- Fixed the script breaking when trying to teleport Marxon while taking a lot of damage.
- Increased area detection around the gate for finishing the mission.
- Fixed syntax error that prevented starting the mission.
- speed2
- Added briefing data for original missions. Briefings will be available after the next game patch.
- Added pre and post operation movies data.
- Last Aeon, Cybran and UEF mission will now play the final movies.
- Fixed players 2-4 not spawning correctly.
- Increased Fletcher's unit cap.
- Dr. Sweeney's truck can't be given anymore to prevent mission from stucking.
- Big Aeon attack to destroy the civilian city will no longer trigger when the player's secures the city in time.
- Fixed spelling in description.
- More zoomed out initial cam, ACU now moves from the front line, towards the air factory
- Fail build transport objective if CZAR dies
- Disable ACU shield after landing
- Move QAI's ASFs from player starting location
- QAI's spiderbots patrolling the main base won't try to target air experimentals anymore
- Extra QAI's T3 gunship patrol over the plateau
- Small terrain change near QAI's defences to prevent going around them
- speed2
- Fix for Timed Expansion option not working in some missions
- UEF - Cybran skirmishes in the first part of the mission.
- Reworked last part of the mission.
- New Aeon bases on the corner islands.
- More overall attacks, including experimentals, game enders.
- Research facilities can't be given now.
- Losing one of the research facilities should no longer break the mission in later parts.
- SMDs should be properly counted for all players now.
- The aeon nuke attack after loading the SMDs will no longer kill one of the research facilities.
- Aeon will keep nuking players on hard difficulty, until you destroy all the nukes.
- TMDs added into most of the bases, you can no longer cheese the mission with ACU TML.
- Added more pgens into aeon and cybran bases, they should no longer e stall.
- Added more shields into enemy bases.
- Improved players acu spawning sequence, they should now leave the gate one by one.
- Fletcher build his base much faster without stalling.
- Hex5 now builds more Experimentals.
- Improved attacks.
- Added point defense on far right island.
- Reduced the 2 T3 mex, to 1 T2 and 1 T1.
- Adjusted more Air attack paths to fly over Island.
- Adjusted one hover attack to go to that island.
- Added last part of the mission.
- Rebalance of some of the attacks in the first two parts.
- Brand new mission.
- Shadowlorda1
- speed2
- UnassumingKiwi
Fixes the naming convetion of Holy Raid and fixes a small scripting bug.
Introduces three new operations made by Shadowlorda1:
- Blockade
- Holy Raid
- Golden Crystals
Adds support for BlackOps ACUs.
- Added NoRushRadius into the files so the missions can be opened via GPG editor without crashing.
- Disabled Scathis in Hex5's base due to recent balance changes to Scathis.
- Small changes to make sure Arnold's ACU won't move when captured during the final cinematics.
- Fixed bug where mission would not fail when civilians, that player was suppose to protect, died.
- Fixed some players not spawning.
- Fixed Player3 being neutral.
- Fixed some players not spawning.
- Fixed some players not spawning.
- Fixed some players not spawning.
- KionX
- Shadowlorda1
- speed2
- Fixed wrong file paths breaking the mission.
- speed2
- Combatibility changes for the new common army option.
- Improvements and fixes.
- Improvements and fixes.
- Improvements and fixes.
- New 4th mission of shadowlorda1's Seraphim campaign.
- New Cybran mission for 2 players by speed2.
- Fixed timer for building the UEF Arty base in the first part.
- Increased unit limit.
- Adjusted attack timings.
- Added a naval attack from UEF in the 3rd part of the mission.
- Unit restriction adjustmenets.
- KionX
- shadowlorda1
- speed2
- Fix mission not starting due to typo in the script.
- speed2
- Fixed from army name if one of the attacks causing the mission to not progress.
- Fixed unit restrictions, can't build Corsairs, Hoplites, Moongooses, Janusees anymore.
- Fixed unit restrictions, can't build Corsairs, Hoplites, Moongooses, Janusees, Absolvers, Mercies anymore.
- Fixed line endings.
- Overall adjustments to the AI attacks and difficulty.
- Fixed and improved dialogues.
- Brand new Seraphim mission by shadowlorda1
- Brand new Seraphim mission by shadowlorda1
- Icedreamer
- shadowlorda1
- Sheeo
- speed2
- Fixed wrong file path.
- speed2
- Changed name of the mission files for the update script.
- JJs_AI
- Fixed map expanding right away to the second part.
- speed2
- Added a new lobby option to disable the timed expansion where some missions would continue even if the primary objectives were not completed yet.
- Fixed second player's ACU not spawning.
- Fixed desync with more players.
- Reduced the Aeon counter attack on the civilian base.
- Improved AI in the first part of the mission.
- 2 new bonus objectives.
- Fixed desync with Aeon player.
- Gari's naval units die with her as well.
- Fix Vendetta's taunt playing when she's dead.
- New UEF mission for 4 players by JJs_AI.
- More information here: https://forums.faforever.com/viewtopic.php?f=78&t=15605
- JJs_AI
- speed2
- Adjusted values for bonus objective to make them easier to complete.
- Allowed Omni once the map expands.
- Fixed naval attacks from Marxon's base.
- Reduced the delay before Aeon attack the Research station from 10 to 4 minutes.
- Fixed Celene's main base not sending units properly.
- ACU can't die during cinematics anymore.
- Fixed mission not working on the medium and easy difficulty.
- speed2
- Fixed paths to mission files for the server update script.
- Enemy ACUs stay in their bases instead of trying to rebuild structures in the water.
- Fixed the camera stucked on Marxon's ACU and the mission not ending.
- Fixed typo in the mission's description.
- Fixed the first objective reminder playing too many times.
- speed2
- Added a new Seraphim mission - Haven's Invasion.
- Added a very short preview of a new Cybran mission - Theban Colony.
- Reworked 5th and 6th Aeon mission.
- Custom missions files were renamed for easier updating on the server.
- Fixed TML shooting right at the start of the mission.
- Completely reworked.
- More difficult AI with much more attacks.
- More initial units defending bases.
- Slightly different starting postions for all players.
- Second player gets sACU and half of the base.
- Offmap land and air attack during the first part of the mission.
- UEF counter attack once the map expands.
- 5 new bonus objectives.
- Completely reworked.
- More difficult AI with much more attacks.
- More initial units defending bases.
- Slightly different starting postions for all players.
- New major naval attack before the map expands (part of a new objective).
- 3 new bonus objectives.
- Fixed markers breaking the replays.
- Fixed desync when one of the players was Aeon.
- Order sACU now has Nano upgrade.
- Map will now expand after certain time.
- Gari's ACU now has a shield instead of RAS.
- Yothothas will now attack Fort Clarke much sooner.
- Seraphim base will shoot nukes at players.
- Nerfed Fletcher's AI so player has to defend Fort Clarke.
- Both Order and Seraphim send much more naval attacks (including Battleships).
- More naval units in the initial counter attacks.
- Both Order and Seraphim now attack with Experimentals.
- T3 Arty in Order and Seraphim base if players have one.
- Rhiza doesn't try to rebuild her base under enemy fire anymore.
- Doubled fuel on air units during first part of the mission.
- New singleplayer Seraphim mission.
- More details here.
- speed2
- Added map previews into the missions.
- Fixed all missions with UEF ACU with Nano upgrade, that broke after the latest game patch.
- Fixed same death dialogue player for both UEF ACUs.
- Fixed giving the sACU to different player breaking the mission.
- Fixed giving the sACU to different player breaking the mission.
- Fixed intro dialogue not playing.
- Fixed transport on the small island not creating a wreckage.
- Fixed marker names causing one of the small bases in the first part not sending attacks.
- Dostya doesn't share resources to the players anymore.
- Fixed Option Zero firing friendly nukes if not captured by the first player.
- Fixed mission not expanding.
- Fixed Jamming not working on UEF frigates.
- Added Air Staging for UEF in the first part.
- Disable friendly AI sharing resources.
- Friendly AI radars work now.
- Fixed intro dialogue not playing.
- Fixed intro dialogue not playing.
- Fixed Jester unlock dialogue playing twice for Cybran players.
- Fixed final objective for killing 3 coalitions ACUs ending after killing only 2.
- Fixed couple of dialogues
- Fixed map not expanding after the second attack.
- Morax should finally leave his base when primary objectives are completed.
- speed2
- shadowlorda1
- FA missions and custom mission that take place on one of the original maps (FA maps) now use it instead of downloading a new one. This reduces the amount of data required to the minimum.
- Movies and voices from custom missions were moved into the mod so they don't need to be downloaded with every new mission version but only if they actually change.
- First bonus objectives got added into the Aeon missions.
- Aeon missions 2-4 got reworked, using now FA AI which is much harder, and easier to adjust/improve for the future. That made the missions also harder, so don't be ashamed the change the difficulty if it's too hard for you now.
- Added 4 bonus objectives.
- Players now have slightly different starting location.
- Fixed wrong formation name cause some of the AI attack not to work.
- Added 3 bonus objectives.
- New secondary objective to capture Cybran T2 mexes in the first part of the mission.
- Players now have slightly different starting location.
- Improved unit and ACU upgrades restrictions.
- More agressive AI.
- Events in the first part of the missions happen much faster.
- Offmap attacks are bit harder.
- Defenses around enemy bases are now more balanced via difficulty.
- Added naval defenses to the hidden Cybran base.
- Leopard11's ACU now uses OCs.
- Added 3 bonus objectives.
- Players now have slightly different starting location.
- Improved unit and ACU upgrades restrictions.
- More agressive AI.
- Events in the first part of the missions happen much faster.
- UEF Frigates in the first part now have power for jamming.
- Drops got rebalanced to be more challenging during the first part.
- Arnold's ACU now properly works in the base after teleporting.
- Arnold's ACU now uses OCs.
- Added 4 bonus objectives.
- Players now have slightly different starting location.
- Improved unit and ACU upgrades restrictions.
- More agressive AI.
- More patrolling units all over the map.
- TML in the Nexus04 will start firing after several minutes giving some time to the players to build TMD.
- Disabled cinematics on offmap area after capturing the prison.
- QAI now launches nukes at the players in the last part.
- QAI builds and attacks players with experimentals.
- Improved QAI's naval attacks.
- speed2
- Fixed typo causing the mission not to start
- Lobby will show only available faction for the mission instead of all. (pending faf patch)
- Added mission debriefings and feedback button to the score screen.
- Objectives for having certain amout of units should count units of all players now.
- Fixed Aeon commander death scene playing twice
- Fixed typo causing player 3 and 4 not working properly
- Improved unit restrictions to allow capturing cybran units
- Gun upgrade allowed instead of RAS
- Friendly AI doesn't share resources anymore
- Fixed Aeon commander not exploding
- Friendly AI doesn't share resources anymore
- Fixed trigger to send percivals if players go too forward with ACUs
- Fixed T4 Bot releasing energy storm when given (pending faf patch)
- Adjusted unit restrictions to not promote UEF tech capturing
- Improvements to AI, attacks, fixed typos in the text
- Chafe10
- KeyBlue
- Shadowlorda1
- speed2
- Ally research station doesn't share resources anymore
- Fixed map not expanding after civilians are saved.
- Temporary removed some camera movement during final cinematics to show win dialogue
- Custom missions should now display version in the lobby
- Fixed initial reinforcement drops
- Fixed mission not expanding to the seraphim part.
- Mission should now properly work with more than 1 player.
- Fixed triggers causing AI not send almost any units.
- KeyBlue
- speed2
- Removed special characters from folder's names, causing problems with updating.
- Fixed some spelling mistakes
- Gorton
- speed2
- AI now properly reacts to units of all players instead of just first player.
- Stealth ally base doesn't share resources anymore.
- Fixed typo which cause mission not progress to the last part.
- Game now properly shows win/lose dialog.
- Balanced Gari's counter attack.
- Fixed dialogue for unlocking kennels and hives (playing just one).
- Fixed mission not ending.
- Morax now leaves his base.
- Fixed invincible ACU.
- Initial transport with reinforcements can't be killed anymore.
- M1 Engineers don't rebuild forward base anymore.
- Changed players' colors.
- Nano upgrade allowed.
- New Seraphim mission made by shadowlorda1.
- New Seraphim mission made by speed2
- speed2
- KeyBlue
- shadowlorda1
- New custom UEF Mission: Theta Civilian Rescue by keyblue. Feedback thread.
- New unit capacity values, equally devided among all human players.
- Objective to destroy Artillery positions should not mark first position as destroyed right away anymore.
- Fixed last Blake's death dialogue playing twice, that caused everything to spawn twice in the last part of the mission.
- Allow Ariel to build Harbingers.
- UEF Radar won't disappear anymore after being captured.
- Fixed Aeon ACU death dialogue playing twice.
- Removed non-existant objective string (that wasn't breaking the mission, just causing error in the log).
- Fixed dialogue when losing civilian trucks (that should fix another reason why the operation would not continue after finishing all objective).
- Fixed broken Seraphim patrols.
- Changed players spawning, first player gets an ACU, second player is given Aeon base with sACU, third player UEF base with sACU, fourth player spawns with ACU.
- Map expands to the next part even if the objective is not finished yet.
- Removed Rhiza's naval attack during the first objective.
- Improved AI economy, added Mass and Energy Storages, additional Power Generators where needed.
- More Defenses in Order base, couple more Naval Factories.
- Rhiza doesn't build unnecessary Engineers anymore.
- Replaced most of the HQ by Support Factories.
- Rhiza dies instead of teleporting out.
- Rhiza's base is now adjusted by difficulty.
- Only one anti-nuke in Rhiza's base.
- Fixed Seraphim ACU name.
- Seraphim ACU now has double nano.
- Fletcher's Orbital Satellite patrols aroun his base.
- Added Battleships attacks from Order and Seraphim.
- Added Sub-Hunters attacks from Seraphim