This search engine works on a BBC news article dataset of approximately 2200 documents.It preprocesses documents and indexes it for future use.Vector Space Model is used to retrieve top 10 articles based on the input query.We have used tf-idf ranking method to compute the vector for every document and query.
We have chosen a dataset of BBC news articles ,divided into 5 categories :
- Tech
- Business
- Entertainment
- Politics
- Sports
You are free to chose to select your own dataset, but correspondingly the modification has to be done in file. If you wish to use the code without changing the dataset make sure the .txt file is in this format
----- (An empty line)
----- (An empty line)
<Article> (Actual news article)
First step involves cloning this repository into your destination folder.
$ cd 'destPath'
$ git clone
This code is tried and tested to run in versions of Python 3 and above. For python packages below the specified version,please upgrade using
$ sudo apt-get install python3.5
After installation of the proper python version:
- Run the file
- Enter your input query of words
- Voila! You have your results.