Released February 6, 2019
Does this version...? | |
Fix security vulnerabilities? | no |
Change the database schema? | no |
Alter the API? | yes |
Require attention to configuration options? | no |
Fix problems installing or upgrading to a previous version? | yes |
Introduce features? | yes |
Fix bugs? | yes |
Support custom-data sub-type on entity-form (for activity/relationship types) (13311)
This change makes it so that users can see and edit custom data for entity sub-types (like activity types and relationship types).
dev/translation#13 Language switcher for all (13240)
This change introduces a new setting to the settings page for Localization "UI Languages" for users in monolingual mode (not using multilingual). Configuring this setting results in the Language Switcher block being shown (same as in multilingual mode).
dev/core#561 Replace jcalendar instances with datepicker (13241 and 13299) -- CONTINUED WORK
These changes update the Scheduled Reminders Form and the Activity date and case start date fields to use the new datepicker widget.
Improved support for case variability in UF API calls. (13343)
This change makes it so that the API will accept "UFgroup" and "ufgroup" as the entity.
Optimize CRM_Utils_String::ellipsify() method (13347)
This change improves performance for the function that truncates a string and adds an ellipsis on the end.
dev/core#564 Differentiate case relationships in Contact Summary page (13189)
On the Relationship tab of a contact, this change adds a case icon for each case relationship to denote that the relationship is related to a case. This icon is linked to the case so one can easily access the case from the relationship.
Cache case count when getting list of cases so query is executed once instead of three times (13368)
This change improves performance on the Case Dashboard when listing cases.
Add default of TRUE for is_active on PaymentProcessor.create api. (13291)
This change makes it so that when using the API with the entity Payment Processor and the action create, the parameter "is_active" defaults to TRUE like the UFGroup, CustomGroup, ComtributionPage entities do.
dev/core#695 Custom Search results selection failure and dev/core#679 Groups and Tags affect search results when using Search Builder (13533)
This resolves some search regressions introduced in 5.9.0 relating to caching and custom searches.
dev/core#192 - Search builder fails for != smart group filter (12344)
This change makes it so that when using the Search Builder with a filter "Contacts -> Group -> !- -> Smart group" the != operator is respected.
dev/core#485 New Organization's profile: From time to time data in the field "Website" is deleted if nothing choose in the drop-down "Website Type" (13170)
This change fixes a bug when editing a contact where if a user enters a Website but no Website Type, the Website was not saved, so that the website is saved.
dev/core#491 Report results don't show inactive campaigns (13380, 13321, 13341, 13281, 13231, 13243, 13358, 13379, 13376, 13356, 13348 and 13351)
This change updates the following reports: Member Summary, Pledged but not Paid, SYBUNT, Member Detail, Participant Listing, Pledge Detail, Contribution (org), Household Summary, and Soft Credit to include a filter for active vs disabled campaigns and generally simplifies the campaign related code on these reports.
dev/core#592 ArgumentCountError: Too few arguments to function CiviCRM_API3_Exception... (13263)
This change fixes a bug where an "ArgumntCountError" was being thrown whenever an error was thrown so that only the error is thrown.
dev/core#610 Page title displays twice if the activity type is set in Activity form (13339)
This change ensures that on the new or edit activity form the title is only shown once. Before this change if the Activity Type was set the title would show up twice.
dev/core#622 User Dashboard doesn't show Edit Contact Information link (13375)
This change makes it so that the Edit Contact information link displays on the User Dashboard.
dev/core#660 Fatal DB Error: already exists on event registration/contribution pages when profile has user creation (13451)
This change fixes a bug where if Anonymous users have ACLs to see a contact they cannot register for an event so that Anonymous users with ACLs to se a contact can register for events.
Fix PHP 7.2 countable warning (13414)
Bump Minimum Required PHP to be 5.6 (13309)
Fix PHP 7 strict warnings CRM_Core_DAO::getContactIDsFromComponent passed by reference (13295)
Generalise the UsersTableName Setting name to support Backdrop (13292)
Fix duplicate merge to not disregard zero values. (12669)
Search Builder fails with an error when searching for State if the location type differs from the display name. (13313)
Installer: PHP 7.2 compatibility fixes (13326)
This change fixes some php countable warnings thrown for users installing using PHP 7.2.
Export merge to household - fix DB error relating to fields too long for table. (13338)
This change fixes a fatal error when trying to combine/merge households and 'primary fields' on some mysql configs
Fix notice on first loading activity search form (13378)
Fix verbiage for Edit Contact Information title (13352)
On the User Dashboard this changes updates the link to edit a users contact from "Edit Relationship" to "Edit Contact Information".
Fix verbiage for Dashboard title (13349)
This change updates the "User Dashboard" "Relationships" section Dashboard links to use the title "Dashboard" instead of "Edit Relationship".
dev/core#454 CiviCase access to activities permission discrepancy (12995)
This change standardizes the permissioning of CiviCase so that users with the permission "access my cases and activities" or "access all cases and activities" can view appropriate case activities. Before this change the permissions needed to view case activities were inconsistent.
dev/core#603 DB error on Case Summary report (13296)
This fixes a bug where running the Case Summary Report with no changes to the default settigns would result in a warning message so that the default settings for the Case Summary Report result in the report running as expected.
dev/core#625 DB error on Case Summary report (13359)
This change fixes a bug in the Case Summary Report where running the report without the Columns "Staff Member" and "Relationship" but with a filter on "Active Relationships?" resulted in a DB Error so that one can run this report with this configuration.
Fix broken case activity date filter (13449)
This change fixes a bug on the Case Summary Screen where searching activities using the Activity Date filters (From or To) would result in a database error.
Standardize letter case (13245)
This change updates the text for the Case Task "Print/merge Document" to "Print/merge document".
Revert to showing overdue activities on a case first (13360)
Don't crash with missing class if action is not defined when opening new case (13336)
dev/core#680 "Date Received" for contributions no longer mandatory, also breaks financial transactions (13537)
dev/core#651 Error exporting contributions with soft credits (13536)
dev/core#620 Unable to show custom fields on Repeat Contributions Report (13350)
This change fixes a bug where selecting a custom field column on a Repeat Contributions report would result in an error so that one can use a custom field as a column in a Repeat Contributions report.
dev/core#621 Price field option 9 Decimal Places in GUI (13355)
This change makes it so that the "Option Amount" field on the "Edit Price Option" form shows only two decimal places, before this change it showed 9 decimal places.
Unable to mark price set field as inactive (13257)
This change ensures that when on the "Edit Price Field" form one can save changes to the "Active?" field.
Display self-service links in email receipts based on payment processor capabilities (13215)
On the Contribution Detail Report link the Amount field to the contribution (13316)
Declare 'amount' as required on ContributionRecur api (13290)
dev/core#653 New Events defaulting to event template after first page (13478)
This resolves a regression introduced in 5.9.0 where creating a new event would instead create a new event template.
[dev/report#5](CANNOT FIND THIS GITLAB ISSUE) - Fix mailing report unique count issue (13322)
This fixes the count when viewing the report of Unique Opens for a Mailing.
dev/mail#35 Public View link does not show from Scheduled and Sent screen (13354)
This change makes it so that one can click the Public View url on the Scheduled and Sent mailing screen.
dev/core#623 civicrm_mailing_bounce_type.threshold = 30 for 'Away' is that correct? (13366 and 13362)
This change ensures that the CiviMail mailing bounce threshold for bounces of the type "Away" is set to be 30, prior to this change some instances had the threshold set to 3.
- dev/joomla#3 Recipients are not shown when creating / editing mailings (13294)
dev/wordpress#16 Fatal error with some versions of PHP (143)
This fixes a bug where installing the CiviCRM plugin on a Wordpress site using PHP 7.2.12 would result in a fatal error.
(NFC) Fix PHP7.2 Count error on test testImportParserWtihEmployeeOfRelation… (13247)
(NFC) Update Copyright in FiveTen upgrade file to be 2019 (13268)
(NFC) Just some additional package metadata (13293)
(NFC) Improved documentation of crmPageTitle directive. (13337)
(NFC) Minor tweaks to docblocks on opencase form (13335)
Unit test for PR#12699 (13323)
Add in unit test to support changes in UF API in PR 13343 (13344)
(NFC) Tidy up comments, remove unused variables in customfield classes (13367)
Simplify handling for case checking. (13372)
[REF] Extract internals of Payment.create into function on BAO class. (13370)
[REF] Simplify CRM_Activity_BAO_Activity function by using early returns (13371)
[REF] Genericise function to add pseudoconstant data to fields to process (13328)
[REF] Add caching to function to determine if activity type is permitted. (13329)
[REF] Export add test for phone details, fix phone_type_id (13275)
[REF] Minor test clean up (13269)
[REF] Export cleanup - filter at point of query on postal exports (13216)
[REF] Build single array of information about output specifications when exporting (13213)
This release was developed by the following code authors:
AGH Strategies - Alice Frumin, Andie Hunt, Eli Lisseck; Andrew Thompson; Australian Greens - Seamus Lee; Christian Wach; CiviCoop - Klaas Eikelboom; CiviCRM - Coleman Watts, Tim Otten; CiviDesk - Sunil Pawar, Yashodha Chaku; CompuCorp - Davi Alexandre, Vinu Varshith Sekar; Coop SymbioTIC - Mathieu Lutfy; Electronic Frontier Foundation - Mark Burdett; Francesc Bassas i Bullich; Fuzion - Jitendra Purohit; Ginkgo Street Labs - Frank Gómez; iXiam - Luciano Spiegel; JMA Consulting - Monish Deb; MillerTech - Chamil Wijesooriya; MJW Consulting - Matthew Wire; Ray Wright; Squiffle Consulting - Aidan Saunders; Tadpole Collective - Kevin Cristiano; Veda Consulting - Mathavan Veeramuthu; Wikimedia Foundation - Eileen McNaughton
Most authors also reviewed code for this release; in addition, the following reviewers contributed their comments:
Blackfly Solutions - Alan Dixon; Circle Interactive - Dave Jenkins; Fuzion - Peter Davis; JMA Consulting - Joe Murray; John Kingsnorth; Joinery - Allen Shaw; Lighthouse Design and Consulting - Brian Shaughnessy; Megaphone Technology Consulting - Jon Goldberg; Nicol Wistreich; Richard van Oosterhout; Skvare - Mark Hanna; Systopia - Björn Endres
These release notes are edited by Alice Frumin and Andie Hunt. If you'd like
to provide feedback on them, please log in to
and contact @agh1