartwaiverTemplateMeta::getArrayInput(  ): array

Return Value:

The input array


Return the array to be passed to the api representing this object

SmartwaiverTemplateMeta::apiArray(  ): \ArrayObject


Class SmartwaiverTemplateParticipants

This class the settings for the participants section of a Smartwaiver Template

  • Full name: \Smartwaiver\Types\Template\SmartwaiverTemplateParticipants
  • Parent class: \Smartwaiver\Types\SmartwaiverType
  • This class implements: \Smartwaiver\Types\SmartwaiverInputType


Visibility Name Type
public adults boolean
public minorsEnabled boolean
public multipleMinors boolean
public minorsWithoutAdults boolean
public adultsAndMinors boolean
public ageOfMajority integer
public participantLabel string
public participatingText string
public middleName boolean
public phone boolean
public gender boolean
public dobType string


Create a SmartwaiverTemplateParticipants object by providing an array with all the required keys. See REQUIRED_KEYS for that information.

SmartwaiverTemplateParticipants::__construct( array $participants = array() )

Checks that all the required keys for the given object type exist


Parameter Type Description
$participants array The input array containing all the information


Retrieve the input array this object was constructed from

SmartwaiverTemplateParticipants::getArrayInput(  ): array

Return Value:

The input array


Return the array to be passed to the api representing this object

SmartwaiverTemplateParticipants::apiArray(  ): \ArrayObject


Class SmartwaiverTemplateProcessing

This class the settings for the processing section of a Smartwaiver Template

  • Full name: \Smartwaiver\Types\Template\SmartwaiverTemplateProcessing
  • Parent class: \Smartwaiver\Types\SmartwaiverType
  • This class implements: \Smartwaiver\Types\SmartwaiverInputType


Visibility Name Type
public emailBusinessName string
public emailReplyTo string
public emailCustomTextEnabled boolean
public emailCustomTextWeb string
public emailCCEnabled boolean
public emailCCWebEnabled boolean
public emailCCEmails array
public emailIncludeBarcodes boolean


Create a SmartwaiverTemplateProcessing object by providing an array with all the required keys. See REQUIRED_KEYS for that information.

SmartwaiverTemplateProcessing::__construct( array $processing = array() )

Checks that all the required keys for the given object type exist


Parameter Type Description
$processing array The input array containing all the information


Retrieve the input array this object was constructed from

SmartwaiverTemplateProcessing::getArrayInput(  ): array

Return Value:

The input array


Return the array to be passed to the api representing this object

SmartwaiverTemplateProcessing::apiArray(  ): \ArrayObject


Class SmartwaiverTemplateSignatures

This class the settings for the signatures section of a Smartwaiver Template

  • Full name: \Smartwaiver\Types\Template\SmartwaiverTemplateSignatures
  • Parent class: \Smartwaiver\Types\SmartwaiverType
  • This class implements: \Smartwaiver\Types\SmartwaiverInputType


Visibility Name Type
public type string
public minor boolean
public defaultChoice string


Create a SmartwaiverTemplateSignatures object by providing an array with all the required keys. See REQUIRED_KEYS for that information.

SmartwaiverTemplateSignatures::__construct( array $signatures = array() )

Checks that all the required keys for the given object type exist


Parameter Type Description
$signatures array The input array containing all the information


Retrieve the input array this object was constructed from

SmartwaiverTemplateSignatures::getArrayInput(  ): array

Return Value:

The input array


Return the array to be passed to the api representing this object

SmartwaiverTemplateSignatures::apiArray(  ): \ArrayObject


Class SmartwaiverTemplateStandardQuestions

This class the settings for the standardQuestions section of a Smartwaiver Template

  • Full name: \Smartwaiver\Types\Template\SmartwaiverTemplateStandardQuestions
  • Parent class: \Smartwaiver\Types\SmartwaiverType
  • This class implements: \Smartwaiver\Types\SmartwaiverInputType


Visibility Name Type
public addressEnabled boolean
public addressRequired boolean
public addressDefaultCountry string
public addressDefaultState string
public emailVerification boolean
public emailMarketingEnabled boolean
public emailMarketingOptInText string
public emailMarketingDefaultChecked boolean
public emergencyContactEnabled boolean
public insuranceEnabled boolean
public idCardEnabled boolean


Create a SmartwaiverTemplateStandardQuestions object by providing an array with all the required keys. See REQUIRED_KEYS for that information.

SmartwaiverTemplateStandardQuestions::__construct( array $standardQuestions = array() )

Checks that all the required keys for the given object type exist


Parameter Type Description
$standardQuestions array The input array containing all the information


Retrieve the input array this object was constructed from

SmartwaiverTemplateStandardQuestions::getArrayInput(  ): array

Return Value:

The input array


Return the array to be passed to the api representing this object

SmartwaiverTemplateStandardQuestions::apiArray(  ): \ArrayObject


Class SmartwaiverTemplateStyling

This class the settings for the styling section of a Smartwaiver Template

  • Full name: \Smartwaiver\Types\Template\SmartwaiverTemplateStyling
  • Parent class: \Smartwaiver\Types\SmartwaiverType
  • This class implements: \Smartwaiver\Types\SmartwaiverInputType


Visibility Name Type
public style string
public customBackground string
public customBorder string
public customShadow string


Create a SmartwaiverTemplateStyling object by providing an array with all the required keys. See REQUIRED_KEYS for that information.

SmartwaiverTemplateStyling::__construct( array $styling = array() )

Checks that all the required keys for the given object type exist


Parameter Type Description
$styling array The input array containing all the information


Retrieve the input array this object was constructed from

SmartwaiverTemplateStyling::getArrayInput(  ): array

Return Value:

The input array


Return the array to be passed to the api representing this object

SmartwaiverTemplateStyling::apiArray(  ): \ArrayObject


Class SmartwaiverWebhookMessage

This class represents information about a smartwaiver webhook message

  • Full name: \Smartwaiver\Types\WebhookQueues\SmartwaiverWebhookMessage
  • Parent class: \Smartwaiver\Types\SmartwaiverType


Visibility Name Type
public messageId string
public payload \Smartwaiver\Types\WebhookQueues\SmartwaiverWebhookMessagePayload


Create a SmartwaiverWebhookMessage object by providing an array with all the required keys. See REQUIRED_KEYS for that information.

SmartwaiverWebhookMessage::__construct( array $webhookMessage )

Checks that all the required keys for the given object type exist


Parameter Type Description
$webhookMessage array The input array containing all the information


Retrieve the input array this object was constructed from

SmartwaiverWebhookMessage::getArrayInput(  ): array

Return Value:

The input array


Class SmartwaiverWebhookMessageDelete

This class represents information returned from deleting a webhook message

  • Full name: \Smartwaiver\Types\WebhookQueues\SmartwaiverWebhookMessageDelete
  • Parent class: \Smartwaiver\Types\SmartwaiverType


Visibility Name Type
public success boolean


Create a SmartwaiverWebhookMessageDelete object by providing an array with all the required keys. See REQUIRED_KEYS for that information.

SmartwaiverWebhookMessageDelete::__construct( array $webhookMessageDelete )

Checks that all the required keys for the given object type exist


Parameter Type Description
$webhookMessageDelete array The input array containing all the information


Retrieve the input array this object was constructed from

SmartwaiverWebhookMessageDelete::getArrayInput(  ): array

Return Value:

The input array


Class SmartwaiverWebhookMessagePayload

This class represents information about a webhook message payload

  • Full name: \Smartwaiver\Types\WebhookQueues\SmartwaiverWebhookMessagePayload
  • Parent class: \Smartwaiver\Types\SmartwaiverType


Visibility Name Type
public uniqueId string
public event string


Create a SmartwaiverWebhookMessagePayload object by providing an array with all the required keys. See REQUIRED_KEYS for that information.

SmartwaiverWebhookMessagePayload::__construct( array $webhookMessagePayload )

Checks that all the required keys for the given object type exist


Parameter Type Description
$webhookMessagePayload array The input array containing all the information


Retrieve the input array this object was constructed from

SmartwaiverWebhookMessagePayload::getArrayInput(  ): array

Return Value:

The input array


Class SmartwaiverWebhookQueue

This class represents information about a smartwaiver webhook queue

  • Full name: \Smartwaiver\Types\WebhookQueues\SmartwaiverWebhookQueue
  • Parent class: \Smartwaiver\Types\SmartwaiverType


Visibility Name Type
public messagesTotal integer
public messagesNotVisible integer
public messagesDelayed integer


Create a SmartwaiverWebhookQueue object by providing an array with all the required keys. See REQUIRED_KEYS for that information.

SmartwaiverWebhookQueue::__construct( array $webhookQueue )

Checks that all the required keys for the given object type exist


Parameter Type Description
$webhookQueue array The input array containing all the information


Retrieve the input array this object was constructed from

SmartwaiverWebhookQueue::getArrayInput(  ): array

Return Value:

The input array


Class SmartwaiverWebhookQueues

This class contains information about counts in all your webhook queues.

  • Full name: \Smartwaiver\Types\WebhookQueues\SmartwaiverWebhookQueues
  • Parent class: \Smartwaiver\Types\SmartwaiverType


Visibility Name Type
public accountQueue \Smartwaiver\Types\WebhookQueues\SmartwaiverWebhookQueue
public templateQueues array<mixed,\Smartwaiver\Types\WebhookQueues\SmartwaiverWebhookQueue>


Create a SmartwaiverWebhookQueues object by providing an array with all the required keys. See REQUIRED_KEYS for that information.

SmartwaiverWebhookQueues::__construct( array $webhookQueues )

Checks that all the required keys for the given object type exist


Parameter Type Description
$webhookQueues array The input array containing all the information


Retrieve the input array this object was constructed from

SmartwaiverWebhookQueues::getArrayInput(  ): array

Return Value:

The input array