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Angular JSON Web Token Authentication Module

Angular authentication with JSON Web tokens.

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This module is for authenticating with a remote REST API, and attaching the auth token to all subsequent $http xhr requests to the API.

The module has the following features

  • Basic (username/password) authentication
  • Automatic token refreshing when it is about to expire,
  • Persisting the token to localstorage so it is available between sessions
  • Token based authentication (useful for authenticating a confirmed registration email).


Install through npm:

npm install angular-jwt-auth --save


  • Require the ngJwtAuth module in your angular application
import "angular"
import "angular-jwt-auth"
angular.module('app', ['ngJwtAuth'])
  • (Optionally) configure the service provider
import {NgJwtAuthServiceProvider} from "angular-jwt-auth"

angular.module('app', ['ngJwtAuth'])
.config(['ngJwtAuthServiceProvider', function(ngJwtAuthServiceProvider:NgJwtAuthServiceProvider){
            tokenLocation: 'token-custom',
            apiEndpoints: {
                base: '/api',
                login: '/login-custom',
                tokenExchange: '/token-custom',
                refresh: '/refresh-custom',
  • Inject the ngJwtAuthService, initialise it then use it! The init function loads any existing token from storage and kicks off the $interval that monitors the expiry status of the token.

It is highly recommended that you register a login prompt factory (See below), as this will allow the interceptor to prompt your users for their login details when an api request that returns status code 401.

angular.module('app', ['ngJwtAuth'])
.run(['ngJwtAuthService', function(ngJwtAuthService){
.controller('AppCtrl', ['$scope', 'ngJwtAuthService', function($scope, ngJwtAuthService){
    $scope.login = function(username, password){
        ngJwtAuthService.authenticateCredentials(username, password)
                console.log("Login Success!", authenticatedUser);

Login Prompt Factory

To handle prompting the user for authentication, angular-jwt-auth provides a registration method to allow the application to provide a function that resolves a deferred promise for user credentials, and returns a promise that the user has attempted authentication. The auth service will then attempt to log in with the resolved credentials. If an API call returns with a 401 response, the service will intercept the response, and login prompt function will run, giving the user a prompt to re-enter their credentials. If their login is successful, the API call that was previously rejected will be reattempted.

Full typescript example from the Spira project using a modal from angular materials $mdDialog :

Note this example is in typescript, but it is the same process in plain javascript.

namespace app.guest.login {

    export const namespace = 'app.guest.login';

    class LoginConfig {

        static $inject:string[] = ['ngJwtAuthServiceProvider',];
        constructor(private ngJwtAuthServiceProvider:NgJwtAuthServiceProvider) {
                    tokenLocation: 'token-custom',
                    apiEndpoints: {
                        base: '/api',
                        login: '/login-custom',
                        tokenExchange: '/token-custom',
                        refresh: '/refresh-custom',


    class LoginController {
        static $inject = ['$rootScope', '$mdDialog', '$mdToast', 'ngJwtAuthService', 'deferredCredentials', 'loginSuccess', 'userService'];
        constructor(private $rootScope:global.IRootScope,
                    private $mdDialog:ng.material.IDialogService,
                    private $mdToast:ng.material.IToastService,
                    private ngJwtAuthService:NgJwtAuthService,
                    private deferredCredentials:ng.IDeferred<NgJwtAuth.ICredentials>,
                    private loginSuccess:{promise:ng.IPromise<NgJwtAuth.IUser>},
                    private {
         * Register the login success promise handler
        private handleLoginSuccessPromise() {
            //register error handling and close on success
                    (user) => this.$mdDialog.hide(user), //on success hide the dialog, pass through the returned user object
                    (err:Error) => {
                        if (err instanceof NgJwtAuthCredentialsFailedException) {
                        } else {
         * allow the user to manually close the dialog
        public cancelLoginDialog() {
            this.ngJwtAuthService.logout(); //make sure the user is logged out
         * Attempt login
         * @param username
         * @param password
        public login(username, password) {
            let credentials:ICredentials = {
                username: username,
                password: password,
            this.deferredCredentials.notify(credentials); //resolve the deferred credentials with the passed creds

    angular.module(namespace, [])
        .controller(namespace + '.controller', LoginController);



  • Better documentation with examples in typescript.
  • Site hosted on github showing off examples with material