diff --git a/a00101.html b/a00101.html index 083ac8fa..42663842 100644 --- a/a00101.html +++ b/a00101.html @@ -270,43 +270,43 @@

359  def constructBBOXQuerySegment(triplestoreconf,bboxpoints,widthm=None,curquery=None):
360  if "bboxquery" in triplestoreconf and \
361  triplestoreconf["bboxquery"]["type"] == "geosparql":
362  filterstatement=triplestoreconf["bboxquery"][
363  "query"].replace("%%x1%%", str(bboxpoints[0].asPoint().x())).replace("%%x2%%",str(bboxpoints[2].asPoint().x())).replace(
364  "%%y1%%", str(bboxpoints[0].asPoint().y())).replace("%%y2%%", str(bboxpoints[2].asPoint().y())) + "\n"
365  if curquery!=None:
366  return curquery[0:curquery.rfind('}')] + filterstatement + curquery[curquery.rfind('}') + 1:]
367  else:
368  return filterstatement
369  elif "bboxquery" in triplestoreconf and \
370  triplestoreconf["bboxquery"]["type"] == "minmax":
371  filterstatement=triplestoreconf["bboxquery"][
372  "query"].replace("%%minPoint%%", bboxpoints[1].asWkt()).replace("%%maxPoint%%", bboxpoints[3].asWkt())
373  if curquery!=None:
374  curquery = curquery[0:curquery.rfind('}')] + filterstatement + curquery[curquery.rfind('}') + 1:]
375  return curquery
376  else:
377  return filterstatement
378  elif "bboxquery" in triplestoreconf and \
379  triplestoreconf["bboxquery"]["type"] == "pointdistance":
380  filterstatement=triplestoreconf["bboxquery"][
381  "query"].replace("%%lat%%", str(bboxpoints[0].asPoint().y())).replace("%%lon%%",str(bboxpoints[0].asPoint().x())).replace("%%distance%%", str(widthm / 1000))
382  if curquery!=None:
383  return curquery[0:curquery.rfind('}')] + filterstatement + curquery[curquery.rfind('}') + 1:]
384  else:
385  return filterstatement
386  else:
387  geosparqltemplate="FILTER(<http://www.opengis.net/def/function/geosparql/sfIntersects>(?geo,\"POLYGON((%%x1%% %%y1%%, %%x1%% %%y2%%, %%x2%% %%y2%%, %%x2%% %%y1%%, %%x1%% %%y1%%))\"^^<http://www.opengis.net/ont/geosparql#wktLiteral>))"
388  filterstatement=geosparqltemplate.replace("%%x1%%", str(bboxpoints[0].asPoint().x())).replace("%%x2%%",
389  str(bboxpoints[2].asPoint().x())).replace(
390  "%%y1%%", str(bboxpoints[0].asPoint().y())).replace("%%y2%%",str(bboxpoints[2].asPoint().y())) + "\n"
391  if curquery!=None:
392  return curquery[0:curquery.rfind('}')] + filterstatement + curquery[curquery.rfind('}') + 1:]
393  else:
394  return filterstatement
361  def constructBBOXQuerySegment(triplestoreconf,bboxpoints,widthm=None,curquery=None):
362  if "bboxquery" in triplestoreconf and \
363  triplestoreconf["bboxquery"]["type"] == "geosparql":
364  filterstatement=triplestoreconf["bboxquery"][
365  "query"].replace("%%x1%%", str(bboxpoints[0].asPoint().x())).replace("%%x2%%",str(bboxpoints[2].asPoint().x())).replace(
366  "%%y1%%", str(bboxpoints[0].asPoint().y())).replace("%%y2%%", str(bboxpoints[2].asPoint().y())) + "\n"
367  if curquery!=None:
368  return curquery[0:curquery.rfind('}')] + filterstatement + curquery[curquery.rfind('}') + 1:]
369  else:
370  return filterstatement
371  elif "bboxquery" in triplestoreconf and \
372  triplestoreconf["bboxquery"]["type"] == "minmax":
373  filterstatement=triplestoreconf["bboxquery"][
374  "query"].replace("%%minPoint%%", bboxpoints[1].asWkt()).replace("%%maxPoint%%", bboxpoints[3].asWkt())
375  if curquery!=None:
376  curquery = curquery[0:curquery.rfind('}')] + filterstatement + curquery[curquery.rfind('}') + 1:]
377  return curquery
378  else:
379  return filterstatement
380  elif "bboxquery" in triplestoreconf and \
381  triplestoreconf["bboxquery"]["type"] == "pointdistance":
382  filterstatement=triplestoreconf["bboxquery"][
383  "query"].replace("%%lat%%", str(bboxpoints[0].asPoint().y())).replace("%%lon%%",str(bboxpoints[0].asPoint().x())).replace("%%distance%%", str(widthm / 1000))
384  if curquery!=None:
385  return curquery[0:curquery.rfind('}')] + filterstatement + curquery[curquery.rfind('}') + 1:]
386  else:
387  return filterstatement
388  else:
389  geosparqltemplate="FILTER(<http://www.opengis.net/def/function/geosparql/sfIntersects>(?geo,\"POLYGON((%%x1%% %%y1%%, %%x1%% %%y2%%, %%x2%% %%y2%%, %%x2%% %%y1%%, %%x1%% %%y1%%))\"^^<http://www.opengis.net/ont/geosparql#wktLiteral>))"
390  filterstatement=geosparqltemplate.replace("%%x1%%", str(bboxpoints[0].asPoint().x())).replace("%%x2%%",
391  str(bboxpoints[2].asPoint().x())).replace(
392  "%%y1%%", str(bboxpoints[0].asPoint().y())).replace("%%y2%%",str(bboxpoints[2].asPoint().y())) + "\n"
393  if curquery!=None:
394  return curquery[0:curquery.rfind('}')] + filterstatement + curquery[curquery.rfind('}') + 1:]
395  else:
396  return filterstatement
@@ -333,29 +333,29 @@

606  def detectGeoLiteralType(literal):
607  try:
608  geom = QgsGeometry.fromWkt(literal)
609  return "wkt"
610  except:
611  print("no wkt")
612  try:
613  geom = QgsGeometry.fromWkb(bytes.fromhex(literal))
614  return "wkb"
615  except:
616  print("no wkb")
617  try:
618  json.loads(literal)
619  return "geojson"
620  except:
621  print("no geojson")
622  try:
623  ogr.CreateGeometryFromGML(literal)
624  return "gml"
625  except:
626  print("no geojson")
627  return ""
608  def detectGeoLiteralType(literal):
609  try:
610  geom = QgsGeometry.fromWkt(literal)
611  return "wkt"
612  except:
613  print("no wkt")
614  try:
615  geom = QgsGeometry.fromWkb(bytes.fromhex(literal))
616  return "wkb"
617  except:
618  print("no wkb")
619  try:
620  json.loads(literal)
621  return "geojson"
622  except:
623  print("no geojson")
624  try:
625  ogr.CreateGeometryFromGML(literal)
626  return "gml"
627  except:
628  print("no geojson")
629  return ""
@@ -382,9 +382,9 @@

602  def detectLiteralTypeByURI(literal):
603  return ""
604  def detectLiteralTypeByURI(literal):
605  return ""
@@ -429,96 +429,96 @@

Executes a SPARQL query using RDFlib, with or without credentials and tries GET and POST query methods and uses proxy settings.

398  def executeQuery(triplestoreurl, query,triplestoreconf=None):
399  results=False
400  SPARQLUtils.exception = None
401  QgsMessageLog.logMessage(str(triplestoreurl), MESSAGE_CATEGORY, Qgis.Info)
402  if triplestoreurl["type"]=="endpoint":
403  s = QSettings() # getting proxy from qgis options settings
404  proxyEnabled = s.value("proxy/proxyEnabled")
405  proxyType = s.value("proxy/proxyType")
406  proxyHost = s.value("proxy/proxyHost")
407  proxyPort = s.value("proxy/proxyPort")
408  proxyUser = s.value("proxy/proxyUser")
409  proxyPassword = s.value("proxy/proxyPassword")
410  if proxyHost != None and proxyHost != "" and proxyPort != None and proxyPort != "":
411  QgsMessageLog.logMessage('Proxy? ' + str(proxyHost), MESSAGE_CATEGORY, Qgis.Info)
412  proxy = urllib.request.ProxyHandler({'http': proxyHost})
413  opener = urllib.request.build_opener(proxy)
414  urllib.request.install_opener(opener)
415  QgsMessageLog.logMessage('Started task "{}"'.format(query.replace("<","").replace(">","")), MESSAGE_CATEGORY, Qgis.Info)
416  sparql = SPARQLWrapper(triplestoreurl["url"])
417  if triplestoreconf!=None and "auth" in triplestoreconf and "userCredential" in triplestoreconf["auth"] \
418  and triplestoreconf["auth"]["userCredential"]!="" \
419  and "userPassword" in triplestoreconf["auth"] \
420  and triplestoreconf["auth"]["userPassword"] != None:
421  #QgsMessageLog.logMessage('Credentials? ' + str(triplestoreconf["auth"]["userCredential"])+" "+str(triplestoreconf["auth"]["userPassword"]), MESSAGE_CATEGORY, Qgis.Info)
422  if "method" in triplestoreconf["auth"] and triplestoreconf["auth"]["method"] in SPARQLUtils.authmethods:
423  sparql.setHTTPAuth(SPARQLUtils.authmethods[triplestoreconf["auth"]["method"]])
424  else:
425  sparql.setHTTPAuth(BASIC)
426  sparql.setCredentials(triplestoreconf["auth"]["userCredential"], triplestoreconf["auth"]["userPassword"])
427  sparql.setQuery(query)
428  sparql.setMethod(GET)
429  sparql.setReturnFormat(JSON)
430  try:
431  if len(query)>2000:
432  raise Exception
433  results = sparql.queryAndConvert()
434  QgsMessageLog.logMessage("Result: QUERY FINISHED WITH RESULTS", MESSAGE_CATEGORY, Qgis.Info)
435  #QgsMessageLog.logMessage("Result: " + str(results), MESSAGE_CATEGORY, Qgis.Info)
436  if isinstance(results,dict) and "status_code" in results:
437  #QgsMessageLog.logMessage("Result: " + str(results), MESSAGE_CATEGORY, Qgis.Info)
438  raise Exception
439  except Exception as e:
440  try:
441  sparql = SPARQLWrapper(triplestoreurl["url"],agent="Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.11 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/23.0.1271.64 Safari/537.11")
442  sparql.setQuery(query)
443  if triplestoreconf != None and "auth" in triplestoreconf and "userCredential" in triplestoreconf["auth"] \
444  and triplestoreconf["auth"]["userCredential"] != "" \
445  and "userPassword" in triplestoreconf["auth"] \
446  and triplestoreconf["auth"]["userPassword"] != None:
447  #QgsMessageLog.logMessage(
448  # 'Credentials? ' + str(triplestoreconf["auth"]["userCredential"]) + " " + str(
449  # triplestoreconf["auth"]["userPassword"]), MESSAGE_CATEGORY, Qgis.Info)
450  if "method" in triplestoreconf["auth"] and triplestoreconf["auth"][
451  "method"] in SPARQLUtils.authmethods:
452  sparql.setHTTPAuth(SPARQLUtils.authmethods[triplestoreconf["auth"]["method"]])
453  else:
454  sparql.setHTTPAuth(BASIC)
455  sparql.setCredentials(triplestoreconf["auth"]["userCredential"],
456  triplestoreconf["auth"]["userPassword"])
457  sparql.setMethod(POST)
458  sparql.setReturnFormat(JSON)
459  results = sparql.queryAndConvert()
460  QgsMessageLog.logMessage("Result: QUERY FINISHED WITH RESULTS", MESSAGE_CATEGORY, Qgis.Info)
461  #QgsMessageLog.logMessage("Result: " + str(results), MESSAGE_CATEGORY, Qgis.Info)
462  if isinstance(results,dict) and "status_code" in results:
463  SPARQLUtils.exception = str(results)
464  raise Exception
465  except:
466  QgsMessageLog.logMessage("Exception: " + str(e), MESSAGE_CATEGORY, Qgis.Info)
467  SPARQLUtils.exception=str(e)
468  if "OntopUnsupportedInputQueryException: The expression Exists" in str(e):
469  return "Exists error"
470  return False
471  else:
472  graph=triplestoreurl["instance"]
473  QgsMessageLog.logMessage("Graph: " + str(triplestoreurl), MESSAGE_CATEGORY, Qgis.Info)
474  QgsMessageLog.logMessage("Query: " + str(query).replace("<", "").replace(">", ""), MESSAGE_CATEGORY, Qgis.Info)
475  if graph!=None:
476  if "CONSTRUCT" in str(query):
477  results = graph.query(query)
478  resg = Graph()
479  for res in results:
480  resg.add(res)
481  results=resg
482  else:
483  results=json.loads(graph.query(query).serialize(format="json"))
484  QgsMessageLog.logMessage("Result: " + str(results)+" triples", MESSAGE_CATEGORY, Qgis.Info)
485  #QgsMessageLog.logMessage("Result: " + str(len(results))+" triples", MESSAGE_CATEGORY, Qgis.Info)
486  return results
400  def executeQuery(triplestoreurl, query,triplestoreconf=None):
401  results=False
402  SPARQLUtils.exception = None
403  QgsMessageLog.logMessage(str(triplestoreurl), MESSAGE_CATEGORY, Qgis.Info)
404  if triplestoreurl["type"]=="endpoint":
405  s = QSettings() # getting proxy from qgis options settings
406  proxyEnabled = s.value("proxy/proxyEnabled")
407  proxyType = s.value("proxy/proxyType")
408  proxyHost = s.value("proxy/proxyHost")
409  proxyPort = s.value("proxy/proxyPort")
410  proxyUser = s.value("proxy/proxyUser")
411  proxyPassword = s.value("proxy/proxyPassword")
412  if proxyHost != None and proxyHost != "" and proxyPort != None and proxyPort != "":
413  QgsMessageLog.logMessage('Proxy? ' + str(proxyHost), MESSAGE_CATEGORY, Qgis.Info)
414  proxy = urllib.request.ProxyHandler({'http': proxyHost})
415  opener = urllib.request.build_opener(proxy)
416  urllib.request.install_opener(opener)
417  QgsMessageLog.logMessage('Started task "{}"'.format(query.replace("<","").replace(">","")), MESSAGE_CATEGORY, Qgis.Info)
418  sparql = SPARQLWrapper(triplestoreurl["url"])
419  if triplestoreconf!=None and "auth" in triplestoreconf and "userCredential" in triplestoreconf["auth"] \
420  and triplestoreconf["auth"]["userCredential"]!="" \
421  and "userPassword" in triplestoreconf["auth"] \
422  and triplestoreconf["auth"]["userPassword"] != None:
423  #QgsMessageLog.logMessage('Credentials? ' + str(triplestoreconf["auth"]["userCredential"])+" "+str(triplestoreconf["auth"]["userPassword"]), MESSAGE_CATEGORY, Qgis.Info)
424  if "method" in triplestoreconf["auth"] and triplestoreconf["auth"]["method"] in SPARQLUtils.authmethods:
425  sparql.setHTTPAuth(SPARQLUtils.authmethods[triplestoreconf["auth"]["method"]])
426  else:
427  sparql.setHTTPAuth(BASIC)
428  sparql.setCredentials(triplestoreconf["auth"]["userCredential"], triplestoreconf["auth"]["userPassword"])
429  sparql.setQuery(query)
430  sparql.setMethod(GET)
431  sparql.setReturnFormat(JSON)
432  try:
433  if len(query)>2000:
434  raise Exception
435  results = sparql.queryAndConvert()
436  QgsMessageLog.logMessage("Result: QUERY FINISHED WITH RESULTS", MESSAGE_CATEGORY, Qgis.Info)
437  #QgsMessageLog.logMessage("Result: " + str(results), MESSAGE_CATEGORY, Qgis.Info)
438  if isinstance(results,dict) and "status_code" in results:
439  #QgsMessageLog.logMessage("Result: " + str(results), MESSAGE_CATEGORY, Qgis.Info)
440  raise Exception
441  except Exception as e:
442  try:
443  sparql = SPARQLWrapper(triplestoreurl["url"],agent="Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.11 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/23.0.1271.64 Safari/537.11")
444  sparql.setQuery(query)
445  if triplestoreconf != None and "auth" in triplestoreconf and "userCredential" in triplestoreconf["auth"] \
446  and triplestoreconf["auth"]["userCredential"] != "" \
447  and "userPassword" in triplestoreconf["auth"] \
448  and triplestoreconf["auth"]["userPassword"] != None:
449  #QgsMessageLog.logMessage(
450  # 'Credentials? ' + str(triplestoreconf["auth"]["userCredential"]) + " " + str(
451  # triplestoreconf["auth"]["userPassword"]), MESSAGE_CATEGORY, Qgis.Info)
452  if "method" in triplestoreconf["auth"] and triplestoreconf["auth"][
453  "method"] in SPARQLUtils.authmethods:
454  sparql.setHTTPAuth(SPARQLUtils.authmethods[triplestoreconf["auth"]["method"]])
455  else:
456  sparql.setHTTPAuth(BASIC)
457  sparql.setCredentials(triplestoreconf["auth"]["userCredential"],
458  triplestoreconf["auth"]["userPassword"])
459  sparql.setMethod(POST)
460  sparql.setReturnFormat(JSON)
461  results = sparql.queryAndConvert()
462  QgsMessageLog.logMessage("Result: QUERY FINISHED WITH RESULTS", MESSAGE_CATEGORY, Qgis.Info)
463  #QgsMessageLog.logMessage("Result: " + str(results), MESSAGE_CATEGORY, Qgis.Info)
464  if isinstance(results,dict) and "status_code" in results:
465  SPARQLUtils.exception = str(results)
466  raise Exception
467  except:
468  QgsMessageLog.logMessage("Exception: " + str(e), MESSAGE_CATEGORY, Qgis.Info)
469  SPARQLUtils.exception=str(e)
470  if "OntopUnsupportedInputQueryException: The expression Exists" in str(e):
471  return "Exists error"
472  return False
473  else:
474  graph=triplestoreurl["instance"]
475  QgsMessageLog.logMessage("Graph: " + str(triplestoreurl), MESSAGE_CATEGORY, Qgis.Info)
476  QgsMessageLog.logMessage("Query: " + str(query).replace("<", "").replace(">", ""), MESSAGE_CATEGORY, Qgis.Info)
477  if graph!=None:
478  if "CONSTRUCT" in str(query):
479  results = graph.query(query)
480  resg = Graph()
481  for res in results:
482  resg.add(res)
483  results=resg
484  else:
485  results=json.loads(graph.query(query).serialize(format="json"))
486  #QgsMessageLog.logMessage("Result: " + str(len(results))+" triples", MESSAGE_CATEGORY, Qgis.Info)
487  #QgsMessageLog.logMessage("Result: " + str(len(results))+" triples", MESSAGE_CATEGORY, Qgis.Info)
488  return results
@@ -555,25 +555,25 @@

541  def expandRelValToAmount(query,amount):
542  QgsMessageLog.logMessage('ExpandQuery '+str(amount)+"_" + str(query), MESSAGE_CATEGORY, Qgis.Info)
543  if "?rel" not in query and "?val" not in query:
544  return query
545  selectpart=query[0:query.find("WHERE")]
546  optionals="?item ?rel ?val . "
547  if amount>1:
548  for i in range(1,amount+1):
549  selectpart+=" ?rel"+str(i)+" ?val"+str(i)+" "
550  if i==1:
551  optionals += "OPTIONAL { ?val ?rel" + str(i) + " ?val" + str(i) + " . "
552  else:
553  optionals+="OPTIONAL { ?val"+str(i-1)+" ?rel"+str(i)+" ?val"+str(i)+" . "
554  for i in range(1,amount+1):
555  optionals+="}"
556  query=query.replace(query[0:query.find("WHERE")],selectpart).replace("?item ?rel ?val . ",optionals)
557  QgsMessageLog.logMessage('ExpandQuery '+str(query), MESSAGE_CATEGORY, Qgis.Info)
558  return query
543  def expandRelValToAmount(query,amount):
544  QgsMessageLog.logMessage('ExpandQuery '+str(amount)+"_" + str(query), MESSAGE_CATEGORY, Qgis.Info)
545  if "?rel" not in query and "?val" not in query:
546  return query
547  selectpart=query[0:query.find("WHERE")]
548  optionals="?item ?rel ?val . "
549  if amount>1:
550  for i in range(1,amount+1):
551  selectpart+=" ?rel"+str(i)+" ?val"+str(i)+" "
552  if i==1:
553  optionals += "OPTIONAL { ?val ?rel" + str(i) + " ?val" + str(i) + " . "
554  else:
555  optionals+="OPTIONAL { ?val"+str(i-1)+" ?rel"+str(i)+" ?val"+str(i)+" . "
556  for i in range(1,amount+1):
557  optionals+="}"
558  query=query.replace(query[0:query.find("WHERE")],selectpart).replace("?item ?rel ?val . ",optionals)
559  QgsMessageLog.logMessage('ExpandQuery '+str(query), MESSAGE_CATEGORY, Qgis.Info)
560  return query
@@ -644,98 +644,98 @@

706  def getLabelsForClasses(classes, query, triplestoreconf, triplestoreurl,preferredlang="en",typeindicator="class"):
707  # url="https://www.wikidata.org/w/api.php?action=wbgetentities&props=labels&ids="
708  result = classes
709  if query==None:
710  if typeindicator=="class":
711  query="SELECT ?class ?label\n WHERE { %%concepts%% \n "+SPARQLUtils.resolvePropertyToTriplePattern("%%labelproperty%%","?label","?class",triplestoreconf,"OPTIONAL","FILTER(LANG(?label) = \""+str(preferredlang)+"\") ")+" \n} "
712  if "SELECT" in query and "resource" in triplestoreconf \
713  and "type" in triplestoreconf["resource"] \
714  and ((triplestoreconf["resource"]["type"]=="endpoint"
715  and "sparql11" in triplestoreconf["resource"]
716  and triplestoreconf["resource"]["sparql11"]==True)
717  or triplestoreconf["resource"]["type"]!="endpoint"):
718  vals = "VALUES ?class {\n "
719  for qid in classes.keys():
720  vals += "<"+qid + "> \n"
721  vals += "}\n"
722  query = query.replace("%%concepts%%", vals)
723  #QgsMessageLog.logMessage("Querying for "+str(len(vals))+" concepts", MESSAGE_CATEGORY, Qgis.Info)
724  results = SPARQLUtils.executeQuery(triplestoreurl, query)
725  if results == False:
726  return result
727  #QgsMessageLog.logMessage("Got " + str(len(results)) + " labels", MESSAGE_CATEGORY, Qgis.Info)
728  for res in results["results"]["bindings"]:
729  if res["class"]["value"] in classes and "label" in res:
730  classes[res["class"]["value"]]["label"]=res["label"]["value"]
731  else:
732  classes[res["class"]["value"]]["label"] = ""
733  elif query.startswith("http"):
734  url = query
735  i = 0
736  qidquery = ""
737  wdprefix = ""
738  firstkey=next(iter(classes))
739  #QgsMessageLog.logMessage(str(firstkey), MESSAGE_CATEGORY, Qgis.Info)
740  if "Q" in firstkey:
741  wdprefix = "http://www.wikidata.org/entity/"
742  elif "P" in firstkey:
743  wdprefix = "http://www.wikidata.org/prop/direct/"
744  for qid in classes.keys():
745  #QgsMessageLog.logMessage(str(qid), MESSAGE_CATEGORY, Qgis.Info)
746  if "wikidata" in triplestoreurl["url"] and "Q" in qid:
747  qidquery += "Q" + qid.split("Q")[1]
748  elif "wikidata" in triplestoreurl["url"] and "P" in qid:
749  qidquery += "P" + qid.split("P")[1]
750  elif "wikidata" in triplestoreurl["url"]:
751  result[qid]["label"] = qid
752  continue
753  if (i % 50) == 0:
754  while qidquery.endswith("|"):
755  qidquery=qidquery[:-1]
756  #QgsMessageLog.logMessage(str(url.replace("%%concepts%%", qidquery)), MESSAGE_CATEGORY, Qgis.Info)
757  myResponse = json.loads(requests.get(url.replace("%%concepts%%", qidquery).replace("%%language%%",preferredlang)).text)
758  #QgsMessageLog.logMessage(str(myResponse), MESSAGE_CATEGORY, Qgis.Info)
759  #QgsMessageLog.logMessage("Entities: "+str(len(myResponse["entities"])), MESSAGE_CATEGORY, Qgis.Info)
760  if "entities" in myResponse:
761  for ent in myResponse["entities"]:
762  QgsMessageLog.logMessage(str(ent), MESSAGE_CATEGORY, Qgis.Info)
763  if ent.startswith("P"):
764  wdprefix="http://www.wikidata.org/prop/direct/"
765  elif ent.startswith("Q"):
766  wdprefix="http://www.wikidata.org/entity/"
767  else:
768  wdprefix=""
769  QgsMessageLog.logMessage(str(result), MESSAGE_CATEGORY, Qgis.Info)
770  if preferredlang in myResponse["entities"][ent]["labels"]:
771  result[wdprefix+ent]["label"] = myResponse["entities"][ent]["labels"][preferredlang]["value"]
772  elif "en" in myResponse["entities"][ent]["labels"]:
773  result[wdprefix+ent]["label"] = myResponse["entities"][ent]["labels"]["en"]["value"]
774  else:
775  result[wdprefix+ent]["label"]=qid
776  qidquery = ""
777  else:
778  qidquery += "|"
779  i = i + 1
780  if qidquery!="":
781  while qidquery.endswith("|"):
782  qidquery = qidquery[:-1]
783  #QgsMessageLog.logMessage(str(url.replace("%%concepts%%", qidquery)), MESSAGE_CATEGORY, Qgis.Info)
784  myResponse = json.loads(requests.get(url.replace("%%concepts%%", qidquery)).text)
785  #QgsMessageLog.logMessage(str(myResponse), MESSAGE_CATEGORY, Qgis.Info)
786  #QgsMessageLog.logMessage("Entities: "+str(len(myResponse["entities"])), MESSAGE_CATEGORY, Qgis.Info)
787  if "entities" in myResponse:
788  for ent in myResponse["entities"]:
789  print(ent)
790  if preferredlang in myResponse["entities"][ent]["labels"]:
791  result[wdprefix+ent]["label"] = myResponse["entities"][ent]["labels"][preferredlang]["value"]
792  elif "en" in myResponse["entities"][ent]["labels"]:
793  result[wdprefix+ent]["label"] = myResponse["entities"][ent]["labels"]["en"]["value"]
794  else:
795  result[wdprefix+ent]["label"] = ""
796  return result
708  def getLabelsForClasses(classes, query, triplestoreconf, triplestoreurl,preferredlang="en",typeindicator="class"):
709  # url="https://www.wikidata.org/w/api.php?action=wbgetentities&props=labels&ids="
710  result = classes
711  if query==None:
712  if typeindicator=="class":
713  query="SELECT ?class ?label\n WHERE { %%concepts%% \n "+SPARQLUtils.resolvePropertyToTriplePattern("%%labelproperty%%","?label","?class",triplestoreconf,"OPTIONAL","FILTER(LANG(?label) = \""+str(preferredlang)+"\") ")+" \n} "
714  if "SELECT" in query and "resource" in triplestoreconf \
715  and "type" in triplestoreconf["resource"] \
716  and ((triplestoreconf["resource"]["type"]=="endpoint"
717  and "sparql11" in triplestoreconf["resource"]
718  and triplestoreconf["resource"]["sparql11"]==True)
719  or triplestoreconf["resource"]["type"]!="endpoint"):
720  vals = "VALUES ?class {\n "
721  for qid in classes.keys():
722  vals += "<"+qid + "> \n"
723  vals += "}\n"
724  query = query.replace("%%concepts%%", vals)
725  #QgsMessageLog.logMessage("Querying for "+str(len(vals))+" concepts", MESSAGE_CATEGORY, Qgis.Info)
726  results = SPARQLUtils.executeQuery(triplestoreurl, query)
727  if results == False:
728  return result
729  #QgsMessageLog.logMessage("Got " + str(len(results)) + " labels", MESSAGE_CATEGORY, Qgis.Info)
730  for res in results["results"]["bindings"]:
731  if res["class"]["value"] in classes and "label" in res:
732  classes[res["class"]["value"]]["label"]=res["label"]["value"]
733  else:
734  classes[res["class"]["value"]]["label"] = ""
735  elif query.startswith("http"):
736  url = query
737  i = 0
738  qidquery = ""
739  wdprefix = ""
740  firstkey=next(iter(classes))
741  #QgsMessageLog.logMessage(str(firstkey), MESSAGE_CATEGORY, Qgis.Info)
742  if "Q" in firstkey:
743  wdprefix = "http://www.wikidata.org/entity/"
744  elif "P" in firstkey:
745  wdprefix = "http://www.wikidata.org/prop/direct/"
746  for qid in classes.keys():
747  #QgsMessageLog.logMessage(str(qid), MESSAGE_CATEGORY, Qgis.Info)
748  if "wikidata" in triplestoreurl["url"] and "Q" in qid:
749  qidquery += "Q" + qid.split("Q")[1]
750  elif "wikidata" in triplestoreurl["url"] and "P" in qid:
751  qidquery += "P" + qid.split("P")[1]
752  elif "wikidata" in triplestoreurl["url"]:
753  result[qid]["label"] = qid
754  continue
755  if (i % 50) == 0:
756  while qidquery.endswith("|"):
757  qidquery=qidquery[:-1]
758  #QgsMessageLog.logMessage(str(url.replace("%%concepts%%", qidquery)), MESSAGE_CATEGORY, Qgis.Info)
759  myResponse = json.loads(requests.get(url.replace("%%concepts%%", qidquery).replace("%%language%%",preferredlang)).text)
760  #QgsMessageLog.logMessage(str(myResponse), MESSAGE_CATEGORY, Qgis.Info)
761  #QgsMessageLog.logMessage("Entities: "+str(len(myResponse["entities"])), MESSAGE_CATEGORY, Qgis.Info)
762  if "entities" in myResponse:
763  for ent in myResponse["entities"]:
764  #QgsMessageLog.logMessage(str(ent), MESSAGE_CATEGORY, Qgis.Info)
765  if ent.startswith("P"):
766  wdprefix="http://www.wikidata.org/prop/direct/"
767  elif ent.startswith("Q"):
768  wdprefix="http://www.wikidata.org/entity/"
769  else:
770  wdprefix=""
771  #QgsMessageLog.logMessage(str(result), MESSAGE_CATEGORY, Qgis.Info)
772  if preferredlang in myResponse["entities"][ent]["labels"]:
773  result[wdprefix+ent]["label"] = myResponse["entities"][ent]["labels"][preferredlang]["value"]
774  elif "en" in myResponse["entities"][ent]["labels"]:
775  result[wdprefix+ent]["label"] = myResponse["entities"][ent]["labels"]["en"]["value"]
776  else:
777  result[wdprefix+ent]["label"]=qid
778  qidquery = ""
779  else:
780  qidquery += "|"
781  i = i + 1
782  if qidquery!="":
783  while qidquery.endswith("|"):
784  qidquery = qidquery[:-1]
785  #QgsMessageLog.logMessage(str(url.replace("%%concepts%%", qidquery)), MESSAGE_CATEGORY, Qgis.Info)
786  myResponse = json.loads(requests.get(url.replace("%%concepts%%", qidquery)).text)
787  #QgsMessageLog.logMessage(str(myResponse), MESSAGE_CATEGORY, Qgis.Info)
788  #QgsMessageLog.logMessage("Entities: "+str(len(myResponse["entities"])), MESSAGE_CATEGORY, Qgis.Info)
789  if "entities" in myResponse:
790  for ent in myResponse["entities"]:
791  print(ent)
792  if preferredlang in myResponse["entities"][ent]["labels"]:
793  result[wdprefix+ent]["label"] = myResponse["entities"][ent]["labels"][preferredlang]["value"]
794  elif "en" in myResponse["entities"][ent]["labels"]:
795  result[wdprefix+ent]["label"] = myResponse["entities"][ent]["labels"]["en"]["value"]
796  else:
797  result[wdprefix+ent]["label"] = ""
798  return result
@@ -778,15 +778,15 @@

495  def handleException(callingtask="",title=None,text=None):
496  if SPARQLUtils.exception!=None:
497  ErrorMessageBox(callingtask+" An error occurred!","<html>"+str(SPARQLUtils.exception).replace("\n","<br/>")+"</html>").exec_()
498  return True
499  if title!=None and text!=None:
500  ErrorMessageBox(callingtask+" "+title,"<html>"+text.replace("\n","<br/>")+"</html>").exec_()
501  return True
502  return False
497  def handleException(callingtask="",title=None,text=None):
498  if SPARQLUtils.exception!=None:
499  ErrorMessageBox(callingtask+" An error occurred!","<html>"+str(SPARQLUtils.exception).replace("\n","<br/>")+"</html>").exec_()
500  return True
501  if title!=None and text!=None:
502  ErrorMessageBox(callingtask+" "+title,"<html>"+text.replace("\n","<br/>")+"</html>").exec_()
503  return True
504  return False
@@ -829,27 +829,27 @@

646  def handleGeoJSONFile(myjson,currentlayergeojson,onlygeo):
647  result=[]
648  if "data" in myjson and "type" in myjson["data"] and myjson["data"]["type"] == "FeatureCollection":
649  features = myjson["data"]["features"]
650  curcounter = 0
651  for feat in features:
652  if currentlayergeojson==None:
653  result.append(feat["geometry"])
654  else:
655  if onlygeo and "properties" in feat:
656  del feat["properties"]
657  if "id" in feat and curcounter > 0:
658  feat["id"] = feat["id"] + "_" + str(curcounter)
659  if "properties" in currentlayergeojson:
660  if "properties" not in feat:
661  feat["properties"] = {}
662  for prop in currentlayergeojson["properties"]:
663  feat["properties"][prop] = currentlayergeojson["properties"][prop]
664  result.append(feat)
665  curcounter = 1
648  def handleGeoJSONFile(myjson,currentlayergeojson,onlygeo):
649  result=[]
650  if "data" in myjson and "type" in myjson["data"] and myjson["data"]["type"] == "FeatureCollection":
651  features = myjson["data"]["features"]
652  curcounter = 0
653  for feat in features:
654  if currentlayergeojson==None:
655  result.append(feat["geometry"])
656  else:
657  if onlygeo and "properties" in feat:
658  del feat["properties"]
659  if "id" in feat and curcounter > 0:
660  feat["id"] = feat["id"] + "_" + str(curcounter)
661  if "properties" in currentlayergeojson:
662  if "properties" not in feat:
663  feat["properties"] = {}
664  for prop in currentlayergeojson["properties"]:
665  feat["properties"][prop] = currentlayergeojson["properties"][prop]
666  result.append(feat)
667  curcounter = 1
@@ -892,39 +892,39 @@

668  def handleURILiteral(uri,currentlayergeojson,onlygeo=True):
669  if uri.startswith("http"):
670  if uri.endswith(".map") or uri.endswith("geojson"):
671  try:
672  f = urlopen(uri)
673  myjson = json.loads(f.read())
674  return SPARQLUtils.handleGeoJSONFile(myjson,currentlayergeojson,onlygeo)
675  except Exception as e:
676  QgsMessageLog.logMessage("Error getting geoshape " + str(uri) + " - " + str(e))
677  elif uri.startswith("http") and uri.endswith(".kml"):
678  try:
679  f = urlopen(uri)
680  kmlfile=f.read()
681  f=open("temp.kml","w")
682  f.write(kmlfile)
683  f.close()
684  vlayer = QgsVectorLayer("temp.kml", "layer", "ogr")
685  return SPARQLUtils.mergeLayers(vlayer,currentlayergeojson)
686  except Exception as e:
687  QgsMessageLog.logMessage("Error getting kml " + str(uri) + " - " + str(e))
688  elif uri.startswith("http") and uri.endswith(".gml"):
689  try:
690  f = urlopen(uri)
691  gmlfile=f.read()
692  f=open("temp.gml","w")
693  f.write(gmlfile)
694  f.close()
695  vlayer = QgsVectorLayer("temp.gml", "layer", "ogr")
696  return SPARQLUtils.mergeLayers(vlayer,currentlayergeojson)
697  except Exception as e:
698  QgsMessageLog.logMessage("Error getting gml " + str(uri) + " - " + str(e))
699  return None
670  def handleURILiteral(uri,currentlayergeojson,onlygeo=True):
671  if uri.startswith("http"):
672  if uri.endswith(".map") or uri.endswith("geojson"):
673  try:
674  f = urlopen(uri)
675  myjson = json.loads(f.read())
676  return SPARQLUtils.handleGeoJSONFile(myjson,currentlayergeojson,onlygeo)
677  except Exception as e:
678  QgsMessageLog.logMessage("Error getting geoshape " + str(uri) + " - " + str(e))
679  elif uri.startswith("http") and uri.endswith(".kml"):
680  try:
681  f = urlopen(uri)
682  kmlfile=f.read()
683  f=open("temp.kml","w")
684  f.write(kmlfile)
685  f.close()
686  vlayer = QgsVectorLayer("temp.kml", "layer", "ogr")
687  return SPARQLUtils.mergeLayers(vlayer,currentlayergeojson)
688  except Exception as e:
689  QgsMessageLog.logMessage("Error getting kml " + str(uri) + " - " + str(e))
690  elif uri.startswith("http") and uri.endswith(".gml"):
691  try:
692  f = urlopen(uri)
693  gmlfile=f.read()
694  f=open("temp.gml","w")
695  f.write(gmlfile)
696  f.close()
697  vlayer = QgsVectorLayer("temp.gml", "layer", "ogr")
698  return SPARQLUtils.mergeLayers(vlayer,currentlayergeojson)
699  except Exception as e:
700  QgsMessageLog.logMessage("Error getting gml " + str(uri) + " - " + str(e))
701  return None
@@ -951,15 +951,15 @@

505  def instanceToNS(uri):
506  if not uri.startswith("http"):
507  return uri
508  if "#" in uri:
509  return uri[:uri.rfind("#") + 1]
510  if "/" in uri:
511  return uri[:uri.rfind("/") + 1]
512  return uri
507  def instanceToNS(uri):
508  if not uri.startswith("http"):
509  return uri
510  if "#" in uri:
511  return uri[:uri.rfind("#") + 1]
512  if "/" in uri:
513  return uri[:uri.rfind("/") + 1]
514  return uri
@@ -986,11 +986,11 @@

489  def invertPrefixes(prefixes):
490  #QgsMessageLog.logMessage("Invert Prefixes: " + str(prefixes), MESSAGE_CATEGORY, Qgis.Info)
491  inv_map = {v: k for k, v in prefixes.items()}
492  return inv_map
491  def invertPrefixes(prefixes):
492  #QgsMessageLog.logMessage("Invert Prefixes: " + str(prefixes), MESSAGE_CATEGORY, Qgis.Info)
493  inv_map = {v: k for k, v in prefixes.items()}
494  return inv_map
@@ -1027,25 +1027,25 @@

515  def labelFromURI(uri,prefixlist=None):
516  if not uri.startswith("http"):
517  return uri
518  if uri.endswith("#"):
519  uri=uri[0:-1]
520  if "#" in uri:
521  prefix=uri[:uri.rfind("#")+1]
522  if prefixlist!=None and prefix in prefixlist:
523  return str(prefixlist[prefix])+":"+str(uri[uri.rfind("#") + 1:])
524  return uri[uri.rfind("#") + 1:]
525  if uri.endswith("/"):
526  uri=uri[0:-1]
527  if "/" in uri:
528  prefix=uri[:uri.rfind("/")+1]
529  if prefixlist!=None and prefix in prefixlist:
530  return str(prefixlist[prefix])+":"+str(uri[uri.rfind("/") + 1:])
531  return uri[uri.rfind("/") + 1:]
532  return uri
517  def labelFromURI(uri,prefixlist=None):
518  if not uri.startswith("http"):
519  return uri
520  if uri.endswith("#"):
521  uri=uri[0:-1]
522  if "#" in uri:
523  prefix=uri[:uri.rfind("#")+1]
524  if prefixlist!=None and prefix in prefixlist:
525  return str(prefixlist[prefix])+":"+str(uri[uri.rfind("#") + 1:])
526  return uri[uri.rfind("#") + 1:]
527  if uri.endswith("/"):
528  uri=uri[0:-1]
529  if "/" in uri:
530  prefix=uri[:uri.rfind("/")+1]
531  if prefixlist!=None and prefix in prefixlist:
532  return str(prefixlist[prefix])+":"+str(uri[uri.rfind("/") + 1:])
533  return uri[uri.rfind("/") + 1:]
534  return uri
@@ -1082,10 +1082,10 @@

561  def loadAdditionalGraphResources(existinggraph,graphuri):
562  if graphuri==None or graphuri=="":
563  return None
563  def loadAdditionalGraphResources(existinggraph,graphuri):
564  if graphuri==None or graphuri=="":
565  return None
@@ -1122,41 +1122,41 @@

566  def loadGraph(graphuri,graph=None):
567  if graphuri==None or graphuri=="":
568  return None
569  s = QSettings() # getting proxy from qgis options settings
570  proxyEnabled = s.value("proxy/proxyEnabled")
571  proxyType = s.value("proxy/proxyType")
572  proxyHost = s.value("proxy/proxyHost")
573  proxyPort = s.value("proxy/proxyPort")
574  proxyUser = s.value("proxy/proxyUser")
575  proxyPassword = s.value("proxy/proxyPassword")
576  if proxyHost != None and proxyHost != "" and proxyPort != None and proxyPort != "":
577  #QgsMessageLog.logMessage('Proxy? ' + str(proxyHost), MESSAGE_CATEGORY, Qgis.Info)
578  proxy = urllib.request.ProxyHandler({'http': proxyHost})
579  opener = urllib.request.build_opener(proxy)
580  urllib.request.install_opener(opener)
581  #QgsMessageLog.logMessage('Started task "{}"'.format("Load Graph"), MESSAGE_CATEGORY, Qgis.Info)
582  if graph==None:
583  graph = Graph()
584  try:
585  if graphuri.startswith("http"):
586  QgsMessageLog.logMessage(" Data: " + str(graphuri) + "", MESSAGE_CATEGORY, Qgis.Info)
587  with urllib.request.urlopen(graphuri) as data:
588  readit=data.read().decode()
589  QgsMessageLog.logMessage(" Data: "+str(readit)+"", MESSAGE_CATEGORY, Qgis.Info)
590  filepath = graphuri.split(".")
591  graph.parse(data=readit,format=filepath[len(filepath) - 1])
592  else:
593  filepath = graphuri.split(".")
594  result = graph.parse(graphuri, format=filepath[len(filepath) - 1])
595  except Exception as e:
596  QgsMessageLog.logMessage('Failed "{}"'.format(str(e)), MESSAGE_CATEGORY, Qgis.Info)
597  #self.exception = str(e)
598  return None
599  return graph
568  def loadGraph(graphuri,graph=None):
569  if graphuri==None or graphuri=="":
570  return None
571  s = QSettings() # getting proxy from qgis options settings
572  proxyEnabled = s.value("proxy/proxyEnabled")
573  proxyType = s.value("proxy/proxyType")
574  proxyHost = s.value("proxy/proxyHost")
575  proxyPort = s.value("proxy/proxyPort")
576  proxyUser = s.value("proxy/proxyUser")
577  proxyPassword = s.value("proxy/proxyPassword")
578  if proxyHost != None and proxyHost != "" and proxyPort != None and proxyPort != "":
579  #QgsMessageLog.logMessage('Proxy? ' + str(proxyHost), MESSAGE_CATEGORY, Qgis.Info)
580  proxy = urllib.request.ProxyHandler({'http': proxyHost})
581  opener = urllib.request.build_opener(proxy)
582  urllib.request.install_opener(opener)
583  #QgsMessageLog.logMessage('Started task "{}"'.format("Load Graph"), MESSAGE_CATEGORY, Qgis.Info)
584  if graph==None:
585  graph = Graph()
586  try:
587  if graphuri.startswith("http"):
588  QgsMessageLog.logMessage(" Data: " + str(graphuri) + "", MESSAGE_CATEGORY, Qgis.Info)
589  with urllib.request.urlopen(graphuri) as data:
590  readit=data.read().decode()
591  QgsMessageLog.logMessage(" Data: "+str(readit)+"", MESSAGE_CATEGORY, Qgis.Info)
592  filepath = graphuri.split(".")
593  graph.parse(data=readit,format=filepath[len(filepath) - 1])
594  else:
595  filepath = graphuri.split(".")
596  result = graph.parse(graphuri, format=filepath[len(filepath) - 1])
597  except Exception as e:
598  QgsMessageLog.logMessage('Failed "{}"'.format(str(e)), MESSAGE_CATEGORY, Qgis.Info)
599  #self.exception = str(e)
600  return None
601  return graph
@@ -1193,21 +1193,21 @@

630  def mergeLayers(layer1,geojson):
631  result=[]
632  if "properties" not in geojson:
633  geojson["properties"]={}
634  feats1 = layer1.getFeatures()
635  for feature in feats1:
636  curfeature={"type":"Feature","id":feature.id,"properties":{},"geometry":feature.geometry().asJson()}
637  if "properties" in geojson:
638  for prop in geojson["properties"]:
639  curfeature["properties"][prop]=geojson["properties"][prop]
640  for attr in feature:
641  curfeature["properties"][attr] = feature[attr]
642  result.append(curfeature)
643  return result
632  def mergeLayers(layer1,geojson):
633  result=[]
634  if "properties" not in geojson:
635  geojson["properties"]={}
636  feats1 = layer1.getFeatures()
637  for feature in feats1:
638  curfeature={"type":"Feature","id":feature.id,"properties":{},"geometry":feature.geometry().asJson()}
639  if "properties" in geojson:
640  for prop in geojson["properties"]:
641  curfeature["properties"][prop]=geojson["properties"][prop]
642  for attr in feature:
643  curfeature["properties"][attr] = feature[attr]
644  result.append(curfeature)
645  return result
@@ -1250,21 +1250,21 @@

799  def patternsToUnion(patternarray,propvar,itemvar):
800  res=""
801  if len(patternarray)==1:
802  return patternarray[0]
803  if patternarray>1:
804  first=True
805  for pat in patternarray:
806  if first:
807  first=False
808  res+="{ "+str(itemvar)+" <"+str(pat)+"> "+str(propvar)+" . } "
809  else:
810  res+="UNION { "+str(itemvar)+" <"+str(pat)+"> "+str(propvar)+" . } "
811  return res
812  return res
801  def patternsToUnion(patternarray,propvar,itemvar):
802  res=""
803  if len(patternarray)==1:
804  return patternarray[0]
805  if patternarray>1:
806  first=True
807  for pat in patternarray:
808  if first:
809  first=False
810  res+="{ "+str(itemvar)+" <"+str(pat)+"> "+str(propvar)+" . } "
811  else:
812  res+="UNION { "+str(itemvar)+" <"+str(pat)+"> "+str(propvar)+" . } "
813  return res
814  return res
@@ -1313,12 +1313,12 @@

815  def propertyVarPatternToUnion(propertyid,triplestoreconf,propvar,itemvar):
816  propidcleaned = propertyid.replace("%", "")
817  if propidcleaned in triplestoreconf:
818  return SPARQLUtils.patternsToUnion(triplestoreconf[propidcleaned],propvar,itemvar)
819  return ""
817  def propertyVarPatternToUnion(propertyid,triplestoreconf,propvar,itemvar):
818  propidcleaned = propertyid.replace("%", "")
819  if propidcleaned in triplestoreconf:
820  return SPARQLUtils.patternsToUnion(triplestoreconf[propidcleaned],propvar,itemvar)
821  return ""
@@ -1367,36 +1367,36 @@

328  def queryPreProcessing(query,triplestoreconf,concept=None,convertToCollectionForm=False):
329  QgsMessageLog.logMessage('Preprocessing"{}"'.format(query.replace("<", "").replace(">", "")), MESSAGE_CATEGORY,
330  Qgis.Info)
331  if convertToCollectionForm:
332  query=query.replace("?con %%typeproperty%% %%concept%% .","%%concept%% %%collectionmemberproperty%% ?con .")
333  if concept!=None:
334  if "resource" in triplestoreconf and "url" in triplestoreconf["resource"] and "wikidata" in triplestoreconf["resource"]["url"] and concept[concept.find('(')+1:-1].startswith("Q"):
335  query=query.replace("%%concept%%",str("wd:" + concept[concept.find('(')+1:-1]))
336  else:
337  query = query.replace("%%concept%%", "<" + str(concept) + ">")
338  typeproperty = "http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type"
339  if "typeproperty" in triplestoreconf:
340  typeproperty=triplestoreconf["typeproperty"]
341  subclassproperty = "http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#subClassOf"
342  if "subclassproperty" in triplestoreconf:
343  subclassproperty=triplestoreconf["subclassproperty"]
344  labelproperty = "http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#label"
345  if "labelproperty" in triplestoreconf:
346  labelproperty =triplestoreconf["labelproperty"]
347  collectionmemberproperty="http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#member"
348  if "collectionmemberproperty" in triplestoreconf:
349  collectionmemberproperty=triplestoreconf["collectionmemberproperty"]
350  query=query.replace("%%subclassproperty%%","<"+subclassproperty+">")\
351  .replace("%%typeproperty%%","<"+typeproperty+">")\
352  .replace("%%labelproperty%%","<"+labelproperty[0]+">")\
353  .replace("%%collectionmemberproperty%%","<"+collectionmemberproperty+">").replace("<<","<").replace(">>",">")
354  QgsMessageLog.logMessage('Preprocessing finished"{}"'.format(query.replace("<", "").replace(">", "")), MESSAGE_CATEGORY,
355  Qgis.Info)
356  return query
330  def queryPreProcessing(query,triplestoreconf,concept=None,convertToCollectionForm=False):
331  QgsMessageLog.logMessage('Preprocessing"{}"'.format(query.replace("<", "").replace(">", "")), MESSAGE_CATEGORY,
332  Qgis.Info)
333  if convertToCollectionForm:
334  query=query.replace("?con %%typeproperty%% %%concept%% .","%%concept%% %%collectionmemberproperty%% ?con .")
335  if concept!=None:
336  if "resource" in triplestoreconf and "url" in triplestoreconf["resource"] and "wikidata" in triplestoreconf["resource"]["url"] and concept[concept.find('(')+1:-1].startswith("Q"):
337  query=query.replace("%%concept%%",str("wd:" + concept[concept.find('(')+1:-1]))
338  else:
339  query = query.replace("%%concept%%", "<" + str(concept) + ">")
340  typeproperty = "http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type"
341  if "typeproperty" in triplestoreconf:
342  typeproperty=triplestoreconf["typeproperty"]
343  subclassproperty = "http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#subClassOf"
344  if "subclassproperty" in triplestoreconf:
345  subclassproperty=triplestoreconf["subclassproperty"]
346  labelproperty = "http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#label"
347  if "labelproperty" in triplestoreconf:
348  labelproperty =triplestoreconf["labelproperty"]
349  collectionmemberproperty="http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#member"
350  if "collectionmemberproperty" in triplestoreconf:
351  collectionmemberproperty=triplestoreconf["collectionmemberproperty"]
352  query=query.replace("%%subclassproperty%%","<"+subclassproperty+">")\
353  .replace("%%typeproperty%%","<"+typeproperty+">")\
354  .replace("%%labelproperty%%","<"+labelproperty[0]+">")\
355  .replace("%%collectionmemberproperty%%","<"+collectionmemberproperty+">").replace("<<","<").replace(">>",">")
356  QgsMessageLog.logMessage('Preprocessing finished"{}"'.format(query.replace("<", "").replace(">", "")), MESSAGE_CATEGORY,
357  Qgis.Info)
358  return query
@@ -1469,39 +1469,39 @@

838  def resolvePropertyToTriplePattern(propertyid,propvar,itemvar,triplestoreconf,patterntype,filterstatement,proplabel=False,asUnion=True):
839  if filterstatement==None:
840  filterstatement=""
841  propidcleaned=propertyid.replace("%","")
842  if propidcleaned in triplestoreconf:
843  res=""
844  first=True
845  if asUnion and patterntype=="OPTIONAL":
846  res+="OPTIONAL { "
847  for propid in triplestoreconf[propidcleaned]:
848  thepattern=str(itemvar)+" <"+str(propid)+"> "+str(propvar)+" .\n "+filterstatement
849  if proplabel and "url" in triplestoreconf["resource"] and (
850  "wikidata" in triplestoreconf["resource"]["url"] or "factgrid" in triplestoreconf["resource"][
851  "url"]):
852  thepattern="?prop <http://wikiba.se/ontology#directClaim> "+str(itemvar)+" . ?prop <"+str(propid)+"> "+str(propvar)+" .\n"+filterstatement
853  if patterntype=="OPTIONAL" and not asUnion:
854  res+="OPTIONAL { "+thepattern+"}\n"
855  elif patterntype == "OPTIONAL" and asUnion:
856  if first:
857  first=False
858  res+=" { "+thepattern+" } "
859  else:
860  res += " UNION { " + thepattern + "}\n"
861  else:
862  res+=thepattern
863  if asUnion and patterntype=="OPTIONAL":
864  res+="} "
865  return res
866  if proplabel and "url" in triplestoreconf["resource"] and (
867  "wikidata" in triplestoreconf["resource"]["url"] or "factgrid" in triplestoreconf["resource"]["url"]):
868  return "?prop <http://wikiba.se/ontology#directClaim> "+str(itemvar)+" . ?prop "+str(propertyid)+" "+str(propvar)+" .\n"
869  else:
870  return str(itemvar)+" "+str(propertyid)+" "+str(propvar)+" .\n"
840  def resolvePropertyToTriplePattern(propertyid,propvar,itemvar,triplestoreconf,patterntype,filterstatement,proplabel=False,asUnion=True):
841  if filterstatement==None:
842  filterstatement=""
843  propidcleaned=propertyid.replace("%","")
844  if propidcleaned in triplestoreconf:
845  res=""
846  first=True
847  if asUnion and patterntype=="OPTIONAL":
848  res+="OPTIONAL { "
849  for propid in triplestoreconf[propidcleaned]:
850  thepattern=str(itemvar)+" <"+str(propid)+"> "+str(propvar)+" .\n "+filterstatement
851  if proplabel and "url" in triplestoreconf["resource"] and (
852  "wikidata" in triplestoreconf["resource"]["url"] or "factgrid" in triplestoreconf["resource"][
853  "url"]):
854  thepattern="?prop <http://wikiba.se/ontology#directClaim> "+str(itemvar)+" . ?prop <"+str(propid)+"> "+str(propvar)+" .\n"+filterstatement
855  if patterntype=="OPTIONAL" and not asUnion:
856  res+="OPTIONAL { "+thepattern+"}\n"
857  elif patterntype == "OPTIONAL" and asUnion:
858  if first:
859  first=False
860  res+=" { "+thepattern+" } "
861  else:
862  res += " UNION { " + thepattern + "}\n"
863  else:
864  res+=thepattern
865  if asUnion and patterntype=="OPTIONAL":
866  res+="} "
867  return res
868  if proplabel and "url" in triplestoreconf["resource"] and (
869  "wikidata" in triplestoreconf["resource"]["url"] or "factgrid" in triplestoreconf["resource"]["url"]):
870  return "?prop <http://wikiba.se/ontology#directClaim> "+str(itemvar)+" . ?prop "+str(propertyid)+" "+str(propvar)+" .\n"
871  else:
872  return str(itemvar)+" "+str(propertyid)+" "+str(propvar)+" .\n"
@@ -1528,21 +1528,21 @@

822  def selectQueryToConstructQuery(query):
823  mquery=query[query.find("WHERE"):query.rfind("}")+1]
824  query=query[query.find("WHERE"):]
825  constructpart=""
826  for line in mquery.split("\n"):
827  if "BIND" in line or "FILTER" in line or "EXISTS" in line:
828  continue
829  elif "OPTIONAL" in line:
830  constructpart += line[0:line.rfind("}")].replace("OPTIONAL {","") + "\n"
831  else:
832  constructpart+=line+"\n"
833  result="CONSTRUCT \n"+constructpart.replace("WHERE","")+"\n"+query
834  QgsMessageLog.logMessage('SELECT TO CONSTRUCT '+str(result), MESSAGE_CATEGORY,Qgis.Info)
835  return result
824  def selectQueryToConstructQuery(query):
825  mquery=query[query.find("WHERE"):query.rfind("}")+1]
826  query=query[query.find("WHERE"):]
827  constructpart=""
828  for line in mquery.split("\n"):
829  if "BIND" in line or "FILTER" in line or "EXISTS" in line:
830  continue
831  elif "OPTIONAL" in line:
832  constructpart += line[0:line.rfind("}")].replace("OPTIONAL {","") + "\n"
833  else:
834  constructpart+=line+"\n"
835  result="CONSTRUCT \n"+constructpart.replace("WHERE","")+"\n"+query
836  QgsMessageLog.logMessage('SELECT TO CONSTRUCT '+str(result), MESSAGE_CATEGORY,Qgis.Info)
837  return result
@@ -1579,11 +1579,11 @@

535  def shortenLiteral(literal,numchars):
536  return literal[numchars:]
537  def shortenLiteral(literal,numchars):
538  return literal[numchars:]
@@ -2468,7 +2468,8 @@

-Initial value:
"http://rdfs.org/ns/void#triples": "DatatypeProperty",
"http://rdfs.org/ns/void#entities": "DatatypeProperty",
"http://rdfs.org/ns/void#propertyPartition": "ObjectProperty",
"http://rdfs.org/ns/void#classPartition": "ObjectProperty",