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Releases: spatialillusions/milsymbol

milsymbol 1.1.0

16 Apr 09:22
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1.1.0 16 APR 2017

I would like to thank @okwolf that has contributed with unit tests and some code reorganization.


  • It is now possible to use sidc or SIDC in an options object.

  • It is now possible to initiate a symbol with just an options object ms.Symbol({options}).

  • ms.Symbol().isValid() now returns a boolean representing if it was possible to find the symbol icon for the provided SIDC.

  • The source code for the unit generator is now provided in the dev folder.

  • Added 2525B symbols that are missing in 2525C, so now we have full support for 2525B as well.

  • Initial unit tests added to the repository.





  • Fix for that tactical points with labels with large font sizes might draw too narrow so that part of the label can't be seen.

  • Fix for that units with invalid icon part in the SIDC did not get the upside down question mark when canvas output was used.

  • G-F-PTS--- TACGRP.FSUPP.PNT.TGT.PTGT and G-C-FSTP-- 2.X. POINT/SINGLE TARGET now uses altitudeDepth instead of additionalInformation1 to display the target altitude.

  • Made sure that tactical points that dosen't have labels in the specifications don't get labels even if they are set.


milsymbol 1.0.0

03 Mar 16:46
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1.0.0 03 MAR 2017

  • Milsymbol is now split into several modules and built with webpack, this makes the code easier to maintain.

  • Avoid getting and setting properties directly, use methods for this when they are available, in the future properties might change names.


  • colorMode property can now be set to a string representing the name of a registered color mode.

  • symbol.getSize() returns an object with the width and height of the symbol.

  • symbol.getAnchor() returns an object with the x and y offset of the symbol.

  • symbol.getOctagonAnchor() returns an object with the x and y offset of the octagon center.

  • bbox.merge(another-bbox), use this instead of MS.bboxMax for merging bounding boxes.

  • Milsymbol can now be used as a AMD/CommonJS/etc... module, by requiering milsymbol, the global var is called ms.

  • ms.getVersion() that returns the version as a string.

  • ms.addSIDCicons(sidcFunction, type) for adding sidc functions.

  • ms.addLabelOverrides(labelFunction, type) for adding label functions.

  • ms.addSymbolPart(part) should be used instead of MS.addMarkerParts(part)

  • ms.getSymbolParts() should be used instead of MS.getMarkerParts()

  • ms.setSymbolParts(parts) should be used instead of MS.setMarkerParts(parts)

  • ms.BBox() should be used instead of MS.bbox(). (Since it is a class...)

  • ms.ColorMode() should be used instead of MS.colorMode(). (Since it is a class...)

  • ms.Symbol() should be used instead of MS.symbol(). (Since it is a class...)

  • Tactical points is now part of /dist/milsymbol.js, no need to include any extra files.

  • Tactical points now supports APP6-B ANNEX E.

  • Symbols with an invalid icon in the SIDC will now be rendered with an upside down ?. (According to MIL-STD-2525D)


  • Global variable is now ms instead of MS.

  • Feint/Dummy indicator drawn as specified in MIL-STD-2525D change 1.


  • Avoid setting properties directly, use setOptions(options) instead.

  • Do not use .XML anymore, use asSVG() instead, if needed set ms.autoSVG = true. ms.autoSVG will be removed in a future version.

  • getMarker(), it's not needed anymore, symbols are automatically updated when options are updated using setOptions().

  • MS.bboxMax(), use bbox.merge() instead.

  • MS.addLetterSIDCicons(), use ms.addSIDCicons() instead.

  • MS.addNumberSIDCicons(), use ms.addSIDCicons() instead.

  • MS.addLetterLabelOverrides(), use ms.addLabelOverrides() instead.

  • MS.addNumberLabelOverrides(), use ms.addLabelOverrides() instead.

  • MS.buildingBlock() return an object instead.

  • MS.addMarkerParts(part) use ms.addSymbolPart(part) instead.

  • MS.getMarkerParts() use ms.getSymbolParts() instead.

  • MS.setMarkerParts(parts) use ms.setSymbolParts(parts) instead.

  • MS.bbox() use ms.BBox() instead. (Since it is a class...)

  • MS.colorMode() use ms.ColorMode() instead. (Since it is a class...)

  • MS.symbol() use ms.Symbol instead. (Since it is a class...)


  • MS.rotate() has been removed, use json drawInstruction instead.

  • MS.scale() has been removed, use json drawInstruction instead.

  • MS.translate() has been removed, use json drawInstruction instead.


  • Fixed a bug that prevented specialHeadquarters to be drawn on Canvas output.


milsymbol 0.6.0

25 Dec 12:05
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0.6.0 25 DEC 2016


  • Support for outlines on symbols using properties outlineColor and outlineWidth.
  • toDataURL() that returns a base 64 encoding of the SVG symbol. (See deprication of asImage())
  • Possibility to Add/Update existing SIDC.
  • Possibility to Add/Update the icon parts that constructs the icons.
  • Support for tactical point symbols in MIL-STD-2525C.



  • asImage() since it returns a data url and not an image.




milsymbol 0.5.6

14 May 13:47
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Several minor updates and minor changes to symbols that had some errors in them.

  • asCanvas() is now also supported in Internet Explorer 11, this makes it simpler to integrate with Open Layers 3 and Cesium
  • Added back the possibility to create effects with SVG filters in custom extensions

Milsymbol 0.5.5

30 Jan 13:09
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All symbol geometries has been remade to decrease code size and to make it possible to have native canvas output.

  • Native Canvas output
  • Reduced code size

milsymbol 0.5.1

24 Jul 18:19
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This is just a maintenance release, no code in milsymbol has changed, but some errors in the documentation has been fixed.

milsymbol 0.5.0

20 Jul 13:09
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  • Much faster
  • New API
  • Support point symbols from MIL-STD-2525D
  • New examples

MilSymbol 0.4.5

23 Nov 16:59
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23 NOV 2014 MilSymbol 0.4.5

New in this release:

  • Now supports MIL-STD-2525C Emergency Management Symbols
  • Speeeeed, the code now runs 3-5 times faster when you are creating a lot of symbols. (1000 random symbols can be created in less than 1 second, my test record is 0.25 seconds on a modern iMac running Safari.)
  • Added an example showing generation of 1000 random symbols.

MilSymbol v0.4.4

28 Oct 12:34
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Initial release when code moved to GitHub, same as on homepage.