Releases: spatialillusions/milsymbol
milsymbol 1.1.0
1.1.0 16 APR 2017
I would like to thank @okwolf that has contributed with unit tests and some code reorganization.
It is now possible to use
in an options object. -
It is now possible to initiate a symbol with just an options object
. -
ms.Symbol().isValid() now returns a boolean representing if it was possible to find the symbol icon for the provided SIDC.
The source code for the unit generator is now provided in the dev folder.
Added 2525B symbols that are missing in 2525C, so now we have full support for 2525B as well.
Initial unit tests added to the repository.
Fix for that tactical points with labels with large font sizes might draw too narrow so that part of the label can't be seen.
Fix for that units with invalid icon part in the SIDC did not get the upside down question mark when canvas output was used.
G-F-PTS--- TACGRP.FSUPP.PNT.TGT.PTGT and G-C-FSTP-- 2.X. POINT/SINGLE TARGET now uses altitudeDepth instead of additionalInformation1 to display the target altitude.
Made sure that tactical points that dosen't have labels in the specifications don't get labels even if they are set.
milsymbol 1.0.0
1.0.0 03 MAR 2017
Milsymbol is now split into several modules and built with webpack, this makes the code easier to maintain.
Avoid getting and setting properties directly, use methods for this when they are available, in the future properties might change names.
colorMode property can now be set to a string representing the name of a registered color mode.
symbol.getSize() returns an object with the width and height of the symbol.
symbol.getAnchor() returns an object with the x and y offset of the symbol.
symbol.getOctagonAnchor() returns an object with the x and y offset of the octagon center.
bbox.merge(another-bbox), use this instead of MS.bboxMax for merging bounding boxes.
Milsymbol can now be used as a AMD/CommonJS/etc... module, by requiering
, the globalvar
is called ms. -
ms.getVersion() that returns the version as a string.
ms.addSIDCicons(sidcFunction, type) for adding sidc functions.
ms.addLabelOverrides(labelFunction, type) for adding label functions.
ms.addSymbolPart(part) should be used instead of MS.addMarkerParts(part)
ms.getSymbolParts() should be used instead of MS.getMarkerParts()
ms.setSymbolParts(parts) should be used instead of MS.setMarkerParts(parts)
ms.BBox() should be used instead of MS.bbox(). (Since it is a class...)
ms.ColorMode() should be used instead of MS.colorMode(). (Since it is a class...)
ms.Symbol() should be used instead of MS.symbol(). (Since it is a class...)
Tactical points is now part of /dist/milsymbol.js, no need to include any extra files.
Tactical points now supports APP6-B ANNEX E.
Symbols with an invalid icon in the SIDC will now be rendered with an upside down ?. (According to MIL-STD-2525D)
Global variable is now
instead ofMS
. -
Feint/Dummy indicator drawn as specified in MIL-STD-2525D change 1.
Avoid setting properties directly, use setOptions(options) instead.
Do not use .XML anymore, use asSVG() instead, if needed set
ms.autoSVG = true
. ms.autoSVG will be removed in a future version. -
getMarker(), it's not needed anymore, symbols are automatically updated when options are updated using setOptions().
MS.bboxMax(), use bbox.merge() instead.
MS.addLetterSIDCicons(), use ms.addSIDCicons() instead.
MS.addNumberSIDCicons(), use ms.addSIDCicons() instead.
MS.addLetterLabelOverrides(), use ms.addLabelOverrides() instead.
MS.addNumberLabelOverrides(), use ms.addLabelOverrides() instead.
MS.buildingBlock() return an object instead.
MS.addMarkerParts(part) use ms.addSymbolPart(part) instead.
MS.getMarkerParts() use ms.getSymbolParts() instead.
MS.setMarkerParts(parts) use ms.setSymbolParts(parts) instead.
MS.bbox() use ms.BBox() instead. (Since it is a class...)
MS.colorMode() use ms.ColorMode() instead. (Since it is a class...)
MS.symbol() use ms.Symbol instead. (Since it is a class...)
MS.rotate() has been removed, use json drawInstruction instead.
MS.scale() has been removed, use json drawInstruction instead.
MS.translate() has been removed, use json drawInstruction instead.
- Fixed a bug that prevented specialHeadquarters to be drawn on Canvas output.
milsymbol 0.6.0
0.6.0 25 DEC 2016
- Support for outlines on symbols using properties
. - toDataURL() that returns a base 64 encoding of the SVG symbol. (See deprication of asImage())
- Possibility to Add/Update existing SIDC.
- Possibility to Add/Update the icon parts that constructs the icons.
- Support for tactical point symbols in MIL-STD-2525C.
- asImage() since it returns a data url and not an image.
milsymbol 0.5.6
Several minor updates and minor changes to symbols that had some errors in them.
- asCanvas() is now also supported in Internet Explorer 11, this makes it simpler to integrate with Open Layers 3 and Cesium
- Added back the possibility to create effects with SVG filters in custom extensions
Milsymbol 0.5.5
All symbol geometries has been remade to decrease code size and to make it possible to have native canvas output.
- Native Canvas output
- Reduced code size
milsymbol 0.5.1
This is just a maintenance release, no code in milsymbol has changed, but some errors in the documentation has been fixed.
milsymbol 0.5.0
- Much faster
- New API
- Support point symbols from MIL-STD-2525D
- New examples
MilSymbol 0.4.5
23 NOV 2014 MilSymbol 0.4.5
New in this release:
- Now supports MIL-STD-2525C Emergency Management Symbols
- Speeeeed, the code now runs 3-5 times faster when you are creating a lot of symbols. (1000 random symbols can be created in less than 1 second, my test record is 0.25 seconds on a modern iMac running Safari.)
- Added an example showing generation of 1000 random symbols.
MilSymbol v0.4.4
Initial release when code moved to GitHub, same as on homepage.