- vscode java mode requires the java debug extension https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode-java-debug
- you may need to update your JDK if you get a java crash error
- workspace configuration:
: filepath used for source code mappingpath
: path tosquashctl
"squashextension.remotePath": "/home/yuval/go/src/github.com/solo-io/squash/contrib/example/service2-java",
"squashextension.path": "/Users/mitch/go/src/github.com/solo-io/squash/target/squashctl",
- how to resolve this warning:
[Warn] The debugger and the debuggee are running in different versions of JVMs. You could see wrong source mapping results.
Debugger JVM version: 11.0.2
Debuggee JVM version: 1.8.0_111