This is a simple UI application which will be used to demonstrate the Population Health Management System Demo
This application has two UI screens. One provides an administrative view which can be used to demonstrate the login for a Doctor(Peter), Charlie(Insurance Channel Worker) and Robert(Pharmacist). The screen can be accessed at http://localhost:8037/static/phm_management.html
The Logged in User
lets us switch between the 3 different users. For example, when choosing the Doctor's perspective, you will see the screen as below.
The second UI screen provides a customer view which is more informational in nature. This page can be accesed at http://localhost:8037/static/customer_view.html
git clone
cd phm-management-ui
mvn clean install
java -jar target/phm-process-ui-1.0.0-fat.jar
The UI application currently points to localhost:8080 for the business central URL and has the following users setup (Peter, Robert, Charlie and Mary). Make sure to adjust the URL and the credentials according to the environment.