Name | Type | Description | Notes |
id | Integer | [optional] | |
name | String | ||
management_it_solution_type | String | ||
management_solution_name | String | This is only required when managementItSolutionType is Custom | [optional] |
management_server_url | String | This is only required for Level Platforms and Kaseya | [optional] |
webservice_override_url | String | This is only required for Level Platforms and Kaseya when overrideWebServiceLocationFlag is true | [optional] |
portal_override_login_url | String | This is only required for Level Platforms and Kaseya when overrideLoginLocationFlag is true | [optional] |
global_login_flag | BOOLEAN | [optional] | |
global_login_username | String | This is only required when globalLoginFlag = true | [optional] |
global_login_password | String | This is only required when globalLoginFlag = true | [optional] |
using_ssl_flag | BOOLEAN | [optional] | |
n_able_username | String | This is only required for N-Able solution | [optional] |
n_able_password | String | This is only required for N-Able solution | [optional] |
override_web_service_location_flag | BOOLEAN | [optional] | |
override_login_location_flag | BOOLEAN | [optional] | |
continuum_api_username | String | This is only required for Continuum solution | [optional] |
continuum_api_password | String | This is only required for Continuum solution | [optional] |
level_api_username | String | This is only required for Level Platforms solution | [optional] |
level_api_password | String | This is only required for Level Platforms solution | [optional] |
level_var_domain | String | This is only required for Level Platforms solution | [optional] |
no_display_flag | BOOLEAN | [optional] | |
_info | Metadata | Metadata of the entity | [optional] |