This describes a way to build asuswrt-merlin on OSX using the same build script but using a separate Linux box as the docker host instead of using boot2docker or newer docker methods only on the OSX machine. This is probably mostly of academic interest since the build can probably just be done on the linux machine as described in with much less trouble.
Symbols used in description below:
OSX user name = auser
OSX hostname = ahost (or IP address)
Linux hostname = lhost (or IP address)
The first issue is that the default filesystem on OSX is case insensitive. Unfortunately the asuswrt-merlin tree contains several places where, for example, different files such as foo.c and foO.c both exist in the same directory. OSX only lists foO.c and git on OSX see this a change in the contents of foO.c. The solution is to create a new disk image that is case sensitive and mount it at a convenient place and move the asuswrt-merlin git tree onto it. (Note: Doing this is necessary regardless of how the build is done on OSX.)
Run the built-in OSX program "Disk Utility" to allocate unused disk space for a new .dmg (disk image) file:
File | New | Blank Disk Image
Save as: git-stuff (becomes the name of the .dmg file)
Where: ahost (directory where git-stuff.dmg disk image file is saved)
Size: 20G (cloned asuswrt-merlin tree is about 5G so 20G should be OK)
Format: MacOS Extended (Case-sensitive, journaled) <---Most important!
Encryption: None (default)
Partition: Single partition - GUID Partition map (default)
Image Format: read/write disk image (default)
This creates the file /Users/auser/git-stuff.dmg and mounts it at /Volumes/Disk Image/git-stuff
Spaces in "Disk Image" mount point seem to cause problems so to change the mount point to auser home do:
$ diskutil umount /Volumes/Disk\ Image/
$ mkdir -p /Users/auser/git-stuff
$ hdiutil attach -mountpoint /Users/auser/git-stuff /Users/auser/git-stuff.dmg
Move or copy asuswrt-merlin tree to /Users/auser/git-stuff or just clone from repo there. If not cloned, may need to do a checkout from the top level to clean-up "modified" files:
$ cd ~/auser/git-stuff/asuswrt-merlin
$ git checkout .
Automatic re-mount on reboot at the desired mountpoint can be set by creating an executable file /Library/LaunchDaemons/system.dmg.mount.plist containing this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
This should solve the case insensitive issues which is necessary regardless of how the OSX build of asuswrt-merlin is done.
Now, to complete the build, configure an NFS server on OSX and NFS client on linux:
On OSX, edit the file /etc/export to contain this line:
/Users/auser/git-stuff/asuswrt-merlin --mapall=auser ahost
On OSX, set this environment variable:
$ export DOCKER_HOST=tcp://lhost:4243
Start or restart the OSX NFS daemon:
$ sudo nfsd restart
Now on Linux, duplicate the OSX path to asuswrt-merlin at root:
$ sudo mkdir -p /Users/auser/git-stuff/asuswrt-merlin
On Linux, configure docker daemon so that communcation can occur via tcp/ip as well as the default local unix socket. This allows the docker client on OSX to use the docker daemon on the linux host. This can vary by distribution, but for Fedora the file /etc/sysconfig/docker must be edited to allow connection via tcp using port 4243. The OPTIONS line (with added -H tcp:...) will look like this:
OPTIONS='--log-driver=journald -H unix:///var/run/docker.sock -H tcp://lhost:4243'
Now start or restart the docker daemon on linux (well, for Fedora) like this:
$ sudo systemctl restart docker
It will also probably be necessary to open tcp port 4243 on the Linux firewall to allow connections from the OSX docker client.
On linux, mount the exported NFS directory from OSX:
$ sudo mount -t nfs ahost:/Users/auser/git-stuff/asuswrt-merlin \
Now back on OSX, do the following to verify that docker host on Linux is working and being used. First make sure boot2docker is down and that only DOCKER_HOST is set.
$ boot2docker down
$ unset <any other DOCKER_* environment vars that might be set except DOCKER_HOST>
$ docker run -it --volume=/Users/auser/git-stuff/asuswrt-merlin:/asuswrt-merlin-root \
asus-merlin-addons bash
A root linux shell prompt should occur and asuswrt-merlin files should be visible at /asuswrt-merlin-root
On Linux the same project files should appear at /Users/auser/git-stuff/asuswrt-merlin
On OSX, exit the root shell and change to
$ cd ~/auser/git-stuff/asuswrt-merlin/docker-scripts-asuswrt-merlin
and run as described in to do the build on OSX using Linux as the docker host.