diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index a59f06c..a4d2b49 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -118,9 +118,12 @@ Dimension attributes include:
"title": String label for dimension
"type": Possible values include: String, Date and number. Detected types are automatically populated by detectDimensions using d3.parcoords.detectDimensionTypes.
"ticks": Number of horizontal ticks to include on y axis
+"tickValues": Array of values to display for tick labels
+"orient": Orientation of ticks and tickValues(left or right of axis)
"innerTickSize": Length of the horizontal ticks in between the top and bottom
"outerTickSize": Length of the horizontal ticks at the top and bottom
"tickPadding": Pixels to pad the tick title from the innerTickSize
+"yscale": Type of scale to use for the axis(log, linear, ordinal)
"index": Integer position for ordering dimensions on the x axis