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sophon-stream resnet element is a plugin in the sophon-stream framework, and it is a simple, fast, and powerful classification model. This project provides a sample routine for this plugin; for details, please refer to ResNet Demo.
- Support for multiple video streams
- Support for multi-threaded processing
The sophon-stream resnet plugin has some configurable parameters that can be set according to your needs. Here are some commonly used parameters:
"configure": {
"model_path": "../data/models/BM1684X/resnet50_int8_4b.bmodel",
"bgr2rgb": true,
"mean": [
"std": [
"roi": {
"left": 600,
"top": 400,
"width": 800,
"height": 600
"task_type": "SingleLabel",
"class_thresh": [0.5, 0.3, 0.7]
"shared_object": "../../../build/lib/libresnet.so",
"name": "resnet",
"side": "sophgo",
"thread_number": 1
Parameter Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
model_path | String | "../data/models/BM1684X/resnet_car_int8_4b.bmodel" | Path to the resnet model |
bgr2rgb | Bool | true | Whether to convert the image from BGR to RGB format; the default is BGR |
mean | Float Array | [0.229,0.224,0.225] | Mean values for image preprocessing, with a length of 3. The calculation is y=(x-mean)/std. If bgr2rgb=true, the order of the array should be R, G, B; otherwise, it should be B, G, R |
std | Float Array | [0.485,0.456,0.406] | Standard deviations for image preprocessing, with a length of 3. The calculation is the same as above. If bgr2rgb=true, the order of the array should be R, G, B; otherwise, it should be B, G, R |
roi | Map | None | Preset ROI; when this parameter is configured, only the region defined by the ROI will be processed |
task_type | String | Work type of resnet. SingleLabel means output a label with max score; FeatureExtract means output the feature vector; and MultiLabel means output multi-labels, which needs class_thresh in use. |
class_thresh | list | None | |
shared_object | String | "../../../build/lib/libresnet.so" | Path to the libresnet dynamic library |
id | Integer | 0 | Element ID |
device_id | Integer | 0 | TPU device number |
name | String | "resnet" | Element name |
side | String | "sophgo" | Device type |
thread_number | Integer | 1 | Number of threads to start |