Name | Type | Description | Notes |
id | Integer | [optional] | |
_info | Metadata | Metadata of the entity | [optional] |
business_unit_id | Integer | [optional] | |
cancel_reason | String | [optional] | |
closed_flag | BOOLEAN | [optional] | |
customer_city | String | [optional] | |
customer_company | CompanyReference | [optional] | |
customer_contact | ContactReference | [optional] | |
customer_country | CountryReference | [optional] | |
customer_extension | String | [optional] | |
customer_name | String | [optional] | |
customer_phone | String | [optional] | |
customer_site | SiteReference | [optional] | |
customer_site_name | String | [optional] | |
customer_state | String | [optional] | |
customer_street_line1 | String | [optional] | |
customer_street_line2 | String | [optional] | |
customer_zip | String | [optional] | |
date_closed | DateTime | [optional] | |
drop_ship_customer_flag | BOOLEAN | [optional] | |
entered_by | String | [optional] | |
freight_cost | Float | [optional] | |
freight_packing_slip | String | [optional] | |
freight_tax_total | Float | [optional] | |
internal_notes | String | [optional] | |
location_id | Integer | ||
po_date | DateTime | [optional] | |
po_number | String | [optional] | |
sales_tax | Float | [optional] | |
shipment_date | DateTime | [optional] | |
shipment_method | ShipmentMethodReference | [optional] | |
shipping_instructions | String | [optional] | |
status | PurchaseOrderStatusReference | ||
sub_total | Float | [optional] | |
tax_code | TaxCodeReference | [optional] | |
tax_freight_flag | BOOLEAN | [optional] | |
tax_po_flag | BOOLEAN | [optional] | |
terms | BillingTermsReference | ||
total | Float | [optional] | |
tracking_number | String | [optional] | |
update_shipment_info | BOOLEAN | Determines whether or not to update all of the shipment info for each associated line item when new shipment info is passed in | [optional] |
update_vendor_order_number | BOOLEAN | Determines whether or not to update vendor order number for each associated line item when new vendor order number is passed in | [optional] |
vendor_company | CompanyReference | ||
vendor_contact | ContactReference | [optional] | |
vendor_invoice_date | DateTime | [optional] | |
vendor_invoice_number | String | [optional] | |
vendor_order_number | String | [optional] | |
vendor_site | SiteReference | [optional] | |
warehouse | WarehouseReference | [optional] | |
currency | CurrencyReference | [optional] |