bareos-incoming-connect - Python script to replace the standard RunOnIncomingConnectInterval mechanism for performing backups for laptops, etc. (the devices is not constantly working). Currently not working correctly.
Additional dependencies: python2-bareos
The config file is located /etc/bareos/bareos-dir.d/bareos-scripts.conf configuration file structure: [NAME] - section named director address - domain name or IP address of the director port - director port (default 9101) enable - will script be executed for this director or not (True or False) name - login to connect to the director console password - password to connect to the director console hours_cycle - after how many hours to create a job, analogue of RunOnIncomingConnectInterval
The script is started with the command: systemctl restart [email protected]
bareos-dir - the name of the director to run
By default, the script will be executed every minute, you can change the script startup period for yourself in the configuration file /etc/systemd/system/[email protected]/bareos-incoming-connect.conf
To view the list of running timers in the system, you can run: systemctl list-timers
The script uses only clients whose configuration uses the Connection From Client To Director = yes directive, and so that the Job does not run according to the schedule, Job must be set to Enabled = no.
Configuration example:
Client { Name = client1 Address = Password = "123456" Connection From Client To Director = true Connection From Director To Client = no }
Job { Name = "backup-client" Client = "client1" Enabled = no JobDefs = "backup-client-jobdefs" }
The idea was taken from here: