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Become a sponsor to Kalingth




Who are you, and where are you from?
R: I'm Wallace Rocha Faria and I'm from Brazil. I know Python and JS programming, IoT, AI, clean code, servers, ELK stack, APIs, HTML/CSS, and other things.

What are you working on?
R: I work with automation and security - this is the work that sustains my life. Otherwise, I have some side projects like home automation, I have my personal mail and website server, and electronic projects.

Why is their sponsorship important? How will you use the funds?
R: The sponsorship will be important to help me to sustains my family. In this way, the sponsorship will help me to allocate hours of my life to important open source projects!

2 sponsors have funded kalingth’s work.

Private Sponsor
Private Sponsor

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$ a month

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$5 a month


my first tier