diff --git a/index.md b/index.md
index da5a7b0..f46f6ec 100644
--- a/index.md
+++ b/index.md
@@ -9,10 +9,10 @@ country: "gb"      # lowercase two-letter ISO country code such as "fr" (see htt
 language: "en"     # lowercase two-letter ISO language code such as "fr" (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ISO_639-1_codes) for the workshop
 latitude: "45"        # decimal latitude of workshop venue (use https://www.latlong.net/)
 longitude: "-1"       # decimal longitude of the workshop venue (use https://www.latlong.net)
-humandate: "9-12 July 2024"    # human-readable dates for the workshop (e.g., "Feb 17-18, 2020")
-humantime: "09:00 - 13:00"    # human-readable times for the workshop e.g., "9:00 am - 4:30 pm CEST (7:00 am - 2:30 pm UTC)"
-startdate: 2024-07-09      # machine-readable start date for the workshop in YYYY-MM-DD format like 2015-01-01
-enddate: 2024-07-12        # machine-readable end date for the workshop in YYYY-MM-DD format like 2015-01-02
+humandate: "19-22 November 2024"    # human-readable dates for the workshop (e.g., "Feb 17-18, 2020")
+humantime: "13:00 - 17:00 GMT (UTC)"    # human-readable times for the workshop e.g., "9:00 am - 4:30 pm CEST (7:00 am - 2:30 pm UTC)"
+startdate: 2024-11-19      # machine-readable start date for the workshop in YYYY-MM-DD format like 2015-01-01
+enddate: 2024-11-22        # machine-readable end date for the workshop in YYYY-MM-DD format like 2015-01-02
 instructor: ["Steve Crouch", "Aleksandra Nenadic"] # boxed, comma-separated list of instructors' names as strings, like ["Kay McNulty", "Betty Jennings", "Betty Snyder"]
 helper: []     # boxed, comma-separated list of helpers' names, like ["Marlyn Wescoff", "Fran Bilas", "Ruth Lichterman"]
 email: ["a.nenadic@software.ac.uk"]    # boxed, comma-separated list of contact email addresses for the host, lead instructor, or whoever else is handling questions, like ["marlyn.wescoff@example.org", "fran.bilas@example.org", "ruth.lichterman@example.org"]