released this
13 Dec 19:17
[0.1.10] - 2019-12-13
Bump slicedimage to 4.1.1 (#1697 )
Make map/reduce APIs more intuitive (#1686 )
updates roadmap to reflect 2020H1 plans
adding aws scaling vignette (#1638 )
Use thresholded binarize and mask filtering in existing watershed code. (#1671 )
adding spot ids to pixel results (#1687 )
Implement Labeling algorithms (#1680 )
Thresholded binarize conversion algorithm (#1651 )
Area filter for binary masks (#1673 )
Fix stain generation in watershed (#1670 )
Use the new levels module. (#1669 )
Linear image leveling (#1666 )
add axis labels to display() (#1682 )
Clip method for Richardson Lucy (#1668 )
Filters for mask collections (#1659 )
Provide an apply method to binary mask collections. (#1655 )
adding convience method for slicing codebook data (#1626 )
Fix display tests and code (#1664 )
Additional builders for BinaryMaskCollection (#1637 )
Methods for uncropping binary masks. (#1647 )
Improve coordinate handling code for BinaryMaskCollection and LabelImage (#1632 )
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