stream: filtered data stream from RPC to raw data storage indexer: data processing website: frontend
""" Process: Raw EVM Logs -> Decoded EVM Logs Mapped to Indexer Structure (Log Decoding) Decoded Logs -> Standardized Events (Contract Mapping)
Event Decoders:
- The topic0 hash (& name) is deterministic for each event signature
- However, multiple event signatures may share a topic0 hash
- Event decoders are associated with an event signature and produce a dict of log attributes
how to use
make deploy
make reprocess start=1234567 end=1234670 contracts=0x123,0x456
make add-contract address=0x789 abi=./abis/new_contract.json start=1234567
cd wesmol/backend/indexer
python scripts/
- Always run from the indexer directory
- Scripts add src to Python path at runtime
- Environment variables are loaded in a specific order
- Paths are resolved relative to the location
- Common paths are available via the paths dictionary
[python] import sys from pathlib import Path indexer_src = Path("/path/to/wesmol/backend/indexer/src") sys.path.append(str(indexer_src)) from env import paths '# Now you can import other indexer modules