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Setup Development Hosts


For this course, we will use the following infrastructure.

Host Architecture Location Notes
Ubuntu-22.04 X86_64 Azure Development and Build machine. Compile code and test in this host.
Windows X86_64 On-premises Desktop environment. Run VSCode here and connect remotely over SSH to Linux VM in Azure

Setup Development and Build machine in Azure

Run the following steps on your windows desktop.

Step 1: Login to Azure (may not be needed on your corporate windows desktop)

az login --use-device-code

Step 1.1: Set Azure Subscription

az account set --subscription <subscription uuid>

Step 2: Generate SSH key pair

ssh-keygen `
    -m PEM `
    -t rsa `
    -b 4096 `
    -C "<your-user-id>@<your-user-id>-ubuntu-dev-1" `
    -f $env:USERPROFILE/.ssh/<your-user-id>-ubuntu-dev-1

Note: Detailed notes on creating SSH keys


ssh-keygen `
    -m PEM `
    -t rsa `
    -b 4096 `
    -C "snambakam@snambakam-ubuntu-dev-1" `
    -f $env:USERPROFILE/.ssh/snambakam-ubuntu-dev-1

Step 3: Generate VM in Azure

az vm create `
	--resource-group <your-user-id>-dev-test `
	--name <your-user-id>-ubuntu-dev-1 `
	--image Canonical:0001-com-ubuntu-server-jammy:22_04-lts:22.04.202304280 `
	--os-disk-size-gb 40 `
	--size Standard_F2s_v2 `
	--public-ip-sku Standard `
	--admin-username <your-user-id> `
	--assign-identity [system] `
	--ssh-key-values $env:USERPROFILE/.ssh/<your-user-id> `
	--location westus2


az vm create `
	--resource-group snambakam-dev-test `
	--name snambakam-ubuntu-dev-1 `
	--image Canonical:0001-com-ubuntu-server-jammy:22_04-lts:22.04.202304280 `
	--os-disk-size-gb 40 `
	--size Standard_F2s_v2 `
	--public-ip-sku Standard `
	--admin-username snambakam `
	--assign-identity [system] `
	--ssh-key-values $env:USERPROFILE/.ssh/ `
	--location westus2

Note: Please note down the public IP Address from the output of this command

Step 4: Create an SSH Config file

The file would be located at ~/.ssh/config

The contents of this file should include the following.

Host <your-user-id>-ubuntu-dev-1
    Hostname <Public IP Address of your VM>
    User <your-user-id>
    IdentityFile <absolute path to ~/.ssh/<your-user-id>-ubuntu-dev-1>>


Host snambakam-ubuntu-dev-1
    User snambakam
    IdentityFile "C:/Users/snambakam/.ssh/snambakam-ubuntu-dev-1"

Step 5: Add the private key to the keychain on Windows

# By default the ssh-agent service is disabled. Configure it to start automatically.
# Make sure you're running as an Administrator.
Get-Service ssh-agent | Set-Service -StartupType Automatic

# Start the service
Start-Service ssh-agent

# This should return a status of Running
Get-Service ssh-agent

# Now load your key files into ssh-agent
ssh-add $env:USERPROFILE\.ssh\<your-user-id>-ubuntu-dev-1

Step 6: Connect remotely using VSCode

  1. Install VSCode on your Windows Desktop.
  2. Click on the "Extensions" icon on the left hand panel, search for "Remote - SSH" and install the plugin.
  3. On the bottom left corner, click on the "Open a Remote Window" icon and choose "Connect to Host".
    1. Choose the profile that was created in $env:USERPROFILE.ssh\config in the earlier step for the remote Azure VM

Step 7: Install packages required for development

On the Development VM that we setup in Azure, install the following packages using the Terminal Window on the remote connection setup in VSCode.

sudo apt install \
    autoconf \
    automake \
    build-essential \
    cmake \
    gdb \

Install Docker

curl -fsSL -o
sudo sh ./

Add yourself to the docker group.

sudo usermod -aG docker `whoami`

Reboot system

sudo shutdown -r now


  1. Azure Portal
  2. Device Login Page
  3. Creating SSH Keys
  4. OpenSSH Key Management on Windows
  5. Remote development using SSH on VSCode