The following Figure from [1] shows the standard LSTM cell (a) and its compressed version (b). Furthermore, we provide the LSTM equations and the compressed LSTM equations. For more details see [1].
Compared to [2] we change the notation in the following way. For all matrices with subscript x the layer index l is increased by one compared to [2]. The matrix vector multiplications are transposed because this is closer to the Keras implementation of LSTMs.
[1] M. Siemering, “Real-time speech separation with deep attractor networks on an embedded system,” Nov. 2020.
[2] R. Prabhavalkar, O. Alsharif, A. Bruguier, and L. McGraw, “On the compression of recurrent neural networks with an application to LVCSR acoustic modeling for embedded speech recognition,” in 2016 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP). IEEE, 2016, pp. 5970–5974.