From 4affaa3953ee67b0a67a47da02d74fdc397a4021 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Samuel Williams <>
Date: Wed, 24 Jan 2024 22:51:51 +1300
Subject: [PATCH] Separate interfaces for bound and connected sockets.

 lib/io/endpoint/bound_endpoint.rb             |  86 +++++++++++
 lib/io/endpoint/composite_endpoint.rb         |   1 +
 lib/io/endpoint/connected_endpoint.rb         |  69 +++++++++
 lib/io/endpoint/generic.rb                    |  40 +++---
 lib/io/endpoint/shared_endpoint.rb            | 135 +-----------------
 lib/io/endpoint/wrapper.rb                    |   8 +-
 .../{shared_endpoint.rb => bound_endpoint.rb} |  41 ++++--
 7 files changed, 217 insertions(+), 163 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 lib/io/endpoint/bound_endpoint.rb
 create mode 100644 lib/io/endpoint/connected_endpoint.rb
 rename test/io/endpoint/{shared_endpoint.rb => bound_endpoint.rb} (58%)

diff --git a/lib/io/endpoint/bound_endpoint.rb b/lib/io/endpoint/bound_endpoint.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2a91539
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/io/endpoint/bound_endpoint.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+# Released under the MIT License.
+# Copyright, 2023, by Samuel Williams.
+require_relative 'generic'
+require_relative 'composite_endpoint'
+require_relative 'address_endpoint'
+module IO::Endpoint
+	class BoundEndpoint < Generic
+		def self.bound(endpoint, backlog: Socket::SOMAXCONN, close_on_exec: false)
+			sockets = endpoint.bind
+			sockets.each do |server|
+				# This is somewhat optional. We want to have a generic interface as much as possible so that users of this interface can just call it without knowing a lot of internal details. Therefore, we ignore errors here if it's because the underlying socket does not support the operation.
+				begin
+					server.listen(backlog)
+				rescue Errno::EOPNOTSUPP
+					# Ignore.
+				end
+				server.close_on_exec = close_on_exec
+			end
+			return, sockets, **endpoint.options)
+		end
+		def initialize(endpoint, sockets, **options)
+			super(**options)
+			@endpoint = endpoint
+			@sockets = sockets
+		end
+		attr :endpoint
+		attr :sockets
+		# A endpoint for the local end of the bound socket.
+		# @returns [CompositeEndpoint] A composite endpoint for the local end of the bound socket.
+		def local_address_endpoint(**options)
+			endpoints = do |socket|
+, **options)
+			end
+			return
+		end
+		# A endpoint for the remote end of the bound socket.
+		# @returns [CompositeEndpoint] A composite endpoint for the remote end of the bound socket.
+		def remote_address_endpoint(**options)
+			endpoints = do |wrapper|
+, **options)
+			end
+			return
+		end
+		def close
+			@sockets.each(&:close)
+			@sockets.clear
+		end
+		def to_s
+			"\#<#{self.class} #{@sockets.size} bound sockets for #{@endpoint}>"
+		end
+		def bind(wrapper = Wrapper.default, &block)
+ do |server|
+				if block_given?
+					wrapper.async do
+						yield server
+					end
+				else
+					server.dup
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	end
+	class Generic
+		def bound(**options)
+			BoundEndpoint.bound(self, **options)
+		end
+	end
diff --git a/lib/io/endpoint/composite_endpoint.rb b/lib/io/endpoint/composite_endpoint.rb
index 2c72252..55aba06 100644
--- a/lib/io/endpoint/composite_endpoint.rb
+++ b/lib/io/endpoint/composite_endpoint.rb
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
 require_relative 'generic'
 module IO::Endpoint
+	# A composite endpoint is a collection of endpoints that are used in order.
 	class CompositeEndpoint < Generic
 		def initialize(endpoints, **options)
diff --git a/lib/io/endpoint/connected_endpoint.rb b/lib/io/endpoint/connected_endpoint.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..11f48ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/io/endpoint/connected_endpoint.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+# Released under the MIT License.
+# Copyright, 2023, by Samuel Williams.
+require_relative 'generic'
+require_relative 'composite_endpoint'
+require_relative 'socket_endpoint'
+require 'openssl'
+module IO::Endpoint
+	class ConnectedEndpoint < Generic
+		def self.connected(endpoint, close_on_exec: false)
+			socket = endpoint.connect
+			socket.close_on_exec = close_on_exec
+			return, socket, **endpoint.options)
+		end
+		def initialize(endpoint, socket, **options)
+			super(**options)
+			@endpoint = endpoint
+			@socket = socket
+		end
+		attr :endpoint
+		attr :socket
+		# A endpoint for the local end of the bound socket.
+		# @returns [AddressEndpoint] A endpoint for the local end of the connected socket.
+		def local_address_endpoint(**options)
+, **options)
+		end
+		# A endpoint for the remote end of the bound socket.
+		# @returns [AddressEndpoint] A endpoint for the remote end of the connected socket.
+		def remote_address_endpoint(**options)
+, **options)
+		end
+		def connect(wrapper = Wrapper.default, &block)
+			if block_given?
+				yield @socket
+			else
+				return @socket.dup
+			end
+		end
+		def close
+			if @socket
+				@socket.close
+				@socket = nil
+			end
+		end
+		def to_s
+			"\#<#{self.class} #{@socket} connected for #{@endpoint}>"
+		end
+	end
+	class Generic
+		def connected(**options)
+			ConnectedEndpoint.connected(self, **options)
+		end
+	end
diff --git a/lib/io/endpoint/generic.rb b/lib/io/endpoint/generic.rb
index 953e2de..7d626fd 100644
--- a/lib/io/endpoint/generic.rb
+++ b/lib/io/endpoint/generic.rb
@@ -54,32 +54,40 @@ def timeout
-		# @return [Numeric] The default timeout for accepted sockets.
-		def accept_timeout
-			@options.fetch(:accepted_timeout)
+		# Bind a socket to the given address. If a block is given, the socket will be automatically closed when the block exits.
+		# @parameter wrapper [Wrapper] The wrapper to use for binding.
+		# @yields {|socket| ...}	An optional block which will be passed the socket.
+		#   @parameter socket [Socket] The socket which has been bound.
+		# @returns [Array(Socket)] the bound socket
+		def bind(wrapper = Wrapper.default, &block)
+			raise NotImplementedError
-		# @return [Address] the address to bind to before connecting.
-		def local_address
-			@options[:local_address]
+		# Connects a socket to the given address. If a block is given, the socket will be automatically closed when the block exits.
+		# @parameter wrapper [Wrapper] The wrapper to use for connecting.
+		# @return [Socket] the connected socket
+		def connect(wrapper = Wrapper.default, &block)
+			raise NotImplementedError
-		# Endpoints sometimes have multiple paths.
-		# @yield [Endpoint] Enumerate all discrete paths as endpoints.
+		# Bind and accept connections on the given address.
+		# @parameter wrapper [Wrapper] The wrapper to use for accepting connections.
+		# @yields [Socket] The accepted socket.
+		def accept(wrapper = Wrapper.default, &block)
+			bind(wrapper) do |server|
+				wrapper.accept(server, **@options, &block)
+			end
+		end
+		# Enumerate all discrete paths as endpoints.
+		# @yields {|endpoint| ...} A block which will be passed each endpoint.
+		# 	@parameter endpoint [Endpoint] The endpoint.
 		def each
 			return to_enum unless block_given?
 			yield self
-		# Accept connections from the specified endpoint.
-		# @param backlog [Integer] the number of connections to listen for.
-		def accept(wrapper = Wrapper.default, *arguments, **options, &block)
-			bind(wrapper, *arguments, **options) do |server|
-				wrapper.accept(server, **options, &block)
-			end
-		end
 		# Create an Endpoint instance by URI scheme. The host and port of the URI will be passed to the Endpoint factory method, along with any options.
 		# You should not use untrusted input as it may execute arbitrary code.
diff --git a/lib/io/endpoint/shared_endpoint.rb b/lib/io/endpoint/shared_endpoint.rb
index c8cdd6d..a412689 100644
--- a/lib/io/endpoint/shared_endpoint.rb
+++ b/lib/io/endpoint/shared_endpoint.rb
@@ -1,136 +1,7 @@
 # frozen_string_literal: true
 # Released under the MIT License.
-# Copyright, 2023, by Samuel Williams.
+# Copyright, 2024, by Samuel Williams.
-require_relative 'generic'
-require_relative 'composite_endpoint'
-require_relative 'socket_endpoint'
-require 'openssl'
-module IO::Endpoint
-	# Pre-connect and pre-bind sockets so that it can be used between processes.
-	class SharedEndpoint < Generic
-		# Create a new `SharedEndpoint` by binding to the given endpoint.
-		def self.bound(endpoint, backlog: Socket::SOMAXCONN, close_on_exec: false, **options)
-			sockets = endpoint.bind(**options)
-			sockets.each do |server|
-				# This is somewhat optional. We want to have a generic interface as much as possible so that users of this interface can just call it without knowing a lot of internal details. Therefore, we ignore errors here if it's because the underlying socket does not support the operation.
-				begin
-					server.listen(backlog)
-				rescue Errno::EOPNOTSUPP
-					# Ignore.
-				end
-				server.close_on_exec = close_on_exec
-			end
-			return, sockets)
-		end
-		# Create a new `SharedEndpoint` by connecting to the given endpoint.
-		def self.connected(endpoint, close_on_exec: false)
-			socket = endpoint.connect
-			socket.close_on_exec = close_on_exec
-			return, [socket])
-		end
-		def initialize(endpoint, sockets, **options)
-			super(**options)
-			raise TypeError, "sockets must be an Array" unless sockets.is_a?(Array)
-			@endpoint = endpoint
-			@sockets = sockets
-		end
-		attr :endpoint
-		attr :sockets
-		def local_address_endpoint(**options)
-			endpoints = do |wrapper|
-, **options)
-			end
-			return
-		end
-		def remote_address_endpoint(**options)
-			endpoints = do |wrapper|
-, **options)
-			end
-			return
-		end
-		# Close all the internal sockets.
-		def close
-			@sockets.each(&:close)
-			@sockets.clear
-		end
-		def each(&block)
-			return to_enum unless block_given?
-			@sockets.each do |socket|
-				yield
-			end
-		end
-		def bind(wrapper = Wrapper.default, &block)
- do |server|
-				server = server.dup
-				if block_given?
-					wrapper.async do
-						begin
-							yield server
-						ensure
-							server.close
-						end
-					end
-				else
-					server
-				end
-			end
-		end
-		def connect(wrapper = Wrapper.default, &block)
-			@sockets.each do |socket|
-				socket = socket.dup
-				return socket unless block_given?
-				begin
-					return yield(socket)
-				ensure
-					socket.close
-				end
-			end
-		end
-		def accept(wrapper = Wrapper.default, &block)
-			bind(wrapper) do |server|
-				wrapper.accept(server, &block)
-			end
-		end
-		def to_s
-			"\#<#{self.class} #{@sockets.size} descriptors for #{@endpoint}>"
-		end
-	end
-	class Generic
-		def bound(**options)
-			SharedEndpoint.bound(self, **options)
-		end
-		def connected(**options)
-			SharedEndpoint.connected(self, **options)
-		end
-	end
+require_relative 'bound_endpoint'
+require_relative 'connected_endpoint'
diff --git a/lib/io/endpoint/wrapper.rb b/lib/io/endpoint/wrapper.rb
index 9b5d72e..8d96a6e 100644
--- a/lib/io/endpoint/wrapper.rb
+++ b/lib/io/endpoint/wrapper.rb
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ def async
 		# @option reuse_address [Boolean] Allow this port to be bound in multiple processes.
 		# @option linger [Boolean] Wait for data to be sent before closing the socket.
 		# @option buffered [Boolean] Enable or disable Nagle's algorithm for TCP sockets.
-		def build(*arguments, timeout: nil, reuse_address: true, reuse_port: nil, linger: nil, buffered: false)
+		def build(*arguments, reuse_address: true, reuse_port: nil, linger: nil, buffered: false, **options)
 			socket =*arguments)
 			if reuse_address
@@ -75,8 +75,12 @@ def build(*arguments, timeout: nil, reuse_address: true, reuse_port: nil, linger
 		#  socket = Async::IO::Socket.connect(Async::IO::Address.tcp("", 53))
 		# @param remote_address [Address] The remote address to connect to.
 		# @option local_address [Address] The local address to bind to before connecting.
-		def connect(remote_address, local_address: nil, **options)
+		def connect(remote_address, local_address: nil, timeout: nil, **options)
 			socket = build(remote_address.afamily, remote_address.socktype, remote_address.protocol, **options) do |socket|
+				if timeout
+					set_timeout(socket, timeout)
+				end
 				if local_address
 					if defined?(IP_BIND_ADDRESS_NO_PORT)
 						# Inform the kernel (Linux 4.2+) to not reserve an ephemeral port when using bind(2) with a port number of 0. The port will later be automatically chosen at connect(2) time, in a way that allows sharing a source port as long as the 4-tuple is unique.
diff --git a/test/io/endpoint/shared_endpoint.rb b/test/io/endpoint/bound_endpoint.rb
similarity index 58%
rename from test/io/endpoint/shared_endpoint.rb
rename to test/io/endpoint/bound_endpoint.rb
index 5eefd7a..b25dd1e 100644
--- a/test/io/endpoint/shared_endpoint.rb
+++ b/test/io/endpoint/bound_endpoint.rb
@@ -3,11 +3,11 @@
 # Released under the MIT License.
 # Copyright, 2023, by Samuel Williams.
-require 'io/endpoint/shared_endpoint'
+require 'io/endpoint/bound_endpoint'
 require 'io/endpoint/unix_endpoint'
 require 'with_temporary_directory'
-describe IO::Endpoint::SharedEndpoint do
+describe IO::Endpoint::BoundEndpoint do
 	include WithTemporaryDirectory
 	let(:path) {File.join(temporary_directory, "test.ipc")}
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
-		endpoint = subject.connected(internal_endpoint)
+		endpoint = internal_endpoint.connected
 		endpoint.connect do |socket|
 			expect(socket).to be_a(Socket)
@@ -43,23 +43,37 @@
+		thread&.kill
-		thread&.join
 	with "timeouts" do
-		let(:timeout) {nil}
-		let(:accepted_timeout) {1.0}
+		let(:timeout) {1.0}
-		let(:internal_endpoint) {, timeout: timeout, accepted_timeout: accepted_timeout)}
+		let(:internal_endpoint) {, timeout: timeout)}
 		it "can accept with distinct timeouts" do
-			internal_endpoint.accept
+			expect(internal_endpoint.timeout).to be == timeout
-			endpoint = subject.connected(internal_endpoint)
+			bound_endpoint = internal_endpoint.bound
+			expect(bound_endpoint.timeout).to be == timeout
-			endpoint.connect do |socket|
-				expect(socket).to be_a(Socket)
+			expect(bound_endpoint.sockets) be(:empty?)
+			bound_endpoint.sockets.each do |socket|
+				expect(socket.timeout).to be_nil
+			end
+			thread = do
+				bound_endpoint.accept do |peer, address|
+					expect(peer.timeout).to be == timeout
+					peer.close
+				end
+			end
+			connected_endpoint = internal_endpoint.connected
+			connected_endpoint.connect do |socket|
+				expect(socket.timeout).to be == timeout
 				# Wait for the connection to be closed.
@@ -67,8 +81,9 @@
-			sockets&.each(&:close)
-			thread&.join	
+			thread&.kill
+			bound_endpoint&.close
+			connected_endpoint&.close