Shows the concepts and their relations.
The most fundamental differentiating concepts in the model, factored into distinct classes, abstract classes, or interfaces.
Aggregates are collections of entities and value objects with their associations and form a transactional unit. Aggregates are referenced as a whole by an aggregate root entity, parts of the aggregate must not be referenced from outside. The aggregate root is responsible for the enforcement of the busines rules and invariants of the aggregate.
The anti-corruption layer is an architectural layer to separate the domain model from outside models. It enables the domain model to access the data of the outside model as expected by the domain model. In a clean architecture, an adapter is the place to implement the anti- corruption layer by mapping the outside model to the domain model.
A Big Ball of Mud is a casually, even haphazardly, structured system. Its organization, if one can call it that, is dictated more by expediency than design. Yet, its enduring popularity cannot merely be indicative of a general disregard for architecture.
A descrition of a boundary (typically a subsystem or the work of a particular team) within which a particular model is defined and applicable.
The setting in which a word or statement appears that determines its meaning. Statements about a model can only be understood in a context.
The context map provides an overview for all models and their boundaries and interfaces.
A process of merging all code and other implementation artifacts frequently, with automated tests to flag fragmentation quickly.
The most valuable part of the domain model.
A clear relationship between two teams, where the downstream team is the customer of the upstream team.
A sphere of knowledge, influence or activity. The subject area to which a user applies a program is the domain of the software.
A domain object to propagate relevant domain activities in a distributed system.
A short description of the core domain and the value it will bring.
Objects in the domain model which are defined by their identity rather than by their state. For example a Person is normally modelled as an entity. It represents the same person even when the attributes change. It is also a different person, even if it has the same state as another person.
A conceptual large-scale structure that evolves with the application, possibly changing to a completely different type of structure along the way.
A domain object for the creation of complex domain objects which enforce the invariants of these objects on creation.
A cohesive subdomain that is not the motivation for the project and does not capoure specialized knowledge.
Developers must be involved with the model and have contact with domain experts.
Describes the core elements of the domain and their interactions.
A distinct set of objects that can be used to describe and constrain the structure and behavior of the basic model.
Isolates the expression of the domain model and the business logic, and eliminates any dependency on infrastructure, user interface, or application logic that is not business logic.
A system of abstractions that describes selected aspects of a domain and can be used to solve problems related to that domain.
An open protocol that gives access to your subsystem as a set of services.
A partnership between the teams in charge of the two contexts, when the teams will succeed or fail together.
A framework that allows diverse implementations of those interfaces to be freely substituted.
A well-documented shared language that can express the necessary domain information as a common medium of communication, translating as necessary into and out of that language.
A bounded context with no connection to the others at all, allowing developers to find simple, specialized solutions within this small scope.
A language around the domain model used by all team members within a bounded context to connect all the activities of the team with the software.
An object in the domain model, which has no conceptional identity but are identified by their state. Value objects should be modelled as immutable.
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