Released November 6, 2024
Does this version...? | |
Fix security vulnerabilities? | no |
Change the database schema? | yes |
Alter the API? | yes |
Require attention to configuration options? | no |
Fix problems installing or upgrading to a previous version? | no |
Introduce features? | yes |
Fix bugs? | yes |
Add timestamp as a crmDate option (31110)
Adds timestamp as a crmDate option.
Transactional Authentication (Page-level auth tokens) (dev/core#4462: 31151 and 30585)
Improves the support for transactional approaches in the authentication framework.
SearchKit - Improve appearance and usability of pager (31026)
Improves the appearance and usability of the searchkit pager.
SearchKit - Hierarchical entity displays (31189)
Makes it possible to visualize nested hierarchies in search display tables.
SearchKit - Selectable option-value format (31100)
Improves the user experience of SearchKit option-value select format.
ChartKit - add week as a date rounding option (31138)
Adds week as an additional rounding bucket option for Datetime columns.
ChartKit - add new chart type: Series Chart (31133)
Adds additional chart kit chart type Series Chart.
Allow disabling household contact type (dev/core#4470: 31165)
Makes it so users can disable the household contact type.
Schema - Add support for default_callback functions (31172, 31204 and 31202)
Makes entity create functions more metadata-driven by allowing a callback to supply field default values.
Add Regions to the Case View template (31164)
Adds regions to the CiviCase view template.
Create a Joomla 5 build (30367)
Adds a joomla 5 dismaker dist.
Standalone multifactor authentication (31130)
Adds time-based one-time password implementation (TOTP) for standalone, and optionally require it.
Add renamed PHPGangsta TOTP authenticator for Standalone (415)
Adds the package used by Drupal (7)'s tfa_basic module for TOTP. It's a generic library and compatible with popular apps like many open source OTP systems + Google Authenticator.
standalone: remove unecessary config page; use settings schema better for MFA (31154)
Improves settings page for MultiFactor autorization options.
Standalone: Getting public extensions directory is not available - intermittently (dev/core#5455: 31112)
SearchKit role-permissions screen unusably slow (dev/core#4840: 31162)
Improves performance of the searchkit role permissions screen on standalone.
Standalone - allow creating a homepage at
(31093)Enables creating a Standalone homepage at /civicrm/home.
Notify updates to unapproved extensions (dev/core#3035: 31061)
Ensures the System Status page shows available updates for all extensions that are listed on
SearchKit: Include displays when cloning searches (dev/core#3880: 31200)
Improves SearchKit by adding the ability to clone displays.
By default, installer should synchronize users<=>contacts (dev/core#5434: 31046)
Admin UI extension: Can't view job log (dev/core#5460: 31119)
Search kit: for an event/ event location, the labels for the fields street and the city are not present anymore in a search but they have been probably moved to Location address (dev/core#5467: 31210)
Searchkit/ totals: totals (count, ...) do not work when the field is set to "label" (it has to be "Raw value") (dev/core#5476: 31207)
iconPicker - Fix initial height (31199)
extensionsDir setting broken (dev/core#5484: 31215)
export batch fatal error with smarty 5 (dev/core#5489: 31184)
Contribution totals broken by nofilter in Smarty 2 if statements (dev/core#5506: 31231)
Inline email block on contact summary screen fails to load using smarty 2 (dev/core#5507: 31238)
SearchKit - JS cleanup, use const for constants (31168)
SearchKit - Format footer tally values according to data type (30780)
SearchKit - Hide tally loading placholders when search hasn't run yet (31108)
SearchKit - Show 'label' for autocomplete displays (31058)
ChartKit - fix legend item vertical alignment on Chrome (31126)
Afform - Restore token listing (31224)
Remove the top-page on search results, tweak qill display (31187)
Localization form - use arrayified var for currencyLimit (31217)
Api4 - Prefer @primaryKey annotation in BasicEntity (31159)
RolePermission - Ensure implied permissions cascade > 1 depth (31191)
Update warning shown when installing unreviewed extensions (31144)
Pseudoconstant - Improve currency dropdowns & use non-deprecated functions (31076)
Use SettingsManager for boot time settings to enable reading from environment variables (30533)
Visual bundle consolidation / cleanup (30796)
respect Custom Group collapse on Activity and Case search forms (31129)
Scales login box padding down at smaller screen widths (31115)
extdir: remove cms=uf parameter to reduce the number of cache entries (31113)
WebsiteType - Delete branded website-type options that are not in use (31135)
Stop including vine as a website type on new installs (31092)
API4: Abstract resolveContactID and ensure that formatCustomField receives a valid contact ID (31048)
Schema - Add 'default_fallback' for fields (31096)
Schema - Make 'multiple' input_attr a true boolean (31132)
Display Preferences screen - use settings metadata as much as possible (31106)
Add missing help text for mailer settings screen (31120)
AllCoreTables - allow multiple entities per table when filtering out tableless entities. (31099)
Avoid JS error when user does not have permission to save the template (31136)
Fix implicit TIMESTAMP default generating invalid DDL (31006)
SqlGenerator - Always specify NULL or NOT NULL in DDL (31206)
EntityMetadata - Implement getOptions method (30986)
ext/*/info.xml - Use a short expressions instead of constantly revising files (31183)
don't do install requirements check on every status check (100)
properly merge NULL into custom money field (31124)
composer.lock hash out of date (31143)
SettingsField.tpl - move help swatch next to label (31107)
Aren't links supposed to be in quotes? (31091)
Fix formatting of empty array for custom fields with html_type
(30833) -
fix for displaying submission data (31049)
Batch - Update deprecated pseudocontant getter calls (31090)
Batch - Fix default values of columns (31177)
Civi::url() - Multiple fixes and test improvements (31008)
fix 'invalid character in regex' error (31118)
sybunt report cleanup (31145)
AllCoreTables - Handle tableless and classless entities without crashing (31079)
Update pseudoconstant getters to avoid deprecated function (31081)
PHP8 - Fix undeclared var in batch form (31173)
fix using REGEXP with contact ID (31040)
Notice fix (31194)
Move 'Manage Custom Searches' menu item to extension (31067)
- CiviCampaign - Update metadata defaults to use best-practices (31203)
- FormBuilder: CiviCase submissions working but receiving error on front-end (dev/core#5411: 31117)
Invoice message template additional text is squished (31088)
FinancialType table is missing a translatable Label field (dev/core#5419: 31116 and 31182)
Financial Type label should be required in form (31235)
Don't clobber financial label changes if upgrade is rerun (31166)
[ext/financialacls] Add constraint for
in SQL clause for unavailable financial types (30877)
Event Settings: rename labels for public listing, calendar links (31141)
Move template selection field when adding a new event to the top (31174)
Event Register: tweak statusBounce on some error messages (31140)
Event Info Block outputs contact details section even when empty (dev/core#5468: 31122)
- CiviGrant - Translate untranslated strings in mgd.php files (31070)
- Mailing Report: call mailingSize only if the queue is empty (31188)
Use a static var for initialized guard for Drupal\civicrm\Civicrm
(101) -
D7 Views - Update some deprecated pseudoconstant function calls (688)
standalone: Fix Drupal7 password algorithm (31075)
standalone: minor fixes (31078)
standalone: Add status messages to public output tpl (31152)
Standalone login screen: tidies padding, input height, label margin, fixes duplicate semi-colon (31102)
Update ContrabutionPage schema/bao to use best-practices (31205)
Update hook_civicrm_entityTypes docblock to match updated dev docs (31071)
Annotate CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::get as @deprecated (31080)
Schema - IDE-friendly formatting of callbacks (31178)
ManagedEntities - Remove unused function (31121)
Remove last core usage of hook_tokens (31218)
Remove some legacy copy & paste from mailing labels (31156)
Remove extraneous angular module dependency from chart_kit (31123)
Remove a couple of CRM_Core_DAO::$_nullObject (31084)
Activity - Remove unused variables (31077)
Delete a dinosaur (31066)
Remove code noisly deprecated March 2023 (31222)
[REF] Fix fatal error about converting object of class CRM_Core_Config to string in template (31219)
REF: Simplify processMembership function on membership renewal form (30774)
[REF] use null-coalescing assignment for CRM_Extension_System parameter defaults (31214)
[REF] Replace create with writeRecord in Group (31095)
[REF] Accessiblity fix - empty form label on new individual form (30675)
(REF) CRM_Core_Invoke - Cleanup old experiment circa Symfony 2 (31060)
[NFC] Api4 - Settings test code cleanup (31201)
[NFC] Fix some references to old exception aliases in code comments (31137)
SearchKit - Test fix (31212)
Add Unit test to demonstrate & remove code cruft (31193)
Add unit test for getDuplicates behaviour on Register task (31148)
This release was developed by the following code authors:
AGH Strategies - Alice Frumin; Agileware - Iris; Artful Robot - Rich Lott; Asylum Seekers Centre; Benjamin W; BrightMinded Ltd - Bradley Taylor; CiviCRM - Coleman Watts, Josh Gowans, Tim Otten; Coop SymbioTIC - Mathieu Lutfy, Shane Bill; Dave D; Greenpeace Central and Eastern Europe - Patrick Figel; Jens Schuppe; JMA Consulting - Monish Deb, Seamus Lee; Megaphone Technology Consulting - Jon Goldberg; MJW Consulting - Matthew Wire; Nicol Wistreich; Progressive Technology Project - Jamie McClelland; Third Sector Design - Kurund Jalmi, William Mortada; Wikimedia Foundation - Eileen McNaughton
Most authors also reviewed code for this release; in addition, the following reviewers contributed their comments:
AGH Strategies - Chris Garaffa; Agileware - Justin Freeman; Andy Burns; CiviDesk - Yashodha Chaku; Fuzion - Luke Stewart, Peter Davis; gibsonoliver; Greenleaf Advancement - Guy Iaccarino; Guydn; Joinery - Allen Shaw; Lemniscus - Noah Miller; Squiffle Consulting - Aidan Saunders; Systopia - Johannes Franz; Tadpole Collective - Kevin Cristiano; Third Sector Design - Michael McAndrew;
These release notes are edited by Alice Frumin and Andie Hunt. If you'd like
to provide feedback on them, please log in to
and contact @agh1