Releases: smasherprog/screen_capture_lite
bug fixes
Fixed mac partial screen capture.
Fixed directx partial screen capture
Placed check into the library to assert on multiple instances running at the same time.
added scaling factor to monitors
The monitor now contains Scale
This will reflect the current scaling of the monitor.
If Scale == 1.0f there is no scaling
if Scale == 2.0f the image is twice as large as it appears to the user.
Cleaned up the public api
cmake update and public api cleanup
Fixed several bugs with cmake builds
Fixed the public api to support windows dll builds
Bug fix
bug fix
Fixed bug in GetWindows function on the windows platform buffer overrun.
Window capture Done
Window capturing works for all platforms now
Capture window added
Added support for Capturing only a window. Should work on windows, Linux and partial support for mac when not using retina.
Changed public API for GetWindows to return all windows instead of having the library return a filtered set. Now, the user is responsible for filtering the returned windows.