From d246154c2d25bb8fa34d40a01c1015bd56a18665 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Lkhsss <> Date: Tue, 13 Aug 2024 19:06:56 +0800 Subject: [PATCH] Update Chinese Translations (#2656) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit * Update Chinses tanstation Chinese will be used in different ways in different places.If it's just a translation program or a word-for-word translation, it's going to be very stiff. Call me if you need a 1.[fix] `"direction": "方向",`to`"direction": "次序",` 2.[fix]`"ascending": "上升",`to`"ascending": "升序",` 3.[fix]`"item_size": "项目大小"`,to`"item_size": "图标大小",` .........etc 太多了数不过来了。。。 ## I Need Some Help Please send me a screenshot of where these entries are in the app so I can best translate them!(Better tell me where they are in the app.) - failed_to_open_file_with - file_from - file_one - file_picker_not_supported - for_library - image - incoming_spacedrop - indexed_new_files - indexer_rules_error - indexer_rules_not_available - accept_files - app_crashed_description - collection - directories - directory - do_the_thing - dont_have_any - dotfile - ends_with - erase - erase_a_file - erase_a_file_description - file_picker_not_supported - files_many - for_library - gitignore - hosted_locations - my_sick_location * Change some translations... --- .vscode/i18n-ally-reviews.yml | 37 + interface/locales/zh-CN/common.json | 1467 ++++++++++++++------------- 2 files changed, 771 insertions(+), 733 deletions(-) diff --git a/.vscode/i18n-ally-reviews.yml b/.vscode/i18n-ally-reviews.yml index 54adb5df7433..f77bd718b0b2 100644 --- a/.vscode/i18n-ally-reviews.yml +++ b/.vscode/i18n-ally-reviews.yml @@ -12,6 +12,13 @@ reviews: type: approve comment: 疑似翻译腔。这个地方不太好译。 time: '2024-04-16T02:03:55.931Z' + - user: + name: Lkhsss + email: + id: q2RWeijQlSW9n8OkzwnqK + type: request_change + comment: 我来 + time: '2024-08-11T01:47:24.517Z' all_jobs_have_been_cleared: locales: zh-CN: @@ -23,6 +30,13 @@ reviews: type: comment comment: 要不要把“清除”改为“完成”? time: '2024-04-16T10:56:22.929Z' + - user: + name: Lkhsss + email: + id: GhuW9AvY_ZO-TiwjLKlEi + type: approve + comment: 确实 + time: '2024-08-11T01:54:48.602Z' archive_info: locales: zh-CN: @@ -127,3 +141,26 @@ reviews: type: request_change comment: '' time: '2024-07-16T18:02:10.188Z' + alpha_release_description: + locales: + zh-CN: + comments: + - user: + name: Lkhsss + email: + id: tYCDVVyNv_eUVpMQJifHm + type: request_change + comment: 最后的“有助于极大增强用户体验”很拗口,直接删减法改为“有助于提升用户体验” + time: '2024-08-11T01:57:47.644Z' + collection: + locales: + zh-CN: + comments: + - user: + name: Lkhsss + email: + id: d4GmnxySaJIsAY8vVYY1B + type: approve + comment: 这玩意是什么文件类型? + time: '2024-08-11T02:13:46.747Z' + resolved: true diff --git a/interface/locales/zh-CN/common.json b/interface/locales/zh-CN/common.json index 2d7ad275427c..c53abb775117 100644 --- a/interface/locales/zh-CN/common.json +++ b/interface/locales/zh-CN/common.json @@ -1,735 +1,736 @@ { - "Connect": "连接", - "Connecting": "正在连接", - "about": "关于", - "about_vision_text": "我们很多人拥有不止一个云账户,磁盘没有备份,数据也有丢失的风险。我们依赖于像 Google 相册、iCloud 这样的云服务,但是它们容量有限,且互操作性几乎为零,云服务和操作系统之间也无法协作。我们的照片不应该困在单一一种生态系统中,也不应该被用于广告营销而被收割,它们应该与操作系统无关、永久保存、由我们自己所有。我们创造的数据是我们的遗产,它们的寿命会比我们还要长,无限地定义了我们的生活,而开源技术是唯一能确保我们绝对控制这些数据的方式", - "about_vision_title": "项目远景", - "accept": "接受", - "accept_files": "Accept files", - "accessed": "已访问", - "account": "账户", - "actions": "操作", - "add": "添加", - "add_device": "添加设备", - "add_file_extension_rule": "将文件扩展名添加到当前规则", - "add_filter": "添加过滤器", - "add_library": "添加库", - "add_location": "添加位置", - "add_location_description": "通过将您喜爱的位置添加到个人库中,增强您的 Spacedrive 体验,以实现无缝高效的文件管理。", - "add_location_overview_description": "将本地路径、卷或网络位置连接到 Spacedrive。", - "add_location_tooltip": "将路径添加为索引", - "add_locations": "添加位置", - "add_tag": "添加标签", - "added_location": "已添加位置 {{name}}", - "adding_location": "添加位置 {{name}}", - "advanced": "高级", - "advanced_settings": "高级设置", - "album": "相册", - "alias": "别名", - "all_jobs_have_been_cleared": "所有任务已清除。", - "alpha_release_description": "感谢试用 Spacedrive。现在 Spacedrive 处于 Alpha 发布阶段,展示了激动人心的新功能。作为初始版本,它可能包含一些错误。我们恳请您在我们的 Discord 频道上反馈遇到的任何问题,您宝贵的反馈将有助于极大增强用户体验。", - "alpha_release_title": "Alpha 版本", - "app_crashed": "应用程序崩溃了", - "app_crashed_description": "We're past the event horizon...", - "appearance": "外观", - "appearance_description": "调整客户端的外观。", - "apply": "申请", - "archive": "存档", - "archive_coming_soon": "存档位置功能即将推出……", - "archive_info": "将库中的数据作为存档提取,有利于保留位置的目录结构。", - "are_you_sure": "您确定吗?", - "ascending": "上升", - "ask_spacedrive": "询问 Spacedrive", - "assign_tag": "分配标签", - "audio": "音频", - "audio_preview_not_supported": "不支持音频预览。", - "auto": "自动", - "back": "返回", - "backfill_sync": "回填同步操作", - "backfill_sync_description": "库暂停直至回填完成", - "backups": "备份", - "backups_description": "管理您的 Spacedrive 数据库备份。", - "bitrate": "比特率", - "blur_effects": "模糊效果", - "blur_effects_description": "某些组件将应用模糊效果。", - "book": "书籍", - "cancel": "取消", - "cancel_selection": "取消选择", - "canceled": "取消", - "celcius": "摄氏度", - "change": "更改", - "change_view_setting_description": "更改默认资源管理器视图", - "changelog": "更新日志", - "changelog_page_description": "看看我们在开发哪些酷炫的新功能", - "changelog_page_title": "更新日志", - "checksum": "校验和", - "clear_finished_jobs": "清除已完成的任务", - "click_to_hide": "点击隐藏", - "click_to_lock": "点击锁定", - "client": "客户端", - "close": "关闭", - "close_command_palette": "关闭命令面板", - "close_current_tab": "关闭当前标签页", - "cloud": "云", - "cloud_connect_description": "您想将您的图书馆连接到云端吗?", - "cloud_drives": "云盘", - "cloud_sync": "云同步", - "cloud_sync_description": "管理将您的库与 Spacedrive Cloud 同步的流程", - "clouds": "云服务", - "code": "Code", - "collection": "Collection", - "color": "颜色", - "color_profile": "颜色配置文件", - "color_space": "色彩空间", - "coming_soon": "即将推出", - "completed": "已完成", - "completed_with_errors": "已完成但有错误", - "compress": "压缩", - "config": "配置文件", - "configure_location": "配置文件位置", - "confirm": "确认", - "connect_cloud": "连接到云", - "connect_cloud_description": "将您的云帐户连接到 Spacedrive。", - "connect_device": "连接设备", - "connect_device_description": "Spacedrive 在您的所有设备上都能发挥最佳效果。", - "connect_library_to_cloud": "将库连接到 Spacedrive Cloud", - "connected": "已连接", - "connecting_library_to_cloud": "将库连接到 Spacedrive Cloud...", - "contacts": "联系人", - "contacts_description": "在 Spacedrive 中管理您的联系人。", - "contains": "包含", - "content_id": "内容ID", - "continue": "继续", - "convert_to": "转换为", - "coordinates": "坐标", - "copied": "已复制", - "copy": "复制", - "copy_as_path": "复制路径", - "copy_object": "复制对象", - "copy_path_to_clipboard": "复制路径到剪贴板", - "copy_success": "项目已复制", - "create": "创建", - "create_file_error": "创建文件时出错", - "create_file_success": "创建了新文件:{{name}}", - "create_folder_error": "创建文件夹时出错", - "create_folder_success": "创建了新文件夹:{{name}}", - "create_library": "创建库", - "create_library_description": "库(library),也即数据库(database),存储在设备上,非常安全。您的文件就放在原来的位置上,库对它们的目录结构进行索引,同时存储所有与 Spacedrive 相关的数据。", - "create_location": "Create Location", - "create_new_library": "创建新库", - "create_new_library_description": "库(library),也即数据库(database),存储在设备上,非常安全。您的文件就放在原来的位置上,库对它们的目录结构进行索引,同时存储所有与 Spacedrive 相关的数据。", - "create_new_tag": "创建新标签", - "create_new_tag_description": "设置名称与颜色。", - "create_tag": "创建标签", - "created": "已创建", - "creating_library": "正在创建库…", - "creating_your_library": "正在为您创建库", - "current": "当前使用", - "current_directory": "当前目录", - "current_directory_with_descendants": "当前目录及其子目录", - "custom": "自定义", - "cut": "剪切", - "cut_object": "剪切对象", - "cut_success": "剪切项目", - "dark": "深色", - "data_folder": "数据文件夹", - "database": "数据库", - "date": "日期", - "date_accessed": "访问日期", - "date_created": "创建日期", - "date_indexed": "索引日期", - "date_modified": "修改日期", - "date_taken": "拍摄日期", - "date_time_format": "日期和时间格式", - "date_time_format_description": "选择 Spacedrive 中显示的日期格式", - "debug_mode": "调试模式", - "debug_mode_description": "启用本应用额外的调试功能。", - "default": "默认", - "default_settings": "默认设置", - "delete": "删除", - "delete_dialog_title": "删除 {{prefix}} {{type}}", - "delete_forever": "永久删除", - "delete_info": "此操作只删除预览媒体,并不会删除磁盘上实际的文件夹。", - "delete_library": "删除库", - "delete_library_description": "Spacedrive 库将会永久删除,但您的文件不会删除。", - "delete_location": "删除存储位置", - "delete_location_description": "删除存储位置时,Spacedrive 会从数据库中移除所有与之相关的文件,但是不会删除文件本身。", - "delete_object": "删除对象", - "delete_rule": "删除规则", - "delete_rule_confirmation": "您确定要删除这个规则吗?", - "delete_tag": "删除标签", - "delete_tag_description": "您确定要删除这个标签吗?此操作不能撤销,打过标签的文件将会丢失标签。", - "delete_warning": "警告:这将永久删除您的 {{type}},我们目前还没有回收站……", - "descending": "降序", - "description": "描述", - "deselect": "取消选择", - "details": "详情", - "device": "设备", - "devices": "设备", - "devices_coming_soon_tooltip": "即将推出!本 Alpha 版本不支持库同步,此功能很快就会准备就绪。", - "dialog": "对话框", - "dialog_shortcut_description": "执行操作", - "direction": "方向", - "directories": "directories", - "directory": "directory", - "disabled": "已禁用", - "disconnected": "已断开连接", - "display_formats": "显示格式", - "display_name": "显示名称", - "distance": "距离", - "do_the_thing": "Do the thing", - "document": "Document", - "done": "完成", - "dont_have_any": "Looks like you don't have any!", - "dont_show_again": "不再显示", - "dotfile": "Dotfile", - "double_click_action": "双击操作", - "download": "下载", - "downloading_update": "正在下载更新", - "drag_to_resize": "拖动以调整大小", - "duplicate": "复制", - "duplicate_object": "复制对象", - "duplicate_success": "项目已复制", - "edit": "编辑", - "edit_library": "编辑库", - "edit_location": "编辑位置", - "empty_file": "空的文件", - "enable_networking": "启用网络", - "enable_networking_description": "允许您的节点与您周围的其他 Spacedrive 节点进行通信。", - "enable_networking_description_required": "库的同步和 Spacedrop 需要开启本功能!", - "enable_relay": "启用中继", - "enable_relay_description": "启用中继服务器以允许您的设备通过公共互联网进行通信。", - "enable_sync": "启用同步", - "enable_sync_description": "为该库中的所有现有数据生成同步操作,并配置 Spacedrive 以在将来发生事情时生成同步操作。", - "enabled": "启用", - "encrypt": "加密", - "encrypt_library": "加密库", - "encrypt_library_coming_soon": "资料库加密即将推出", - "encrypt_library_description": "为这个库启用加密,这只会加密Spacedrive数据库,不会加密文件本身。", - "encrypted": "已加密", - "ends_with": "以... 结束", - "ephemeral_notice_browse": "直接从您的设备浏览您的文件和文件夹。", - "ephemeral_notice_consider_indexing": "考虑索引您本地的位置,以获得更快和更高效的浏览。", - "equals": "是", - "erase": "擦除", - "erase_a_file": "擦除一个文件", - "erase_a_file_description": "配置您的擦除设置。", - "error": "错误", - "error_loading_original_file": "加载原始文件出错", - "error_message": "Error: {{error}}.", - "executable": "Executable", - "expand": "展开", - "explorer": "资源管理器", - "explorer_settings": "资源管理器设置", - "explorer_shortcut_description": "导航、与文件系统交互", - "explorer_view": "资源管理器视图", - "export": "导出", - "export_library": "导出库", - "export_library_coming_soon": "导出库功能即将推出", - "export_library_description": "将这个库导出到一个文件。", - "extension": "扩大", - "extensions": "扩展", - "extensions_description": "安装扩展来扩展这个客户端的功能。", - "fahrenheit": "华氏度", - "failed": "失败的", - "failed_to_add_location": "Failed to add location", - "failed_to_cancel_job": "取消任务失败。", - "failed_to_clear_all_jobs": "清除所有任务失败。", - "failed_to_copy_file": "复制文件失败", - "failed_to_copy_file_path": "复制文件路径失败", - "failed_to_cut_file": "剪切文件失败", - "failed_to_delete_rule": "Failed to delete rule", - "failed_to_download_update": "无法下载更新", - "failed_to_duplicate_file": "复制文件失败", - "failed_to_generate_checksum": "生成校验和失败", - "failed_to_generate_labels": "生成标签失败", - "failed_to_generate_thumbnails": "生成缩略图失败", - "failed_to_load_tags": "加载标签失败", - "failed_to_open_file_body": "Couldn't open file, due to an error: {{error}}", - "failed_to_open_file_title": "Failed to open file", - "failed_to_open_file_with": "Failed to open file, with: {{data}}", - "failed_to_pause_job": "暂停任务失败。", - "failed_to_reindex_location": "重索引位置失败", - "failed_to_remove_file_from_recents": "从最近文档中删除文件失败", - "failed_to_remove_job": "删除任务失败。", - "failed_to_rename_file": "Could not rename {{oldName}} to {{newName}}", - "failed_to_rescan_location": "重新扫描位置失败", - "failed_to_resume_job": "恢复任务失败。", - "failed_to_update_location_settings": "更新位置设置失败", - "favorite": "收藏", - "favorites": "收藏夹", - "feedback": "反馈", - "feedback_is_required": "反馈是必填项", - "feedback_login_description": "登录使我们能够回复您的反馈", - "feedback_placeholder": "您的反馈...", - "feedback_toast_error_message": "提交反馈时出错,请重试。", - "file_already_exist_in_this_location": "文件已存在于此位置", - "file_directory_name": "文件/目录名称", - "file_extension_description": "文件扩展名(例如 .mp4、.jpg、.txt)", - "file_from": "File {{file}} from {{name}}", - "file_indexing_rules": "文件索引规则", - "file_one": "file", - "file_picker_not_supported": "File picker not supported on this platform", - "file_two": "文件", - "file_zero": "文件", - "files_many": "files", - "filter": "筛选", - "filters": "过滤器", - "flash": "闪光", - "folder": "Folder", - "font": "Font", - "for_library": "For library {{name}}", - "forced": "被迫", - "forward": "前进", - "free_of": "自由的", - "from": "从", - "full_disk_access": "完全磁盘访问", - "full_disk_access_description": "为了提供最佳体验,我们需要访问您的磁盘以索引您的文件。您的文件只有您自己可以访问。", - "full_reindex": "完全重新索引", - "full_reindex_info": "执行对此位置的完全重新扫描。", - "general": "通用", - "general_settings": "通用设置", - "general_settings_description": "与此客户端相关的一般设置。", - "general_shortcut_description": "通用快捷键", - "generatePreviewMedia_label": "为这个位置生成预览媒体", - "generate_checksums": "生成校验和", - "gitignore": "git 忽略", - "glob_description": "全局(例如 **/.git)", - "go_back": "返回", - "go_to_labels": "转到标签", - "go_to_location": "前往地点", - "go_to_overview": "前往概览", - "go_to_recents": "转到最近的内容", - "go_to_settings": "前往设置", - "go_to_tag": "转到标签", - "got_it": "我知道了", - "grid_gap": "间隙", - "grid_view": "网格视图", - "grid_view_notice_description": "网格视图以缩略图形式显示文件和文件夹,以便直观、快速识别要寻找的文件。", - "hidden": "隐", - "hidden_label": "阻止位置及其内容出现在汇总分类、搜索和标签中,除非启用了“显示隐藏项目”。", - "hide_in_library_search": "在库搜索中隐藏", - "hide_in_library_search_description": "在搜索整个库时从结果中隐藏带有此标签的文件。", - "hide_in_sidebar": "在侧边栏中隐藏", - "hide_in_sidebar_description": "阻止此标签在应用的侧边栏中显示。", - "hide_location_from_view": "隐藏位置和内容的视图", - "hide_sidebar": "隐藏侧边栏", - "home": "我的文档", - "hosted_locations": "Hosted Locations", - "hosted_locations_description": "Augment your local storage with our cloud!", - "icon_size": "图标大小", - "image": "Image", - "image_labeler_ai_model": "图像标签识别 AI 模型", - "image_labeler_ai_model_description": "用于识别图像中对象的模型。较大的模型更准确但速度较慢。", - "import": "导入", - "incoming_spacedrop": "Incoming Spacedrop", - "indexed": "已索引", - "indexed_new_files": "Indexed new files {{name}}", - "indexer_rule_reject_allow_label": "默认情况下,索引器规则作为拒绝列表,排除与其匹配的任何文件。启用此选项将其变成允许列表,仅索引符合其规定规则的位置的文件。", - "indexer_rules": "索引器规则", - "indexer_rules_error": "Error while retrieving indexer rules", - "indexer_rules_info": "索引器规则允许您使用通配符指定要忽略的路径。", - "indexer_rules_not_available": "No indexer rules available", - "ingester": "同步接收器", - "ingester_description": "此过程接收接收到的云操作并将它们发送到主同步接收器。", - "injester_description": "此过程从 P2P 连接和 Spacedrive Cloud 获取同步操作,并将其应用到库。", - "install": "安装", - "install_update": "安装更新", - "installed": "已安装", - "invalid_extension": "无效的扩展名", - "invalid_glob": "无效的全局变量", - "invalid_name": "名称无效", - "invalid_path": "路径无效", - "ipv4_ipv6_listeners_error": "创建 IPv4 和 IPv6 监听器出错。请检查防火墙设置!", - "ipv4_listeners_error": "创建 IPv4 监听器出错。请检查防火墙设置!", - "ipv6": "IPv6网络", - "ipv6_description": "允许使用 IPv6 网络进行点对点通信", - "ipv6_listeners_error": "创建 IPv6 监听器时出错。请检查防火墙设置!", - "is": "是", - "is_not": "不是", - "item": "item", - "item_size": "项目大小", - "items": "项目", - "job_error_description": "作业已完成,但有错误。\n请参阅下面的错误日志以获取更多信息。\n如果您需要帮助,请联系支持人员并提供此错误。", - "job_has_been_canceled": "作业已取消。", - "job_has_been_paused": "作业已暂停。", - "job_has_been_removed": "作业已移除。", - "job_has_been_resumed": "作业已恢复。", - "join": "加入", - "join_discord": "加入 Discord", - "join_library": "加入一个资料库", - "join_library_description": "库是一个安全的,设备上的数据库。您的文件保持原位,库对其进行目录编制并存储所有Spacedrive相关数据。", - "key": "键位", - "key_manager": "密钥管理器", - "key_manager_description": "创建加密密钥,挂载和卸载密钥以即时查看解密文件。", - "keybinds": "快捷键", - "keybinds_description": "查看、管理客户端快捷键", - "keys": "密钥", - "kilometers": "千米", - "kind": "种类", - "kind_other": "种类", - "label": "标签", - "labels": "标签", - "language": "语言", - "language_description": "更改 Spacedrive 界面的语言", - "learn_more": "Learn More", - "learn_more_about_telemetry": "了解更多有关遥测的信息", - "less": "less", - "libraries": "库", - "libraries_description": "数据库包含所有库的数据和文件的元数据。", - "library": "库", - "library_bytes": "库大小", - "library_bytes_description": "图书馆中所有位置的总大小。", - "library_db_size": "索引大小", - "library_db_size_description": "图书馆数据库的大小。", - "library_name": "库名称", - "library_overview": "库概览", - "library_settings": "库设置", - "library_settings_description": "与当前活动库相关的一般设置。", - "light": "浅色", - "link": "链接", - "list_view": "列表视图", - "list_view_notice_description": "通过列表视图轻松导航您的文件和文件夹。这种视图以简单、有组织的列表形式显示文件,让您能够快速定位和访问所需文件。", - "loading": "正在加载", - "local": "本地", - "local_locations": "本地位置", - "local_node": "本地节点", - "location": "地点", - "location_added_successfully": "位置添加成功。", - "location_connected_tooltip": "位置正在监视变化", - "location_deleted_successfully": "位置删除成功。", - "location_disconnected_tooltip": "位置未被监视以检查更改", - "location_display_name_info": "此位置的名称,这是将显示在侧边栏的名称。不会重命名磁盘上的实际文件夹。", - "location_empty_notice_message": "这个地方空空如也", - "location_is_already_linked": "位置已经链接", - "location_other": "地点", - "location_path_info": "此位置的路径,这是文件在磁盘上的存储位置。", - "location_type": "位置类型", - "location_type_managed": "Spacedrive 将为您排序文件。如果位置不为空,将创建一个“spacedrive”文件夹。", - "location_type_normal": "内容将按原样索引,新文件不会自动排序。", - "location_type_replica": "此位置是另一个位置的副本,其内容将自动同步。", - "locations": "存储位置", - "locations_description": "管理您的存储位置。", - "lock": "锁定", - "lock_sidebar": "锁定侧边栏", - "log_in": "登录", - "log_in_with_browser": "使用浏览器登录", - "log_out": "退出登录", - "logged_in_as": "已登录为 {{email}}", - "logging_in": "正在登录...", - "logout": "退出登录", - "manage_library": "管理库", - "managed": "已管理", - "manual_peers": "手动添加对等点", - "manual_peers_description": "通过输入 IP 地址和端口来手动添加对等点。\n当无法自动发现时,这非常有用。", - "media": "媒体", - "media_view": "媒体视图", - "media_view_context": "媒体视图上下文", - "media_view_notice_description": "轻松发现照片和视频,媒体视图将从当前位置开始显示结果,包括子目录。", - "meet_contributors_behind_spacedrive": "结识 Spacedrive 背后的贡献者", - "meet_title": "了解{{title}}", - "mesh": "Mesh", - "miles": "英里", - "mode": "模式", - "model": "模型", - "modified": "已修改", - "more": "更多", - "more_actions": "更多操作…", - "more_info": "更多信息", - "move_back_within_quick_preview": "在快速预览中后退", - "move_files": "移动文件", - "move_forward_within_quick_preview": "在快速预览中前进", - "move_to_trash": "移到回收站(废纸篓)", - "my_sick_location": "My sick location", - "name": "名称", - "navigate_back": "回退", - "navigate_backwards": "向后导航", - "navigate_files_downwards": "向下导航文件", - "navigate_files_leftwards": "向左导航文件", - "navigate_files_rightwards": "向右导航文件", - "navigate_files_upwards": "向上导航文件", - "navigate_forward": "前进", - "navigate_forwards": "向前导航", - "navigate_to_settings_page": "导航到设置页面", - "network": "网络", - "network_page_description": "您的局域网上的其他Spacedrive节点将显示在这里,以及您的默认操作系统网络挂载。", - "network_settings": "网络设置", - "network_settings_advanced": "高级网络概述", - "network_settings_advanced_description": "有关当前网络设置的高级信息。", - "network_settings_description": "与网络和连接相关的设置。", - "networking": "网络", - "networking_error": "网络启动错误!", - "networking_port": "网络端口", - "networking_port_description": "Spacedrive 点对点网络通信使用的端口。除非您有防火墙来限制,否则应保持此项禁用。不要在互联网上暴露自己!", - "new": "新的", - "new_folder": "新文件夹", - "new_library": "新库", - "new_location": "新位置", - "new_location_web_description": "由于您正在使用Spacedrive的浏览器版本,您将(目前)需要指定远程节点本地目录的绝对URL。", - "new_tab": "新标签", - "new_tag": "新标签", - "new_update_available": "新版本可用!", - "no_apps_available": "没有可用的应用程序", - "no_favorite_items": "没有最喜欢的物品", - "no_git_files": "没有 Git 文件", - "no_hidden_files": "没有隐藏文件", - "no_items_found": "找不到任何项目", - "no_jobs": "没有任务。", - "no_labels": "无标签", - "no_nodes_found": "找不到 Spacedrive 节点.", - "no_search_selected": "未选择搜索", - "no_system_files": "没有系统文件", - "no_tag_selected": "没有选中的标签", - "no_tags": "没有标签", - "no_tags_description": "您还没有创建任何标签", - "node_name": "节点名称", - "nodes": "节点", - "nodes_description": "管理连接到此库的节点。节点是在设备或服务器上运行的Spacedrive后端的实例。每个节点都携带数据库副本,并通过点对点连接实时同步。", - "none": "无", - "normal": "普通", - "not_you": "不是您?", - "note": "Note", - "nothing_selected": "未选择任何内容", - "number_of_passes": "通过次数", - "object": "目的", - "object_id": "对象ID", - "off": "离开", - "offline": "离线", - "on": "在", - "online": "在线", - "only_images": "仅图像", - "open": "打开", - "open_file": "打开文件", - "open_in_new_tab": "在新标签页中打开", - "open_logs": "查看日志", - "open_new_location_once_added": "添加新位置后立即打开", - "open_new_tab": "打开新标签页", - "open_object": "打开对象", - "open_object_from_quick_preview_in_native_file_manager": "在本机文件管理器中从快速预览中打开对象", - "open_settings": "打开设置", - "open_with": "打开方式", - "opening_trash": "打开回收站", - "or": "或", - "overview": "概览", - "p2p_visibility": "P2P 可见性", - "p2p_visibility_contacts_only": "仅限联系人", - "p2p_visibility_description": "配置谁可以看到您的 Spacedrive 安装。", - "p2p_visibility_disabled": "关闭", - "p2p_visibility_everyone": "所有人", - "package": "Package", - "page": "页面", - "page_shortcut_description": "应用程序中的不同页面", - "pair": "配对", - "pairing_with_node": "正在与{{node}}配对", - "paste": "粘贴", - "paste_object": "粘贴对象", - "paste_success": "已粘贴项目", - "path": "路径", - "path_copied_to_clipboard_description": "位置{{location}}的路径已复制到剪贴板。", - "path_copied_to_clipboard_title": "路径已复制到剪贴板", - "path_to_save_do_the_thing": "Path to save when clicking 'Do the thing':", - "paths": "路径", - "pause": "暂停", - "paused": "已暂停", - "peers": "个端点", - "people": "人们", - "pin": "Pin", - "please_select_emoji": "请选择一个表情", - "prefix_a": "a", - "preview_media_bytes": "预览媒体", - "preview_media_bytes_description": "所有预览媒体文件(例如缩略图)的总大小。", - "privacy": "隐私", - "privacy_description": "Spacedrive是为隐私而构建的,这就是为什么我们是开源的,以本地优先。因此,我们会非常明确地告诉您与我们分享了什么数据。", - "queued": "排队", - "quick_preview": "快速预览", - "quick_rescan_started": "正在快速重新扫描目录。", - "quick_view": "快速查看", - "quickpreview_thumbnail_error_message": "无法加载全分辨率图像", - "quickpreview_thumbnail_error_tip": "无法找到图像。因此显示缩略图。", - "random": "随机的", - "receiver": "接收者", - "receiver_description": "该进程接收并存储来自 Spacedrive Cloud 的操作。", - "recent_jobs": "最近的作业", - "recents": "最近使用", - "recents_notice_message": "打开文件时会创建最近的文件。", - "regen_labels": "重新生成标签", - "regen_thumbnails": "重新生成缩略图", - "regenerate_thumbs": "重新生成缩略图", - "reindex": "重新索引", - "reject": "拒绝", - "reject_files": "Reject files", - "relay_listeners_error": "创建中继侦听器时出错。请检查您的防火墙设置!", - "reload": "重新加载", - "remote_access": "启用远程访问", - "remote_access_description": "使其他节点能够直接连接到该节点。", - "remote_identity": "远程身份", - "remove": "移除", - "remove_from_recents": "从最近使用中移除", - "rename": "重命名", - "rename_object": "重命名对象", - "replica": "副本", - "rescan": "重新扫描", - "rescan_directory": "重新扫描目录", - "rescan_location": "重新扫描位置", - "reset": "重置", - "reset_and_quit": "重置并退出应用程序", - "reset_confirmation": "您确定要重置 Spacedrive 吗?您的数据库将被删除。", - "reset_to_continue": "我们检测到您可能使用旧版本的 Spacedrive 创建了您的资料库。请重置以继续使用应用程序!", - "reset_warning": "您会丢失现有的所有 Spacedrive数据!", - "resolution": "解决", - "resources": "资源", - "restore": "恢复", - "resume": "恢复", - "retry": "重试", - "reveal_in_native_file_manager": "在本机文件管理器中显示", - "revel_in_browser": "在{{browser}}中显示", - "rules": "规则", - "running": "运行中", - "save": "保存", - "save_changes": "保存更改", - "save_search": "保存搜索", - "save_spacedrop": "保存 Spacedrop", - "saved_searches": "保存的搜索", - "screenshot": "屏幕截图", - "search": "搜索", - "search_extensions": "搜索扩展", - 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"switch_to_previous_tab": "切换到上一个标签页", - "sync": "同步", - "syncPreviewMedia_label": "将此位置的预览媒体与您的设备同步", - "sync_description": "管理 Spacedrive 的同步方式。", - "sync_with_library": "与资料库同步", - "sync_with_library_description": "如果启用,您的快捷方式将与资料库同步,否则它们只适用于此客户端。", - "system": "系统", - "tag": "标签", - "tag_other": "标签", - "tags": "标签", - "tags_description": "管理您的标签。", - "tags_notice_message": "没有项目分配给该标签。", - "task": "任务", - "task_other": "任务", - "telemetry_description": "启用以向开发者提供详细的使用情况和遥测数据来改善应用程序。禁用则将只发送基本数据:您的活动状态、应用版本、应用内核版本以及平台(例如移动端、web 端或桌面端)。", - "telemetry_title": "共享额外的遥测和使用数据", - "temperature": "温度", - "text": "文本", - "text_file": "文本文件", - "text_size": "文字大小", - "thank_you_for_your_feedback": "感谢您的反馈!", - "thumbnailer_cpu_usage": "缩略图生成器 CPU 使用", - "thumbnailer_cpu_usage_description": "限制缩略图生成器在后台处理时可以使用 CPU 的量。", - "to": "到", - "toggle_all": "切换全部", - "toggle_command_palette": "打开命令面板", - "toggle_hidden_files": "显示/隐藏文件", - "toggle_image_slider_within_quick_preview": "在快速预览中切换图像滑块", - "toggle_inspector": "切换检查器", - "toggle_job_manager": "切换任务管理器", - "toggle_metadata": "切换元数据", - "toggle_path_bar": "切换显示路径栏", - "toggle_quick_preview": "切换快速预览", - "toggle_sidebar": "打开/关闭侧边栏", - "tools": "工具", - "total_bytes_capacity": "总容量", - "total_bytes_capacity_description": "连接到资料库的所有节点的总容量。 在 Alpha 期间可能会显示不正确的值。", - "total_bytes_free": "可用空间", - "total_bytes_free_description": "连接到资料库的所有节点上的可用空间。", - "total_bytes_used": "总使用空间", - "total_bytes_used_description": "连接到资料库的所有节点上使用的总空间。", - "trash": "回收站", - "type": "类型", - "ui_animations": "用户界面动画", - "ui_animations_description": "打开和关闭时对话框和其他用户界面元素将产生动画效果。", - "unknown": "未知", - "unnamed_location": "未命名位置", - "update": "更新", - "update_downloaded": "更新已下载。重新启动 Spacedrive 以安装", - "updated_successfully": "成功更新,您当前使用的版本是 {{version}}", - "uploaded_file": "文件成功上传!", - "usage": "使用情况", - "usage_description": "您的库使用情况和硬件信息", - "vacuum": "清理", - "vacuum_library": "清理库", - "vacuum_library_description": "重新打包数据库以释放不必要的空间。", - "value": "值", 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"add_location_description": "通过将您喜爱的位置添加到个人库中,增强您的 Spacedrive 体验,以实现无缝高效的文件管理。", + "add_location_overview_description": "将本地路径、卷或网络位置连接到 Spacedrive。", + "add_location_tooltip": "将路径添加为索引", + "add_locations": "添加位置", + "add_tag": "添加标签", + "added_location": "已添加位置 {{name}}", + "adding_location": "添加位置 {{name}}", + "advanced": "高级", + "advanced_settings": "高级设置", + "album": "相册", + "alias": "别名", + "all_jobs_have_been_cleared": "所有任务皆已完成。", + "alpha_release_description": "感谢试用 Spacedrive。现在 Spacedrive 处于 Alpha 发布阶段,展示了激动人心的新功能。作为初始版本,它可能包含一些错误。我们恳请您在我们的 Discord 频道上反馈遇到的任何问题,您宝贵的反馈将有助于提升用户体验。", + "alpha_release_title": "Alpha 版本", + "app_crashed": "应用程序崩溃了", + "app_crashed_description": "出现了一些错误...", + "appearance": "外观", + "appearance_description": "调整客户端的外观。", + "apply": "申请", + "archive": "存档", + "archive_coming_soon": "存档位置功能即将推出……", + "archive_info": "将库中的数据作为存档提取,有利于保留位置的目录结构。", + "are_you_sure": "您确定吗?", + "ascending": "升序", + "ask_spacedrive": "询问 Spacedrive", + "assign_tag": "分配标签", + "audio": "音频", + "audio_preview_not_supported": "不支持音频预览。", + "auto": "自动", + "back": "返回", + "backfill_sync": "回填同步操作", + "backfill_sync_description": "库暂停直至回填完成", + "backups": "备份", + "backups_description": "管理您的 Spacedrive 数据库备份。", + "bitrate": "比特率", + "blur_effects": "模糊效果", + "blur_effects_description": "某些组件将应用模糊效果。", + "book": "书籍", + "cancel": "取消", + "cancel_selection": "取消选择", + "canceled": "取消", + "celcius": "摄氏度", + "change": "更改", + "change_view_setting_description": "更改默认资源管理器视图", + "changelog": "更新日志", + "changelog_page_description": "看看我们在开发哪些酷炫的新功能", + "changelog_page_title": "更新日志", + "checksum": "校验和", + "clear_finished_jobs": "清除已完成的任务", + "click_to_hide": "点击隐藏", + "click_to_lock": "点击锁定", + "client": "客户端", + "close": "关闭", + "close_command_palette": "关闭命令面板", + "close_current_tab": "关闭当前标签页", + "cloud": "云", + "cloud_connect_description": "您想将您的图书馆连接到云端吗?", + "cloud_drives": "云盘", + "cloud_sync": "云同步", + "cloud_sync_description": "管理将您的库与 Spacedrive Cloud 同步的流程", + "clouds": "云服务", + "code": "Code", + "collection": "Collection", + "color": "颜色", + "color_profile": "颜色配置文件", + "color_space": "色彩空间", + "coming_soon": "即将推出", + "completed": "已完成", + "completed_with_errors": "已完成但有错误", + "compress": "压缩", + "config": "配置文件", + "configure_location": "配置文件位置", + "confirm": "确认", + "Connect": "连接", + "connect_cloud": "连接到云", + "connect_cloud_description": "将您的云帐户连接到 Spacedrive。", + "connect_device": "连接设备", + "connect_device_description": "Spacedrive 在您的所有设备上都能发挥最佳效果。", + "connect_library_to_cloud": "将库连接到 Spacedrive Cloud", + "connected": "已连接", + "Connecting": "正在连接", + "connecting_library_to_cloud": "将库连接到 Spacedrive Cloud...", + "contacts": "联系人", + "contacts_description": "在 Spacedrive 中管理您的联系人。", + "contains": "包含", + "content_id": "内容ID", + "continue": "继续", + "convert_to": "转换为", + "coordinates": "坐标", + "copied": "已复制", + "copy": "复制", + "copy_as_path": "复制路径", + "copy_object": "复制对象", + "copy_path_to_clipboard": "复制路径到剪贴板", + 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+ "enable_relay_description": "启用中继服务器以允许您的设备通过公共互联网进行通信。", + "enable_sync": "启用同步", + "enable_sync_description": "为该库中的所有现有数据生成同步操作,并配置 Spacedrive 以在将来发生事情时生成同步操作。", + "enabled": "启用", + "encrypt": "加密", + "encrypt_library": "加密数据库", + "encrypt_library_coming_soon": "资料库加密即将推出", + "encrypt_library_description": "为数据库启用加密,这只会加密Spacedrive数据库,不会加密文件本身。", + "encrypted": "已加密", + "ends_with": "以... 结束", + "ephemeral_notice_browse": "直接从您的设备浏览您的文件和文件夹。", + "ephemeral_notice_consider_indexing": "考虑索引您本地的位置,以获得更快和更高效的浏览。", + "equals": "是", + "erase": "擦除", + "erase_a_file": "擦除一个文件", + "erase_a_file_description": "配置您的擦除设置。", + "error": "错误", + "error_loading_original_file": "加载原始文件出错", + "error_message": "错误: {{error}}.", + "executable": "应用程序", + "expand": "展开", + "explorer": "资源管理器", + "explorer_settings": "资源管理器设置", + "explorer_shortcut_description": "导航、与文件系统交互", + "explorer_view": "资源管理器视图", + "export": "导出", + "export_library": "导出库", + "export_library_coming_soon": "导出库功能即将推出", + 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"删除任务失败。", + "failed_to_rename_file": "不能将 {{oldName}} 重命名为 {{newName}}", + "failed_to_rescan_location": "重新扫描位置失败", + "failed_to_resume_job": "恢复任务失败。", + "failed_to_update_location_settings": "更新位置设置失败", + "favorite": "收藏", + "favorites": "收藏夹", + "feedback": "反馈", + "feedback_is_required": "反馈是必填项", + "feedback_login_description": "登录使我们能够回复您的反馈", + "feedback_placeholder": "您的反馈...", + "feedback_toast_error_message": "提交反馈时出错,请重试。", + "file_already_exist_in_this_location": "文件已存在于此位置", + "file_directory_name": "文件/目录名称", + "file_extension_description": "文件扩展名(例如 .mp4、.jpg、.txt)", + "file_from": "来自 {{name}} 的文件 {{file}}", + "file_indexing_rules": "文件索引规则", + "file_one": "file", + "file_picker_not_supported": "File picker不支持此设备", + "file_two": "文件", + "file_zero": "文件", + "files_many": "文件", + "filter": "筛选", + "filters": "过滤器", + "flash": "闪光", + "folder": "文件夹", + "font": "字体", + "for_library": "For library {{name}}", + "forced": "被迫", + "forward": "前进", + "free_of": "可用", + "from": "从", + "full_disk_access": "完全磁盘访问", + "full_disk_access_description": "为了提供最佳体验,我们需要访问您的磁盘以索引您的文件。您的文件只有您自己可以访问。", + "full_reindex": "完全重新索引", + "full_reindex_info": "执行对此位置的完全重新扫描。", + "general": "通用", + "general_settings": "通用设置", + "general_settings_description": "与此客户端相关的一般设置。", + "general_shortcut_description": "通用快捷键", + "generate_checksums": "生成校验和", + "generatePreviewMedia_label": "为这个位置生成预览媒体", + "gitignore": "gitignore文件", + "glob_description": "全局(例如 **/.git)", + "go_back": "返回", + "go_to_labels": "转到标签", + "go_to_location": "前往地点", + "go_to_overview": "前往概览", + "go_to_recents": "转到最近的内容", + "go_to_settings": "前往设置", + "go_to_tag": "转到标签", + "got_it": "我知道了", + "grid_gap": "间隙", + "grid_view": "网格视图", + "grid_view_notice_description": "网格视图以缩略图形式显示文件和文件夹,以便直观、快速识别要寻找的文件。", + "hidden": "隐", + "hidden_label": "阻止位置及其内容出现在汇总分类、搜索和标签中,除非启用了“显示隐藏项目”。", + "hide_in_library_search": "在库搜索中隐藏", + "hide_in_library_search_description": "在搜索整个库时从结果中隐藏带有此标签的文件。", + "hide_in_sidebar": "在侧边栏中隐藏", + "hide_in_sidebar_description": "阻止此标签在应用的侧边栏中显示。", + "hide_location_from_view": "隐藏位置和内容的视图", + "hide_sidebar": "隐藏侧边栏", + "home": "我的文档", + "hosted_locations": "Hosted Locations", + "hosted_locations_description": "使用我们的云服务增强你的本地储存", + "icon_size": "图标大小", + "image": "图像", + "image_labeler_ai_model": "图像标签识别 AI 模型", + "image_labeler_ai_model_description": "用于识别图像中对象的模型。较大的模型更准确但速度较慢。", + "import": "导入", + "incoming_spacedrop": "Spacedrop正在接收文件", + "indexed": "已索引", + "indexed_new_files": "Indexed new files {{name}}", + "indexer_rule_reject_allow_label": "默认情况下,索引器规则作为拒绝列表,排除与其匹配的任何文件。启用此选项将其变成允许列表,仅索引符合其规定规则的位置的文件。", + "indexer_rules": "索引器规则", + "indexer_rules_error": "索引索引器规则时出错", + "indexer_rules_info": "索引器规则允许您使用通配符指定要忽略的路径。", + "indexer_rules_not_available": "没有索引器规则", + "ingester": "同步接收器", + "ingester_description": "此过程接收接收到的云操作并将它们发送到主同步接收器。", + "injester_description": "此过程从 P2P 连接和 Spacedrive Cloud 获取同步操作,并将其应用到库。", + "install": "安装", + "install_update": "安装更新", + "installed": "已安装", + "invalid_extension": "无效的扩展名", + "invalid_glob": "无效的全局变量", + "invalid_name": "名称无效", + "invalid_path": "路径无效", + "ipv4_ipv6_listeners_error": "创建 IPv4 和 IPv6 监听器出错。请检查防火墙设置!", + "ipv4_listeners_error": "创建 IPv4 监听器出错。请检查防火墙设置!", + "ipv6": "IPv6网络", + "ipv6_description": "允许使用 IPv6 网络进行点对点通信", + "ipv6_listeners_error": "创建 IPv6 监听器时出错。请检查防火墙设置!", + "is": "是", + "is_not": "不是", + "item": "item", + "item_size": "图标大小", + "items": "项目", + "job_error_description": "作业已完成,但有错误。\n请参阅下面的错误日志以获取更多信息。\n如果您需要帮助,请联系支持人员并提供此错误。", + "job_has_been_canceled": "作业已取消。", + "job_has_been_paused": "作业已暂停。", + "job_has_been_removed": "作业已移除。", + "job_has_been_resumed": "作业已恢复。", + "join": "加入", + "join_discord": "加入 Discord", + "join_library": "加入一个资料库", + "join_library_description": "数据库将安全地存储在您地设备上。我们不会移动您的文件,仅仅对其进行索引,同时存储与 Spacedrive 相关的数据。", + "key": "键位", + "key_manager": "密钥管理器", + "key_manager_description": "创建加密密钥,挂载和卸载密钥以即时查看解密文件。", + "keybinds": "快捷键", + "keybinds_description": "查看、管理客户端快捷键", + "keys": "密钥", + "kilometers": "千米", + "kind": "种类", + "kind_other": "种类", + "label": "标签", + "labels": "标签", + "language": "语言", + "language_description": "更改 Spacedrive 界面的语言", + "learn_more": "Learn More", + "learn_more_about_telemetry": "了解更多有关遥测的信息", + "less": "less", + "libraries": "库", + "libraries_description": "数据库包含所有库的数据和文件的元数据。", + "library": "库", + "library_bytes": "库大小", + "library_bytes_description": "图书馆中所有位置的总大小。", + "library_db_size": "索引大小", + "library_db_size_description": "图书馆数据库的大小。", + "library_name": "库名称", + "library_overview": "库概览", + "library_settings": "库设置", + "library_settings_description": "与当前活动库相关的一般设置。", + "light": "浅色", + "link": "链接", + "list_view": "列表视图", + "list_view_notice_description": "通过列表视图轻松导航您的文件和文件夹。这种视图以简单、有组织的列表形式显示文件,让您能够快速定位和访问所需文件。", + "loading": "正在加载", + "local": "本地", + "local_locations": "本地位置", + "local_node": "本地节点", + "location": "地点", + "location_added_successfully": "位置添加成功。", + "location_connected_tooltip": "位置正在监视变化", + "location_deleted_successfully": "位置删除成功。", + "location_disconnected_tooltip": "位置未被监视以检查更改", + "location_display_name_info": "此位置的名称,这是将显示在侧边栏的名称。不会重命名磁盘上的实际文件夹。", + "location_empty_notice_message": "这个地方空空如也", + "location_is_already_linked": "位置已经链接", + "location_other": "文件位置", + "location_path_info": "此位置的路径,这是文件在磁盘上的存储位置。", + "location_type": "位置类型", + "location_type_managed": "Spacedrive 将为您排序文件。如果位置不为空,将创建一个“spacedrive”文件夹。", + "location_type_normal": "内容将按原样索引,新文件不会自动排序。", + "location_type_replica": "此位置是另一个位置的副本,其内容将自动同步。", + "locations": "存储位置", + "locations_description": "管理您的存储位置。", + "lock": "锁定", + "lock_sidebar": "锁定侧边栏", + "log_in": "登录", + "log_in_with_browser": "使用浏览器登录", + "log_out": "退出登录", + "logged_in_as": "已登录为 {{email}}", + "logging_in": "正在登录...", + "logout": "退出登录", + "manage_library": "管理库", + "managed": "已管理", + "manual_peers": "手动添加对等点", + "manual_peers_description": "通过输入 IP 地址和端口来手动添加对等点。\n当无法自动发现时,这非常有用。", + "media": "媒体", + "media_view": "媒体视图", + "media_view_context": "媒体视图上下文", + "media_view_notice_description": "轻松发现照片和视频,媒体视图将从当前位置开始显示结果,包括子目录。", + "meet_contributors_behind_spacedrive": "结识 Spacedrive 背后的贡献者", + "meet_title": "了解{{title}}", + "mesh": "Mesh", + "miles": "英里", + "mode": "模式", + "model": "模型", + "modified": "已修改", + "more": "更多", + "more_actions": "更多操作…", + "more_info": "更多信息", + "move_back_within_quick_preview": "在快速预览中后退", + "move_files": "移动文件", + "move_forward_within_quick_preview": "在快速预览中前进", + "move_to_trash": "移到回收站(废纸篓)", + "my_sick_location": "My sick location", + "name": "名称", + "navigate_back": "回退", + "navigate_backwards": "向后导航", + "navigate_files_downwards": "向下导航文件", + "navigate_files_leftwards": "向左导航文件", + "navigate_files_rightwards": "向右导航文件", + "navigate_files_upwards": "向上导航文件", + "navigate_forward": "前进", + "navigate_forwards": "向前导航", + "navigate_to_settings_page": "导航到设置页面", + "network": "网络", + "network_page_description": "您的局域网上的其他Spacedrive节点将显示在这里,以及您的默认操作系统网络挂载。", + "network_settings": "网络设置", + "network_settings_advanced": "高级网络概述", + "network_settings_advanced_description": "有关当前网络设置的高级信息。", + "network_settings_description": "与网络和连接相关的设置。", + "networking": "网络", + "networking_error": "网络启动错误!", + "networking_port": "网络端口", + "networking_port_description": "Spacedrive 点对点网络通信使用的端口。除非您有防火墙来限制,否则应保持此项禁用。不要在互联网上暴露自己!", + "new": "新的", + "new_folder": "新文件夹", + "new_library": "新库", + "new_location": "新位置", + "new_location_web_description": "由于您正在使用Spacedrive的浏览器版本,您将(目前)需要指定远程节点本地目录的绝对URL。", + "new_tab": "新标签", + "new_tag": "新标签", + "new_update_available": "新版本可用!", + "no_apps_available": "没有可用的应用程序", + "no_favorite_items": "没有最喜欢的物品", + "no_git_files": "没有 Git 文件", + "no_hidden_files": "没有隐藏文件", + "no_items_found": "找不到任何项目", + "no_jobs": "没有任务。", + "no_labels": "无标签", + "no_nodes_found": "找不到 Spacedrive 节点.", + "no_search_selected": "未选择搜索", + "no_system_files": "没有系统文件", + "no_tag_selected": "没有选中的标签", + "no_tags": "没有标签", + "no_tags_description": "您还没有创建任何标签", + "node_name": "节点名称", + "nodes": "节点", + "nodes_description": "管理连接到此库的节点。节点是在设备或服务器上运行的Spacedrive后端的实例。每个节点都携带数据库副本,并通过点对点连接实时同步。", + "none": "无", + "normal": "普通", + "not_you": "不是您?", + "note": "Note", + "nothing_selected": "未选择任何内容", + "number_of_passes": "通过次数", + "object": "目的", + "object_id": "对象ID", + "off": "离开", + "offline": "离线", + "on": "在", + "online": "在线", + "only_images": "仅图像", + "open": "打开", + "open_file": "打开文件", + "open_in_new_tab": "在新标签页中打开", + "open_logs": "查看日志", + "open_new_location_once_added": "添加新位置后立即打开", + "open_new_tab": "打开新标签页", + "open_object": "打开对象", + "open_object_from_quick_preview_in_native_file_manager": "在本机文件管理器中从快速预览中打开对象", + "open_settings": "打开设置", + "open_with": "打开方式", + "opening_trash": "打开回收站", + "or": "或", + "overview": "概览", + "p2p_visibility": "P2P 可见性", + "p2p_visibility_contacts_only": "仅限联系人", + "p2p_visibility_description": "配置谁可以看到您的 Spacedrive 安装。", + "p2p_visibility_disabled": "关闭", + "p2p_visibility_everyone": "所有人", + "package": "Package", + "page": "页面", + "page_shortcut_description": "应用程序中的不同页面", + "pair": "配对", + "pairing_with_node": "正在与{{node}}配对", + "paste": "粘贴", + "paste_object": "粘贴对象", + "paste_success": "已粘贴项目", + "path": "路径", + "path_copied_to_clipboard_description": "位置{{location}}的路径已复制到剪贴板。", + "path_copied_to_clipboard_title": "路径已复制到剪贴板", + "path_to_save_do_the_thing": "Path to save when clicking 'Do the thing':", + "paths": "路径", + "pause": "暂停", + "paused": "已暂停", + "peers": "个端点", + "people": "人们", + "pin": "Pin", + "please_select_emoji": "请选择一个表情", + "prefix_a": "a", + "preview_media_bytes": "预览媒体", + "preview_media_bytes_description": "所有预览媒体文件(例如缩略图)的总大小。", + "privacy": "隐私", + "privacy_description": "Spacedrive是为隐私而构建的,这就是为什么我们是开源的,以本地优先。因此,我们会非常明确地告诉您与我们分享了什么数据。", + "queued": "排队", + "quick_preview": "快速预览", + "quick_rescan_started": "正在快速重新扫描目录。", + "quick_view": "快速查看", + "quickpreview_thumbnail_error_message": "无法加载全分辨率图像", + "quickpreview_thumbnail_error_tip": "无法找到图像。因此显示缩略图。", + "random": "随机的", + "receiver": "接收者", + "receiver_description": "该进程接收并存储来自 Spacedrive Cloud 的操作。", + "recent_jobs": "最近的作业", + "recents": "最近使用", + "recents_notice_message": "打开文件时会创建最近的文件。", + "regen_labels": "重新生成标签", + "regen_thumbnails": "重新生成缩略图", + "regenerate_thumbs": "重新生成缩略图", + "reindex": "重新索引", + "reject": "拒绝", + "reject_files": "Reject files", + "relay_listeners_error": "创建中继侦听器时出错。请检查您的防火墙设置!", + "reload": "重新加载", + "remote_access": "启用远程访问", + "remote_access_description": "使其他节点能够直接连接到该节点。", + "remote_identity": "远程身份", + "remove": "移除", + "remove_from_recents": "从最近使用中移除", + "rename": "重命名", + "rename_object": "重命名对象", + "replica": "副本", + "rescan": "重新扫描", + "rescan_directory": "重新扫描目录", + "rescan_location": "重新扫描位置", + "reset": "重置", + "reset_and_quit": "重置并退出应用程序", + "reset_confirmation": "您确定要重置 Spacedrive 吗?您的数据库将被删除。", + "reset_to_continue": "我们检测到您可能使用旧版本的 Spacedrive 创建了您的资料库。请重置以继续使用应用程序!", + "reset_warning": "您会丢失现有的所有 Spacedrive数据!", + "resolution": "解决", + "resources": "资源", + "restore": "恢复", + "resume": "恢复", + "retry": "重试", + "reveal_in_native_file_manager": "在本机文件管理器中显示", + "revel_in_browser": "在{{browser}}中显示", + "rules": "规则", + "running": "运行中", + "save": "保存", + "save_changes": "保存更改", + "save_search": "保存搜索", + "save_spacedrop": "保存 Spacedrop", + "saved_searches": "保存的搜索", + "screenshot": "屏幕截图", + "search": "搜索", + "search_extensions": "搜索扩展", + "search_for_files_and_actions": "搜索文件和操作...", + "search_locations": "搜索地点", + "secure_delete": "安全删除", + "security": "安全", + "security_description": "确保您的客户端安全。", + "see_less": "更少", + "see_more": "更多", + "send": "发送", + "send_report": "发送报告", + "sender": "发件人", + "sender_description": "此过程将同步操作发送到 Spacedrive Cloud。", + "settings": "设置", + "setup": "设置", + "share": "分享", + "share_anonymous_usage": "分享匿名使用情况", + "share_anonymous_usage_description": "分享完全匿名的遥测数据,帮助开发者改进应用程序", + "share_bare_minimum": "分享最基本信息", + "share_bare_minimum_description": "只分享我是 Spacedrive 的活跃用户和一些技术细节", + "sharing": "共享", + "sharing_description": "管理有权访问您的库的人。", + "show_details": "显示详情", + "show_hidden_files": "显示隐藏文件", + "show_inspector": "显示检查员", + "show_object_size": "显示对象大小", + "show_path_bar": "显示路径栏", + "show_slider": "显示滑块", + "show_tags": "显示标签", + "size": "大小", + "size_b": "B", + "size_bs": "Bs", + "size_gb": "GB", + "size_gbs": "GBs", + "size_kb": "KB", + "size_kbs": "KBs", + "size_mb": "MB", + "size_mbs": "MB", + "size_tb": "TB", + "size_tbs": "TBs", + "skip_login": "跳过登录", + "software": "软件", + "sort_by": "排序依据", + "spacedrive_account": "Spacedrive 账户", + "spacedrive_cloud": "Spacedrive 云", + "spacedrive_cloud_description": "Spacedrive 始终优先重视本地资源,但我们未来会提供可选的自有云服务。目前,身份验证仅用于反馈功能。", + "spacedrop": "Spacedrop", + "spacedrop_a_file": "使用 Spacedrop 传输文件", + "spacedrop_already_progress": "Spacedrop 已在进行中", + "spacedrop_contacts_only": "仅限联系人", + "spacedrop_description": "与在您的网络上运行 Spacedrive 的设备即时共享。", + "spacedrop_disabled": "关闭", + "spacedrop_everyone": "所有人", + "spacedrop_rejected": "Spacedrop 被拒绝", + "square_thumbnails": "方形缩略图", + "star_on_github": "为我们点个Star吧", + "start": "开始", + "starting": "开始...", + "starts_with": "以...开始", + "stop": "停止", + "stopping": "正在停止...", + "success": "成功", + "support": "支持", + "switch_to_grid_view": "切换到网格视图", + "switch_to_list_view": "切换到列表视图", + "switch_to_media_view": "切换到媒体视图", + "switch_to_next_tab": "切换到下一个标签页", + "switch_to_previous_tab": "切换到上一个标签页", + "sync": "同步", + "sync_description": "管理 Spacedrive 的同步方式。", + "sync_with_library": "与资料库同步", + "sync_with_library_description": "如果启用,您的快捷方式将与资料库同步,否则它们只适用于此客户端。", + "syncPreviewMedia_label": "将此位置的预览媒体与您的设备同步", + "system": "系统", + "tag": "标签", + "tag_other": "标签", + "tags": "标签", + "tags_bulk_instructions": "点击标签并按下数字键为其编号,然后再选择文件并使用设定好的数字键为其快速分配标签", + "tags_description": "管理您的标签。", + "tags_notice_message": "没有项目分配给该标签。", + "task": "任务", + "task_other": "任务", + "telemetry_description": "启用以向开发者提供详细的使用情况和遥测数据来改善应用程序。禁用则将只发送基本数据:您的活动状态、应用版本、应用内核版本以及平台(例如移动端、web 端或桌面端)。", + "telemetry_title": "共享额外的遥测和使用数据", + "temperature": "温度", + "text": "文本", + "text_file": "文本文件", + "text_size": "文字大小", + "thank_you_for_your_feedback": "感谢您的反馈!", + "thumbnailer_cpu_usage": "缩略图生成器 CPU 使用", + "thumbnailer_cpu_usage_description": "限制缩略图生成器在后台处理时可以使用 CPU 的量。", + "to": "到", + "toggle_all": "切换全部", + "toggle_command_palette": "打开命令面板", + "toggle_hidden_files": "显示/隐藏文件", + "toggle_image_slider_within_quick_preview": "在快速预览中切换图像滑块", + "toggle_inspector": "切换检查器", + "toggle_job_manager": "切换任务管理器", + "toggle_metadata": "切换元数据", + "toggle_path_bar": "切换显示路径栏", + "toggle_quick_preview": "切换快速预览", + "toggle_sidebar": "打开/关闭侧边栏", + "tools": "工具", + "total_bytes_capacity": "总容量", + "total_bytes_capacity_description": "连接到资料库的所有节点的总容量。 在 Alpha 期间可能会显示不正确的值。", + "total_bytes_free": "可用空间", + "total_bytes_free_description": "连接到资料库的所有节点上的可用空间。", + "total_bytes_used": "总使用空间", + "total_bytes_used_description": "连接到资料库的所有节点上使用的总空间。", + "trash": "回收站", + "type": "类型", + "ui_animations": "用户界面动画", + "ui_animations_description": "打开和关闭时对话框和其他用户界面元素将产生动画效果。", + "unknown": "未知", + "unnamed_location": "未命名位置", + "update": "更新", + "update_downloaded": "更新已下载。重新启动 Spacedrive 以安装", + "updated_successfully": "成功更新,您当前使用的版本是 {{version}}", + "uploaded_file": "文件成功上传!", + "usage": "使用情况", + "usage_description": "您的库使用情况和硬件信息", + "vacuum": "清理", + "vacuum_library": "清理库", + "vacuum_library_description": "重新打包数据库以释放不必要的空间。", + "value": "值", + "value_required": "所需值", + "version": "版本 {{version}}", + "video": "视频", + "video_preview_not_supported": "不支持视频预览。", + "view_changes": "查看更改", + "want_to_do_this_later": "想稍后再做吗?", + "web_page_archive": "网页归档", + "website": "项目主页", + "widget": "小部件", + "with_descendants": "子目录", + "your_account": "您的账户", + "your_account_description": "Spacedrive 账号和信息。", + "your_local_network": "您的本地网络", + "your_privacy": "您的隐私", + "zoom": "缩放", + "zoom_in": "放大", + "zoom_out": "缩小" }