create a new project:
oc new-project mytest
confirm default quota and resourcequota are created:
oc get quota oc get resourcequota
try deleting the quota, it should fail with "can not delete default quota"
oc delete quota default
try updating/replacing the quota, it should fail with "please join your project to a team"
oc edit quota default oc replace -f /tmp/oc-edit-xxx.yaml
join your project to a team without team quota defined, then retry 4, it should fail with "please ask for team quota in cloud support":
oc label ns mytest snappcloud.io/team=notExisted
join to a project with team quota defined:
oc label ns mytest snappcloud.io/team=snappcloudtest --overwrite
then edit quota, it should succeed and also the resourcequota should change accordingly:
oc edit quota