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File metadata and controls

85 lines (63 loc) · 5.5 KB


Files received from Rick Lankau (email 12/18/19):

  • denovotree.newick
  • potatodatadictionary_forClaudia.csv
  • potatometadata_forClaudia.csv
  • potatorar_forsubmission.csv

We also received one script (in scripts folder): phyloscript_forClaudia.R

His explanations:

Here are some datasets to start with. The first file (potatodatadictionary_forClaudia.csv) is a data dictionary explaining the meaning of all of the column headings in the following metadata file.

The metadata file (potatometadata_forClaudia.csv) has data on plant outcomes (tuber yields under high and low nutrients, and disease severity) for plants grown with each of the 24 different microbial communities. The values are means of three replicate pots - variances and standard errors are also included.

The file named potatorar_forsubmission.csv is the bacterial community matrix. The rows are numbered according to the Field ID column in the metadata file. The column headings are the unique bacterial amplicon sequence variants (taxonomic units).

The denovotree.newick is the phylogenetic tree estimated from these 16S reads (hence the "denovo" in the name). At some point I will track down the actual sequence files if you want to try better means of estimating this megatree.

The phyloscript_forClaudia.R file is R script to import the community matrix and phylogenetic tree, and then prune the big tree down to just those tips that are represented as taxa across all of our communities. I also wrote another little bit of code to extract a sub-tree of only the microbial taxa present in any given community. I am sure there is a better way to accomplish this.

Description of data (meeting 1/29)

  • 13 fields on the exploratory data (2015)
  • 13 different fields on the confirmatory data (2017)
  • From each field, a sample of soil was extracted and from this sample, bacterial counts were measured (and also different diversity indeces)
  • Then, soil sample was divided in two experiments: low and high nutrients. In each experiment, three plants were grown
  • After X time, yield was measured


  • For each of the fields (13 in 2015, 13 different ones in 2017), soil sample was extracted, and measures of bacterial composition were obtained
  • Three plants were planted per field, and after X time, disease severity was measured


  • For each field and type of experiment, we only have mean and sd for yield (not the values for the three plants)
  • We believe that there is no measure of bacterial composition after the experiment

Questions to ask Lankau group

  • How was "yield" measured?

  • How was "disease severity" measured? Higher means more susceptible to disease.

  • Would it be possible to have the measures for the three plants (instead of only mean/sd)? Yes, if Professor Lankau can find the data.

  • Was bacterial composition measured after experiment?

  • Are we concerned that there seem to be huge differences in yield between 2015 and 2017? Other causes like rain/weather? Maybe we do not care if we study datasets separatedly. No, we do not have to concern about this issue. Because other conditions (e.g., size of the plate) are not controlled tightly as well.

  • How do clade richness and diversity relate to the bacteria information? In another word, how do we know which types of bacteria are in which clades (based on units distance from the tree root)? Richness and diversity can be calculated using the combination of pylogenetic tree and the taxa data.

  • How to define between the broad and fine phylogenetic scales?

  • Would the nutrients also increase the bacteria diversity so the plant outcomes might result from higher diversity?

After meeting 2/5

We identified different next steps:

  1. Put the data in a slightly different format (see whiteboard photo) in which we have now 84 rows (for all fields, all years, and both high/low nutrient), one column for "yield", one column for "nutrient level: high/low", one column for "year: 2015/2017", and then bacterial counts and diversity measures.

    • Would be good to have a script that creates this table, and save as csv from the original datafiles (for reproducibility)
  2. We want to start with regression models and random forest on the real data, before we do "over-sampling"

  3. We want to start reading about over-sampling options:

  • K-means
  • SMOTE-R The first two are for classification problems (we can find a way to sample an actual number after a class is defined, normallly distributed around sample mean and variance?). The problem with over-sampling is over-fitting. We have to keep this in mind.

After meeting 2/19

  • We want to first focus on selecting the "right" features (more informative/predictive), and then we only sample artificial data based on these features; we want to see exploratory plots on these important features vs yield/disease
  • Brian is selecting most predictive features based on random forest models. He will try also with PCA
  • Note: the diversity and enrichment measurements are not obtained directly from the taxa data. They need a phylogenetic tree as well, which we do not have. Rick will try to find an R script to collapse taxa based on the tree


Next steps: We want to fit statistical/machine-learning models to accomplish two tasks:

  • feature selection: identify soil characteristics associated with plant growth/disease
  • prediction: for a given new soil, can we predict whether the plant will grow/be sick?


  • regression (we need to explore penalized regression because we have more features than individuals)
  • random forest
  • neural networks
  • ...