class Spec extends Specification {
def setupSpec() {} // before the 1st feature
def setup() {} // before each feature
def "feature"() {
// blocks go here
def cleanup() {} // after each feature
def cleanupSpec() {} // after the last feature
Subscriber subscriber = Mock()
<cardinality> * <target>.<method>(<argument>)
| | | |
| | | "hello" // exactly this
| | | !"hello" // not this
| | | _ // anything
| | | *_ // any argument list
| | | !null // not null
| | | _ as String // any argument list
| | | endsWith("lo") // anything matching a Hamcrest matcher
| | | { it.size() > 3
| | | it.size() < 6 } // anything passing each line as assert
| | |
| | receive // specific method
| | /r.*e/ // any matching method
| | _ // any method
| |
| subscriber // specific mock
| _ // any mock
1 // once
0 // never
(1..3) // 1-3 times
(1.._) // at least once
(_..3) // up to 3 times
_ // any times
Subscriber subscriber = Stub()
<target>.<method>(<argument>) >> <response>
"hello" // exactly this
{ args -> args[0].size() > 3 ? "ok" : "fail" } // compute from all args array
{ String m -> m.size() > 3 ? "ok" : "fail" } // same, but typed arguments
{ throw new IOExcpetion("Mocked") } // throw an exception
_ // default response