Releases: snowplow/snowplow-ios-tracker
Releases · snowplow/snowplow-ios-tracker
Snowplow Obj-C Tracker v1.1.5
Snowplow Obj-C Tracker v1.1.4
It fixes both demo apps, build process and issues with Carthage and Cocoapods. It also fixes issues about device model name information and Apple IDFA.
- Fix doc of method setTimestamp (#467)
- Set simulator device model information when it runs on simulator (#468)
- Update swift demo app for 1.1.4 (#460)
- Update objc demo app for 1.1.4 (#461)
- Fix Slather (#453)
- SnowplowTracker-swift.h file not found static lib building (#427)
- Fix building issues on MacOS target (#466)
- Fix bridging issues importing the framework on swift demo app (#458)
- Fix installation of SnowplowTracker via Carthage (#457)
- Fix Nocilla at 0.11 (#455)
- Comply with isAdvertisingTrackingEnabled (#447)
- Fix incomplete device model information (#444)
Snowplow Obj-C Tracker v1.1.3
Snowplow Obj-C Tracker v1.1.2
Snowplow Obj-C Tracker v1.1.1
Snowplow Obj-C Tracker v1.1.0
This release adds autotracking of installs, screenviews and exceptions. It also includes the ability to configure a custom endpoint path for POST
New features
- Add automatic tracking of install lifecycle event (#374)
- Enable automatic unhandled exception tracking (#371)
- Add automatic screen view events and screen context (#370)
- Allow configurable postPath parameter (#409)
- Fix various build warnings (#414)
- Fix warning about self references being retained in SPSession (#412)
- Add tests for application context (#410)
Snowplow Obj-C Tracker v1.0.4
Snowplow Obj-C Tracker v1.0.3
Snowplow Obj-C Tracker v1.0.2
Snowplow Obj-C Tracker v1.0.1
A small release to update the README and documentation.
New functionality
- Add initializers for SPSession (#396)