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The back-end for smart-fluid-flow-meter. Written in Rust.

Receives measurements from the meter and stores them in a database.


The easiest way to run locally is to use:

make start

This command uses docker compose to start a PostgreSQL container and another container running the backend. The backend will use .env.sample for configuration.


To run tests:

make test


This section pertains to the official deployment of this service. It can be safely ignored by most people.

Connecting to production DB

The official deployment uses a PostgreSQL host for storage. To run the backend locally and connect to the production database we just need to use the production connection string in our .env file and run this command:

make start-prod

Releasing to production

The official deployment uses Cloud Run. In order to release a new version we first need a service account with the correct permissions:


Then you need to install gcloud cli and use this command to activate the service account:

gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file=<path to service account>
gcloud auth login <service account>

Finally, use this command to release a new version:

PROJECT=<gcp project id>
SERVICE_NAME=<gcp service id>
IMAGE=<gcp artifact registry image, including tag>
gcloud run deploy $SERVICE_NAME \
    --project $PROJECT \
    --platform managed \
    --allow-unauthenticated \
    --region us-central1 \
    --image $IMAGE \
    --port 3000