#Contributor Guidelines
##Submitting a Pull Request
###Workflow We use Waffle.io to manage our workflow for this project. Please respect the workflow and move PRs that are ready to be mereged into the 'Ready' column.
There are two main ways we test taperole. The first is basic unit tests, via rspec. Those can be run via:
rake test
The second way is a kind of integration test. We use tape to stand up a basic vanilla rails app (leveraging docker) and then check that a curl returns the correct thing. There isn't an easy way to run this locally, but it is set up on travis to run automatically.
###PR Structure
Please give details regarding your PR in the following format. It really helps with review and quickens the speed at which your changes are merged in
##Opening Issues
###Basic details
Please include the following in the Issues you open
- OS Version
- ansible version
- tape version