- Migrated to Null Safety.
- [fullPaths] is added. If you would like to specify a list of endpoints for the frames in your image sequence animator, use this value. If set, values for [folderName], [fileName], [suffixStart], [suffixCount], [fileFormat] and [frameCount] will be ignored.
- Minor changes.
[isOnline] is added. If your [folderName] is an online path, this value should be set to true.
[waitUntilCacheIsComplete] is added. If you want the [ImageSequenceAnimator] to wait until the entire image sequence is cached, this value should be set to true i. Otherwise, the [ImageSequenceAnimator] will invoke [onReadyToPlay] and start playing if [isAutoPlay] is set to true when it approximates that the remaining caching can be completed without causing stutters. This value is only used if [isOnline] is set to true.
[cacheProgressIndicatorBuilder] is added. If you want to display a widget until the [ImageSequenceAnimator] is ready to be played, use this function.
Improved documentation.
- Regular maintenance.
- Minor changes.
Minor changes.
Improved code style.
[1.0.5+1] Updated README.
Minor changes.
Improved code style with trailing commas.
[1.0.4+1] Minor changes.
Minor changes.
Updated README.
Improved code style.
Code excerpt added to the README.
- Improved documentation.
- Initial release.